Impulse (51 page)

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Authors: Dannika Dark

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Impulse
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“That’s just Max,” I said, remembering that he was part of my life again. “He’s big, but he’s harmless. Kind of like the man you’re about to feel up.”

On cue, Page’s hand made contact with Justus’s chest. He froze like a man who had walked up on a rattlesnake and she snapped back her arm as if she’d just stuck it in a lion’s cage.

She pivoted on her heel and faced my direction. “The good news is your vision is back.”

“Tell me something I don’t know,” I said, unsatisfied with the obvious diagnosis.

“Your blood is clear of any traces of venom as well as Vampire blood.”

Page dropped her hands to her hips and for the first time, I noticed her. She was so much younger than I had imagined—possibly my age. Her face was captivating and brimming with intelligence. She kept her dark hair in a short, choppy style above her shoulders that framed her heart-shaped face. Delicate eyebrows arched over her long-lashed eyes. Not at all dressed in the frumpy clothes I’d imagined, but a very classy v-neck blouse and dark slacks, which looked even more impressive with her straight posture and slender physique. She looked like a pretty woman who tried very hard not to be. I was unable to make out the details of the exact color of her eyes, but they looked brown.

Page leaned against the wall to the right of Justus.

“I’ll be the first to admit I’ve never done this on a Mage, or any other Breed for that matter,” she said, with suppressed excitement. Knowledge was desirable to a Relic. “I do know with absolute certainty that you can’t turn; I just didn’t expect the side effects. Your absorption ability is unique, Silver.” Her finger twirled in a slow circle as she spoke, staring upward. “It looks like the blood circulation in your eyes increased too rapidly and triggered a… Vampiric reaction with
blood. It should subside and I don’t expect it to return; just a short-lived side effect.”

“Does this mean I’m not going to be blind?”

Her brows arched. “Yes, it does. The effects you’re experiencing will rapidly wear off. While this has never been attempted to my knowledge, the reaction isn’t logical. It’s common to feel the Vampire’s emotions when the blood enters your body, but not to take on their traits. That’s unheard of and has me a little mystified,” she said in a soft voice. Her teeth clicked together as she lowered her eyes in thought.

“What am I supposed to do, just sit around in the dark?”

She shrugged, making an intentional physical response, knowing I could see her.

“I’m afraid if you expose your eyes to light you’re only going to intensify the pain, and I don’t want to risk injuring your eyes any further. What I recommend is that you stay down here or have all the lights in the house shut off since I don’t know how long this will last. When you can no longer see, then it’s safe to turn everything on. But start with candles, because your retinas will be sensitive. Call me right away so that I can detail what you are experiencing, anything out of the norm, that sort of thing. Move around the house all you want—you need exercise to keep the blood circulating.” She stretched out her arm, looking as if she hadn’t slept in days. “Cover them with a scarf or something, just in case someone flips on the lights by accident.” Page glared at Justus.

“Do you need to take more of my blood?”

“I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary in your blood smear; everything looks as expected. I’ll stop in tomorrow for a full sample so I can get a better look at it in the lab with the proper equipment. You need to get some rest. And this time I mean it.”

Her voice was stern and I squirmed like a scolded child.

It looked as if her mind was spinning from the details of my spectacular recovery. She tapped her chin with her index finger and knitted her brows. “Do you have any questions?”

Locked up in the dark? No, that about covered it.
“Thanks, doc.”

Her smile widened and the corners of her mouth turned up a little. It was a mischievous grin and played on her features. “You can call me Page, or Relic. I never did like the doctor tag and we’re usually referred to as healers or advisors.”

“Since I don’t believe in calling people by their Breed name—thanks, Page.”

“You’re welcome.” Her voice raised a pitch and she turned to leave.

“I’ll escort you out,” Justus offered.

“No need. I’m quite capable.”

“It’s dark outside,” he said through clenched teeth.

“It’s dark in here, too; I don’t seem to recall you escorting me across the room or helping me with my things. I’ll bill you directly for my services. Goodnight Mr. De Gradi.”

And just like that, Page La Croix was gone.

Logan kissed my forehead and excused himself from the room. Justus followed him and Christian stayed behind, plucking off the tiny leaves of my plant.

“Stop doing that,” I complained, taking a seat in the plush chair across the room. I kicked my feet up on the ottoman and sighed heavily. This would definitely be a birthday to go down in the annals.

“Try not to let your apathy affect your enthusiasm,” Christian replied in a surly voice. “I never saw anyone less excited to have their sight back.”

“You know, I’m inclined to think that letting you in the house wasn’t the best plan. The idea of you barging in whenever I’m with someone in private isn’t very appealing.”

“And remind me how often that occurs?” Christian pushed away from the wall and paced across the room until he found a chair. “Don’t think that I enjoy the idea of having to hear every squeal, moan, and slap of skin. Some things
be tuned out.”

“For the cost of an ice cream cone, you can buy yourself some earplugs. You promised you’d keep your ears tuned out of my personal affairs.”

“Conversations are far easier to block than… fucking. That’s not so easy to tune out. There’s a weak point in my brain that somehow cannot get past the sound of sucking and—”

“I get it.”

A knock sounded at the door.

“Come in,” I said wearily.

The door swung open and Logan drew in a scent through his nose, turning his head to the left and stalking in my direction. He knew exactly where I was and sat on the ottoman, pulling my feet into his lap. Logan’s fingers worked magic as he rubbed the soles and I sank into the cushions of my chair.

I could get used to.” I sighed. “It’s a good thing it wasn’t Christian’s feet you ended up rubbing. How can you find me so easily in the dark?”

