ImPerfectly Matched! (The Match #2) (3 page)

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Authors: MJ Fields

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: ImPerfectly Matched! (The Match #2)
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@rider1: Fuck I know you would taste good. I’m fighting so hard not to lick that clit, don’t touch it sexy, I’m gonna take care of you.

@rider1: Closer, bring it closer but don’t touch that spot, that’s mine.

@rider1: I know you want to come. I know your pussy is throbbing, wet - fuck that - it’s soaked. So fucking hot. Closer, just a little.

@rider1: The pleasure is so intense it almost hurts. You want to come, but, not, fucking, yet. Let me lick you deep. Put it inside that little cunt of yours. Fuck I know you’re tight, I know your hips are grinding thinking about riding my face.

@rider1: I think it’s time, I’m hard, you’re hot, I think it’s fucking time.

@rider1: Slow, sexy, real fucking slow pull it out of you, slide it slowly up your wet hot pussy lips. Wait. Not. Fucking. Yet.

@rider1: Are you panting? Are you ready to come?

@rider1: Almost, almost.

@rider1: My tongue is licking your cunt, my hand is working my cock because it wants inside you so bad, but this one is all for you Kat.

@rider1: 3

@rider1: 2

@rider1: 1

@rider1: Now.

@rider1: Fuck yes, embrace it, grind into my face.

@rider1: I’m sucking harder, harder, harder.

@rider1: Feels so good. My mouth made your sweet little snatch feel better than anyone ever has. Still pulsing, grinding, ride it out. Fuck yes.

@rider1: I bet you come beautifully too. Fuck.

@rider1: Someday Kat.

@rider1: Someday my tongue is going to lick every fucking spot on that hot body and make you come so hard you’ll lose sight.

Kat: Perv.

@rider1: Night sexy.

Kat: Whatever.

‘Fuck me. What was that?’ I think throwing my phone down and closing my legs that are still trembling. Motherfucker. I just came from a damn text.

Another text pops up and in my post orgasmic state I hit it without looking.

@baller1: You + Me = A good time

Kat: Go fuck yourself.

@baller1: Isn’t that what we’re all trying to avoid?

Not necessarily,
I think as I toss my phone back down and smile.

What the fuck am I doing?

Sensible Saturday


“Kat?” I open my eyes and see Darby standing above me. “You slept on the couch?”

“I guess I did. I must have passed out. Hey, the good thing is you got the bed all to yourself.”

She smiles and I sit up. “Mom called.”

“Yeah?” I ask.

“She wants you to call her. She said she was wondering if I could stay an extra couple days.”

“Of course you can. You and I already talked about that.” I smile.

“But we hadn’t talked about it with our mom,” she says.

Okay, I LOVE Darby, and I don’t LOVE many people. Hell, I only like a few, but right now, she is team Mom-ster, and I’m a little bent. But me staying away for four years caused it, so I reel in the pissed off.

I nod once, then stand up. “I have to work today, then I’m off for two. It’ll be fun.”

“That’s great Kat. What do you normally do on your days off?” she asks.

I’m not going to tell her that I get fucked up on Saturdays. Sleep it off on Sundays if I don’t do it all over again. And Mondays I either sleep off Sunday or just veg.


“We’ll find something fun. I’ll be off by eight tonight.” I grab my phone to look at the time and the fucker starts pinging.

“Messages?” she asks.

“Yeah,” I say and quickly walk to the kitchen. “What do you eat for breakfast?”

“Normally just yogurt with some fruit.”


“Cool.” I open the fridge hoping Mom has stocked her favorites, but she hasn’t.

My phone rings now and I look at it.


Just like high school she always seems to know when I am fucking something up.

I answer the phone. “Hi Mom.”

“Everything all right?”

“Of course it’s all right, why wouldn’t it be?” I may come off a bit snippy, but she drives me to snip-ville every now and then.

“Well, for starters when your sister woke up to my call she didn’t know where you were.”

“I was asleep on the couch,” I defend myself, and I’m not sure from what or why. I chalk it up to not being a morning person.

“Why are you sleeping on the couch, it’s bad for your back.”

Oh dear God, I want to smash my head against the counter, but Darby is eyeballing me and I promised to be nice, plus, well I kind of like the new Carrie. All except this part.

