In His Sights (18 page)

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Authors: Jo Davis

BOOK: In His Sights
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“So, they're connected because . . . ?”

“The victims so far have all lived within a few miles of each other and this hospital. We haven't come up with anything connecting them except for that. We're still
digging, but I thought, what if the hospital itself is the common denominator? What I'd like to do is run the victims' names through the hospital's computer. See if anything turns up that might shed light on why the victims are all from around here. This is just a copy for you, as a consultant who's helping us with the case.”

“I'm not sure I can personally authorize you to do that without a warrant or something,” she said hesitantly. “You'll need permission to officially look at patient records.”

His excitement waned as frustration visibly ate at him. “And in the meantime, someone's getting away with murder.”

She regarded him thoughtfully. “Tell you what. I'll do some poking around when I get a chance, off the record. You can still look when you get the green light from the hospital administration, but if I
to run across anything interesting—totally by
, of course—I'll let you know.”

At her mischievous grin, his expression relaxed. “Any help you can provide is welcome. Just
don't get in trouble on my account.”

“I won't. Now, what am I looking for exactly?” She turned the envelope over in her hands and decided to open it later.

“That's just it. I don't know. A common thread between them, or anything that doesn't seem right. Any reason why Sterling is one of the connections between the victims. Our saying is: we'll know what we're looking for when we find it. At the moment, I'm going with the burglary angle being the starting point. But I feel like I'm missing a tie.”

“Okay. I'll help however I can, you know that.”

“Thanks, baby.” He paused, running a finger down her face. “Tonight, I need a break from this case. I need to see you so bad I ache. And I don't mean just to get into your panties.”

Laughing softly, she looked around to be sure none of her colleagues were around. It was safe. “I wouldn't necessarily complain, though.”

“Goody.” He grinned. “Seriously, I miss you. Can we have some alone time? I thought I'd take you down to the river again. I can take you to dinner first, or we can have an adult picnic this time. Take a stroll and watch the stars come out.”

“That sounds lovely. I'll call Rachel and see if she can stay with Maddy.”

“If she can't, Shane and Daisy might be able to.” Worry creased his brow. “You know I adore Maddy—”

“Say no more,” she assured him. “You're great with her, but we need grown-up time, too. I'm looking forward to it.”

Relief smoothed out his face. “Me, too.”

Reluctantly, she stood and tucked the envelope into her coat. “I have to get back to work. Pick me up at six thirty?”

“It's a date.”

She found herself wrapped in his strong embrace again, and for a few seconds she allowed herself the luxury of being held against his hard body. She loved resting her head on his chest, feeling close to a sexy, confident, self-assured man. As much as she'd loved Greg, he hadn't
been strong, or confident, or dependable. She now knew what she'd been missing all along.

Greg was her past, this man her future.

It was time to tell Chris what he wanted to know. Tonight.

*   *   *

Robyn knew why she was nervous as she waited for Chris to pick her up.

Tonight meant something different. Something more than simply a date with the man she was falling for. This evening would be a turning point for them as a couple, if her hunch was correct.

His car rumbled up the driveway and her heart lurched with excitement. Opening the curtains a bit, she spied shamelessly as he got out of the car and started up the walk. He looked cute in a pair of camouflage cargo shorts and black tank top, and sandals on his feet. His hair was artfully messy, and she wanted to run the strands through her fingers.

The man looked good enough to lick. All over.

The doorbell rang and she let him in, stepping back as he wrapped her in that wonderful embrace. “Where's Maddy?” he whispered in her ear.

“Out with Rachel, being treated to a movie.” She shivered in delight at being pressed against him. “Wanna fool around, Detective?”

“Oh, I do. But later.” He chuckled at her pout. “I have plans for you first.”

That didn't stop him from moving in to take her mouth, though. He was the best freaking kisser she'd
ever known. His mouth was heaven, his tongue was sin itself, and they balanced each other perfectly.

“Ready to go?”

“Do we have to?” She gave a little pout.

“You'll like what I have in mind. Trust me.”

