Impetuous Designs (5 page)

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Authors: Laura Major

BOOK: Impetuous Designs
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“Why did you let me have that last drink?” Mia asked as she nearly stumbled off the curb before Nate caught her by the elbow.

“You seemed to be really enjoying it. How did I know you were such a light weight?” Nate firmly held Mia’s elbow as she tried to playfully pull away. “Obviously getting behind the wheel is out of the question for you. Why don’t I drive you home in your car?”

“Why Mr. Long, is this a feeble attempt to take advantage a woman in a moment of vulner..nerrr...abilll..ity?” Mia slurred as she poked Nate in the chest.

“Oh come now, Mia.” Nate leaned in close to Mia’s ear. “I saw your eyes sparkle as you tried not to stare at my
physical qualities
during those first meetings at the studio. Even tonight, do you want me to think your foot had a mind of its own?”

“Oh, why can’t you just play along for once?” Mia pouted as she stopped behind her car and began to dig in her purse for her car keys. Finding them, Mia tossed the keys to Nate as he backed away from her in the direction of the driver’s side of the car.

Nate’s smile to himself was shielded by the dark recesses of the car interior as Mia gave him directions to her loft. The ride took less than ten minutes. He parked in the parking garage at the base of the loft building. Then he helped Mia into the building and let her lead the way to the front door of her loft.

At the door, Mia unlocked and opened it and then reached inside for the light. After turning it on, Mia turned around and stepped aside to let Nate pass. “I just wanted to make sure you got inside alright. I’ll see you Monday.”

“What did I say before we got into the car?” Mia asked tapping her foot on the wood floor of the loft’s foyer.

“Oh right, play along.” Nate answered smiling as he entered the loft.

“That’s better, can I get you something to drink?”

“Nothing stronger than water, I think we both have had enough.”

While Mia stepped into the kitchen to get the water, Nate walked around the open floor plan taking in every angle.
Geez, it still looks like she just moved in.
“How long have you lived here?”

“Three years.” From the kitchen, Mia looked out into the living room to spy on Nate’s reaction. Discerning nothing she continued, “You don't have to be polite. I know it doesn’t look like the home of an interior designer.”

“Well since you’re not an interior designer, I didn’t expect it to.”

“Ha ha, the sarcasm returns.” Mia made her way slowly into the living room with two glasses of ice water. She sat them down on the coffee table and motioned for Nate to sit down with her on the overstuffed beige couch.

“Looks to me like I came into your life just in time. With white walls, beige furniture, and dull wood floors, no wonder you’re so cranky.

“Don’t you mean bitchy.”

Nate ignored the bait and continued, “I’m surprised you haven’t been driven mad in this sterile environment devoid of any snippet of personality. Then again, you were hardly here with the reality television circuit in full swing, right?”

“Well, no one can accuse you of being at a loss for an opinion.”

“Hell, no wonder your man left. It probably was not your relentless pursuit of fame, but this uninspiring environment that drove him away.”

“Is that your way of making me feel better since the last time you brought him into the conversation? Damn, you really know how to kill a good buzz, don’t you?”

“I think you surpassed a good buzz a number of drinks ago.” Nate and Mia just looked at each other before they both started to laugh. As they recovered, Mia scooted along the couch cushions to sit closer to Nate.

“Well, you would know better than I.” Mia started to run her acrylic nails along the nape of Nate’s neck. “Maybe now would be a good time to tell me what was in those drinks.”

“I’m sure if you replay the evening bar conversation in your mind, you'll come up with the answer to your question.” Before Mia could press him any further, Nate angled his face toward hers.

Without much more prompting than that, Mia raised her chin in order for her lips met his and then leaned into the kiss that awaited her. His lips were cold and wet from the ice water. Yet she could still taste a hint of licorice, champagne and chocolate cherry cheesecake despite the recent sip of cold ice water. Suddenly the tip of his tongue tickled her lips as the arm nearest her slipped behind her back. Nate brought his free hand across her lap placing it on her outer thigh with a squeeze. Those special drinks and Nate’s masculine smell only intoxicated Mia further. Nate then moved his lips down to Mia’s neck as his hand moved up from her thigh and rested on her stomach. As Nate slid Mia onto her back and began to plant kissing along her chest in the direction of her breasts, her curiosity about the drinks and his plans for her loft drifted away. She longed to feel the weight of his body on top of hers. In order to accomplish her goal, Mia rested the calf of her outer leg against Nate’s taut backside and pressed her breasts against him as he began to refocus his kisses on to her lips. Smiling up at him, Mia stopped Nate before he could land another kiss on her lips, “What is this, Mr. Long.”

