In a Heartbeat (Heartbeat #1) (16 page)

BOOK: In a Heartbeat (Heartbeat #1)
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Max’s hand tensed in Stella’s. He’d seen them, too. She turned to look at him and his face was thunderous. Feeling annoyed, Stella let go of his hand and sat back in her seat.

This jealousy routine was becoming lame. Max didn’t have any right to be jealous; she wasn’t his girlfriend, for Christ’s sake. They weren’t even dating. Even though she tried to tell herself that she was annoyed at Max, she was also feeling very uncomfortable at seeing Antonia. The moment she saw her, she remembered that night and her lips on Max’s. It nearly drove her insane.

Those perfect, delicious lips are mine.

Did she just think that? So, to sum up, Stella was annoyed at Max’s unfounded jealousy, while she got territorial over his lips. He stirred a whirlwind of contradictory emotions inside her, and she had no idea how to rein them in.

As they got closer, the uneasy feeling in her stomach intensified. She didn’t want the bitch anywhere near Max. Obviously it wasn’t hard to win her affections – that guy was all over her and she didn’t seem to mind. Beppe had seen them, too, and was smirking in their direction, clearly enjoying the show. He had both his arms stretched over Gia and Lisa’s seat backs and looked like a male model in a Calvin Klein ad. The girls were busy chatting animatedly and hadn’t noticed the approaching group.

Stella prayed that they wouldn’t see them and would just pass by. No such luck.

“Hey, Stella. How are you?” Rico said, as he bent down to kiss her cheeks. Did she imagine it, or had Max just growled deep in his throat?

“Hey, man,” Rico nodded at Max who, unkindly, nodded back but didn’t say anything. Beppe pretended to be very interested in Gia and Lisa’s conversation and just ignored them.

“So this is the famous Stella,” said the guy next to Rico. “He hasn’t shut up about you,” he continued, pointing in Rico’s direction with a cheeky grin. Rico shot him a look, but the guy didn’t take any notice.

“Savio, long time no see,” said Max and shook the guy’s hand. “How long are you in town for?”

“A couple of weeks. We should go out, Max. Catch up. I haven’t seen you in ages.”

“Sure. Give me a call.”

Rico tried to say something else, but Savio urged him up the stairs.

“Enjoy the game and I’ll talk to you later,” he said, as they ascended.

“Who was that?” Stella asked.

“Rico’s brother; he lives in Milano. We used to go to school together, but ever since he went to Milano to work, we kind of lost touch,” explained Max, his voice flat as he stared right ahead at the pitch.

“How old’s Rico?” Stella asked, and didn’t intend the question as showing any interest in the guy. It was just that Savio looked older and he would be about Max’s age if they had gone to school together. Max turned his head and glared at her, his hazel eyes looking almost black as he judged the question.


“Oh. That explains a lot.” Max looked at her quizzically, inclining his head to one side. Stella felt the need to elaborate. “Well, he’s very ... carefree. Immature. Not as intense.” As you, she wanted to add, but didn’t. Max mumbled ‘Hmmm’ and stared straight ahead, clenching the muscles of his jaw.

For fuck’s sake!

“I’m going to the toilet. Be right back,” said Stella, and jumped to her feet. She didn’t really need the loo, but at the moment Max was acting like a jerk and she needed to get away from him for a minute.

“I’ll go with you to show you where they are,” said Max, as he stood up.

“I’m capable of finding the toilets, Max. You don’t need to escort me everywhere I go.” She shot him a cold look and, turning on her heel, climbed up the stairs.

She passed by where Rico and company were sitting and waved at them as they saw her. Apparently Antonia had found her seat very uncomfortable and was sitting in some guy’s lap. And it wasn’t the guy who’d been holding her hand on the way up.


With her peripheral vision Stella saw Savio elbow Rico and he got up, making his way towards the steps.

“Stella, wait.” He caught up with her just as she was looking around in the hall, looking for the toilet sign.

“Hey. Do you happen to know where the ladies’ room is?”

