In Deep (3 page)

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Authors: Chloe Harris

BOOK: In Deep
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“Now let your tongue run around his fingertips every time they almost slip from your lips.”

Instantly she obeyed, rolling her tongue around the tips, then sucking his fingers in even deeper than before.

“Very good.” Reinier’s voice seemed rougher now. He moved off her as she continued to work as instructed. Each application of suction sent sparks to her core. She rejoiced in the hums of approval from Connor and delighted in the look his blue eyes held as he watched his fingers disappear into and slide out of her mouth.

She felt the bed move under her, and Reinier was now lying on his side beside her, farther up the bed than either she or Connor was. His large hand cupped the back of her head. “Wrap your hand around me and stroke me.”

Reluctantly she let Connor’s digits slip from her lips and turned to face Reinier–

There it was.

She didn’t react with fear or hesitation as she thought she would. She was fascinated, perhaps a bit awed, and studied it. Hesitant, she wrapped her hand around Reinier’s length.

As she slowly began to move her hand, testing the feel and shape of it, she felt the bed move again. This time, Jaidyn assumed, Connor was removing the rest of his clothing. In a very short time Connor’s warmth covered her back and his arm snaked around her waist.

“Use your mouth on him,” Connor whispered in her ear.

But how? she thought, eyeing Reinier’s rod.

Then she understood. Connor’s strong fingers in her mouth had been just a prelude to this. Walking before she ran.

Slowly Jaidyn bent, opening her mouth and letting her tongue taste the smooth skin. Just slightly salty and ever so soft. The experience was not at all unpleasant.

She wrapped her lips around the head, moving her jaw some to take it all into her mouth. She let her lips move up and down, sucking, loosening and tasting.

While she felt Connor’s hot length pressing against her cleft, he took her hand in his and guided it to Reinier’s member. “Let your lips follow your hand.”

After a few awkward caresses she found a rhythm. Her whole body hummed with each stroke. Jaidyn grew bolder, eager to show them both she was a quick learner.

“Open your throat.” Connor’s breath tickled the shell of her ear. “Don’t swallow. You can take him deeper then.”

She tried to relax her throat and as she began to suck harder she could indeed feel him at the very back of her throat. Emboldened by her success and the deep moans of approval from both men, she loosened her lips, letting him almost slip completely out before she started the deep slide all other again.

She could feel the vibration against the roof of her mouth as Reinier spoke. “Methinks we have just discovered her major talent, my friend.”

“I expected as much.” Connor let out a deep purring chuckle. “Her skill must be outstanding, having been blessed with lips as gorgeous as hers.”

The bed dipped again as Connor moved and nudged her legs apart. Jaidyn gladly opened for him, needing his touch to ease the ache that was spreading once again. She moaned against Reinier’s length and pushed into Connor’s hand.

Connor entered her with one finger first and Jaidyn wanted to gasp, helpless against the quiver that raked her body. He pumped in and out of her so slowly, Jaidyn thought she was going to burst with delight.

Then Connor pressed two fingers into her and Jaidyn tried to swallow the moan at his intrusion. Stroking deep caresses teased her, aroused her. She felt her inner walls expanding, stretching to take them in.

Connor’s fingers hit a spot deep in her that set her ablaze and had her eager for more. Passion enveloped her in a delicious bubble of want, fogging her mind so that all that counted was to feel more of that bliss his touch brought her. All of a sudden his fingers didn’t seem to be enough.

Connor began to move her onto her forearms and her knees. Her mouth never left Reinier as he moved to lie farther down on his back. With a muffled moan, Jaidyn shivered as the front of Connor’s thighs pressed against the back of her own. The head of his cock pushed at her slick entrance.

The moment she had dreaded before had come. She didn’t understand what was happening to her, but she wanted it now. Not just it–but Connor. She wanted Connor inside her with everything she had.

His hand gripped her waist tightly and ever so slowly he entered her, just a little at a time, her secret muscles stretching to accommodate him.

There was no pain, only joy. Desire had sparks swirl and explode not only all over her body but in her mind also.

When he’d seated himself to the hilt, Jaidyn shuddered and moaned again long and low. He filled her perfectly.

