In Firm Pursuit (9 page)

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Authors: Pamela Samuels-Young

BOOK: In Firm Pursuit
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t was just after nine o'clock when LaKeesha drove her white Honda Civic into the gates of the construction site and rolled to a stop about twenty feet from the trailer that housed Jones-Parks Electrical. As she stepped out of the car, her stiletto heels sank into the soft dirt. Her ruby-red spandex dress fell just a couple of inches below crotch level.

There's no way Jefferson can resist me tonight.

LaKeesha pulled her book bag higher on her shoulder and gingerly climbed the four steps leading up to the trailer. She stuck her key in the door even though she knew it was probably unlocked.

When she stepped inside, Jefferson looked up from a blueprint spread out on his desk. “Hey, LaKeesha, what're you doing here?”

“I was hoping to get some studying done.” She resisted the urge to tug at the hem of her dress, which had crept farther up her thighs. “I was at a party with some friends, but I got bored. I figured I could make better use of my time by coming over here to study.”

LaKeesha headed over to Stan's desk. “Is it okay? I promise I won't bother you.” She kept her back turned and hoped Jefferson was enjoying the view of her ass.

“No problem,” Jefferson said.

He sounded preoccupied, but she planned to fix that very shortly. “How about some coffee?” LaKeesha asked, turning around. She was disappointed to find Jefferson's eyes back on the blueprint.

“That would be great,” he said, without looking up.

LaKeesha prepared the coffee, then settled in behind Stan's desk. She opened her psychology book and pretended to read. After a couple of minutes, Jefferson yawned and began rolling up the blueprints.

“You're not leaving, are you?” LaKeesha asked with a bit too much anxiety in her voice.

“Not until I have that cup of coffee.” Jefferson wrapped a rubber band around the blueprints and placed them underneath his desk. “LaKeesha, it's not a good idea for you to be here by yourself this late at night. Isn't there someplace else you can study?”

How about your place?
“Not really,” she said. “The library closes at ten on Saturdays. I live with my grandmother, my sister, her son and two teenage cousins. Trying to study there is impossible.”

“Where're your parents?”

“My mom died of breast cancer when I was twelve,” LaKeesha said. “I never knew my father.” Actually, her father's new Bible-thumping wife had put her out nine months ago. The woman insisted that she dress like a nun and spend every freaking night in church and LaKeesha wasn't having it. The part about her mother, though, was true.

She could tell from Jefferson's expression that he felt sorry for her.

When the coffee finished brewing, LaKeesha hurried over and poured Jefferson a cup, then walked it over to him. She strolled back to the coffeemaker to pour a second cup for herself.

LaKeesha could not afford to wait much longer for things to get rolling with Jefferson. Londell, the married man she had dated for the past year, had started having a guilty conscience and broke it off with her so he could go to counseling with his boring ass wife. But that was going to be a futile effort. From everything Londell had told her, his wife was too evil and too selfish to keep him or any other man happy. LaKeesha did not understand why married women acted so bitchy. Didn't they realize that there were busloads of women out there willing to treat their man right?

“So what's your major?” Jefferson asked.

Getting next to you.
“Psychology,” she said. “I want to help people solve their problems.” She paused, then softened her voice. “Do you mind if I ask you for some advice?”

“Hey, you're the future psychologist, not me.” Jefferson chuckled and took a sip of coffee. “I can't promise you my advice will be worth much, but go ahead.”

LaKeesha ran her fingers through her braids. “I'm really having a hard time finding a decent boyfriend.”

Jefferson grinned. “If
can't find a man, then the brothers around here must be crazy,” he said. “Just be patient, the right guy will come along. I didn't get married until I was in my mid-thirties.”

“Are you saying I should set my sights on an older man?”

Jefferson smiled. “No, that's not what I meant. You should concentrate on getting your degree. Everything will happen when the time is right.”

“I wish I could find a man like you,” LaKeesha purred.

“You're smart, you own your own business and you seem to really love your wife.”

“That I do,” Jefferson said.

