Read In Blood and Worth Loving Online

Authors: Marilyn Lee

Tags: #Erotica

In Blood and Worth Loving (26 page)

BOOK: In Blood and Worth Loving
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“Rayna!” Brandi turned to look up at
. “Why didn’t you tell me?”


“She wanted to surprise you.” He took her hand in his and led her to the table.


All three rose. She and Rayna embraced. Conner hugged her and kissed her cheek. When he released her the other male stepped forward with his hand extended. “I’m Jay and I’m delighted to meet you, Brandi.”


Jay Redwolfe was as tall as his brothers with the same blue eyes and Conner’s easy smile.


seated her before sitting beside her. He didn’t touch her during the meal but each time she glanced at him, she found him staring at her. He didn’t touch his food.


“Aren’t you eating?” she asked.


He nodded.


“You haven’t touched your food.”


He leaned close to whisper in her ear. “I’m having pussy for dinner later.”


Brandi leaned away from him, her cheeks burning. She took a quick look at the others seated around the table and she knew they’d all heard him.


Rayna laughed and reached across to touch her hand. “There’s no need to be ashamed with us, Brandi. You’re going to find that we have very few inhibitions when it comes to discussing sex.”


“Now you tell me.”


Rayna and the three brothers laughed. After a moment, Brandi relaxed enough to smile.


When the dinner plates were cleared away, waiters brought a bottle of expensive mineral water and an exquisite three-layer chocolate cake with the words
Happy Birthday, Brandi
on the top.


Her surprise turned into delight when Adrian and his brothers serenaded her with two verses of Happy Birthday. Then she cut the cake while Conner poured the champagne.


Although none of the brothers had eaten more than a few bites of their food, they all ate the cake.


Rayna leaned across the table to wink at Brandi. “They have a chocolate sweet tooth, which is one of the reasons I knew you’d be perfect for Uncle Adrian.”


Brandi smiled and turned to look at


He arched a brow and lifted his glass to her. “Happy birthday, honey.”


She clutched his hand and leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Thank you.” She looked around the table. “Thank you all for making this a special night for me.”


“Do you want to go dancing?”
asked as they sat over coffee later.


She blinked at him. “Dancing? Do you dance? Can you dance?”


“Of course I can dance.”


She glanced at Rayna.


Rayna grinned at her. “Hey, I made sure they all had soul. You can’t have soul if you can’t dance.”


Brandi turned back to
, intrigued. “What kind of dancing?”


“Whatever kind you like.”


“Yeah? Well, you have to show me sometimes. Right now, I’m a little tired. I haven’t been sleeping too well lately.”


“I’m sorry to hear that, but I wouldn’t count on getting much sleep tonight if I were you.”


She flushed and stepped on his foot under the table.


“Ouch!” He said. When she looked at him, he licked his lips.


She grimaced. “When I get you alone, your ass is mine,” she warned.


“Yeah? Then let’s get the hell out of here now.” He glanced at Conner.


“I’ll get the check and we can settle up later,


He rose and put a hand under Brandi’s arm. “Come home with me.”


“With you?”


He nodded. “I want to show you where I live.”


“I’d love to see where you live.”


An hour later, she stood naked in his huge bedroom staring at the sketches he’d made of her.
stood behind her, equally naked, with his erect cock pressed against her ass, his hands cupped over her breasts. Despite herself, her gaze was continually drawn to the black leather sex swing in the middle of the room.


“What do you think of them?” he asked.


She leaned back against him. “Is that how you see me?”


“It’s how I’d like to see you—very pregnant with my baby.”


“I meant…you make me look pretty.”


He rolled her nipples between his fingers. “You are beautiful.”


She turned in his arms to smile up at him while she reached down to close her fingers around his cock. “So is your sugar dick.”


“You’ll be even more beautiful when you’re pregnant, honey.” He peeled her fingers away from his cock and lifted her into his arms. “Would you like to try it?”


“Would I like to try what?”


He stopped in front of the swing. “This.”


The thought of sitting in it while he fucked her held appeal until she wondered how many other women he’d fucked in it. “I doubt if it would bear my weight.”


He bent his head to nibble at her neck. “Why wouldn’t it? I had it made with you in mind.”


“You did?”


He nodded. “Yes, Brandi, I did.”


“You’ve never used it with anyone else?”


“It was just installed last night.”


She relaxed. “Can we try it another time? Tonight I want to lay in bed with you.”


“Then that’s what we’ll do—tonight. Tomorrow night, we’re going to try it and discuss the best way to prepare your beautiful ass to receive my cock.”


“Do you know how long and thick you are,


He smiled. “Yes. I do.”


Hearing the satisfaction is his voice, she suppressed a smile. He was as vain as any other man. “Then you should know you are never going to fuck me in the ass.”


He carried her across the room to the bed. After setting her on her back, he sat on the side of the bed, stroking his fingers down her inner thighs. “You’re gorgeous as hell, but downright delusional if you think I’m not going to fuck your ass.”


He grinned down at her. “That's the thing about human women. Give them a little vampire cock and they lose touch with reality.”


“Give a vampire who's been wasting too much time with skinny, flat assed, small breasted white women some good, hot black pussy and they realize that real women have something called breasts and asses.”


She suspected he didn't like the remark about flat asses. Too damned bad.


“If you think I have a thing for white women—”


“Don't you?” she challenged.


“Yes. As a matter of fact I do.”


His answer surprised her and sent a shock of fear through her.


She stared at him.


He stared back. “I'm not going to make any apology for my past preferences. Besides the way you're always going on about blue eyes, you must have a thing for white men.”


“I don't.”


“How many men have you met with blue eyes who weren't white or biracial?”




“Three? Where?”


“Are you biracial? Are your brothers?”


He smiled. The tension between them dissipated. “No, but my kids with you will be.”


His kids with her? She smiled. “Are all handsome, blue eyed, well-hung vampires as delusional as you are,


He laughed. “I may be delusional but you're stuck with me.”


“What the hell did I do to deserve that?”


He slapped her ass. “Don't get too cute or I'll be tempted to show you just how crazy I can get.”


Was he serious? She couldn't tell. She knew life with him would never be dull. Hell, it might not even be safe. But then she'd had her fill of living a dull, safe life dating decent men who left her emotionally starving.


She parted her legs and pushed his hand up her thigh to her pussy. “While you’re in a delusional la-la land where you get to take my anal cherry, hold me.”


“Hold you? Is that all you want me to do? Hold you? You’ve had enough of my sugar dick already?”


“I’ll never get enough of you or your big dick,




“But this still feels like a dream…well, more like a nightmare where I’ll wake up and things will be just as they were last night when I thought it was over between us. So I just want to be cuddled and held for awhile.”


“Why don't you give me some pussy first and then I’ll hold you?”


Clearly when they weren’t fucking, they’d probably be arguing. “Why don’t you just hold me because I need you to?” She turned onto her side.


“Don’t push me too far,” he warned.


“Shut up and hold me, Adrian!”


He swore, but curled his body against hers, slipping his arms around her. He kissed her ear.


“That’s better.”


“Don’t get cocky if I allow you to win a round every hundred years or so.”


She laughed, rubbing her ass against his groin. “And I want to talk.”


He groaned. “Oh, no.”


“Oh, yes.”


“What do you want to talk about?”


“You. There’s so much I don’t yet know about you.”


“Such as?”


“Were you born a vampire, Adrian?”


“No, I wasn’t.”


“So you were turned.”

BOOK: In Blood and Worth Loving
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