“Yeah – right over there,” Rico pointed round the corner on his left.

“Thanks,” said Stella and attempted to walk away, but Rico stayed where he was. “Did you want to tell me something?”

“Yeah,” he said, looking a bit uncomfortable and suddenly very young. Stella imagined it would be so easy if he were the guy she liked. She’d have lots of fun with him – he seemed like someone who enjoyed a good laugh. At the same time, she wouldn’t be subjected to intense stares and possessiveness and outrageous flirting.

But he wasn’t the guy she wanted.

“Are you dating Max?” he asked, shyly.


“Do you want to go out with me?”

Did she? He seemed to really like her.

She remembered their dance at the club the other night and how good it had felt before slutty Antonia had shoved her tongue in Max’s mouth and spoiled everything.

“I’d love to,” she said, and smiled at him. He beamed in return, a bit surprised. It was cute.
was cute. And fun. And exactly what Stella needed right now.

“Cool. I’ll call you next week,” he said and walked backwards towards the steps, looking at her and grinning. Stella smiled back and somehow felt she’d made the right decision. Max would definitely find out one way or another, and would probably blow his top – but she wasn’t dating him and he didn’t have the right to tell her what to do. She’d come here to take her mind off her cancer and her futureless life – not to be miserable over a guy.

When Stella got back, the match hadn’t started yet but the teams were back inside, which meant it would be starting any minute. Beppe was sitting in her seat, talking to Max. He didn’t move when she appeared next to him. He just looked at her, his eyes sparkling playfully, his arms folded over his chest.

“You’re in my seat,” she said, folding her own arms over her chest.

“So? I bet you’ll be much more comfortable this way,” he said, and winked at her.

“I bet I wouldn’t.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” he said, as he very pointedly rearranged himself in his jeans. Stella couldn’t believe that had just happened.

“Move, perv,” she said, intending to sound menacing, but Beppe’s charming grin won her over and, biting her lip, she couldn’t help but smile too. He went back to his place between Gia and Lisa. Stella sat down and looked at Max, who seemed a bit on edge, still. But then he gave her a slow smile and took her hand in his, squeezing it lightly.

That man was a mystery to her. She’d never met anyone who could change his mood so quickly. What was going through his head? Had he always been like this, or was she the reason?

Stella didn’t have any more time to think about it, because the two teams came out onto the pitch and the stadium erupted again.

Chapter Twelve

Stella had screamed so loudly that her voice was almost gone. She sounded like a sex-call operator, as Max had pointed out. Beppe had loved the comparison and had tried to make her say dirty things.

The match was incredible. Since it was a charity game the two teams played entirely for the fans. They scored four goals each and Stella wondered if they had arranged on purpose to finish with a draw.

The moment the first whistle sounded, all the tension had flowed out of Max and he had been on his feet, cheering and shouting. Stella and Beppe had followed suit. After the first goal for Genoa, Max had thrown his arms around Stella, lifted her up and twirled her in a circle. Then he had kissed her cheek and looked at her as if he wanted to do much more, but Stella had pulled away. She could just imagine the stares they were going to get from everyone if he had kissed her right there.

After the match was over, Beppe suggested they go to eat somewhere and everyone agreed, because they were all starving. Dinner was quick because, Beppe suggested again, going to a karaoke bar and they were too excited to waste time on food. All, but Stella, who didn’t like karaoke bars. And she definitely wasn’t going to sing tonight. Not with the sex-operator voice.

So, half an hour later they were sitting in this karaoke bar, which had a live band: a real, four-person band. They didn’t use pre-recorded music in here; they played it for you. Beppe claimed it made you feel like a rock star. So far it hadn’t been too bad. The band was great and it was fun, but the night had only just started. Stella wondered what the place would look like after everyone was on their third cocktail. Or rather, what it would sound like.

Gia and Max had signed to do a duet – ‘Kidz’ by Robbie Williams and Kylie Minogue. It was their thing, as Lisa had pointed out with a smile. She herself wasn’t singing tonight, but seemed in a much better mood. Beppe was singing as well, but he didn’t say which song.