LaKeesha walked over to the coffee machine and pretended to straighten up. “You ever mess around on her?” She glanced at Jefferson over her shoulder.

“Nope.” Jefferson said. He was no longer smiling. “My wife is also my friend. And I don't fuck over my friends.”

Sure you don't.
Men always professed to be so true blue. But not one had turned her down yet. “Don't get mad at me for saying this,” LaKeesha said, bent on her mission, “but if you weren't married, I'd definitely wanna be with you.”

Jefferson looked away. “Uh…” He stood up, then quickly sat back down.

But not quickly enough. LaKeesha was certain she had spotted undeniable proof that she had gotten Jefferson aroused.

“Hey, LaKeesha,” Jefferson said, “I don't know where this conversation is going, but I think we need to cut it short.”

“This conversation can go anywhere you want it to go.” She glided across the room and perched on the edge of Jefferson's desk. He wanted her. She could see it in his eyes.

“LaKeesha, you're a very attractive girl,” he said. “But I'm married. Happily married.”

“I can deal with that,” she said, sliding her butt farther back on the desk, allowing her dress to rise even higher.

“But I can't.” Jefferson fiddled with his empty coffee cup. LaKeesha could tell that he was nervous. “I think it's about time for you to go home,” he said.

So he was going to play hard to get. Fine. She needed a challenge. “Well, why don't you walk me out to my car?”

“You'll be fine, LaKeesha. I'll watch you get to your car from the window.”

LaKeesha hopped off the desk, put a hand on her hip and cocked her head to the right. “You don't want to stand up 'cause you don't want me to know you've got a hard-on,” she teased. “You got excited just thinking about being with me, so just admit it.”

Jefferson did not move for several long seconds. Then he gripped the edge of his desk, slowly pushed his chair back and stood up. No erection in sight.

“Since you've been doing such a good job around here, LaKeesha, I'm going to pretend this conversation never happened.” Jefferson spoke with a fatherly firmness.

“Now pack up your stuff and go home.”

The muscles in LaKeesha's face throbbed with anger and embarrassment. The disapproval in Jefferson's voice reminded LaKeesha of her stepmother. She snatched her book bag and headed for the trailer door.

Jefferson stepped in front of her and pushed the door open. “Drive safely.”

As she squeezed past, LaKeesha looked up at him with a wicked smile.
I ain't done yet, boss man. 'Cause what LaKeesha wants, LaKeesha gets.


amilton steered his Benz down Buckingham Drive and spotted a parking space directly in front of Special's apartment building, but on the opposite side of the street. He had been a perfect gentleman all evening and now he expected to be rewarded for his restraint.

“Thanks so much for dinner.” Special looked over at him with a demure smile. “I had a great time. Why don't you just double-park and walk me to the door?” Her legs were crossed, revealing far more leg than skirt.

Hamilton ignored her suggestion and concentrated on trying to shake off the urge to reach over and ease his hand between her legs. He pulled into the parking space and cut off the engine.

“You're not going to invite me up for a nightcap?” A street lamp directly above the car cast a soft shadow on Special's face.

“I don't think it's time for that just yet,” she said.

Hamilton turned away and bit his bottom lip. This was precisely the reason he refused to date women with self-esteem. It was too much friggin' work. “Exactly how long will I have to wait, Special?” He tried not to sound as frustrated as he felt.

“Not long,” she said.

He was about to say something, when she leaned over and quieted him with a long, deep kiss. Before he knew it, Special had snaked her hand underneath his sweater. He couldn't believe how soft her hands were, and he loved the way she gently tugged on his nipples and rubbed his chest hairs between her fingers.

“You know, you're quite the little tease,” he said, feeling an erection coming on.

“And you know you get off on it, too,” she whispered between kisses.

“Yeah, I do,” he said.
But this high school petting stuff is getting old.
“Why don't we just go inside and—”

Special put a finger to his lips. “Until the time is right, how about a
treat.” In the blink of an eye, she had unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants.

“Baby, this is really nice,” Hamilton moaned as she caressed him. “But can we please just take it inside?”

