Imperfect Penelope (Wild Crush) (9 page)

BOOK: Imperfect Penelope (Wild Crush)
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Penny’s heart thudded in her chest. The bathroom light was unforgiving, and it was hard to forget the way he’d turned away from her last time she’d disrobed for his benefit.

“Penelope.” He put two fingers under her chin and lifted her face so she could no longer avoid his gaze. His eyes glittered with banked passion. “You have no idea how hard it was for me to walk out of your house that morning. Do you?”

She bit her lip and tried to turn from him, but Greg gripped her chin and held her still. “I’m not walking away this time. Please. I need to see you.”

His words did nothing to calm her heartbeat, and the adrenaline made Penny’s fingers tremble when she reached for the shoulder straps of her dress. Greg had already unzipped it in the car, and the lightweight material fell down her arms with little urging. Penny pulled her hands free of the dress as it pooled at her waist. Her pulse hammered in her throat as she watched Greg’s face.

The desire that had been simmering in his eyes flared, lighting up those glowing flecks and turning his irises from deep brown to bright gold. His hot gaze fixed on her breasts. His avid attention made their peaks distend and spill over the top of her lacy demi-bra.

“Good God,” Greg rasped, and reached out a hand until his fingers grazed the tip of her nipple. Penny’s body jerked and any remaining self-consciousness fled. She arched, inviting him to touch because she wanted him to. She wanted him to touch, and caress and pinch. Her breasts might be small but they’d always been sensitive, and Penny couldn’t hold in her whimpers of pleasure when Greg did as she’d wished.

He brought his right hand up to cover her other breast. His fingers were warm and skillful as he played with her nipples like a master musician played the strings of an instrument. When he gave each nipple a light pinch, Penny dropped her head back and moaned aloud.

“Jesus. I need you in bed. Now.”

Penny lifted her head and looked at him. “Don’t stop… Feels so good.”


Letting her thighs melt apart, Penny perched a knee on either side of Greg’s hips and used the leverage to draw him forward. She reached out and touched his chest, enjoyed the slight tickle of the fine hair coating his pecs as it brushed over her palms. “Kiss me. Kiss in that way you do.”

Gripping her hips, he moved into the V of her open legs and stared down at her. “What way is that?”

“Like you own me,” Penny said. “Then I want you to fuck me like that too.”

Chapter Nine

He groaned and yanked her forward until, at long last, she could feel the solid jut of his erection pressing against her mound. Then his mouth was on hers, devouring, conquering, just as he had allowed her to do to him in the car. If it weren’t for that, Penny might have thought they weren’t evenly matched, that it was too easy for him to turn her to mush and that she was in big, big trouble. But he wanted her to take what she needed, not merely to let him have his way. And she would. Like a sophisticated, savvy, sexually aware woman.

She pushed at his shirt until he took the hint and tore it off his arms without breaking contact with her lips. Penny ran her hands over his shoulders, enjoying the width and solidity of them, before moving her touch up to his hair. She pressed herself tighter to him as she ran her fingers through the short strands. Her nails dug into his scalp, but he didn’t seem to mind. In fact the savagery of his kiss intensified. It stole Penny’s breath, replaced every coherent thought with pure need.

When he reached inside the flowing skirt of her dress and found the edges of her panties, Penny dropped her hands to the vanity behind her, lifting her hips. Greg yanked the underwear down her legs, or tried too. He couldn’t get them past her splayed thighs.

So he ripped them.

Penny gasped at the sound of tearing fabric. For a moment Greg stilled, his chest rising and falling in a rapid cadence as he released her lips. He checked her expression. His own was shocked. But Penny knew all he’d see in her face was excitement and out-of-control lust. “Yes. God, yes.”

The shock fell away to be replaced by gritty determination. Greg threw the ruined panties aside and slid his hands up her thighs, pushing the material of her dress out of the way. When the garment was nothing but a ribbon of fabric around her waist, he stepped back to look at her.

It should have been disconcerting, having him examine her innermost spaces in the glaring bathroom light. It wasn’t. The appreciation in his gaze made Penny feel sexy, powerful. Powerful enough that she had the temerity to open her legs wider, to let him see all of her and how much she wanted him. For a moment Greg closed his eyes tight, the picture of rapidly unraveling restraint. Penny loved that she was causing that unraveling. That she was the only woman he wanted to risk coming apart with. Even if it was only for one night, that made her feel pretty darn special.

“Greg, it’s okay.” Penny leaned forward and reached for his belt buckle. Unlike in the car, he didn’t stop her as she undid it and slipped the leather free of his pants. “I want you like this.”

He opened his eyes. His gaze was tortured. “You want me to lose my mind?”

Penny smiled as she undid his zipper. “For one night it can’t hurt. I’m sure you’ll find it in the morning.”

