In His Sights (9 page)

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Authors: Jo Davis

BOOK: In His Sights
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“So you have to put up with home-cooked meals for a bit. Bummer.”

“Yeah, poor me.”

An idea formed, but she decided to hold off mentioning anything. Best to see how their date went first. The waiter came back and took their order. Robyn decided on shrimp and linguine in a white wine cream sauce, and Chris went for the lasagna. Then the waiter disappeared
briefly, came back to drop off some garlic rolls, plates, and butter, and left again. They both plucked rolls from the basket.

“You look like you're feeling better,” Robyn said.

He took a bite of his roll and nodded. “I am. Thanks. It's weird how I feel better when I'm not home. Maybe I'm allergic to my own house,” he joked.

She chuckled, but quickly reverted to doctor mode as his words sank in. “You could be closer to the truth than you think. Have you considered an environmental cause for your ailments, like black mold or clogged air filters?”

He blinked at her. “Not really. But that's an excellent point. We live in an older neighborhood, so those aren't out of the realm of possibility. I'll do an inspection once my water line is fixed.”

“It's worth a look.” She paused, uncertain. “This may sound like a strange question, but . . . Do you think it's possible we have some sort of mass contamination going on in the city that's affecting people's health?”

“I don't know,” he said slowly. “What makes you ask?”

“It's just that something's been bugging me about the symptoms you've been battling. They're very similar to a few other patients we've seen at the hospital in the last couple of months. Actually, many of those people have died.” He was staring at her, all ears, but at least he wasn't looking at her like she was crazy. Fortifying herself, she continued. “The deaths were brought to my attention by one of the nurses. I started looking into it and got concerned, so I called the medical examiner. She's
notified the authorities, but I don't think she's gotten anywhere.”

Chris nodded. “We'd need solid evidence, or probable cause at the very least, to open an investigation into the deaths. Something more than coincidence.”

“That's the frustrating part. I think there really is something going on and so does Eden. But there's nothing she can do now that the bodies in question have been released, and it's a tricky proposition to ask those families to consent to more in-depth toxicology testing.”

“If anyone can convince the survivors to consent, it's Eden,” he said. “She's like a dog with a bone when she's onto something.”


“But I don't see what those deaths could possibly have to do with me. Besides, I'm sure whatever has been kicking my butt is finally working itself out of my system.”

“I hope you're right.” She put a lid on her worry in front of him, though, and shot him a bright smile. “Gosh, what morbid dinner conversation. My apologies.”

His eyes danced with humor. “None necessary. We're a doctor and a cop, so that sort of makes it an occupational hazard with us. What're you gonna do?”

Their food arrived and they dug in, moaning over the delicious, rich flavors.

“That's some of the best Italian I've ever had,” she said, rolling her eyes in pleasure.

“Wasn't it? I'm so glad you like this place.”

They made small talk for a while, and inevitably the
conversation turned back to their work—but this time they kept it to the lighter side. Chris entertained her with funny stories of calls they'd answered and some of the witnesses they'd talked to, making her laugh.

She shook her head. “I'd say I'm shocked at the number of calls the police get about naked people running around, but many of them wind up in our emergency room being treated or held for psychiatric observation.”

“I'll bet! What is it with the drunk and disorderly wanting to shuck their clothes and take off down the street?”

All too soon the meal was over, and they were regretfully too full for dessert. Chris paid the bill, flatly refusing to let her even pay half, and as they took their leave she felt a pang of regret that their evening was drawing to a close. However, when they stepped outside, he took her hand and paused instead of leading them to the car.

“Someone—I'm guessing the city—has built scenic walkways down by the river. Would you like to take a stroll with me?”

“I'd love that.”

He took her hand and together they walked around the side of the restaurant, where the concrete walk continued for a short ways. Soon there was a sign pointing them toward a set of steps descending to the scenic boardwalk. The path was illuminated by attractive lighting, which lent a certain romance to the setting by the water.

