Read In A Heartbeat Online

Authors: Hilary Storm

In A Heartbeat (17 page)

BOOK: In A Heartbeat
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I notice them on the deck just as the lights go out. The light from the moon allows me to see them as they make their way to us.

“What is up with the light?” Holden asks.

“I turned it off so all of the girls will come out here.” Ivy leads them out.

“Hey Ivy! Do you need somewhere to sit?” Taron yells. Oh shit! Is this going to be an instant replay?

“Sure!” I can just barely see my twin with his fingers in a ‘V’ shape yet again.

“I got your seat right here!” Ivy doesn’t
pause in the least as she climbs in and sits on my brother’s lap. She turns sideways quickly and glares at him. Who knows what he has done.

I notice that none of the girls are in a t-shirt. I have a feeling that Ivy is leading this brigade of females into rough waters. Eaven makes her way to me and yes she is only sporting her bra and panties. Her tiny panties. “Fuuuccckk Me.” I am not sure who said that. It might have even been me.

“Hey! Are you trying to kill me?” I whisper in Eaven’s ear after she is seated on my lap. She answers me and rotates her hips just enough to let me know who is in charge right now.

What is happening right now? Did I fall asleep into a dream waiting on Eaven to join me outside? I am pretty sure I did. I love this girl and her brave best friend with great ideas.

“Who wants another shot?” Taron yells loudly as he is lifting out of the water.

“What the hell. You said you had a suit on!” I see that his ass lied. This is not a dream, it’s a nightmare.

“I have my birthday suit on!” He says proudly. Everyone starts laughing at his naked butt tip-toeing into the house to get the alcohol. It is really sad when no one is shocked that he is in this water completely naked with us.

“Ivy, how is your seat over there?” Luke starts teasing.

“Are you offering me a more comfortable seat, Lukie?” Ivy scoots closer and Luke doesn’t say a word. There is no doubt one of my band mates is going to hook up with Ivy before too long, if they haven’t already.

Taron puts on a pair of swim trunks before he shows up with Jell-O shots.

“To honor! If you can’t come in her, come on her!” Taron toasts as he holds his shot in the air and all of the guys knock our dixie cups together. I am drunk enough now, that I find that shit funny.

We get out of the hot tub and I am ready to spend some time alone with my girl. These people are not leaving anytime soon and this poses a problem. I wrap her up in a giant towel and lead her over to my hammock. It is a wide hammock that is sturdy and attached to two giant trees that help make this area more private.

I flop into the net causing it to start swinging, almost flipping upside down in the process. She starts laughing.

“Where do you expect me to sit?” I instantly start to drag my foot to slow the swing.

“Anywhere you would like!”

She proceeds to come near me and pauses to glance back at everyone else. I can see her thoughts turning in that gorgeous head of hers. I wait patiently to see where this leads. She opens the towel, exposing her panties and bra. Then she drapes it over her back and climbs on.

She straddles my hips and leans in to kiss me. I have my leg on the ground to steady us until she gets in position. I start to let my hands rub up and down her back and a chill runs through her body.

“Are you cold?”

“No, I just want you now.” She is nibbling and kissing my ear as she whispers. I listen for voices and decide that everyone must have taken the hint and left us to give us some privacy.

She sits up letting the towel drop across my legs. She reaches for the clasp on her bra and slowly removes the straps from each arm. I watch her as she begins to tease me. I have to ask myself what I did to deserve her.

The moonlight is shining just enough that I can see everything. She begins to move and grind on me. She is apparently ready and I know I have been since she
sat on my lap in the hot tub. I guide her to lean up so that I can remove the last two barriers in our way. Her panties tear with hardly any effort and my erection is begging to be released.

She positions herself over me and then drops, hard. I wasn’t prepared for that, but definitely won’t complain. I am starting to learn that my girl likes a little kink.

The feel of her without a condom is incomprehensible. She is hot and naturally lubricated. I let her move and enjoy watching and feeling everything she is giving me. Her breasts are in the perfect position for me to give all of my attention to as she continues her thrusts.

She leans back causing me to hit her G spot as she slips into a paralyzed position. I take over thrusting upward until I feel her muscles contract and squeeze just enough to send me spiraling. She falls onto my chest and we spend a long time in that exact position.

“I can hear your heart.” She begins to tap her finger on my chest. I close my eyes and feel the air blowing over our skin. Her body around mine has become my favorite position. I could stay right here and never need another thing in life.

It isn’t long and my twin is yelling at us from the deck. I help Eaven out of the hammock and wrap the towel around her. I palm her panties and she hides her bra in the towel. I lead her into the house and we manage to get her into my room to change without anyone making any comments.

We decide to join in on the celebration with the others. The night gets crazy and the girls have a lot of fun. I let them all crash in my room, since they were already out when I went to check on them.

Chapter Fourteen


I have the most horrific hang-over headache. Last night was a blast, but we definitely over did the drinking. I wake up sleeping next to Ivy in Talon’s bed. She is crowding me. I remember teaching the girls how to play the drums last night. We sounded terrible, but had a great time. The guys started playing some video game and I am not sure what else they did.
I also remember spending time with Talon on the hammock. I love the fact that he always takes care of me first. That is something that I have never had with anyone else.

Ugh. I don’t feel good.
It has been a very long time since I completely let myself go. Now I remember why I don’t do this often.

I smell coffee. Oh I need coffee.

I glance over at the bed as I make my way around and see Macy and Lilly squished on the other side of the bed. How did four of us sleep in that bed?

“Coffee.” I walk like a zombie into the kitchen and speak in a growl. Holden is my savior and quickly pours me a cup.

“Rough night?” Is he asking me or just trying to start a conversation?

