In Bed with a Rogue (29 page)

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Authors: Samantha Grace

BOOK: In Bed with a Rogue
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Captain Daniel Hillary was more likely to toss him from Hillary Shipping than listen to a word Sebastian had to say. How was he going to convince the man to falsify one of his ship’s manifests? He didn’t need money. Daniel Hillary was one of the wealthiest men in England. And he cared nothing for his social standing, although his marriage to a lovely American girl had improved his manners a great deal.

Sebastian resumed pacing, the floorboards creaking with every footfall. If he kept this up, he would wake everyone. Perhaps Mr. Mason wouldn’t mind Sebastian walking the floor in his drawing room. He was always able to think better when he was moving. Grabbing the candle still burning in the holder, he slipped into the hallway and noticed a light beneath Helena’s door across the hallway. It seemed someone else was not accustomed to country hours either.

He listened at her door briefly to ensure her sister hadn’t snuck into her chamber for a late-night chat, and when he heard nothing beyond the settling of the house, he slowly entered the room. Helena was propped on pillows, prim and proper in a high-neck night rail, with her book open on her lap.

And she was sound asleep.

The foolish woman deserved a good scolding for falling asleep with the candle burning, but he couldn’t bring himself to wake her. The past few days must have taken a toll. She’d found her sisters, but nothing was working out as she had planned. Lavinia, Cora, and Pearl had lives in England and wouldn’t be returning to Aldmist Fell with her. And now he was pressuring her to stay with him.

He sidled up to the bed, set his candle on the side table, and eased the book from her hands. A soft shuddering sigh passed her lips and a bittersweet twang vibrated through him. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her, except let her go.


He lowered to the side of the bed, marveling at how uniquely exquisite she was, from her sweet round face to the slight unevenness of her curved brows to the lushness of her bottom lip. Her hair cascaded over her shoulders, the candlelight giving it a subtle glow, like amber.

He had never watched a woman in slumber, never desired it, but he couldn’t tear himself away. Unable to resist, he brushed a lock of hair behind her ear as she always did.

Her lashes flickered and two blue-green eyes still hazy with sleep landed on him. “Sebastian?”

“Uh…” He rubbed the back of his neck as heat scorched his face. He’d been caught gazing at her like a lovesick whelp. “You fell asleep reading. I was just leaving.”

Her fingers circled his wrist as he shifted away. “Don’t. Stay with me.”

When a lady asked a gentleman to stay, one did as the lady wanted. He allowed a sensual smile to spread across his lips. Her eyes flared and she dropped his hand as if it were a snake.

He patted the bed, his grin teasing. “It’s not a table, love.”

“You said a table was acceptable.” Her hand went for the lock of hair again, and his heart melted. Somewhere along the way her nervous habit had become endearing.

“Hmm…” He made a show of looking around the room. “It seems we are short one table, so what do you recommend?”

She closed the book and rested her hands on the cover. Her swallow was audible. “I—I didn’t have a chance to ask about your conversation with Mr. Mason,” she said in a thready voice. She cleared her throat. “How did he take the news about Pearl’s dowry?”

He sighed. “You want to talk about your sister’s dowry? Now? Helena, please don’t shy away from this again.” He wagged his finger back and forth between them to indicate the two of them as a couple. “Let me enjoy you and you me. That is how it should be between lovers. Enjoyable. Pleasurable.”

“Playful,” she murmured, perhaps speaking to herself more than him.

He smiled. “Yes, playful.” His hand slid to her waist and grabbed a fistful of her night rail.

She set the book aside with an almost imperceptible nod and covered his hand to still it. Taking a deep breath, she wiggled to an upright position in bed, the sway of her unbound breasts causing his cock to jerk.

She matched his smile. “So what did Mr. Mason say about the dowry?”

Sebastian grimaced and released her night rail. “He accepted.” There was an unintended growl to his voice.

She wet her lips and a tightness spread from his lower belly. He couldn’t force his eyes away from her mouth. He wanted to taste her again.

“Is that all?” she asked. “Didn’t he say anything else?”

