Read Imperfect Justice Online

Authors: Olivia Jaymes

Tags: #Romance, #Western, #Contemporary, #Erotica, #Sheriff

Imperfect Justice (12 page)

BOOK: Imperfect Justice
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ared tipped his hat to the lady behind the counter of the Springwood diner when she told him to take any table he liked. Driving here today, he’d been intrigued by the call from Misty. She wanted to talk to him, which was good in and of itself. He hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind since that night weeks ago. Maybe she’d changed her mind about leaving Fielding.

Of course her request to meet out of town had caught him by surprise, although it shouldn’t have. Misty had some scars from the gossips in town, and somehow they’d both escaped being grist for that mill after the night he’d spent at her apartment.

Settling into a booth back in a corner, he ordered a coffee for him and a hot chocolate for her. For some reason he was nervous, which was unusual. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman had made him feel like this, but then Misty was different than the women he usually dated.

Sweet. Giving but strong. And definitely more innocent.

The bell over the diner door rang and Misty entered, bundled up in her long black wool coat that made a stark contrast to the paleness of her hair. She’d left it down today and it curled at the ends, making him want to reach out and pluck at a silky strand.

Standing as she settled across from him, he took her coat and hung it on the hooks provided outside the booth. She was wearing blue jeans and another cream colored sweater that completely swamped what he now knew were the sweetest curves imaginable. It ought to be against the law to cover up a body that perfectly beautiful.

“I ordered you some hot chocolate,” he said after they greeted each other. It had been slightly awkward but he’d managed a kiss on her cheek before she pulled away. “I hope that’s okay.”

“That’s perfect, although it’s not too cold today. Spring is right around the corner.”

The waitress put their two mugs on the table with a smile before bustling away to help other customers.

“I think it’s supposed to get to forty today,” he replied, not sure what else to say. This was Misty’s meeting.

Clearly out of weather conversation, she dipped her spoon into the whipped cream and licked it off. She had no idea how sensual it appeared to him and how his groin tightened in response. He cleared his throat and mustered up an easy smile.

“So you wanted to see me. And all the way out here in Springwood.”

He didn’t say that he’d wanted to see her as well.

Misty set her spoon down and picked up the paper napkin, scrunching it between her fingers. “I apologize for the subterfuge but I wanted to talk to you without the prying eyes of Fielding on us.”

“It’s not a problem. I have a buddy in town I can visit while I’m here.”

It would be good to see Tanner again, although he would see him on Sunday at the meeting with all the other guys. Jared was particularly anxious to talk to all of them about the specter of Boyd Hicks.

“That’s good.” She was fiddling with her spoon again and staring down at the table. “How have you been?”

“I’ve been good. And you?”

His curiosity was getting the better of him. If she wanted them to start seeing each other again, hell, he was all for it. Maybe he should make this easier for her.

“I’m good. I’ve been busy packing and getting ready to move.”

His stomach seemed to plunge and twist in reaction to her words. She wasn’t staying. She was still leaving. So what was this about? Another night before she left for good? Was he just the boy-toy now? If this wasn’t about them, he wanted to get down to business.

“So what did you want–” he began.

“I’m pregnant.”

Her words were whispered but he heard them clearly. But his mind was having trouble with their meaning while the back of his neck broke into a sweat.

“Could you say that ag–”

“I’m pregnant.” This time she raised her gaze from the table. Her lips were trembling as if she was about to burst into tears. Instinct made him grab her hand and squeeze the fingers comfortingly.

But who was going to comfort him? His dense brain had finally processed her statement and a surreal feeling came over him. This couldn’t be right.

“I wore a condom.”

Her eyes closed briefly and she shook her head. “Yeah, that was exactly my first thought. So I took a second test. It was positive too.”


He felt like a judge had just pounded a gavel and a cell door swung shut. It sucked the oxygen from his lungs, making it almost impossible to breathe.


Misty was pregnant and he was going to be a father. At that moment she looked so young and vulnerable. Too young to be having his kid. She looked scared as well. Well, that made two of them. He wanted to run from the diner and not look back.

But he wouldn’t do that.

Misty had trusted him that night to take care of her. He’d been the one with experience and he’d told her everything would be okay. He was responsible for this and by God, he’d do right by her. That’s what a man did. Take responsibility for his mistakes.

“Are you okay?” he finally asked, still trying to wrap his mind around what she’d said. His head was telling him he ought to get proof or something but then realized Misty wasn’t the type of person to pull something like that. From her expression she was just as devastated as he was.

“I’m tired and I don’t like the smell of certain things, but I’m okay.” Her fingers had twisted together and the knuckles were white. “Listen, I’m not asking anything of you, okay? I just wanted to tell you because it was the right thing to do. You can be as involved or not involved as you want. And you can come visit the baby anytime. I mean that.”

