In Ethiopia with a Mule (26 page)

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Authors: Dervla Murphy

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Enda Selassie is a regular overnight stopping-place for bus-travellers and we are staying in the most pretentious of its few small hotels. The chief snag about a pretentious hotel in a drought area is the loo. Here it is unspeakable – and my room is next door. It would be far healthier to scrap this impractical Italian
and revert to the wide open spaces, where everyone is responsible for digging their own hole or finding their own flat stone.

16 February. Asmara

We left Enda Selassie at 7.30 a.m. and two hours later came to the Tigre–Eritrean boundary. Here a tall stone monument commemorates the re-unification of Ethiopia and the rough, gravel-topped road changes to smooth, well-kept tarmac.

We stopped for lunch at the Italianate town of Addi Ugri, where the sky quickly clouded over. Then, to my delighted astonishment, it began to
, and as we approached Asmara a strong wind was sending low, grey clouds racing
raggedly above the parched landscape. This was the first rain I had seen since leaving London, and while everyone else shivered and closed their windows I opened mine wider, the better to enjoy cold drops on my bare arms. However, the rainstorm didn’t last long and in Asmara a hideous dust-storm was blowing instead.

When the bus pulled up at the terminus Peter was waiting for me. It was a joy to be with her again – and to be greeted by the big, silent grins of Christopher and Nicola.

17 February

Amidst a neolithic trek this interlude of English domesticity feels extraordinary – bacon and eggs for breakfast, afternoon tea, log fires, dogs on chairs, books everywhere,
The Times
only two days old and news from the BBC.

Tomorrow John arrives from Gondar with Sir Thomas and Lady Bromley (the British
and his wife), who are doing the Addis–Asmara trip by Land-Rover. So today preparations were being made for two official parties and I spent much of my time in the kitchen shelling walnuts, stoning prunes, grating nutmeg and beating eggs. Normally this would not be my idea of relaxation, yet here I enjoyed it enormously.

This afternoon thunder rumbled loudly around Asmara, followed by heavy rain that was being driven before a strong, cold wind – even the climate is making me feel at home.

18 February

The Land-Rover arrived at midday, and though John has a streaming cold and Sir Thomas has lumbago we achieved such a gay lunch party that I slept away the afternoon. At six o’clock the cocktail schemozzle started and I slunk back to my room, being allergic to such entertainments. But as I lay reading Wodehouse the children rallied round so loyally that the final accumulation of empty glasses looked positively debauched. Now early to bed, for I must be at the airport by 7 a.m. tomorrow.

19 February. Bahar Dar

On arrival here I was enraged to find Jock in wretched condition, though I had left an ample ‘feeding-fund’ for him. Obviously no one has bothered to supervise the servant in charge, who seems to have pocketed most of the money and given Jock some vile fodder that has blown him up dreadfully and made his coat
more starey than I have ever seen it. When I called to him as I approached he pricked his ears and then came towards me – which was indeed touching, for by now he must associate his
owner with a variety of strenuous horrors and unnerving predicaments. Evidently he knows that he is appreciated.

Our tiny Ethiopian Airlines plane left Asmara at 7.30 a.m. and arrived here three hours later, having stopped at Aksum, Gondar and Debre Tabor. Asmara has an International Jet Airport: elsewhere we came down on crude landing strips. The crew were all Ethiopians and the pilot was extremely skilful, but
there were lots of bumps. As we flew low over the Semiens I heard my fellow-passengers exclaiming in awe and the Englishman on my left remarked that this was such a bloody impossible country one could only get around by air. I agreed politely.

Then I found myself looking into the future instead of the past. Debre Tabor lies on our route from Bahar Dar to Lalibela and it was strange to think that the fifteen-minute flight will probably be a four-day walk. From what I could see of the terrain our next lap will not be an easy one.