After they had endured a middle-aged man’s ‘Let it be’ and a huge number of Italian evergreens, it was Gia and Max’s turn. Their version of ‘Kidz’ woke the whole place up. People were on their feet, dancing and laughing. Beppe took both Lisa and Stella onto the dance floor and somehow managed to dance with both of them without missing a beat. The women in the bar were mentally undressing him as they openly stared at him. He couldn’t have cared less. When the song was finished, he grabbed Gia and swung her around as she giggled. Why weren’t those two a couple? They seemed perfect for each other.

They stayed on the dance floor as the band started playing an acoustic version of Adele’s ‘Set fire to the rain’, while Stella and Lisa made their way back to the table. Max joined them shortly after.

“You were great, Max. I didn’t know you had such a fantastic voice,” said Stella, and he grinned at her.

“What? You didn’t notice that the other night in the car, when we sang ‘Crazy’?”

Stella smiled and took a sip of her virgin sangria, stealing a glance at Lisa. She was looking at them both, but her expression was completely unreadable. Maybe it would be a good idea to talk to her about Max. They hadn’t talked about it since that first day when they’d met, and Stella didn’t want her cousin to feel isolated or even lied to. She was going to talk to her tomorrow and tell her everything about herself and Max. Maybe she’d have some good advice.

The song finished and Beppe and Gia flopped down on their chairs, giggling. Just then, the first chords of Aerosmith’s ‘Amazing’ sounded and Stella immediately lifted her eyes towards Max, who was already looking expectantly at her. He silently offered her his hand and when she took it, he led her back to the dance floor. He hugged her close as she rested her head on his chest. It felt warm and strong and ... right. Much as it pained her to admit it, it felt so very right.

“That’s my favourite Aerosmith song,” she said.

“Mine, too,” he said and she felt him smile.

“I think it has the single most accurate and yet inspiring lyric ever written in a song,” she said and lifted her head to look at his face.

“Which one?” Max asked, but his hazel eyes burned through her as if he already knew what she was going to say.

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

His perfect lips slowly spread into a smile, but not his usual kind of smile. This one was more satisfied – more intimate, somehow.

“What?” Stella asked, puzzle by his reaction.

“I think you’re absolutely right.” He continued to look at her in that weird way, as if he knew something she didn’t.

Stella noticed Beppe making his way to the stage, so he was probably going to sing next. She didn’t really know him well enough to know what kind of music he liked, so his song choice would be a complete surprise. Max followed her stare and rolled his eyes.

“Here we go again,” he said.


“Every time Beppe sings the women in here go crazy. He’s got an amazing voice and uses it to his advantage.”

“So, he’s utterly charming and fun, is an incredible dancer, has an amazing voice and looks like a Calvin Klein model. Is there anything wrong with this guy?” Stella said and laughed.

Max’s brow furrowed but he wasn’t jealous. It was something else, as if he was remembering something.

“There something wrong with everyone,” he said as he stole a glance at Beppe, who was already holding the mike and getting ready. A crowd was starting to gather on the dance floor and in front of the stage.

“Good evening,” said Beppe, and smirked as he took a seat on a high stool in the centre of the stage

He is taking himself very seriously
, Stella thought. The band started playing and Stella immediately recognised the song; it was Lenny Kravitz’s ‘If you can’t say no’. Beppe’s cheeky smile vanished and, fixing his eyes on Gia he began singing. Max had been right: his voice was incredible.

As Stella continued to dance with Max, she also stole a few glances in Gia’s direction. There was something going on between those two, even if no one wanted to admit it. She just wasn’t sure what, since Gia was looking at Beppe as if she wanted to kill him. Maybe that song meant something to them? Somewhere towards the middle, she whispered something in Lisa’s ear and, kissing her cheeks, took off. Just like that. She didn’t even come to say goodbye to them, or wait for Beppe to finish. He saw her leaving, but continued singing anyway.

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