Waves of pleasure, prickling and tingling at the same time, bathed her with each thrust. Jaidyn had never experienced anything quite like Connor’s moving in and out of her in strokes so delicious and slow she thought she was on fire inside. A fire only he could quell. Obeying her instinct, she moved against him faster.

Soon she found a rhythm that gave her the most pleasure. Before long her mouth matched those movements as well.

Connor’s maddening strokes became harder and she trembled and keened at the end of each thrust, her body rippling with pleasure until every limb felt like she’d strained her body for too long. She burned within, then the blaze combusted into a bone-deep inferno.

She was momentarily drawn out of her trembling haze as Reinier’s hands cradled her head. He slipped from her lips and moved slightly away.

Now it was just she and Connor and his dizzying thrusts taking her higher and higher. Her nails dug into the tick beneath. Jaidyn enjoyed the titillating waves that rushed through her body at each of Connor’s rougher strokes now.

Again that tickle in her belly started, spreading through her body. Again she felt something coil in her lower belly and Jaidyn moaned with bliss, knowing that relief would soon find her.

At last her climax came, rushed through her as blissful as before but somehow more intense, more complete this time. Her muscles contracted as if to hold on to Connor, as if to lock him tight. Connor’s fingers dug into her hips. She was barely aware of anything as he pulled himself out, but still pushed against her back.

Hot and sticky liquid dribbled onto the small of her back and a little down her backside. Connor’s seed.

Jaidyn had just begun to catch her breath when Connor sprawled next to her on the bed. Her heart had still not settled back into a normal beat when Reinier stepped behind her now.

His hand moved against the small of her back, rubbing Connor’s seed into her skin. It was decadent and wicked, probably like everything else so far, but she couldn’t quite form a thought clear enough to tell him to stop even if she wanted him to.

Next she felt his fingers enter her. Did she really want him? Somehow Jaidyn doubted it would feel as good as it had with Connor.

Then Reinier’s hand moved slightly higher. The tip of his finger entered her puckered bud.

“What–” Jaidyn gasped, struck by a delicious tingling of the nerve endings there as he began to move slowly out and slightly deeper in, wiggling the tip as he went. She relaxed into a moan of pleasure.


Jaidyn tensed at Connor’s growl.

“Why shouldn’t I?”

They all seemed to freeze into a scandalous tableau for a moment.

“I see.” It was Reinier who broke the silence as Jaidyn let her body slide onto the bed. “Seeing that she is out of the question, I might have to find someone else for it, though.”

“You are charmingly incorrigible. Go ahead and tease me now,” Connor replied, and it made even less sense to Jaidyn. “But you’ll see. You’ll soon see, my friend.”

There was nothing about this that Jaidyn understood, and she thanked the stars she was too tired now to try.



hen Connor awoke, dusk had almost ended. Almost but not quite, judging by the pale gray light that streaked across the carpets. He rubbed a hand lazily across his face and into his hair, waking more fully and remembering where he was and with whom.

He propped himself up on an elbow and turned to the woman curled up beside him. She seemed so peaceful in her slumber, her lips slightly parted in a soft pout and her hair like a pale sunrise fanned out behind her. His gazed followed a line of tiny freckles down her shoulder to the curve of her breast. He couldn’t help but trace its path with a fingertip. At that she snuggled closer and Connor felt his face crinkle into a smile. She really was an exquisite sight to wake to. He might actually not mind doing that again.

He wasn’t surprised she still slept. Even in her sleep she looked so exhausted, Connor felt a strange protective streak slither to the surface of his mind. He and Reinier–

Where was the Dutchman? Reinier wasn’t in the bed with them. Connor sat up farther and, careful not to wake her, he tucked her into the crook of his shoulder.

His friend must have seen Connor moving because a candle was soon lit and Reinier was framed in its glow. He was sitting in the armchair where he’d thrown his coat when they’d first entered. Fully dressed, including the aforementioned coat, Reinier was sipping brandy. The look on Reinier’s face was far too serious after such a pleasurable and fulfilling afternoon. And, Connor mused, drinking in the dark was never a good thing. “Leaving so soon?”

“Time and tide, my dear friend.”

