Imprinted (6 page)

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Authors: Darcy Sweet

BOOK: Imprinted
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“Come here,” I said, “Come sit on me.”

She didn’t move and I said nothing more. I just waited, my cock standing up out of the fly of my jeans.

Only a moment passed before she let out a little moan and came over. Hitching her leg across my thighs she lined the mouth of her cunt up with my cock and hovered above me. “Fuck me Mary-Jane. Fuck me until you come. I won’t help you. Do what you need.”

She slammed herself down until her pubic bone hit the root of my cock. With her hands on my shoulders she levered herself, shifting her hips until she found just the right spot. She started a rhythmic rocking motion that made her moan and me clench my jaw. She was close. I could hear it in her breath. In the gasping moans that came closer and closer. Louder and Louder.

I was close. But I wasn’t going to come. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. I was biting down on my lip so hard that the coppery taste of blood filled my mouth.

It was agony. Sheer agony to feel that wet velvet fist of a cunt slide down over and over. To have no control over her movements.

Just before it became too much I felt it finally, the contractions of her orgasm. A ripple of clenching ecstasy.

As soon as she slumped I gripped the root of my cock and squeezed a makeshift cock ring. The dismounting was agony. She was so wet as she slid up, she smelled so good. I wanted nothing more than to lose myself in that wet warmth, but instead I said, “Four.”

She nodded. I understood she couldn’t speak. I watched her walk down the path to her doorway. Normally I’d walk her to her front door, but not tonight. For a start I didn’t think she’d want me to and honestly I didn’t think I was physically able. As it was it was a good fifteen minutes before I could even drive.

On the way home I stopped at a drive-thru for a soda with an extra cup of ice. I stuck the ice between my legs and it eased the ache a little. I didn’t want to ease it completely, I liked the ache. It made me think of Mrs. D and what was to come.

Chapter Seven

I made sure that I had no other yards that day. Working twelve hour days to get all my clients done, to have the day clear. I awoke that morning with a rock hard erection that would not go down.

At 11.30 with sweaty palms and tenting khakis I knocked on the Dean’s front door. I’d dressed as if it were a normal work day, knowing that’s what she wanted. She was in a robe, nipples hard, jutting points in the slippery silk. My throat tightened and my breath came fast.

I’d expected her to take me down the hall to the bedroom but she didn’t. Instead she led me out back to the kitchen. I’d seen it from the outside before, but I’d never actually been inside. It was blue and white; it kind of reminded me of a poster I’d seen of the Greek Isles.

I sat down on a stool at the bench. She poured me a glass of lemonade from a jug she’d taken from the fridge. I was grateful as my mouth was nervous dry. She was returning the jug to the fridge with her back to me when she said, “Are you ready for today Jacob?”

“Yes Mrs. D.”

I thought she might sit beside me, or maybe kiss me but she didn’t. She lay her palms flat down on the bench and stood opposite me. Staring right into my eyes.

“Are you really ready? To let go. To face up to your desires. Your needs?”
I couldn’t lie to those eyes so I said, “I’m scared, but I want to. I want to do it.”
“Good. There’s no need for bravado here Jacob. You can tell me if you’re scared. Or you don’t want something. Anytime.”
“Should I have some sort of safe word?”

She laughed and I blushed. I felt the burn rise up my neck all the way to my scalp. “Oh, Jacob, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t laugh at you. It’s just that you’re so damn cute. Of course you should have a safe word. Let’s make it …white.”

I nodded.

“You say white and we’ll stop. Any other word....” she spoke slowly, “…
No. Please. Don’t. Stop. Help
. All of those words will mean nothing. They’ll be play words. Because when you say them you don’t want to stop. You want us to go on—to tease you. To find that point where you can take no more…don’t you, Jacob?”

“Yes.” The word came out like a husk. Dry and weightless. I took another drink.

“He doesn’t know you’re here. He doesn’t know about today.”

I’d been wondering about that. Whether she would tell him about me, or if she would just surprise him. I was a little worried, but trusted her to know what was best.

“That’s why I asked if this is really what you wanted, because you’ll have to convince him. You’ll have to make him want this too.”