“I do trust you.” Smiling, she started for her purse on the coffee table.

“Nah, you don't need a purse. Just yourself, and maybe sunglasses.”

“Oh. Okay.”

Regarding him curiously, she retrieved her sunglasses and keys from her purse and followed him out, locking the door behind them. At his car, he opened the door for her and helped her in, then shut it, walking around to his side.

As he did, she turned and caught a glimpse of the backseat, filled with bags. Getting in, he saw her looking and grinned.

“Yes, all of that stuff is for us.”

“What's in those?”

“Our food for the picnic,” he said proudly. “I made it myself.”

“Oh, wow! That's so sweet,” she said, melting. “How did you manage all of this when you had to work?”

“I took off at noon. Been working around the clock pretty much, so I got Rainey's permission to leave and went to the store. Then I took a nap, got up and cooked, packed it all up, and here we are.”

“You still worked more than you rested, doing all of that. But I can't wait to see what you made.”

“Well, I'm not much of a cook, but I got a recipe from Daisy that's super easy. I think you'll like it.”

“I know I will.”

A few minutes later he was driving down Cheatham Dam Road, which led to the river, dam, and the public state park. The view was scenic as always, and she loved coming down here. With Chris for company, it was even more special. She had to admit, as much as she adored her daughter, doing this with him alone was a whole different experience.

At the river, he turned left in the park and drove away from the dam, to the picnic area at the far end. The land was flat and smooth in that direction, the river closer to park-goers. He chose a spot by the last table and parked, then started hauling bags from the car, insisting on getting the heavy ones with the dishes, plus the small cooler.

He was always going to be a bit macho like that, she supposed, and it suited her just fine. Secretly, she liked having him fuss over her, a little. Okay, a lot.

Suddenly he froze and looked toward the trees and stared. For several seconds he didn't move, and she got worried.

“Something wrong?”

“I just remembered that man Maddy saw in the woods. You don't think . . . maybe that was
, stalking me. In fact, it seems pretty likely.”

“My God. I'd forgotten all about that,” she murmured, fear winding a tendril through her veins. “You don't think he's out there now, watching?”

Slowly, he shook his head. “I doubt it. I chased him
off, came close to catching him. I can't see him risking it again.”

“I hope you're right.”

Smiling, he said, “Why don't we enjoy ourselves and forget about that for tonight? We're safe here, in the open, and my gun is stashed in the new lockbox in my trunk if we need it. Not ideal, I know, but safer than lugging it around in my cargo shorts.” He winked. “Can't have it go off accidentally and damage the tackle, can we?”

She laughed, unable to resist his boyish side. “No, we definitely can't.”

Once the table was covered with a cloth, he pulled three Pyrex dishes out of their heated transport carriers. He'd clearly thought this out carefully, and she realized that he must've bought this stuff new, or borrowed it from Daisy. He had said himself he wasn't much of a cook. That he'd gone to this much trouble caused a bubble of happiness to swell and fill every single square inch of her soul.

No man had ever done anything like this for her before.

His final touch was a real picnic basket containing actual dishes and flatware, two long-stemmed wineglasses, and a bottle of Chardonnay with an opener.

“Wow, this is incredible! You went to so much trouble.”

“Are you ready for the unveiling of the meal?” he said in a faux British accent.

She giggled. “Please.” Prying the lid off the main dish,
he revealed bacon-wrapped chicken breasts. “That smells wonderful!”

“It's cooked in a sour cream sauce, and the bacon gives it a smoky flavor.”

The other two dishes were wild rice and green beans. He opened and poured the wine first, and she took a sip. It was an excellent white. By the time he dished the food, she was salivating.

The first bite of the chicken was an explosion of flavor on her tongue. “Ooh, this is wonderful. I'm going to make this at home, too.”

His chest swelled. “I'm glad you like it.”

They ate and made small talk, enjoying the evening and each other. She pigged out on chicken and rice until she was stuffed, and was getting a tiny bit buzzed as she finished her second glass of wine.