“Sometimes you just fall asleep on the couch, Mom.”

“Try not to make it a habit, it really is bad for your-“

“I won’t. So what’s up?”

“A pipe broke. Water is everywhere, all over my new floors. It’s horrible, and these contractors are seriously lacking in work ethic,” she grumbles.

“That’s not cool. You should fire them and get someone else.”

“Absolutely not. They are fixing it.”


“Of course,” she sighs.

“Well, use what the good Lord gave you Mom,” I laugh.

“Katherine Ann Teresa Brun, where is your sister?”

“Mom-ster, I believe she went to the bathroom,” I say looking around for Darby.

“Good lord, please don’t say things like that in front of her.”

“You do know she went with me to the shop yesterday and will be today too. You can’t hide all of my ugly little secrets,” I laugh.

“That’s not what I meant,” she sighs.

I know it’s exactly what she meant but, whatever.

“So, she can stay with you at least one more day?”

“Hell yes she can. I also have the next two off. Her and I can-”

“Come home? Oh, please say yes. It would mean the world to me to have my two girls here.”

“Mom,” I begin.

“I promise the water situation will be fixed.” Then she whispers, “I think the foreman thinks I’m hot.”

“I have things to do. I wanted Darby and I to hang out here and-”

“I don’t ask for much.” Gone is the sultry Carrie and we are back to Mom voice.

“Fine. But if Darby wants to come back, she can, deal?”



The shop is busy as hell today. Darby is manning the desk. She insisted. I made her finger swear she wouldn’t tell Mom. She was reluctant, but did it. It’s not like Mom would be pissed, she knew she was here, but Darby acting like a stepford child is freaking me the hell out.

I have a back piece to do at two. One that I had been working on for a month now. Not on the tattoo itself, but on what would become the tattoo.

It’s easy when someone comes into the shop with an idea of what they want, but when they want you to design it completely, with no pictures just their idea in verbal form, it’s a lot of pressure. It’s permanent. Something that will forever be on their body. And in this case, something that I completely designed with only words for direction. It’s pressure.

‘An internal battle. Not some fucking skull and cross bones shit either. I want every fucking thing that makes it happen.’

‘Well, what’s it look like to you?’ I ask Bama.

‘It’s a fucking mess Kat, it’s storms and… words, and fists and broken shit. It’s a fucking mess.’

‘And you want me to ink you with a fucking mess’ I sigh.

‘Yep. Make it dark,’ is all he said before, ‘See you in a month.’

He didn’t make an appointment; the man was his word. See you in month meant he would be here, in exactly a month.

It’s one-fifty in the afternoon; I sit next to Darby at the desk. She seems very happy. God I want her to be happy. She smiles at me with excitement in her eyes as the next person walks through the door. A chick. Yuck.

She’s here to see Ricco. Darby informs her he’s not due in until three. The woman says she’ll wait. I’m sure she will. I glance up and see a curvy Latino with a bobbed off choppy haircut, but the natural ringlets in her hair are fucking gorgeous. Bitch.

I hate her for no reason.


I look at the sketch in my hand. A funnel cloud in gray, inside are faces looking out that appear tormented. Around it is debris, branches, and twigs. The base is almost transparent, but resembles the base of a tree, roots come from beneath.

The storm is grounded.

No words necessary.

I look up from my paper and see Ricco and his daughter coming down the hallway from the back.

My stomach immediately does something really fucking stupid, it flips. I instantly look at her, and then away. What the fuck is wrong with me?

I see his feet stop out of my peripheral and look up. He looks… affected; it’s in complete contrast to Ricco’s typical demeanor.

He squats down and takes Nat’s chin in his hand, she is two seconds from running in my direction. I know damn well it’s to Darby. “Nat how about you go color in the back.”

“But I wanna say sorry to the cat, and ask Darby-”

“Natalia,” he begins.

“Oh my God, look at her,” the woman waiting for him squeals. “Natalia, you are so beautiful. Come and give Auntie Lou a hug.”

Nat looks at Ricco, he narrows his eyes a bit. “How about you go color?”

“But,” she begins.

“Now Natalia,” he says.

“I’ll go with.” Darby quickly stands up and walks to her.

“Don’t be silly. I have missed-”

“You got her Darby?” Ricco asks and Darby nods.

“She’s my niece Ricco,” the woman says.