I swallowed hard. My throat ached, like someone had wrapped a hand around my neck and squeezed hard. She came around my side of the bench and placed a cool hand on my cheek.

“He’ll be surprised. He’ll battle with his feelings. Just as you have about this, about the way you feel about him. Follow my lead and we’ll convince him. We’ll have to make it a game. Play. Do you like to play? Have you been teasing yourself? Playing while you waited to come to us?”

Because her words were hypnotizing and the way she held my eye compelling, I told her. Told her what I’d done with Mary-Jane. The games we’d played. She listening intently, her eyes on me the whole time. After I’d had finished she continued to watch me.

“All of us. All of us form our sexuality in our own way. How it’s formed is important. I was lucky enough to find Lucas. Together we found our pleasure, played our games in safety. In love.”

Her voice lowered, her hand shifted to rest on my shoulder, and then lightly it traced down my back. “The right kink. Watching. Spanking…” Mrs. D lifted her hand, and then swished it through the air. I flinched waiting for the contact that never came. “Kinks like those imprint on your sexuality. As solid as a handprint in wet concrete. They’re with you forever.”

She put her hand back on my shoulder and guided me around on the stool to face her, “Jacob. These imprints we make along our sexual journey, they can be a pleasure we have forever. A comfort we use to tease ourselves. A switch we use to turn ourselves on. Or they can be a lifelong torment. A source of shame. It depends very much on how we form those imprints. Who we do them with.”

I understood she was saying something important. About how I was acting with Mary-Jane and more than that, how she would act with me. I nodded.

“You understand don’t you Jacob? That you must be gentle with this girl. Let her know what she feels is natural. What she needs is not dirty. It’s not wrong. You’ve ripped open a need in her and you must make sure it doesn’t overwhelm her. We won’t let it overwhelm you.”

“Thank you.”
She leaned into me and pressed a cool kiss on my lips.
“Come now. It’s time. We’ll wait for him in the bedroom. He’ll be home soon.”

* * * *

I heard his footsteps down the hall. It was only when Mrs. D lay a hand across my thigh that I realized I’d been nervously tapping my foot. I stilled myself and waited. The door opened with a bang. It was clear that he’d been expecting some game, some kind of play. He’d come home in the role of the angry husband—like I’d seen him that first time. His shoulders squared, his chest out, hands clenched tight at his sides. He faltered when he saw me. Stopped and stared.

“Lissy?” He said her name like a question and he looked from me to her.

When she got up from where we’d been sitting on the side of the bed I followed her lead and stood too.

“Jacob’s here to tell you something. To confess.” She put her hand on my back, just above my butt and pushed me forward. Towards him. I knew then what she wanted me to do.

“I’m sorry Mr. D.”
“Sorry Jacob, what for?” He sounded uncertain.
“For watching you. You and Mrs. D.”
“You’ve been watching?” He spoke slowly, he didn’t sound angry. His eyes weren’t on me. They were on his wife.

Mrs. D moved forward. Now she was standing just in front of me, to my right. The belt of her robe had come open. I could see the curve of her breast, round and heavy. “He’s been standing outside our window Lucas. Watching us.”

He said nothing. He just stood. His eyes on Mrs. D. I desperately wanted him to look at me, and feared it all at once. I could hear my breath. Rasping loud and I wondered if they could hear it too.

“Tell him Jacob. Tell him what you saw.” She directed me.

“I saw her touching herself. Mrs. D, here on the bed.” His eyes locked on mine and what I saw there, the flicker of need that burned in his blue eyes gave me a rush of power. “I saw you come home Mr. D. I saw you spank her.”

“And what did you do while you watched?” Mr. D asked. And there it was. The voice that I wanted. The commanding and angry tone. His lip had curled in a snarl and his eyes were locked on mine. Angry. Lustful.

The flash of wanting that surged through me made me sway. My cock surged up, thrusting against the stiff fabric of my khaki work pants.

“Answer me Jacob.”
At that moment I felt like I could come just from the sound of his voice. From the look in his eyes.
“I watched. And I couldn’t help it. I tried, but I couldn’t help it.”

“Help what?” A slide of silk against my side let me know that Mrs. D had moved back closer to me. She nestled against me, stroking my arm as she asked again, “Help what?”