He blinked, trying to concentrate on what she’d asked, but thoughts tumbled in his head, and none of them pertained to this particular conversation. He released a long exhale. “I cannot recall everything. There was a little of this and that, and a few other words.”

She pursed her lips in displeasure. “Really, Sebastian. I hope you are never called into service as a spy. I’m afraid a report like that would be considered woefully lacking.”

He surged to his feet, frustrated and impatient with her.

She raised an eyebrow. A coy smile turned up the corners of her mouth. “And your ability to hide things is a bit of a problem.” She nodded toward his trousers where his cock strained against the thin fabric as a furious blush invaded her ivory skin. “A-are you smuggling the crown jewels in there?”

Why, the vixen was toying with him. Playing, just as he’d asked. She was nervous and inexperienced in many ways, but she was trying. For him. His affection for her increased tenfold.

like to know?” he said and winked.

She smiled sweetly, her dimples showing. “Yes, please.” Moving to the side of the bed, she hooked her fingers in his waistband and unfastened the front fall of his trousers. She glanced up, practically gloating. “If you had seen your expression…”

He twined his hands in her silky hair and leaned forward to kiss her. Hard. When he pulled back, he flashed a wicked grin. “You like playing, do you?” He ripped the shirt over his head. “I know a game or two you might enjoy.”

Her round eyes doubled in size. “What kind of games?”

“This one is called ‘Don’t wake your neighbors.’”

He pounced. With a soft squeal, she scooted back on the bed, trying to evade his tickling fingers. She flopped on her belly, laughing, and tried to scramble across the bed. He caught her by the waist and dragged her back to the edge of the bed. As she halfheartedly struggled, his trousers slid low on his hips.

“Release me,” she said between laughter.

“Now, why would I release you, love?” He raised her night rail over her hips to bare her lush bottom. “I think I prefer you this way.”

She had a great arse, firm and full. He lightly smacked one cheek with his palm. She gasped and swung her head to peer over her shoulder. “Sebastian!”

“Shh.” He held his finger to his lips. “You’re going to lose the game.”

She narrowed her eyes at him but couldn’t maintain the pretense of scolding him. Her mouth twitched at the corners before a smug smile spread across her face. “We shall see.”

He bent over and placed his lips against the small dimples on either side of her spine. She sighed and sank into the bedding. Inching her night rail higher, he licked and nibbled his way up the gentle curve of her back. Her buttocks cradled his erection by the time he reached her nape, and he held still to appreciate the softness of her skin. His eyes closed and he groaned low in his throat.

“Quiet, my lord.” The imp wiggled her arse and elicited a much louder growl from him. “I’m winning,” she teased.

“We just started playing, sweetheart. Come here.” He urged her to stand, her back still to him, and eased the night rail over her head. He explored the slope of her shoulder, nibbling his way to her earlobe and catching it between his teeth as his hands covered her breasts. He tested their weight, pleased with how they fit his hands. Small like apples and soft. His fingers closed around her nipples and gently tugged. Her head rolled back on his chest with an eroticlittle sigh.

“Isn’t losing more fun?” he whispered against her ear.

She shivered. “Yes.” Her voice was airy, and she raised her arms in a languid stretch before draping them around his neck. The tips of her breasts were firm buds beneath his fingers, and her hips swayed slightly, seductively, as she abandoned herself to the moment.

“You’re as alluring as sin,” he murmured.

She dropped her arms and slowly turned within the circle of his embrace. All traces of playfulness faded. She gazed at him with large, soulful eyes. “I don’t want to lose you, Sebastian.”

Her voice trembled. The mix of fear and wistfulness caused his throat to ache. He cradled her cheek and touched his lips to hers, lingering, savoring her warmth. When their kiss ended, he pressed his forehead to hers. His eyes drifted closed as a consuming tenderness coursed through him. He
lose her.

“I want you for my bride. I want forever.”

She drew back, licked her lips. He steeled himself for rejection. “So do I,” she whispered.

Sebastian’s heart missed a beat. “Are you agreeing to marry me?”

She hesitated a moment then nodded. “Yes. It’s very sudden and others are likely to think—”

He swept her off her feet.