He points to the door. “Not here.”

“Why not? You and my mother have kept her from me for-” she stops when he grabs her elbow.

“Not. Here,” he says.

She jerks her elbow away. “You think a court isn’t going to grant me access to her? You think that when they know how she lives, how you live, they aren’t going to think she’d be better off with me than you?”

“I’m her father, and you aren’t shit,” he sneers in a low growl.

“Ricco, you want me to call the cops?” I ask standing up.

“No, Kat. I want you to stay out of it,” he hisses at me.

She looks at me, smirks, and gives me a look as if to intimidate. I make damn sure she knows it is lost on me. I give her the finger, and no he doesn’t see.

The door opens and Bama walks in. He nods hello to Ricco and then looks at the woman. He rolls his eyes and walks by. “You ready for me?”

I don’t answer and Ricco looks back at me. “Kat,” he warns. “I’m good.”

“Fine, but-”

“Kat, I’m fucking good. Go.”

I look at Bama who shakes his head. “Bitches and drama.”

“I know you aren’t talking about me,” I say slapping my drawing against his leather biker jacket.

“Nah, you’re one bitch I like.”

“And I guess that’s a compliment.” I nod toward the hall. “Let’s go, this is gonna take a while.”

He walks down the hall and I look back at Auntie Lou flipping shit on Ricco outside the shop. He stands cross armed and I see him mouth what I am sure is ‘Fucking bitch’.

This is absolutely out of character for him, and now I wanna know what the hell is going on.

“Kat, let’s go. Daylight’s a burning.”

“No shit,” I say and he shakes his head as he walks to my room.

I look down the hall toward the break room and then back toward where Ricco is still arguing with the crazy bitch.

The man is drama. Now, I’m not saying he brings it on himself. What I am saying is, as much as I want his tongue inside me again, and I can’t ignore the urge to ‘phone home’ on his uncut bone phone, I need to seriously think about what that means.

He looks in and sees me looking at him and he raises his eyebrow. I raise my finger, then turn around and walk into my room.

I leave the door open a crack because if shit goes down, I want in.

For Darby’s sake of course.



Bama loved the piece I did. He actually said he loved it. Usually he says, ‘Looks good,’ or ‘Good job.’ This time he said he loved it.

I don’t let a lot of things get to me. “Kat?”

I look up as Darby peeks her head in my room. “What’s up?”

“I was thinking maybe Natalia could come hang out with us-”

“She’s fine where she is.”

Darby jumps when she hears Ricco behind her.

She turns around. “She said she was hungry.”

Darby is giving him ‘tude.

“She ate before we came. She’s got a lunch in-”

“I want to go, Daddy,” I hear her say before she makes a V with her arms and plows through Ricco, Darby, and the doorway. “I want ice cream.”

She’s addressing me.

Ugghh! Why? Why me?

“Kat’s busy,” he says reaching for her hand. “So am I. When it slows down we’ll walk-”

“Grammy gave me ice cream,” she says and her little lip quivers.

Why is she looking at me?! Why?

I look away, I don’t wanna see that. “Really no big deal. We can go get ice cream. I’m done.”

“I won’t shower your bed again, I promise,” she says lunging at me and wrapping her arms around my waist.

Oh fuck, what do I do? I don’t like kids. Kids don’t like me. Well Darby did. But she’s… Darby.

I look up at Darby, she looks mortified. And not for me, but because of me.

Fine. Fuck it.

I give her a hug-ish and a pat on the back. “The bed’s fine. You’re fine. We’re all… fine.”

“Nat, what did I tell you about Kat?”

“She’s a scaredy cat of kids.” She pulls back and looks up at me and whispers, “I’m not scary.”

I shake my head no. “You’re too little to be afraid of. Plus your dad is crazy if he thinks I’m afraid of-”

“Kat,” he warns.

“Natalia, how about you come with me, let them figure it out,” Darby says and Natalia gladly pounces over to her.

Once they’re outside of the room, he shuts the door.

I stand and cross my arms over my chest. “I’m not afraid of kids. And why does she call pissing the bed a shower?”

“Sometimes a man needs to protect his kid and-”

“Protect her from me?” I gasp.

“Would you prefer I said you hate kids?” he asks.

“I don’t hate them,” I defend myself. “I just don’t…like them.”

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