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Authors: Shaniel Watson

BOOK: Imperfections
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Table of Contents









Shaniel Watson





Copyright © 2014 by Shaniel Watson

Published by Shaniel Watson

First Edition March 2015

ISBN: 978-0-9861639-0-6


No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Cover by © Sarah Hansen Okay Creations


Interior Design by Amy Eye, The Eyes For Editing







I'm the mother of two beautiful little girls, Sania and Kyeara; they drive me crazy at times with their arguments, but as much as they drive me crazy, I love them even more. This book is dedicated to them along with my sister, Nicole, my brother-in-law, Errol, my mother, father and my cousin Andrea. They believed in me and my ability to write this book before reading a single word I had written. Thank you for all your love and support.


Chapter One




Here we go. I can't believe I'm at my sister's wedding getting ready to watch her walk down the aisle, to my best friend. I'm the maid of honor and I'm in love with the groom. This is so wrong on so many levels. I watch her walk down the aisle on my father's arm, she is so beautiful. She looks like she's walking in a field of white-and-pink roses in an off-the-shoulder lace and satin form-fitting gown. Suddenly, the whole room freezes and everyone turns to me in slow motion and my sister mouths to me, "You want him? You can't have him. You're too late."

That's the furthest I get in the dream or I should say, nightmare, I have my first night back home. The longest night of my twenty-four years on this earth. The moment she said those three crushing words, "We're getting married." My heart almost stopped.

Welcome freaking home to me!

I'm back in New York after four years and no one came to meet me at the airport. I know I said I didn't want anyone picking me up, but they haven't seen me in over a year and I was only in New York for two days. I can't wait to see everyone especially my niece, my eldest brother James's three-year-old daughter. She is so cute with chubby cheeks, lots of curly long hair that reaches her shoulders, big dark brown eyes with sun-kissed skin just like her mother and a smile that would melt anyone's heart. I also can't wait to see Kaitlin and Christopher, my twin brother and sister.

The one person I missed as much as my family is my best friend, Nicholas Alexander. For a few years, Nick, my brother Chris, and I were like the three musketeers; we always had each other's backs. Even though they were four years older than me, they never treated me like a little kid.

While I'm in my thoughts the cab pulls up to the front of the house.

"This is your stop," the cab driver says.

I open my bag and he looks up at the red brick house that I grew up in.

"You live here?"

"Yes, I've been gone awhile, but I'm back for good now."

"Mind if I ask you something?" He turns his head and looks at me.

"No," I say, trying to find my wallet in my huge bag that would seem contains my whole life.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

I smile to myself, finding my wallet. I look up and realize he's kind of cute but not my type. His deep brown eyes do draw you in and his full head of brown curly hair is begging to be touched. He's the cutest cab driver I've ever had but there's only one guy I'm interested in.

"Not exactly. He's a boy and he's my friend but I'm hoping to put the two together real soon," I answer truthfully so I don't have to shut him down if he asks for my number. He smiles at me and shakes his head.

"The pretty ones are always taken; nice house and here's my number just in case it doesn't work out with your friend or if you need a ride. I'll be more than happy to pick you up anytime."

I take the card he hands me as I step out of his cab and I flash him a smile. "Thank you," I say, closing the door as an unusual cold blast of air for this time of year hits me, and I get my suitcase out of the trunk.

I forgot October could get this cold in New York. I climb up the seven steps that will lead me to my parents' front door and get my keys out of my bag. I should have checked the weather and worn pants instead of my coral pink cable-knit sweater dress that only catches me mid-thigh and three-inch calf-high black leather boots. It's so cold I can see my own breath. Thank God I wore my long red-skirted pea coat that catches me just above my knees and my black cashmere scarf. Man, this suitcase is heavier than I remember, I thought I packed light. I'm glad I had the rest of my stuff shipped here. I should have worn my hat but of course I didn't want to mess up my curls. I turn the key in the lock and push the door open.


A room full of family and friends yell, scaring the shit out of me. I'm scared speechless while my mom and dad rush toward me.

"Baby, were you surprised?" My mom says.

Hell yeah, but I'm so happy to see them.

"Yes, I'm so surprised I almost wet myself."

My dad grabs me from my mom's arms. "Come here, baby girl." He gives me a bear hug lifting me off my feet. "My kitty Cat's home," he says in his deep voice.

"I love you too, Dad, but please let me go I need to breathe."

I'm so happy I'm smiling from ear to ear and so is he. I feel like a spinning top for the next ten minutes while everyone hugs me. James starts teasing me about my height as usual because my mother and I are the shortest ones in our immediate family at five three.

"Damn, girl, I see you finally had that growth spurt, when did that happen?"

"As soon as I bought these two-hundred-dollar boots." I lower my voice. "Smart ass."

We start laughing, like old times.

"Watch your mouth, little girl, I'm still your big brother."

"How can I forget when you're always reminding me?" I say, rolling my eyes. "Jay, where's Sasha, that cute niece of mine?"

"My little angel fell asleep waiting for you."

"I wanted to see her. I guess I'll look in on her later. Where are Chris and Kate?" I ask at the same time the doorbell rings.

"They're running late but maybe that's them."

I turn around and see them walking into the living room looking nothing like twins at all but that's nothing new; they were always opposites. I always thought Chris and I should have been twins, we are more alike when it comes to sports and our personalities. He always had time for me no matter how small or big my problems were. Kate was the opposite of us both; she was always into girly stuff when we were younger. She had tons of girlfriends and was basically a social butterfly. She never understood why I wanted to hang out with Chris and Nick.

"Oh my God, Cat!" Kate says when she sees me.

We both rush forward to give each other a hug.

"You look great, Cat, when did you get this hourglass shape? Don't tell me it's been that long or is it because you took my advice and stopped wearing your clothes two sizes too big?"

"Don't start that, I never wore my clothes two sizes too big, they were just roomy and I was on the thinner side."

"Well it looks like you've gained some weight in all the right places. You look fabulous and I love this outfit, I've never seen you look so sexy."

"Watch the sexy talk," Chris chimes in. "That's my baby sister."

"Chris, please shut up and give me a hug." I wrap my arms around his neck and he twirls me around once before putting me back on my feet.

"Your style has changed, and I approve," Kate says, giving me a nod of approval.

"Yes, my style has changed since you last saw me, and I owe it all to working out four days a week and eating right." I pull out of Chris's hug and take three steps back, give them my best model pose, sultry eyes and head tilting pouty lip, while both my brothers look at me. At the same time they both shake their heads and say,

"Please stop!"

Kate looks at me with her almond-shaped dark brown eyes. "Is this new look for anyone in particular?"

"Can't a girl take care of herself? You know what they say—when you look good you feel good. Besides, sometimes change is good; it gives you a new start. So what's new, guys?" Kate looks at me like she has something to tell me. I know that look; she definitely has something to say.

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