It wasn’t hard for Connor to figure out what his friend’s dark mood was about. Seeing one’s spouse for the first time in four years might do that to anyone. “Time and tide and wayward wives, you mean?”

The grunt in reply followed by another long sip of his drink was not so much a response as avoidance. Connor left off his teasing.

They sat in silence for a long moment. Connor felt his gaze wander back to where Jaidyn lay snuggled up in the crook of his arm. Her upper lip was a bit fuller than her lower lip, giving her a constant pout. Connor would have loved to watch her some more, but a strangely derisive snort from Reinier made him look up just to see the Dutchman’s eyes narrow at him.

“If that one was a downstairs maid,” Reinier began, raising his glass to the woman Connor held. “Then I used to be an Arab sheikh.”

Glancing down to make sure she was still sleeping, Connor tried to keep his voice low and even. “Fascinating, isn’t it? She’s a lady to be sure, a very passionate one, but a lady nonetheless.”

“How in the world do you think she ended up here?”

Connor tamped down the urge to shrug. “No idea really.”

Whatever it had been, it couldn’t have been good. Not that he wasn’t grateful for having had the pleasure of her company. But it most likely would have been better for her if she hadn’t ended up working for Madame Poivre. Connor wondered what it might take for her to give up a few of her secrets. He wasn’t sure why, but he wanted badly to know her name.

“I have to give it to our hostess, though,” Reinier said. “The whole idea of someone of her obvious birth refusing to give her name, spinning a tale that’s so easily seen through, gives her a great air of mystery. Pair that with a pale beauty so rare here and her passionate enthusiasm. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it was all a ruse to attract more clients at higher prices.”

Connor didn’t like the idea that the lass might be a training doxy acting the part. It didn’t sit well with him, and neither did Reinier for daring to suggest it. “There are other rare beauties, you know. Like those with more tawny skin and bright turquoise eyes,” he snapped. Without thinking, Connor reached down and began stroking her hair.

Even in the dim light it was easy to see Reinier’s lip curl in displeasure. “If I’d realized how possessive and ill-tempered you’d get from fucking a countrywoman of yours, I would have told Madame Poivre no and settled for watching you take the cat to one of the other girls’ ample backsides before her taking both of us at once.”

“I don’t know what you mean.” Connor grumbled and quickly pulled his hand away from the lady in question’s glossy hair. He gently removed his arm, turning her away from him.

It seemed they were both ill-tempered. This was ridiculous, really. She held no special interest for Connor above newness, truly.

Reinier was his closest friend; Connor didn’t want them parting on bad terms. Completely comfortable in his nakedness, he tossed off the sheet and sat on the end of the bed. “Pour me a glass of that, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course.” Reinier rose and handed him his glass, then moved right back to his chair.

“I’m sorry,” Connor began. “I should not have mentioned Emiline like that. It must be hard for you going home after all this time and after hearing she might be unfaithful.” Granted, he’d heard it from Connor–and Connor had made the whole thing up after running into Emiline in town. But that didn’t change how Reinier felt about the whole thing. “I don’t envy you the task.”

“Come with me, then.” Reinier lifted his chin. “You can leave the
in Mr. Parrish’s capable hands and we can sail on the
together. We’ve not sailed together in quite a long time. It might be pleasurable reliving those days.”

The offer was tempting, but Connor’s first instinct was to stay. Not just for the mysterious redhead sleeping peacefully behind him. Of course not. “Those are fond memories, and Maxfield would love nothing more than for me to put more into his very capable hands, but I think your wife might offer you a better reception if I stayed behind.”

Reinier brushed Connor’s last comment aside. “Don’t worry for my wife. I can handle her.”

Connor wrinkled his forehead. After having seen Reinier’s wife just recently, he wasn’t so sure. Besides, as much as he knew his friend wanted to avoid facing her alone, it was best. “I have no doubt, but I’ve things I’ve still to do here.”

Reinier gave a disdainful snort and looked to the sleeping woman. “You’re not ready to leave her, you mean.”

“Purely for the mystery and another good fuck or two, I assure you. And a bit of gambling in town before leaving again. Why don’t we stick to the plan and I’ll follow in two days? We’ve done that before. One goes and the other one follows after. But it being your wife … if you’d rather not …”

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