In a Different Key: The Story of Autism (94 page)

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Authors: John Donvan,Caren Zucker

Tags: #History, #Psychology, #Autism Spectrum Disorders, #Psychopathology

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had not heard before:
Donald’s first media contact from outside Mississippi was with French documentarian Anne Georget, who featured him in her 2000 French-language film
Histoire, histoires d’autisme
. The film had no showing in Forest.

“I wish myself luck”
Donald Triplett shared his yearbook and photographs with the authors.

allow no harm:
Recollections about Donald Triplett’s later years are from author interviews with Donald and Oliver Triplett, Celeste Slay, and Gene Walker.

was befriended by:
Author interview with Reverend Brister Ware.

“interest in the opposite sex”:
Leo Kanner, “Follow-up Study of Eleven Autistic Children Originally Reported in 1943,”
Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia
1, no. 2 (1971): 119–45.

“I wish I knew what his inner feelings”:
Ibid., 122.

“It was rather expected”:
Donald Triplett interview.


A 2013 study found:
Anne Roux, Kristy Anderson, Paul Shattuck, and Benjamin Cooper, “Postsecondary Employment Experiences Among Young Adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder,”
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
52, no 9 (2013): 931-39.

more than half had never:
Shattuck et al., “Postsecondary Employment Experiences.”

Eight out of ten:
Kristy Anderson, Paul Shattuck, Benjamin Cooper, Anne Roux, and Mary Wagner, “Prevalence and Correlates of Postsecondary Residential Status Among Young Adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder,”
8, no. 5 (2014).

A Danish father named:
More information about Thorkil Sonne and his organization, the Specialists, can be found on his website at

In late 2015, a New York:
More information about New York Collaborates for Autism launch of the Neighborhood Network of New York Community Living Program can be found on the organization’s website at

In 2013, Connie and Harvey:
More information on California’s Self Determination Program can be found on California’s Department of Developmental Services website at

in 2014, the College of William and Mary:
More information on John Elder Robison and the work he has begun at William and Mary College can be found on William and Mary’s website at,-consult-at-wm123.php



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