“We're probably not supposed to have this out here,” she said, wiggling her wineglass.

“No, but I like to live dangerously sometimes.” He winked.

“That's what I love about you.”

Electricity sparked between them as her words hit them both. The moment stretched taut and he said quietly, “Do you mean you love me literally, or figuratively?”

She swallowed hard, pulse pounding against her sternum. “Why don't we take a walk, and I'll tell you everything you want to know.”



His brown eyes softened, and he nodded. “Sounds like a good plan.”

They cleaned up together, stashed all the picnic stuff and leftovers in his car, and then the time was at hand.

A whole new life awaited—if she had the guts to seize it and the man she loved.


This was it. The moment he'd been waiting for since they'd met.

That's what I love about you.

Had she meant it the way he hoped? Or was she about to let him down easy?

Please, don't let it be the let-down. Anything but that. I'll give her more time, all she needs.

I love her.

“Let's go for that walk,” he said, with more confidence than he felt. Inside he was still a quivering little boy wanting someone to love him, pathetic as that sounded. Even to himself.

But he hadn't fallen for the first woman who came along, no matter how badly he'd wanted forever. Robyn was special, the one for him. He hoped she felt the same.

With her smaller hand clasped in his, they strolled along the riverbank. The sun was setting, sending pretty sparkles along the rippling water. A few white waterbirds strutted on their spindly legs along the opposite
shoreline. He never knew whether they were cranes or something else, but they were cool to watch.

Not as interesting as his girlfriend, though. His lips curved upward as he thought about how much he liked thinking of her in that way.

They walked until coming to a nice grassy spot, not too far from the car. The sun was about gone and he didn't want to fumble in the dark. But they'd be able to see the lights over the parking lot from here.

“Want to sit?” he asked.


They parked their rumps next to each other and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Having her there at his side was right. She was soft and smelled so good, he wanted to make love to her. Right here in front of whoever wanted to see. He forced his libido to calm down and he focused on Robyn.

“You have some important things to tell me,” he prompted. His nerves jangled as he waited, trying to brace himself in case this didn't turn out the way he wanted.

“You asked about Greg, and I'd like to share it with you now.”

“Only if you're ready, baby.” He hugged her tight.

“I am.” Though her voice was strong, she paused for a while, as though gathering her thoughts. When she finally spoke, her voice was distant with memory. “I first began to realize Greg was clinically depressed about six months after we'd married. It turned out that he'd been battling depression all his life, but when we met, he and his family believed he had it under control at last. So nobody
told me. I loved him with all my heart, though, so that didn't matter to me.”

He didn't speak or move except to lay his free hand on her knee and stroke it. He sensed she needed his touch, but also needed him to be quiet right now, so she could get it all out.

“He didn't have a traumatic childhood, wasn't abused or bullied. None of those triggers people think of as causes of depression. He was just so . . . lost within himself. From childhood on, the demon inside him was himself, despite everything. I tried, though, to get him the best help possible. I really did. In the end, there was no help for him as far as he was concerned.”

Oh, no
. Chris held his breath, figuring he knew what came next.

“All the love I gave him, that Maddy gave him when she came along, wasn't enough. One day I got a call at work that Greg hadn't picked up Maddy at the day care. And somehow, I just knew.”

He hurt for what she'd gone through, his eyes burning. He held her tighter and studied her profile. Tears were streaming down her face, her expression shattered with the recollection.

“He was in our four-car garage, sitting in his Mercedes with it running. Had been for hours, most likely. There was a handwritten note on the front seat next to him that just said,
I'm sorry I can't fight this anymore
I'll always love you both
. That was all.”

This time, he found his voice. “I'm so, so sorry,” he whispered.

“I was so angry,” she went on. “I knew, in my head,
that depression is a disease and not something he was able to control, but it felt like he had
to abandon us. That he didn't love us enough to stay. He left me alone with a five-year-old, a delinquent mortgage on a four-million-dollar house, and a mountain of debt I had no idea he'd accumulated. I lost everything—except Maddy. She was my guiding light, and has been ever since. She was the reason I rebuilt my life when all I wanted to do was join him.”