She pushed his trousers past his hips. His underwear was navy blue and straining at the seams. Carefully, Penny reached inside the cotton and touched the hot, smooth silk of his steel-hard cock. He flinched and grabbed her wrist. But instead of pulling her hand away he urged her to move it, to stroke it up and down. The copious precome that had already leaked from the bulbous head of his penis made it easy. Greg dropped his head back, the strong column of his throat a sexy line that Penny pressed her lips to as she pumped him.

“Fuck. Oh, Penny…fuck.”

Penny reached out a hand for the foil packets Greg had taken out of the medicine cabinet earlier. She used her teeth to rip one open, making quick work of rolling the condom over his erection. When she was done, she cupped his balls and moved her lips down to his chest, where she licked the hard point of his nipple.

Making an animalistic noise in the back of his throat, Greg grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. The man who stared down at her wasn’t the civilized, respected lawyer who was always in control. His suit was gone, his air of restraint was gone. All that was left was raw, indomitable male, and in response Penny felt purely female, vulnerable yet strong and more desperately turned on than she’d ever been in her life.

“Hands behind you.”

No please this time, no polite request. It was an order, and Penny followed it. She placed her palms on the vanity behind her. The pose thrust her breasts forward, and Greg stared at them as he dragged her hips to the very edge of the counter. She supposed most women would have preferred to be looked in the eye but as her chest had never particularly impressed anyone before, Penny liked that Greg couldn’t stop looking at it.

Penny’s pussy fluttered in anticipation when Greg probed its entrance with his cock. She was so wet the tip slid in easily. Greg’s face changed as the last layer of his refinement fell away. His eyes glittered with purpose, and his jaw set in a determined line as he pushed forward and filled her with one dominating thrust.

Penny cried out, the sharp entry shocking her with its primal intensity. Greg pulled back immediately and did it again, and the second time was even better. Her muscles adjusted to his size, accepting him, clutching at him to bring him back. He returned to her, over and over, pounding into her until her thighs shook and her body jarred with each brusque plunge.

“Is this what you wanted?” Greg demanded, his voice a throaty growl. “For me to fuck you like this?”

“Yes.” Penny arched and pushed her hips into his next thrust, showing him how much she wanted it. “Do it like that.”

“I want you to come. Touch yourself.”

Balancing on her left hand, Penny used her right to do as he bid. She found her clit and added pressure with the tip of her middle finger. She’d been on such a tight rope since he’d kissed her at the wedding, that it only took a few swipes before the convulsions began. “Oh God. I’m coming.”

“Yes. That’s it. Christ, you’re beautiful. Fuck.

Her own orgasm was still reaching its peak when Greg lost himself inside her. Penny rode out her climax, her eyes glued to his face. In the throes of ecstasy, he was incredible to look at. He wasn’t polished anymore, he wasn’t in command. He was completely undone, and the thought that
had done that to him was so heady Penny almost felt like she could come again. But she had to put her hand back on the vanity because balancing on one was no mean feat. Follow-up orgasms would have to wait.

Greg put his hands down beside hers, as though his legs were threatening to give out on him. He was breathing hard, harder than she. With a soft curse, he let his head fall to her shoulder. “My God, Pen. That was…I’m…sorry. I’m….”

Speechless. The opinionated lawyer was lost for words and something about that, about the weight of his head on her shoulder, about the pained yet completely inappropriate use of the word sorry, made Penny’s heart squeeze. She decided it was worth the effort of balancing on one hand after all, and brought one up to stroke the hair at Greg’s nape. “Shh. It’s okay.”

He made a noise that was half groan, half scoff, and lifted his head. His eyes were dark once more, gilt only subtly with those flecks of gold, and filled with a worry that made Penny’s heart squeeze tighter. “I didn’t…hurt you, did I?”

Penny showed him a reassuring smile. “Not a bit. I’m pretty flexible, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

“Believe me, I’ve noticed.”

He pushed himself upright and very carefully pulled out of her. His brow furrowed, and he didn’t meet her eyes as he disposed of the condom in a nearby bin. The return of that too-familiar frown made the back of Penny’s eyes sting. “Greg?”

“Hmm?” he responded as he stepped out of his trousers.

“I asked for it, remember?”

He looked at her, and heat flashed through his eyes at the reminder. “I’d say you demanded it.”

“Is…is that a problem?” The idea that he might think less of her for being forward made her feel vaguely ill.

Apparently working out what she was thinking, Greg quickly drew her against his chest and wrapped his arms securely around her. “No. God no. I loved that. Vocal is good.
good. Sexy. Too damn sexy.”

Relief at his comically emphatic refutation made Penny laugh. “There’s such a thing as too sexy?”

“Yes. I lost it, Pen.” A shaky sigh eased out of him, making his chest tremor against Penny’s ear. “Nothing like that has ever happened to me before. I tend to be more…methodical.”

Penny rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him. “You think there’s a method to sex?”

“There’s a method to everything.”

Recognizing he was serious, Penny sat back and hiked her eyebrows. “And what exactly is your usual sexual technique, lawyer man?”

