Imperial Spy (41 page)

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Authors: Mark Robson

BOOK: Imperial Spy
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‘Quickly,’ she gurgled, her fingers slipping even further.

Spotting Femke’s hands holding on to the flagpole, her fingers slipping, Reynik realised there was no time for a controlled rescue. With no care for his own safety, he cast aside his knife
and launched into a dive towards the edge of the rooftop. Reynik’s body landed hard, belly down, and he slid headfirst with alarming momentum towards the edge of the rooftop. For a moment he
thought he had misjudged it and that they would both plummet to their deaths, but as his head and shoulders went over the edge of the roof, Reynik grabbed the pole to arrest his slide. His left
hand and arm absorbed his momentum, whilst his right hand grabbed at Femke’s wrist, just catching hold as her fingertips lost all purchase. The sudden weight lurching onto his right arm
yanked so hard it threatened to pull his arm from its shoulder socket. He growled at the pain, but clung to her with iron resolve.

Looking down at the stone steps below, Reynik knew no one could survive a fall from this height. He could not speak. He was stretched to the limit, but one look at Femke told him words were
unnecessary. She had passed out.

Inch by inch, he wormed his way back onto the roof until his right arm was holding Femke hard up against the wall. Then in a tremendous effort, he forced his body into a position where he could
draw Femke up onto the rooftop without overbalancing. Her body was scraped as he pulled her over the edge, but it could not be helped. She was alive. That was enough.

Reynik did not have to look around to know Shalidar was long gone. It was over. He could only hope the Royal Guards had caught the assassin, but he knew that was a lot to wish for. Sitting on
the rooftop with Femke lying back against him, Reynik felt exhausted.

Suddenly Femke coughed, regaining partial consciousness. A terrible spasm of pain tore at her side, bringing a fresh wash of blood to her mouth. It would be a shame to die now, she thought,
feeling herself slipping back into the abyss. I would like to tell the Emperor the true story.

‘Don’t worry, Femke,’ she heard Reynik saying softly in her ear. ‘You’ll be all right. Lie still. We’ll get the medics up here soon. Hang in there, do you
hear me? You can’t leave me now. How am I going to explain this to the Emperor on my own? I’m a soldier for goodness’ sake! You’re the one with all the answers.’

Femke roused slightly at that.

‘Naturally – I’m a woman,’ she croaked.

Reynik laughed.

‘That you are, Femke. Come on now. Concentrate on staying alive. Don’t leave me, Femke. Stay. The Empire needs you. I need you. Stay.’

‘Shalidar?’ she whispered.

‘Gone,’ Reynik replied softly.

‘Damn!’ she breathed.

Reynik felt Femke’s head relax and he realised she had lost consciousness again, but her breathing was steady and given her injuries she was better off that way. At least whilst she was
unconscious she would not be aware of the pain. He cradled her head softly against his chest and rocked her gently.

Feelings of guilt and happiness washed through him. Guilt, because a secret little flame of joy had kindled in his heart that Femke was now free of any romantic entanglement. He had been
attracted to her from the time they had left Shandrim, but at first he had judged her significantly older than he was and unattainable through status. Now he knew she was no more than two years his
senior, which was not an insurmountable age gap. Also, she was a spy, rather than an Ambassador.

These truths had not surfaced until after the arrival of Lord Danar, so he had buried his feelings deep in deference to the Lord, who had seemed a vastly more appropriate suitor. Reynik had
never been good at displaying his emotions. Maybe now he would get the chance to make his feelings known to her.

Sounds of feet approaching from behind caused him to smile. Royal Guards were coming. They would get Femke to the infirmary and he was sure she would be all right. The diplomatic mess would be
sorted out. It was over – at least for now.

One fear remained. Shalidar. Reynik knew he had made an enemy of the assassin today. Shalidar was not one to forgive and forget.

‘Well, Shalidar,’ Reynik muttered under his breath. ‘Neither am I.’





Coming soon from Simon & Schuster UK . . .




by Mark Robson



Declared outlaws by the Emperor, the Guild of Assassins strikes back hard.


The Emperor must act fast. He needs someone to infiltrate the Guild. All attempts to locate the assassins’ headquarters have failed. Femke is already known to the assassins.
So Reynik, the young legionnaire, must penetrate their inner circle to discover the Guild’s secrets.


But secrets kept hidden for over five centuries command a high price. Reynik is ready to risk his life, but this mission may demand more – this could cost him his soul.

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