“God, don't say that,” he said hoarsely, wiping the tears from her face. “Don't ever talk about harming yourself, baby.”

“No, I never would've left Maddy, not for any reason.” She sighed, breath hitching. “But as I healed and moved us here to start a new life, I lost my passion for
, if that makes sense. I never considered letting another man in my life. I was so afraid to love again, because that means possibly losing them.”

“That's not always true,” he pointed out gently. “Remember, you haven't lost Maddy.”

“I know. But that didn't make overcoming the fear any easier. That is, until you came along.”

Her words gave him hope, and he scooted to face her fully. “What do you want from me? For us?”

She smiled at him, no trace of sorrow left in her blue eyes. “I want everything. I'm so in love with you.”

“I love you, too. So much.”

Their lips met in a searing kiss, and he tasted her until he was hard and leaking in his shorts. His hands cupped her breasts through her T-shirt and rubbed until her nipples poked against the fabric even through her bra.

“I want you,” she said, cupping his length. “Now. Where can we go?”

“Not out in the open. Come on, we'll find a place.” Standing, he helped her to her feet and they took off for the car, laughing like teenagers.

Back inside the Camaro and buckled up, he peeled out of the parking lot, grinning at Robyn's delighted squeal. Suddenly he knew just the place to go, and he made a series of turns down several winding roads, slowing down quite a bit since it was fully dark under the cover of the hills and trees.

“Where are we going?”

“You'll see.”

The final turn was a road that led down to the river in a different area altogether than the park where they'd enjoyed their picnic. Here, a rocky slope rose high over the river and the darkened dirt road they were now sitting on. He turned off the engine, undid his seat belt, then hers, and pulled her into his arms.

“You ever fucked in a muscle car, honey?” he purred in her ear.

She shivered against him. “No. Have you?”


“Mmm. Are we going to fix that?”


*   *   *

Robyn was so hot, she thought her blood was boiling in her veins.

She couldn't remember the last time she'd lusted this badly, and she wanted her sexy cop something fierce. Right this moment, she could spread for him in front of
the entire Sugarland PD and not give a damn about anything but his big cock pounding into her and making her scream.

You ever fucked in a muscle car, honey?

No, but she planned to remedy the oversight, curing herself of her staid, boring existence once and for all. Right now.

Grasping the hem of her shirt, she pulled it over her head and tossed it to the floorboard. Her bra was next. She felt wild and dirty, like she was in high school all over again, back when she hadn't always been such a good girl.

She liked the way the air kissed her nipples as her breasts bounced free. She liked it even better when her lover kissed them and licked each one as though eating the tastiest treat. Arching into his mouth, she let him have his way, enjoying his mouth and the burn of his five o'clock shadow on her skin.

When she could stand it no more, she pushed him back a bit and went for the button on his cargo shorts. “I'm glad you wore loose clothing.”

“Would you be mad if I said I planned ahead?”

“Let me show you and you be the judge of how upset I am.”

Lowering the zipper, she worked his shorts and briefs down as he scooted toward her some. His cock popped free, pointing at the roof, appearing dark and flushed in the moonlight. Bending, she swallowed him to the root, desire driving her to give him the best blow job he'd ever had. She wanted to make his eyes cross.

His skin was clean and he smelled spicy, like whatever he'd used in the shower. Inspired, she worked lower and laved his balls, loving his groan of pleasure. She tongued them all around, getting him nice and wet, driving him out of his mind.

“My God! Robyn, honey . . . Fuck, so good.”

Jesus, she was going to burn up. “I need cock inside me. Need you to fuck me hard and dirty.”

“Shit, yes. Condom. In the glove box.”

Quickly she flipped open the front compartment and found the strip, tearing one off. As he yanked off his tank top, she made quick work of opening the package and sheathing him. Then she worked off her own shorts and panties, leaving her completely naked. In a sexy car with her hot boyfriend. In the dark.

