Impossible: The Case Against Lee Harvey Oswald (20 page)

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Authors: Barry Krusch

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #History

BOOK: Impossible: The Case Against Lee Harvey Oswald
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Then the
team contemplated a series of actions that that can only be described as treasonous, including
blowing up a United States ship
and creating
terrorist actions on United States soil!!

The military would then exploit the national indignation resulting from their actions through “casualty lists” published in United States newspapers:

Pay close attention to this last paragraph! The Joint Chiefs claimed that they could “develop a communist Cuban terror campaign” in Miami and even Washington. But how, pray tell, could they do that? How could they be so confident that the aforementioned “Communists” would cooperate? Here’s one theory:

Maybe that was because the supposed “Communists” were actually Americans paid to
as “Communists” by the United States government!

Wow. I need to catch my breath here. Is this really Walt Disney’s “America”?

After hinting in the broadest possible terms that they would mobilize Uncle Sam’s military might to murder Americans on a ship, the Joint Chiefs next indicated they had no problem executing innocent Cuban refugees, refugees who risked their lives to flee the gray and gloomy skies of Cuban dictatorship for the red white and blue opportunities of America — a country which neglected to tell them that the famous Emma Lazarus poem on the
Statue of Liberty
had an asterisk:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me . . . *
* So we can use them as pawns in a Pentagon-created false-flag operation. It’s how we keep the shores of America safe for freedom and democracy.

After this, with absolutely no trace of irony, the Joint Chiefs of Staff indicated that the “terror campaign” they created to murder innocent Cubans and frame Cuba would project to the international community Cuba’s illegitimacy, with the Chiefs showing their deep regard for human life by stipulating that they would only be “wounding” Cuban refugees already in America (unlike their cousins in the boats), closing with what must be one of the least self-aware statements in the history of the universe:

As if this wasn’t enough, the
Operation Northwoods
memo indicated the pursuit of a more elaborate conspiracy, extremely deep and sophisticated, utilizing American college students:

Perhaps novices in this line of work (considering the fact that this memo was not folded, spindled, drawn, quartered, shredded, sliced, diced, dissected, chopped, mashed, pounded, puréed, burned, bulldozed, or otherwise mutilated), the Joint Chiefs of Staff indicated they would deploy the branch of “government” far more experienced in covert operations like these — the CIA — to create fake identities for the college students, who would be transported in a counterfeit plane (what, you didn’t know there were such things?) belonging to a CIA front organization (known as a “proprietary”):

Because killing American college students (unlike passengers on a U.S. ship and refugees from Cuba) would be going too far, the Joint Chiefs of Staff decided to disembark the college students at an Air Force Base, curiously exposing themselves to the risk that someone would expose the worst-laid plan of mice and men:

As I stated, this would have been an amazing risk for the Joint Chiefs. College students would have been duped into participating in an act of treason against the United States, and surely one of them would have gone to the press once they learned how they were used. Why were the Joint Chiefs so sure they could control this leak? You’ll see why soon.

In the meantime, with our college students safely disembarked at the base, the main plan would continue. The Chiefs would fly the plane into Cuban airspace, and to mitigate any risk that the Cuban government would not shoot down an airplane with American college students (completely defeating the purpose of showing the American people how dangerous and uncivilized was the Cuban government), the American military would remotely destroy the plane by radio signal:

To render implausible the inevitable claims of “conspiracy theorists” (i.e. people who can spot a lie a mile off) that this was a terrorist action “Made in the USA”, the Joint Chiefs would draw independent radio stations affiliated with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) into the scheme to add to its credibility:


Operation Northwoods
memo: a devastating revelation, an official government document that confirms the worst fears we could have about “our” government.

The Joint Chiefs were well aware of the explosive nature of their memo, as indicated by their recommendations for transmittal:

The memo was then forwarded to the only authorized recipient, Secretary of Defense McNamara, who in all likelihood discussed the plan with President Kennedy. Needless to say, Kennedy and/or McNamara, at least one of whom did not have the ethics of a cobra (probably Kennedy), deep-sixed the outlined operations, which was distributed only one year and eight months before President Kennedy’s assassination . . .

memo offers a breathtaking view into the seamy underside of only
American covert operation; and there most likely have been
. Power like this gives the green light to the “government” (or, perhaps, a rogue group which has hijacked the government) to manufacture “terrorist incidents” the same way McDonald’s manufactures Chicken McNuggets, with no fear of discovery.

We don’t often get a look at memos like this, so learn well!

But, given that we
have the memo, what
we learned? Many, many valuable things, most of which contribute to an understanding of the Kennedy assassination:

  • The American government, in this case, represented by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, would perpetrate a scheme of deception to achieve an end, even though the means would be immoral, illegal, and un-American to the core.
  • To the people running the show (and as you can see, in this case it literally was a “show”), “War is hell”: murdering and wounding innocent people is part of the game, and “collateral damage” is the price others pay when the military decides to flex its muscles.
  • To some of the people running the show (the ones at the top, unfortunately), framing an innocent government with a crime it did not commit was
  • The military had the
    to create this deception.
  • The military was
    immoral enough
    to create this deception.
  • The military had media assets they knew would publicize their plan.
  • The military believed that innocent college students would not reveal their plan, or, if they would, that their comments could be somehow bottled up.

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