Romance. She'd experienced so little of that in the past few years and suddenly she wanted that for herself with a fierce yearning that stole her breath. Was it so
wrong to want happiness for herself? To be more than a doctor and Maddy's mother?

“What are you thinking?” he asked as they started down the steps.

“That it's been too long since I was in the company of someone I like, doing something for
.” That was close enough to the truth.

“I know what you mean. It seems like I'm either involved with work or I'm the sidekick at someone else's party, if that makes sense. I watch all my friends pair off and I wonder when it's my turn. Does that sound selfish?”

“Not at all.”

At the bottom, they walked to the wooden railing and stood in silence for a few moments, taking in the lapping of the water, the blanket of stars that lit the inky sky. Somewhere downriver a motor hummed, perhaps someone getting in a little night fishing.

Robyn was increasingly aware of the vital man at her side. How he moved in close, slowly wrapping an arm about her waist as though giving her time to move away or protest. She did neither, instead leaning into him more, letting him know without words that this closeness was more than okay.

Eventually he turned to face her and pulled her closer, tucking her head under his chin. With a content sigh she locked her arms around his waist and let herself be held, curling into his warm body and breathing his male scent. She could hear his heartbeat, steady and strong, part of the solidness of him that made her feel safe and protected.

“Robyn,” he breathed into her hair.


“This feels so good, holding you. I've wanted to do this since we met.”

“God, me too,” she admitted. “Please, kiss me.”

He sucked in a breath, his expression showing surprise. But he recovered quickly. “My pleasure.”

His mouth covered hers, his lips full and firm. Warm. She melted against him and buried her fingers in his soft hair, tangling her tongue with his.

The first stirrings of arousal were a welcome surprise. She wasn't surprised that she was aroused by him, but it had simply been so long she'd forgotten this feeling. The wonder of having a man pressed against her, his hard length trapped in his jeans between them, evidence that he felt the same. It was so normal. And yet such a revelation.

His hands slid under the hem of her blouse, palms skimming her abdomen. Her skin tingled where he touched and she shivered. Desire flared, tightening her nipples. The place between her thighs heated and she wanted more. To get closer.

Breaking the kiss, he framed her face with his hands. “I don't want to push too hard.”

“You're not pushing. If you do, I'll let you know.”

“All right.” He gave her a rueful smile. “I want you so bad it hurts, just so you know.”

Her pulse leapt and she laid a hand on the front of his shirt, reveling in the muscles of his chest underneath her fingertips. “I want you, too. You have no idea how much. Come back to my place for a nightcap?”

“What about Maddy? Will it freak her out if I'm there?” His concern was sweet.

“She'll be in bed by now,” she reminded him. “And besides, even if she wasn't, she thinks you're awesome.”

“We'll see if that lasts when she spies me kissing the crap out of her mom.”

, not if. She liked that. “My daughter is made of strong stuff.”

“If you're sure . . .”


“To your place, then.”

The trip back to the car wasn't rushed, but neither did they linger. He opened the door to the vehicle and helped her in, then jogged to his side and soon they were on their way. The ride to her house was charged with desire. Robyn couldn't speak for Chris, but finding him had been like stumbling from the desert into an oasis.

She wanted to drink until she was sated.

When they arrived, she used her key to let them in. Quietly, they made their way to the living room, where Rachel was curled up on the sofa watching TV in the darkness. On seeing them, the sitter stretched and yawned.

“Did you guys have a good time?”

“We sure did,” Robyn told her with a grin. “How were things here?”

“The usual. Maddy colored for a while, then we played a couple of games, and she had her bath. She went to bed at eight twenty, after her snack, and she was out like a light by eight forty. She squirmed around some before she fell asleep, but I think that was because you were out on your date.”

“So she was no trouble?”

“Are you kidding?” Rachel snorted. “She's the best kid ever.”