Bahar Dar is 2,000 feet lower than Asmara and feels almost tropical by
. I spent most of the afternoon swimming in Lake Tana – and now I must pack my sacks.

20 February. A Compound on a Hillside

OUR YEARS AGO the Israelis, by way of ‘aiding’ Ethiopia, built a horrid bridge over the Blue Nile where it flows out of Lake Tana, and the
of this spot – once among the most romantic in Africa – has been completed by rows of shacks, a petrol station and a textile factory.

Beyond the bridge we left the motor-road, went north-east for a few miles through rough scrubland, climbed a forested hill and slithered down to wide, hot grasslands, where the issue was confused by many rivers. One flowed broad and deep through a patch of thick, dark jungle, and beside it Jock looked at me reproachfully; so after a quick swim I led him back to the grasslands, where for two hours we wandered up and down the high banks of several narrow, shallow rivers, whose fording points were always elusive. A few settlements lay on distant hillsides but we only met one local, a youth who asked all the usual questions in Amharinya: ‘Where are you coming from? Where going to? Why alone? Why on foot?’ Trying to answer, I walked on through the knee-high grass, leading Jock – who dawdled today, if not led. (The girths had to be tightened three times during the morning, as he got rid of his wind.) Then I felt a nervous jerk on the halter and looked round to see our companion racing away, clutching my sun-hat and an
-basket which had been tied to the top of the load. I was furiously angry – the more so as I had been about to stop to put on my hat – but pursuit would have been futile. This theft is serious, for the basket (recently purchased in Gondar) contained compass, map, altimeter, torch, tin-opener, spoon, today’s lunch-tin of tuna fish, water-pills and malaria pills. The pills and tin-opener I should be able to replace in Dessie, but the map and compass are irreplaceable between here
and Addis – and without them it may be rather difficult to find Addis. At this latitude the midday sun doesn’t help much and my sense of direction is not reliable on wriggly tracks.

When we got clear of the rivers a path of sorts led us across wooded hills and level grasslands until two o’clock. Then I saw a few compounds on a ploughed slope and a group of men beckoned me to join them for
. This settlement seemed poor, yet all were eager to give me food as well as drink. I reported the theft here, and my host named a village from which the youth was likely to have come, declaring that its inhabitants are ‘

Another series of hills, plains and rivers brought us to this settlement on a slope overlooking a broad valley. By chance I sought hospitality at the priest’s compound, with a result that has been more diverting than edifying. My tall, thin, elderly host – who for some reason wears only his turban and a
– has friendly though cunning eyes and a stately manner. Like everyone else he was deceived by my Gondar haircut, and I hadn’t been sitting long in the compound when he led his granddaughter towards me and offered her love at two dollars for an hour or five dollars for the night. She was a very beautiful girl, who looked most willing to earn an honest dollar, and I pretended to consider the offer carefully. Then I settled for an hour, explaining solemnly that having walked from Bahar Dar I mightn’t be up to an all-night session. By now the whole family had gathered round, and everyone saw this point and nodded
as the girl sat close beside me, intending to give good value by not limiting her co-operation to one hour after dark. A moment later Grandad’s little error had been discovered.

The poor girl exclaimed ‘
Set nat!
’ – and there was an astonished silence, during which I grinned broadly at the company. Then everyone, including Grandad, roared with laughter. Immediately one man stood on a high rock to relay the joke to the next compound, illustrating his words with some not very decent gestures.

Here the cattle are sheltered at night in one enormous, communal stockade, elaborately reinforced with thorn bushes and guarded against thieves and wild animals by a group of youths and a pack of dogs. When we arrived the herds were still grazing on the valley floor and from all directions shepherds came running up the slope to inspect the
before darkness fell. It is strange to think of the responsibility borne by these little boys. As soon as they can walk they learn how to herd, and by the age of eight or nine many of them are in charge of almost the entire wealth of a family.