Helena gasped, losing her train of thought.

“Others can go hang,” Sebastian said. “I don’t care what they think.” He laid her on the bed and made fast work of removing his trousers. His chest flexed as he crawled atop her and braced his weight on his elbows. She trailed her fingers over his lean muscles, his olive skin hot and smooth beneath her palms. He was marvelously male and splendidly made, but his intense dark gaze was the cause of her stomach flutters.

He arched a brow. “What are we about to do?”

“Make love?” She smiled, rather daftly she suspected.

His returning grin warmed her to her toes. “Does that not sound better for two people who love one another?”

He didn’t allow her to answer before his mouth covered hers. She breathed deeply, the faint scent of pine soap now familiar and comforting. His mouth nipped at hers, the tip of his tongue grazing her bottom lip. She melted with him, their bodies touching heart to heart, hips to hips, his hardness to her softness.

Her tongue tentatively sought his, her exploration becoming bolder when his chest rumbled with a low moan.

When he inched down her body and circled the peak of her breast with his tongue, she arched her back, loving the incredible sensations. The heat of his mouth. The thrilling tumble in her belly. The pull between her legs. When she began to shift restlessly, his hand slid over her stomach and caressed her curls. Her hips lifted. The hunger was too much.

“Touch me,” she pleaded.

He held her gaze as his fingers skated along her feverish skin. He glided over the place that brought her so much pleasure, circling and caressing until her moans grew husky and more intense. When he withdrew his fingers, she almost whimpered.

He raised himself above her, then kissed her slowly. “Not yet, angel. I want to be inside you when you come.”

Her heart jolted and beat faster. When he slid into her, she arched her back and cried out with pleasure. His lips found her neck and returned to her earlobe. With each thrust, his warm breath created pleasant ripples along her skin. He filled her and she gripped his hips when he withdrew, urging him to come back deeper. After several more deep thrusts, he withdrew, ignoring her protest.

“Your turn on top.” He rolled onto his back and flashed his handsome grin. Helena just stared, at a loss for words. It wasn’t out of ignorance, but…

do such things?”

“You will like it. I promise.” Sebastian reached for her hand, urged her to her knees, and half lifted her atop him. She closed her eyes and sighed when he entered her.

As he guided her hips, she murmured, “So blasted good.” The sensations were more intense and cloaked her in delightfully warm waves.

,” he said with a strained chuckle. His hands traveled over her stomach and covered her breasts. A light pinch on her nipples sent a strong current to her core. She startled, pausing for a moment. He rolled the peaks between his thumbs and fingers. She moaned and rocked her hips.

“Find your pleasure, sweetheart.” His lustful gaze roamed her body as his touch drove her. Her inhibitions fell away and shattered, just as she was certain she too would shatter in the end.

As her release was almost within reach, her fingers circled his wrists, holding tight. Sebastian plucked her nipples once more, and she climaxed, quietly crying out. Before her breathing evened out, he held her face between his hands and pulled her toward him for a kiss.

“Beautiful,” he whispered against her lips then rolled her beneath him. He swept the hair from her face and smiled softly. “I will withdraw.”

She caressed his rough cheek, certainty driving her heart. This man was to be her husband. She loved him desperately. “Please don’t.”

“Helena.” Her name sounded like a prayer from his lips. His kiss was hard as he thrust into her. With her hands free, she smoothed them up and down his back, his muscles bunched and so powerful under her fingers. And when he reached his own release, he buried his face in her hair and softly groaned. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him, more than pleased with herself for bringing him pleasure.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you, too.”

Settling beside her, he pulled the covers over them, blew out both candles, and tucked her against his chest. He lazily stroked her hair until her eyelids grew heavy, and the last thing she recalled before blessed sleep was counting the beats of his heart.

When she next emerged from unconsciousness, gray light was peeking around the curtains, and Sebastian was nuzzling her breast.

He lifted his head and aimed a sleepy smile at her. “Good morning, love.”

Warmth radiated throughout her body. “Good morning.” She threaded her fingers in his hair. “What were you doing?”

“Trying to wake you, so we can make love once more before I leave.”


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