“Well, I happen to agree, but then I'm biased.” Slipping off her purse, Robyn dug for her wallet and extracted the money she owed Rachel. After counting it out, she handed over the bills. “There you go.”

“Thanks, Dr. Lassiter.”

“Thank you. I appreciate you watching Maddy.”

“No problem.”

Robyn saw her to the door, and then locked up behind her. When she returned to the living room, Chris was sitting on the sofa watching her with pure male interest. The heat was unmistakable.

“That was hot.”

“What?” Puzzled, she took a seat next to him.

Lassiter,” he emphasized. “I like that. Who would believe I snagged a smart, beautiful doc of my very own?”

“Oh, I don't know if you've
me just yet,” she began. But she found herself wrapped in his arms as he growled playfully.

“Oh, you don't, huh?”


Turning, he leaned over her and cupped her face, planting another skillful kiss on her lips. His mouth devoured hers and she went with it. Let need take over and fuel the fire, licking at her body higher and higher with each passing second. His hands roamed, caressed her thighs. Stroked.

They explored each other's mouth, touched as much
as they could there on the sofa, where they could be discovered any second. Finally she could take no more.

“Do you have protection?”

“Never leave home without it.”

A small laugh escaped her. “I'm not sure whether that's a comfort.”

“Can we go with yes?”

“We'd better, or I'm going to combust,” she told him. “Come on.”

Taking his hand, she led him down the hallway, tiptoeing past Maddy's room. The door was open and she glimpsed her little girl's sleeping face in the glow of the night-light before moving on. She felt a bit guilty, but why she wasn't sure. She was a grown woman with all the desires that came with it. And hers had been sorely neglected for years.

Once they were in her room, she closed and locked the door. “If she gets up and needs me, she'll knock.”

“You sure this is all right?” he asked softly.

She tugged on his shirt. “Never more so than I am right now. And you're way overdressed, my sexy detective.”

He helped her off with his shirt. “Have a fetish for a man in uniform, by any chance?”

“Nah, it's not the uniform that does it for me,” she said breathlessly, working on the button on his jeans. “More like the total package. The smokin' body, the weapon—both kinds—and the whole authority figure thing. Turns me on.”

“Lucky me.”

There wasn't a lot of talking after that, which was fine by Robyn.

With his shirt discarded, she got his jeans undone and pushed them down his thighs to reveal strong, sculpted legs. From head to toe, he looked like he could've played football at one time, though he was built more like a quarterback than a linebacker—lean, toned muscle. He had a light dusting of dark hair on his chest that matched the neatly trimmed bush surrounding his cock.

And what a cock. Mother nature had blessed Chris with what she guessed was a good nine inches, thicker at the base and tapering to a flared mushroom head that was weeping little pearls at the slit. She needed a tiny taste, had to have him.

Kneeling, she grasped the base of him and guided the tip to her mouth. He groaned, hips pitching forward some as she swirled it with her tongue. Lapped and enjoyed the salty-sweet essence. Wrapping her fingers around his girth, she began to pump. As she inched him farther into her mouth and sucked, she used her hand to work the rest that wouldn't fit. She enjoyed sucking but wasn't good at deep-throating.

He didn't seem to mind. A moan rumbled in his chest as he found a rhythm, fucking into her mouth at a pace that wouldn't hurt her. She was working on making him come when he suddenly, but carefully, pulled back.

“I'm going to come if we keep that up, honey. Your turn.”

Taking her hand, he helped her up and then got busy removing her clothes. He unbuttoned her blouse first, parted the material, and pushed off her shoulders, letting it slide to the floor. Then he reached around her and unclasped her bra, eased off the straps. The bra joined her
blouse and he sucked in a breath, cupping her breasts reverently.

“You're beautiful.”

She wanted to duck her head and avoid his gaze, but she didn't. Even though it seemed like a lifetime since a man had seen her body, she wouldn't shy away. “Thank you.”

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