As I write two-thirds of a moon is brilliant overhead and lightning frequently spurts up the sky from behind the southern mountain. Neighbours by the dozen have been coming to view me and we are all sitting outside the
– where it is so much brighter than inside – drinking
and eating
from the pod. The loquacious womenfolk have become so engrossed in this impromptu party that there are no signs of supper, but I was given two raw eggs an hour ago and I’m now going to unroll my flea-bag on deep

21 February. A Compound on a Mountainside

This morning I was shown the faint path to Debre Tabor by my host – still casually clad in a
, though canonically equipped with cross and
. There is little traffic on this route and we were soon climbing into the first real mountains we’ve met since leaving the Semiens. This range is precipitous, heavily forested and almost entirely uncultivated; between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. we passed only two distant settlements.

Soon after midday I saw a leopard – and my heart bounded with a mixture of delighted excitement and ancestral fear. The handsome creature had been lying along the branch of a tree, apparently asleep, and when our footsteps disturbed him he sprang to another tree and thence to the undergrowth in one swift, sinuous movement. I had tightened my grip on the halter, expecting some nervous reaction from Jock, but evidently his ancestral fears were not operating and he just plodded on, unflappable as ever.

From the top of this mountain I could see our path winding for miles along a grassy ridge that was narrow in relation to its length and had a deep valley on either side. Beyond these valleys two other long, high, unbroken ridges induced a peaceful sense of seclusion and here I sat on a boulder to eat raisins while sniffing at the sweet pungency of sun-beaten herbs, listening to a gentle orchestra of birdsong, and looking at a glory of flowering shrubs – pink, white, blue, yellow, purple, red. A few white clouds were making the intensely blue sky look even bluer and I hoped that soon they would cover the sun. With my head shaven and my hat stolen I’m already suffering from a burnt nape and burnt ears. (My ears being at right angles to my head makes them extra vulnerable.) As we continued a high, cool wind rose suddenly, driving masses of grey cloud before it – and once it even tried to rain. (For two months, from about mid-February, the highlands enjoy what are known as ‘the Little Rains’ – heavy showers that usually fall in the evenings.)

On the next mountainside I lost the path, and by 4.30 the sun had told me that we were going due south instead of north-east. However, we soon came to
a village where I found a wide track that took us east for five miles over high, ploughed hills. The few people we met seemed rather surly – though not
so to prepare me for my reception here.

This settlement consists of five or six impoverished compounds near the top of a mountain. The first two families I approached not only refused me
to sleep in their compound but shouted ‘
’ and made threatening gestures with
. I
, endeavouring to combine alacrity with dignity, and cautiously continued towards two
that stand in a stubble-field a little apart from the rest of the settlement. Here the gaunt young man of the house was far from welcoming, but he did grumpily agree to my sleeping in his compound, where there are two ferocious curs to repel hyenas and leopards.

While unloading, I heard loud moans coming from one
– where I found my host’s young wife lying on a mud bed with a high fever. As she was complaining of severe pain in her lungs I decided to administer antibiotics and the first capsule seems to be working well. Her husband demanded
as soon as he realised that the
was carrying medicines and he turned quite sulky on hearing that I have none. These highlanders – like the Tibetans – much prefer injections to oral medicines. However, despite his churlishness towards the guest, my host is being endlessly patient and gentle with his wife. For the past three hours he has been sitting beside her, massaging her back, stroking her forehead and persuading her to drink tea and coffee. He also attempted the traditional ‘horn treatment’, which seems to have affinities with Tibetan medical magic. Taking a long cow’s horn he wrapped a large green leaf around the hole in the tip and tried to attach it to the body, on the site of the pain, by suction. To my disappointment his repeated efforts failed, so I don’t know what the next step would have been.

This is an extremely poor household; the whole family looks undernourished and neither
were served at supper-time, though there are three women sitting around the fire. Everyone had two fistfuls of boiled haricot beans and as much coffee as they wanted, for coffee is now commonly grown at this altitude.