Crawling over the middle hump with the gearshift, she straddled his lap. It was quite a feat of acrobatics, with the edge of the steering wheel pressed into her back. But they fit and that was all she cared about.

Reaching between them, she wrapped her fingers around him and guided the head of his cock into place. Then she slowly seated herself on him until she was totally impaled. She reveled in the feeling for a moment, watching him through half-closed eyes. The way his head was thrown back, the strong cords of muscle in his neck and chest, ecstasy etched on his handsome face. His dark eyes, staring back at her, heavy with lust.

“Fuck me,” she said huskily.

“Hang on to me.”

Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she prepared for
a thrilling ride—and wasn't disappointed. Fingers digging into her hips, he began to thrust, fucking her hard and deep, as he'd promised. His cock stroked her inner walls, pistoning in and out, the slap of their flesh titillating. Their coupling was raw, unbridled.

Never had she experienced anything like it before. With Chris, it was pure naughty, unfettered passion.

The quickening began to build between her legs as his length stroked her sheath, her clit. She began to unravel, bouncing on his lap with abandon and screaming in completion as her orgasm exploded. On and on she rode him, driving him to his own release. He came with a shout, thrusting through his orgasm, cock jerking inside her.

Gradually their movements slowed. Their release ebbed, leaving her sated and more blissed out than she could ever recall.

“That was freaking amazing,” she breathed, lowering her head for a kiss.

He gave her some tongue, growling playfully, which she thought was cute. Finally they broke apart and she said with much regret, “Now comes the cleanup.”

“Ugh. But
worth it.” His eyes practically rolled back in his head. “I think you killed me.”

“Nope. Can't do that when I plan on riding you again and again for as long as you'll have me.”

His smile was white in the darkness. “That's the best thing I've heard all day. Except the part where you love me.”

“And it's true. I do love you, with all my heart.”

“I love you, baby.” He made a face. “Guess we'd
better get moving. Rachel's probably wondering if we're ever coming home.”

“Home. I like how you say it that way.”

He pushed a strand of hair off her cheek. “I'm coming to think of your place as home, with you and Maddy. But we can talk more about particulars later. We have all the time in the world.”

“Yes, we do.”

Robyn found some tissues and they got cleaned up as best as they could. Chris wrapped the condom in one of the tissues and placed it in one of the sacks without food in it to throw away later. With much wiggling around, they managed to find their clothes and get dressed again.

Before he started the car, he turned to her and said, “I'll always remember tonight. Especially making love in this place with you. I already know this is going to be one of my most treasured memories.”

Happy tears welled in her eyes. “You say the most romantic things.”

“I just say what I feel.”

“It's the same with me. I'll always remember tonight, with you.”

Reluctantly, they left their spot. But Robyn had a suspicion they'd be back.

The drive home was nice, the two of them wrapped in a fog of happiness. She did feel bad for Rachel when they pulled into the driveway and she saw it was going on eleven.

“Oh, wow,” she said. “I can't believe we were gone that long.”

“Worth it?”

“Every second. I'm going to give Rachel extra.”

“Naw, let me cover it this time, okay?” She started to protest, but he intervened. “It's important to me.”

She relented, loving him. “Thank you.”

He walked her inside. She wanted to take the leftovers, but he'd said it wasn't safe since the chicken had been out so long, and he'd make her and Maddy a fresh dish for dinner one night. She couldn't wait.

“Maddy's asleep,” Rachel said. “The movie was good, and then we ate pizza downtown. She was worn out, and crashed right after her bath.”

“Thanks so much, and I apologize for keeping you up so late.”

The younger woman waved her off. “I'm in college, Dr. Lassiter. I never sleep.”

Chris paid her, giving the girl a generous tip. She thanked him profusely, blushing as she tried not to appear she was ogling him, even though she really was. When Rachel was gone, Robyn took his hand.

“Do you want to stay a while, maybe?”

“I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be. Sofa?”

“Bedroom,” she said meaningfully.

“Woman, you're going to wear me out.”

But he was smiling as he said it, and beat a path to her room faster than she could blink.

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