“Touching myself.”

Mr. D took a step closer, to stand right in front of me. If I leaned forward I’d have fallen against his chest. “You jerked off watching me fuck my wife. Is that what you’re telling me Jacob? Is that your confession?”

“Yes sir.”
“And what do you think should happen to you? What punishment should there be for what you’ve done?”
“I don’t know sir.”

He placed a hand on my shoulder. “Should I spank you?” He felt the shudder that went through me. I knew because I saw his mouth hook up in a slight smile. He sounded amused. “With my hand? Or with a whip?”

I whimpered. I didn’t answer him. I couldn’t.

The hand on my shoulder pushed down. Hard. I submitted to the pressure, willingly going down on my knees. Waiting. Wanting whatever would come next. I had my eyes closed. My head down. I heard the clink of his belt buckle. The slide of metal as it released.

“Open your eyes.” No longer amused his voice was deep. Hard and biting.

The hand that had been on my shoulder went to my hair; grasping fingers tugged my head up to look at him. “Is this what you were looking at? Through my window?”

His suit pants hung low on his hips. His cock was jutting out of his briefs. The vein that ran down the length of his shaft pulsed within an inch of my lips. He squeezed a hand down his dick, then up again to rub a thumb across the glistening end. The other hand he kept fisted in my hair, the pain of his tugging fingers sent shockwaves of pleasure down my spine. How did he know? How did he know that I liked that? That I wanted it.

Releasing his cock he brought the thumb shiny with his pre-cum up to my mouth. He slicked it across my bottom lip and I groaned. He took the advantage of my open mouth to shove the thumb inside. Instinctively I sucked it in. He fucked my mouth with his thumb. In and out.



I heard a groan. Mrs. D. I’d forgotten she was there—lost in the moment with him. He removed his thumb. I looked up at him and saw him watching her. His eyes glassy, his mouth open slightly, breathing hard.

She’d gone down on her knees beside me. Her robe hanging wide open. Falling off her shoulders, revealing soft skin, flushed with need.

Her eyes were on his cock. On my mouth.

She had her hand between her legs, her fingers sliding up and down her cunt lips. Over the harsh sound of my breath I could hear the wet slick of her hand.

The fingers in my hair pulled hard. Turning me back to face him he said, “Eyes on the prize Jacob.”

The fat head of his cock slapped my bottom lip, leaving a salty slick that I tasted with my tongue. I could smell him. His skin. A musky man smell that made my mouth water.

“Lick it.”

My tongue went out at his words. Lapping at the head of his cock. Under the helmeted end, the soft plump skin of his cock head. Down that fat pulsing vein. Right to the base. Deep to the root.

I wanted it all in my mouth. I wanted to suck him until he came. Shot off down my throat. I’d never wanted anything more.

“Please,” I murmured against his hot hard skin.

I stopped licking and opened wide. Showing him what I wanted. He left me. Kneeling there, mouth open for what seemed like an eternity. And then he was inside my mouth. Hot hard salty flesh.

The hand in my hair guided my mouth. I pushed too far at first. Wanting it too much and I gagged. Frightened I pulled back, but the hand in my hair wouldn’t let me loose. He kept my mouth at the head, not letting my lips leave his flesh.

“Easy.” I heard Mrs. D murmur against my ear. Her cool fingers gently brushing my cheek. “Breathe through your nose. Take it slow. He won’t hurt you. We won’t hurt you.”

I resumed sucking. He took the rhythm for me, the hand in my hair never letting me go deeper than I could handle. My hands were hanging loose at my sides. I wanted to touch him, bring them up to his hips—up to his ass—but he hadn’t told me I could.

I heard him moan. A guttural sound filled with need. I loved it. Filled with my own need, lost in what I was doing I didn’t notice Mrs. D. I didn’t feel her hand until those cool fingers surrounded my dick. She’d opened the buttons of my khakis had my briefs down and pulled out my cock.

I moaned around the hot flesh in my mouth. It seemed to spur him on. He now had both hands in my hair and was fucking my mouth. I loved it. Tugging me back and pulling me forward in a merciless rhythm.

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