“I’m giving a girl a break.” Nate smiled as he palmed her breast with his free hand and grinded his bulge into her sweet spot. Mia gasped a little as she closed her eyes in the hopes that she could enjoy the moment without the room spinning around her. Nate continued to plant kisses on her lips and thumb her nipple through her thin silky red dress. As he felt her heart race beneath his palm and heard her breath quicken as he suckled on her neck, Nate raised himself up and slid back from Mia. “It’s getting late, I better get going.” Before Mia could get her bearings, Nate was on his feet and heading in the direction of the front door.

“Are you kidding? We’re not done here.” Mia tried to rise from the couch but the room was spinning.

“We’re done for tonight. Besides,...” Nate opened the front door and as he crossed the threshold he turned to give Mia one last look, “you'll thank me tomorrow when the Absinthe wears off.” Nate watched as Mia jaw dropped. With that, Nate closed the door behind him and left.

Chapter Five

The next day, Mia trudged to the kitchen exhausted. After Nate left, she passed out for a couple of hours before the strength of the alcohol from that night sent her racing for the cold comfort of the porcelain bowl.
Here I was trying to seduce information out of him and the joke’s on me.

Later in the afternoon, Mia, finally able to sit upright without the room spinning, opened her email inbox to find the address of the next home site.
Finally, I was beginning to think this show was grinding to a halt. The host and crew are always the last to know.
She double-clicked on it to find her own address in the body of the email.
I guess the entry period is over and Nate’s selected a winner.
Mia’s chest suddenly felt real tight and her stomach clinched in a fit of spasms. Mia was never much for instilling trust in others. She picked up her phone and pushed the button on her speed dial. When the voice answered, Mia started right away.

“What do you know about my loft redesign?”

“Well, hello to you too, Mia.”

“Look Sandy, I’ve had to stretch my neck out pretty thin for this new persona. This little project you’ve forced me into could make it or break it.”

“There’s no big payoff without a decent amount of risk.”

“I’m beginning to think the risk outweighs the payoff here, Sandy.” Mia pulled her knees to her chest in the overstuffed brown lounger in which she sat.

“I know Nate hasn’t exactly been the most cooperative, but you two seem to be working well together lately. I told you things would come around; why else do you think I agreed so quickly to the collaborative portion of his idea? I knew by the time we reached taping for this episode, you would have humanized yourself with him. I don’t think he’ll risk his reputation as a designer just to embarrass you. So, Mia…”

“I know. Relax.” Mia hung up not willing to underestimate Nate so quickly.

A week later, Mia was sitting in the kitchenette of her loft clutching a deep mug of home-brewed espresso in the hopes of shaking off another sleepless night. A knock came at the door as she tried to force down a raspberry pastry to further settle her stomach.

“So, are you ready Mia?” Nate walked passed her and entered the kitchen while the
Eye Design
crew began moving film equipment into the living room. The open loft style of the home with its exposed beams left little to second guess.

“Well that depends, are you going to run off before the job’s done, like the last time?” Mia instinctively began to pour Nate a mug of espresso.

Ignoring her verbal jab, Nate changed the subject. “Don’t those come in smaller servings due to its potency?” Nate eyed the huge mug closely.

“I have a feeling you’re going to need every extra ounce.” Mia smiled as she topped off her own mug.

“Well, drink up, because you’ve got ten minutes to leave and you can’t come back for 36 hours.”

“I never agreed to that,” Mia took another bite of her pastry.

“I don’t recall you agreeing to too much of anything. Anyway, the winning entrant is going to arrive any moment. You can’t be here when she does. We wouldn’t want any interference from the homeowner.”

“I promise to do as I’m told, after all you don’t get to run too many episodes, but I’m not leaving.” Mia smiled as she finished off her drink.

Nate felt his blood burn like acid in his veins after Mia’s comment. The last few weeks had been agreeable, but not so agreeable that he had any intensions of changing his plans. Luckily he planned for the little adjustments like those he’s encountered so far. He picked the most ludicrous entry the station received. He met the winner ahead of time and the ’80s crayon red punker was beyond pleased when Nate delivered the great news.
Hopefully, she’ll show on time. The look on Mia’s face when Suzy B shows up should be priceless.

Grateful for the knock that came at the door preventing Nate from playing into Mia’s little attempt at a verbal sparring, he rose from the kitchenette stool. “Fine, since I’m running things, I’ll get that.” Nate said with a smile.