“I wouldn’t call it usual,” Greg drawled. “I’ve been with a grand total of five women in my entire life—six including you. But I have found that my way tends to work out best.”

Penny gaped a little, both at his sheer arrogance and his confession to having slept with only five women. Her number was a tad higher—okay double his—and she flushed slightly, wondering if she ought to feel slutty, especially considering she was eight years younger than him.

Nah, she decided, a little angry at herself for even letting her mind go there. If the situation were reversed, there was no way she’d care if he’d slept with double the number of people she had. No way was she going to slut shame herself, and if Greg did it, she’d be out of here like a shot.

“You’ve decided, based on your vast experience with five women, that sex ought to be conducted in some proper order—the world order according to Greg—and if it ever strays from said order it means something went wrong.”

He considered her statement a moment before nodding. “That’s right.”

“That’s right,” she repeated incredulously. “For your information, you screwing me on the bathroom sink felt pretty freaking right to me. It was spontaneous and fun, and for once you let yourself feel something instead of adhering to some rigid structure that only makes sense to you. Maybe you should take the advice of someone who’s slept with
people and learn to go with the flow. You might like it.”

He tilted his head and examined her face. Penny lifted her chin, refusing to blush. She’d just thrown her number at him like a gauntlet, but she was holding her head high and if he dared to make comment…

“You’re on.”

Penny blinked. “I’m on what?”

“I accept your challenge.”

Greg smiled, and it was such a self-assured, sexy smile that Penny’s nipples actually peaked. Her sex hummed too, as though with that one smile he’d established a direct line to her clit. Greg had always been fairly serious, and even in a dour mood he was pretty hard to resist. But smiling he was…

Dangerous. Very dangerous.

“I don’t understand,” Penny said, trying to shake off the effects of that smile and failing. Her libido was thrumming back to life, ready for round two. It didn’t help when Greg lifted her off the vanity—again, Rhett Butler-style—and carried her out of the bathroom, a few meters through the living room, to another open door where he deposited her on a big comfy mattress.

He switched on a lamp. In the bathroom she hadn’t seen him full frontal, and seeing him in the soft illumination was a treat that her all-too-eager sex drive enjoyed immensely. He was hard all over, including at the juncture of his thighs where his cock was already at half-mast. He had impressive stamina, a sexy-as-hell smile, and he hadn’t even blinked when she’d admitted to being with more people than him.

If Penny wasn’t careful, she could easily fall for him.

So you’ll be very, very careful, won’t you, Penny?

“My method against yours, sweetheart.” He grinned and Penny’s heart did a rapid double take.
Be very careful…
“Let’s get started.”

“Ideally, I like to get the undressing done first,” Greg said as he lifted one of Penny’s feet and began undoing the buckle of her sandal. “Although I did enjoy fucking you when you had these on.”

He’d also enjoyed pushing her dress to her waist instead of taking it off before plunging into her tight heat. Greg grew thick and hard just remembering it. He must be setting some kind of record for sexual recovery.

He removed the first sandal, then the other, before running his hands up her legs until he touched the dress at her waist. As he slowly removed it, he remembered her torn underwear. He liked the idea she wouldn’t have anything to put back on. “Sorry about your panties.”

“You don’t sound the least bit sorry,” Penny accurately pointed out. “I think you liked ripping them, even though it wasn’t part of your master plan.”

“I’ll never admit it.”

He smirked and she frowned. “Stop doing that.”

He crawled onto the bed with her. “Doing what?”

“Smiling. It’s…” Something glimmered in her eyes, and for a split second Greg thought it was fear. Then it was gone and she was back to her usual pithy self. “It’s smug.”

“I’m often smug when I’m right. It’s a character flaw. Now this.” He reached behind her back, compelling her to arch off the mattress while he located the hook of her bra and unfastened it. “Your breasts look very sweet wrapped up in lace but they don’t need decorating.”

He pulled the bra off her arms and tossed it aside. At last she was nude, and Greg leaned back on one elbow to survey what he’d revealed. A gorgeous body made of subtle curves and slender lines. Pert breasts, a flat stomach and long supple legs leading up to a neatly trimmed triangle of golden hair. She was perfect, and she had a perfect pink pussy that had made him lose his head in the bathroom. She’d parted her legs for him, bold and sure of herself, and he had to have her, right then and there.

He almost lost his head now when she let her hand drift down to tangle through those blonde curls. “So far your method is proving to be downright slow, lawyer man. Are you going to make me do this myself?”

Greg watched for a moment, his erection straining, as she found her clit and rubbed slow, sensual circles over it. He knew what she was doing. The cheeky minx was testing his control, hoping it would break and prove her point. Greg let her think it was working for a minute while he watched her play with her clit and catalogued every movement so he’d know exactly how to touch her when the time came. He waited until her breath came faster and her hips started undulating before he stopped her.

BOOK: Imperfect Penelope (Wild Crush)
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