“Yes.” I say hoping I can comprehend anything else he tries to say to me. Luckily he doesn’t say anything. We just sit at the table and he turns on the news. I am still sitting like a zoned out freak when Talon joins us. I don’t even feel like getting up to greet him. He leans down to kiss the top of my head and I just lean back on him.

“Feel okay?” He bravely asks.


“You need food. I will make you breakfast.” Talon begins to cook sausage and eggs. My stomach is complaining and I am sitting here trying to contain it. It is not working. Why did I do this to myself? I will NEVER drink again. I rush to the bathroom and my world really begins to spin out of control.

It seems like it’s never going to end. I am dry heaving when Talon opens the bathroom door and places a cold wash rag on my neck. I instantly feel relief and begin to regain some normalcy.

“Do you want me to hold your hair?” He asks softly.

“No. Thanks though.” I notice how much better I feel, but I can’t believe I am on the floor of a bathroom hugging someone’s toilet. He leaves me to finish composing myself in priva

I peek in on the girls and notice Macy looks about like I did a few minutes ago. This will be a long morning for us. Talon has to play at Smitty’s tonight and I won’t miss it.

I manage to eat breakfast and I feel so much better. I wake up Ivy and she manages to stumble into the kitchen for breakfast also. She never gets sick, but looks like the zombie that I feel like. We go to our apartment and crash for most of the day. There is nothing like sleeping the day away because you drank like an idiot the night before.

Talon decides to drive his truck tonight and picks us up before he has to be at the club. We opt out of the traditional toasts before we leave for the club since the thought of alcohol is down-right repulsive. I am not out to impress anyone in my jeans
shorts and t-shirt tonight. Ivy does manage to pull herself together and dress like the goddess she is. I don’t care. I am going for comfort tonight. Talon doesn’t seem repulsed by my appearance and he is the only person that I need to be concerned with.

I grab my camera for one more night of pictures. I have my work cut out ahead editing all of the pictures from last night and any that I take tonight. I know I have good shots of everyone, but the lighting is always different and I can’t pass up the opportunity to capture one of them in a great moment.

Our table is pretty boring tonight. Everyone is drinking energy drinks instead of alcohol. I am glad that I am not the only one who is still feeling the effects of last night. Taron arrives and manages to liven up the group with his crazy behavior even without being under the influence.

Aiden shows up and he and Ivy instantly make contact. I know she is enjoying herself with Aiden, but I can’t help but notice the chemistry in the air when Taron is near her. Not to mention the fact that I know Aiden was not at the concert last night for her to get lost with. I mentally kick myself for not grilling her about
her disappearing at the concert yet. Everything was so crazy last night, and today I felt like crap and didn’t care who she met up with.

Talon kisses me as he leaves to set up for his concert. I smile as he walks away from me with a swagger that speaks volumes about his confidence in what he is headed to do.

I look over at Ivy and I see how happy her face is as she is talking to Aiden. I decide that I need to start taking some pictures. I remember that I left my backup battery in Talon’s truck after he goes to set up for his concert.

“Hey I have to run outside for a second. I left my battery in the truck.”

“I will go with you.” Ivy offers.

“That’s ok. I will just run real quick and get it.” I head to the back door since his truck is parked closest to it. I glance around the parking lot quickly and don’t see anyone around. I rush to
his truck and click the key fob to unlock the doors. I am leaning deep into the truck when I hear gravel crunching behind me. I don’t know why, but I have a bad feeling, so I dial Talon’s number and tuck my phone into my bra.

I rise up and turn to see Nicole aiming a gun at me. Shit. I try to pretend I don’t see the gun and slam the door closed.

“Hey Nicole! How is it going?” I say as I start walking back to the door. God I hope Talon has answered and can hear me say her name.

“Shut the fuck up! If you move one more step, I’m going to blow your pretty little ass off.”

I freeze. I can’t die like this. There is so much I want to do. I am not even a mother yet. I want to grow old and spoil my grand-children with the love of my life. Be smart. I raise my hands in surrender.

“What’s wrong Nicole? What can I help you with?” I say as I slowly turn to face her.

“What’s wrong? WHAT’S WRONG? You stole my boyfriend and you have the audacity to ask me WHAT’S WRONG?” She is pissed off. I have to get her to calm down or she will for sure shoot me. I want to tell her that I didn’t steal him, he came running. I want to kick her ass. There is just one little problem. She is pointing that gun at me.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you two were together. You can have him if you want him.” I say
, hoping to play this girl.

“You are a bitch. He told me he loves you and you are just going to throw him away at the first sign of trouble.” She seems angrier now that I said I don’t want him anymore. She is all over the place.

“I do care about him, but I know you love him. If you want me to step aside for you, I will.”

“I don’t need you to step aside for me, Princess. We have a history that you can never compete with. He is mine. You will not have him. Now move your ass to my car.” She practically shoves me to the ground. I stumble but quickly regain my footing.

“Get in the driver’s seat and don’t fucking try to pull any shit or I will shoot first and think about it later.” If I get in this car, I am done. I walk slowly hoping someone will notice that I am gone and come to check on me. I pretend that the door handle is locked and I can’t open it. She storms over to me and yanks the handle up and smacks me over the head with the gun. I have an instant throbbing pain rush through my head. She shoves me into the seat and climbs in beside me.

“Stupid Bitch. You can’t even follow directions. I wanted you to drive. I told you not to play any games with me, Princess. Now move your ass over and buckle up.” Why in the hell is she worried about me buckling up? I lean over to get my seatbelt and secretively get my phone out of my shirt. I hold it in between the door and the seat so she can’t see the light. She drives out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell. I look down at the phone and notice it is still on a call to Talon.

BOOK: In A Heartbeat
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