He swung open the door and Suzy B didn’t disappoint. Her hair was a deeper shade of red than he remembered from their first meeting. Instead of fire engine red, it was more of the infamous spiked-heel ‘come fuck-me’ red he was use to seeing on women’s feet—not on their heads. The sides where shorter than the middle that ran down the center of her head to the knap of her neck. She wore numerous piercings in both ears, one in her nose and one in the cleft of her chin. She was definitely Mia’s polar opposite, in tight black jeans with lace and velvet adornments and a black oversized skull t-shirt. “Come on in Suzy.” Nate turned around to find Mia at his back with her mouth stuck in the open position. “She has that effect, doesn’t she? Imagine what your loft’s going to look like when we’re through.” Nate couldn’t let his own laughter or a sarcastic introduction ruin the richness of the moment, so he stepped aside and let Mia take in the vision all on her own.

Suzy B stepped forward and grabbed Mia in an awkward embrace as soon as Nate stepped aside. “I am so happy to meet you, Mia. How lucky can a girl get?”

“Yeah, lucky. That’s what I’d call it.” Mia stood stiffly as Suzy B continued to hug and release her and hug her again.

“I know you’ve never seen me before, but my jeans should be a dead giveaway.”

Nate watched as Mia looked Suzy B over and their eyes met again.

“It’s me, Mia. Patches! Suzy Benson is my real name. Feel free to call me Suzy B or Patches, if you prefer.” Suzy B walked passed Mia and began looking around. “Wow, it’s just like the before pictures. This place is too good for the Mia Simpson Transference Technique, no offense. But Mia, we’re going to bring out your inner Suzy B, I promise.”

Mia turned to Nate and gave him the look of a person viewing the ritual of a human sacrifice for the very first time and this time the
Eye Design
crew was there to capture it on film.

After several hours of shuffling Mia from one unfinished area of the loft to the next as he worked behind carefully placed tarps and paint cloths, Nate managed to keep the results of his collaboration with Suzy B a secret. Mia didn’t seem to like that her trick to monitor things and maintain control had been foiled. Nate made sure that the individual before segments and the preparation she had to film kept her busy as he and Suzy B remodeled each area of the loft.

Nate watched Mia from an opening in the hanging drop cloth as she prepared the area for him and Suzy B to remodel. The kitchenette was the last area, so Mia had plenty of overhead cabinets to clean out and just as many at the lower level calling for a series of squats to get the job done. In a pair of light khakis that hung off her hips and then stopped just below the calf, a layered red tank top and a white short-capped sleeved shirt that allowed the mid-drift of her red tank top to show, she stretched toward the overhead cabinets until the tips of her wavy locks hung down her back and grazed her rear-end—a rear-end that reminded Nate of an inverted heart. When it was time for Mia’s squatting football stance, Nate felt the need to adjust himself as he imagined her squatting in front of him. Hoping to walk off the sudden crowded feeling in the pelvic region of his dark tan pants, Nate walked over to her as she crouched down in front of a lower cabinet.
Why is the squatting view always wasted on an overweight sweaty plumber with a hairy ass?
Nate knew the answer.
I might not be able to keep the act of indifference going if I caught a glimpse of her parting moons.

“Are you enjoying the view from up there?” Mia called from over her shoulder.

“If you mean the view of where your hair intertwines with those tattered tracks, then yes. I have a perfect view.” Mia dropped her knee and did a 180 pivot coming in full alignment with Nate’s crotch. “Now this position is more to my liking.” Nate looked down at her and raised his eyebrows.

“Your interior must be designing overtime.” Mia grabbed the inner side of Nate’s calf and scaled the length of his leg like a rope climber until she reached the juncture of his upper thigh and his lower pelvic area. She let go to stand her full height in front of him. When she looked up at him, Nate leaned in. He could still smell the scent of espresso and raspberries on her breath as she exhaled from her lips. He grabbed her rear cheeks and pulled her toward the tight bulge that was testing the security of his fly. He didn’t say a word, just looking deep into her face hoping his growing physical reaction was telling her all she needed to know. Not sensing her full comprehension, he turned her to face the counter and gripped her hips firmly before grinding up into her. “Don’t start something you can’t finish. Oh wait, you already did that!” Ignoring her taunts, Nate reached his hands around her and cupped her equally firm breasts. The dulling of these sensations due to their clothes only propelled him grind and squeeze harder. She gasped, relaxed, and then leaned forward sticking her rear out to give him a better angle.
Ah, message received.
She felt so good in his clutches; he gave little care to Suzy B and the crew’s presence just on the other side of the hanging drop cloth.

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