Half-an-hour ago a worn-looking man of about fifty – who had earlier chased us from his compound – came to give me five tiny new-laid eggs. He is the father of my patient and this valuable gift has been presented, I gather, as ‘compensation’. On learning that I am a woman he promptly volunteered to sleep beside me, as a bodyguard, and he seems quite overcome by remorse and gratitude – which confirms my opinion that these people’s hostility was based on fear rather than ill-will.

Now I must give my patient another capsule and go to bed, hoping that I’ll wake during the small hours to administer the next dose. As I write the poor woman is trying to suckle her frantically screaming two-year-old son – which seems unwise, but is at least a sign that she feels better.

22 February. Camping in a Valley

Last night I slept brokenly, but this morning had the reward of leaving my patient smiling and feverless.

We set off at seven o’clock and for two hours were walking east on a much-used track across undulating country. Many slopes were being ploughed and from every direction came the sharp cries and curious whistles of youths driving yokes of oxen, and the gunshot cracks of long whips echoed and re-echoed over the wide, serene landscape. Then the terrain became rougher and the track vaguer, but I never quite lost it and at eleven o’clock we reached a big village shaded by tall blue-gums.

Already thirst was torturing me, for without water-purifying pills I am dependent on
. So I toured the compounds, and at the fifth
was offered a feeble brew and a meal of stale, slimy
and fiery
paste. Several young men came to sit around me, stopping on their way to examine Jock’s load, and the atmosphere was unpleasant. They lacked the normal highland courtesy and made no attempt to talk with me, but were all the time discussing me and my

When I stood up to leave my elderly hostess blocked the doorway and
demanded two dollars for less than fifty cents worth of food and drink. This sort of thing angers me. I had intended giving one dollar, but now I handed over fifty cents and firmly pushed past her, to find myself followed by three youths, who attempted to take my purse from my pocket. I was about to be discreet instead of valorous when a gunman appeared around the side of the
, wearing a bush shirt, clean jodhpurs and an air of authority. He must have been a local official, for at once the youths slipped away around the other side of the circular hut. I then picked up Jock’s halter, exchanged greetings with the gunman and departed.

The people of this area seem so unpredictable that I’m glad we didn’t begin our trek here. By now familiarity with highland ways has given me a lot more self-confidence, in relation to the highlanders, than I had when I landed at Massawah.

Beyond the village I detected a faint path running east through tall jungle grass. Here we met another gunman who stopped to warn me, dramatically and
emphatically, about the number of
said to be at present infesting the forests on the way to Debre Tabor. His was the first of six similar warnings I received today; but even if it is true that
abound locally I can do nothing about it – except pray that they won’t notice us.

The noon sun felt brutally hot as we climbed a stony, shrub-dotted mountain. On the plateau summit, where much
-threshing was in progress, we passed two locked churches and a few settlements before descending a precipitous, thickly-forested slope on a crumbling path. At the foot of this mountain, beyond a group of three dejected compounds, the path vanished and for the next four hours I saw no vestige of a track going in any direction.

At 2.30 I enjoyed a long swim in a deep, narrow river. All day I had been sweating hard, so my self-control collapsed here and I drank avidly. I wonder if those experts who tell us that our sexual appetite is the strongest know what real thirst feels like; I can imagine the desire for water driving someone to commit a crime to which sexual desire could never drive them.

Crossing the river we climbed another high hill, populated by grey baboons, and here a surprisingly unalarmed leopard went strolling through the grass thirty yards ahead of us – to the great annoyance of the baboons. For the next half-hour thick forest forced us to go in whichever direction was possible, rather than in the approximately right direction; and when the trees thinned we crossed two more hills, where flowering shrubs were bright between massive outcrops of rock. Here I heard several new bird-calls and saw some spectacular butterflies and many busily buzzing bees – one of whom got over-busy and gave me an agonising sting on the back of my neck.

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