The coloring in his face deepened and he tilted his head to one side. Logan pulled a band from his pocket and tied his hair back—one strand fell free and slipped in front of his left eye. His jaw clenched.

“Oh, now this I’ve got to hear. What has the great Chitah all flustered?” I asked.

“Your scent is sweet on my tongue. Like…” He paused and looked upward as if trying to make an association. “Lemon cake.”

“I smell like cake?”

“Mmhmm,” he growled. “Edible, sweet cake, with a sharp tang on my palate.”

“So you’re saying I’m tart?” I laughed and his eyes narrowed in the dark. “I guess that means if I ever got lost in a bakery that you, Mr. Cross, would be at a loss.”

“Now this I can’t hear,” Christian complained as he swung the door closed behind him.

Logan reached around and grabbed the plate behind him. “May I feed you?”

My toes curled in his palm and a provocative grin spread across his face. It was cubed cheese and strawberries. Not an ideal combination, but my stomach was begging.

“What happened with Leo?” I asked, nibbling the cheese from his fingertips. It was mild cheddar and tasted divine.

His lip twitched and he blew the strand of hair from his face. “The elders refuse to honor my claim under our laws. I should be entitled the full rights to challenge Tarek to the death for your honor.”

“Because I’m a Mage.”

He held out another piece and I polished it off. I sat back and watched him turning another piece of cheese between his fingers.

“Will it always be this way?” I asked. “Like that night at the restaurant with the Shifter—I can’t change public opinion, but will the laws ever change?”

“I had this same discussion with Finn. He’s developed an interest in law.”

“Good for him. We’re both victims of our own laws. Maybe he’ll change them someday.”

Logan leaned forward with an outstretched arm and I ate the cheese. This one tasted bitter and I grimaced, deciding no more.

“Tarek’s family is too prominent. The elders’ stance is that you’re still alive, and…” Logan sighed with frustration. “They won’t pursue action. By laws of the Mageri—”

“Yes,” I said dismissively. “I’ve studied our books enough to know that nothing will be done. It just doesn’t seem right. There’s no higher order that holds everyone accountable. Not unless we’re talking about the outlaw Breeds who want war and to invent purple ponies breathing apocalyptic fire.”

“What?” Logan laughed, scratching his head.

“Nothing. I’m rambling.” I sulked and stared at my hands.

“Eat,” he demanded, twirling a strawberry between his fingers. “I can sense your hunger and it upsets me.”

“Tarek walking free should upset you more.”

“It should,” he agreed. “But he’ll serve his punishment. Are you going to eat from my hand, Little Raven?”

That quirked a smile on my face. “No.”

Logan set the plate behind him and the energy in the room shifted. The only thing between us was a thin T-shirt and a pair of jeans.

“Stand up, Little Raven,” he whispered, widening his legs to make room. I caught the shift in his eyes as they hooded and his tongue wet his lower lip.

As I stood up, Logan touched my bare legs and gradually slid his hands to my hips, reminding me that I didn’t have any panties on.

“Not now, Logan,” I said in a less-than-convincing voice. ”You heard what the Relic said.”

“Someday I’m going to devour every inch of your body with my eyes,” Logan promised. “I want to admire you in sunlight, bathe you in moonlight, and drink you into my memory.”

I twisted my hair around my fingers and dipped my nose into it. “I smell like you.”

When his canines elongated, I fell into the chair, heart racing, sharp prickles awakening my nerves as I grabbed my neck.

Logan flew to his feet and clenched his fists. “I would
hurt you,” he said, emphasizing each word.

“I know,” I whispered. But his teeth reawakened a memory.

“No, you don’t,” he said harshly. “Stand up.”

My eyes widened, scaling his tall physique.

“Please,” he coaxed.

With a hard swallow, I scooted forward and stood up. Logan sat in my place and pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him. Both hands cupped my face and his forehead touched mine.

“I was made to protect you, female. I’ve claimed you, whether you accept it or not, and it’s an honor that I take very seriously. If any male lays an unwanted finger on you, I will break it. If you hunger, I will feed you. If you’re cold, then I will warm you with my body. If you’re taken from me, then I’ll track you.
doubt my devotion to you.” He gripped my head firmly. “I once gave a woman my heart, because that’s all I had to give. But you, Silver, you’re the pulse that keeps me alive. I was a soft man once, but no more. I don’t know if you can accept the man that I’ve become, because all I have to offer you is my life. I want to shred Tarek apart for the fear he’s made you feel when looking at me. He’s made you afraid of something that is natural to my kind—an expression of my passion. My fangs are not just weapons.” His voice strained and I knew.

I knew

Denying a part of him was denying him completely. Maybe someday I could look at them without flinching, but it was too soon. They represented power and passion in his world. But in my world, they were death and pain.

I stroked his cheek and he leaned into me and closed his eyes.

“Give me time, Logan.”

He slipped his hand behind the nape of my neck and brought his lips close to my ear—words melting into a soft whisper. “I’ll wait for you.”

Chapter 38


I promised Logan that we would sleep in the same bed, but this wasn’t the night
. He fed me strawberries and kissed me fervidly before dragging himself away. I was unsettled—worried that his impulsive behavior might send him after Tarek. He said he had to take care of a few things at home but didn’t elaborate.

Justus was gone and I grew listless and thirsty. I wandered into the kitchen, wearing my new slipper socks. The air had a different smell and I knew it was the odor-release crystals from the litter box in the adjoining closet. I snorted, thinking about Justus having to scoop the poop. Max twirled around my legs and darted into the living room to explore. It was going to be great having him around again.

Christian was perched on top of the counter, rolling a walnut between his fingers.
“Your pussy has warmed up to me. Rubbed up on my leg and everything.”

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