“In time, sweetie. In time. How does this feel? Does it feel good?”

Hamilton grunted. “Hell yeah, it feels good.” He hit a button on the side of his seat, causing it to slowly recline.

“Then tell me,” Special said softly. “It turns me on when you talk to me.”

“Good, baby,” Hamilton muttered, struggling for the right words. “Yeah, uh…um…real good. It feels real good.” He had never been able to think straight when his Johnson was experiencing a blood rush. That talking crap took too much energy.

Hamilton confined his words solely to moans and
groans as Special slowly massaged him with a soft, almost featherlike touch that took him to the edge, lured him away, then snatched him back again.

Her touch was so sensuous he had to concentrate hard on not coming. “Oooooh, baby! This is nice…real nice. You're going to make me—” Hamilton felt a sharp wave of cold air hit his exposed groin.

“Gotta go.” Special hurled the passenger door open.

“We'll have to pick this up some other time.”

“Oh, hell nah!” Hamilton yelled, as he struggled to rise from his prone position. “Come back here!” He fumbled frantically for the button on the side of his seat. It took forever for the seat to return to the upright position. In his haste to zip up his pants, Hamilton pinched himself with the zipper. “Owww!”

When the pain had subsided enough for him to breathe, he stumbled out of the car and charged across the street. Special was nowhere in sight. He peered through the double glass doors into the empty lobby of the three-story building. He dialed her apartment code, but Special did not pick up.

“Oh, to hell with this!” he shouted, and stormed back across the street. He snatched open the car door, grabbed his cell phone from the center console and dialed Special's number.

She answered on the fourth ring. “Good evening. I'm Special,” she cooed.

“Special, I'm too old for these kind of games!” Hamilton said angrily.

She laughed. “C'mon, sweetie, can't you take a joke?”

“I'm not laughing, Special.”

“C'mon, sweetie, don't be mad at me,” she said with the seductiveness of a phone sex operator. “I really, really dig you, Hamilton. And by the way, you're absolutely huge.”

“Don't play me,” he seethed.

“I'm serious. I don't think I've ever had the pleasure of being with a man as well endowed as you are. We're going to have a really great time.”

“And exactly when is that going to happen?”

“Soon, baby. Soon. And I promise you it'll be worth the wait. There're still some things I need to know about you before we can go there.”

Hamilton laughed bitterly. “Just what in the hell do you need to know about me?”

“Lots of things. Like your favorite position, for example. Do you like it from the front? The back? Do you prefer whipped cream or honey? All that stuff is important, you know.”

Damn her!
Hamilton slammed his head against the headrest and closed his eyes. He could feel himself getting hard again. He turned his key, starting up the engine. “You're something else, you know that?” he said, some of his anger dissipating.

“Yep, I know,” Special said smugly. “Hey, hold on a second. I need to slip off my panties and put on my red silk teddy.”

Hamilton dropped his chin to his chest. The image of Special's long, smooth legs in a teddy was enough to make him lose it right there. He turned the steering wheel to the left and made a hasty U-turn.

Hamilton laughed. The girl was definitely working him. He could not remember the last time he had been so turned on. But he was a busy man and he did not have time for high-maintenance babes. When she finally gave it up, he would hit it a couple of times and then move on.

As the car turned off Buckingham and onto Slauson, he did a quick mental check of his little black book, trying to figure out who he could call to alleviate his throbbing hard-on. Both Priscilla, a paralegal at his office, and Katie, a cute redhead who had come onto him in the grocery store last week, were probably at home and neither would give him any flack about showing up on their doorstep after ten o'clock on a Saturday night. In fact, they would both be thrilled to see him. Maybe he could talk them into a threesome.

“Are you still there, sweetie?” Special asked.

“Yeah, I'm here,” Hamilton replied. “So…you wanna know what I like?” he said, growing excited again at the thought. “When I walk into the room, I want you butt naked, bent over in front of me, touching your toes. I'll take over from there.”

“Umm,” Special purred. “That's a new one. But I think I can handle that. Now go on. What else? Tell Special everything you like and exactly how you like it.”

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