“I’m the father.” His voice sounded strangled but the words came out. “Of course I’m going to be involved.”

His thoughts were coming into focus now and a sharp stab of fear pierced his heart. He didn’t want to lose out on being this child’s father. Planned or unplanned. He was going to be a dad. A dad. As crazy as it was it was also kind of miraculous. He and Misty had made a baby.

“I’m just saying I’m not trying to put any pressure on you.”

Jared tried to smile and put her at ease. Clearly she’d been terrified to tell him and he was glad she wasn’t telling some other kind of guy. The kind that wouldn’t be supportive or caring. He hoped he was better than that.

“I think we’re both going to feel pressure for the next eighteen years or so. Raising a child is going to be a challenge, honey, but I think we’re up for it. We’ll figure this out together.”

She smiled, obviously relieved he was taking the news so well. He congratulated himself on his calm demeanor and take charge attitude. He’d be there for her every fucking step of the way. But first things first.

“I’m glad you feel that way,” Misty sighed, her fingers finally unclenching, letting the paper napkin fall unheeded to the table before taking a sip of her hot chocolate. “I feel better knowing I won’t be alone.”

He patted her hand. “You definitely won’t be alone. We should start making some plans right away. Once I tell my family I can call the judge and we can set something up maybe next weekend. What do you think?”

Misty placed the mug back down on the table and frowned. “Judge? You want to settle custody right now? I was hoping we could work this out between us without going to court.”

Why would they need a custody agreement?

“Misty,” he explained impatiently, his mind already moving at light speed thinking of all the things that needed to be done. They’d need to move her belongings into his house today if possible so he could keep an eye on her, care for her. “I’m not talking about custody. I’m talking about getting married. We can have the judge come to the house next weekend and marry us. I think the sooner the better, don’t you agree?”


She was shaking her head and Jared realized he was pushing. Again. He had a bad habit of that.

“I’m sorry. I guess I forgot that some women dream about their wedding and all. If you want a big ceremony that’s fine, but that’s even more reason to get started planning it. I’d like to be married before you start showing.”

“Jared, listen to me.” Her gaze captured his forcing his attention away from his plans and back to the woman in front of him. “I’m saying no. No, I won’t marry you.”

“No?” He couldn’t believe his ears. She must not understand what he was asking.


There was finality to her tone that got through to him at last. All the women he’d dated since he was a teenager…all the women who had schemed to be Mrs. Jared Monroe…now he was offering it to this little slip of a woman.

And she’d turned him down flat.

Misty could see the impatience in Jared’s eyes, his entire body tense. She didn’t flatter herself to think that he was hurt by her refusal to marry him but he was not happy. An alpha male like Jared made plans and expected everyone else to fall in line.

“Please let me explain. This doesn’t have anything to do with you. This is about me.”

His eyes narrowed. “The old – ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ – line? I thought you enjoyed our night together.”

Sheesh, was it all about a man’s ego? In the midst of all this he was worried about his sexual performance?

“I did. Very much, but that’s hardly something to base a marriage on now, is it?” she replied reasonably. “We don’t love each other, Jared.”

He threw his hands into the air. “What does that matter now? We’re having a baby. A baby that needs both his mother and father. Aren’t you being a little selfish?”

Was she? From the moment she’d seen those two blue lines on the pregnancy stick she’d known every decision she made from that moment on would be about the child she carried. She already loved it – boy or girl. She wanted to be sure this baby felt loved and secure.

“No, I’m thinking ahead. This might work while the baby is young but eventually he or she is going to get older. Don’t you think she’ll notice that her parents aren’t like other moms and dads? That they don’t kiss or hug? How do you think that will make her feel? Eventually she might blame herself. I don’t want that. I don’t want that at all.”

Jared shifted on the vinyl seat. “We’d kiss and hug. Just because we’re not in love doesn’t mean we couldn’t, you know, like each other. I like you, Misty.”

“I like you too. And I want it to stay that way. But what happens if you really fall in love someday? With someone else. You make it sound so simple but I don’t think we have what it takes to make a marriage work.” She paused, not sure she should even admit it to him. “If I ever get married, I want a husband that loves me. I want a loving home. It’s what I want for my baby too.”

“I’m trying to do the right thing here.” Jared’s voice was gruff and full of emotion and her own throat tightened in sympathy.

“I know, and I’m grateful that you’re willing to step up to the plate so to speak. I think we can give this baby a good life without doing something that could only end badly. For both of us.” Misty forced a laugh. “Besides, can you see the ladies of Fielding if you and I got married? They might actually have a stroke right then and there. We can’t be responsible for something like that now, can we?”

Jared didn’t smile but he stopped frowning. “You know I don’t give a shit what people think. They’re going to find out about us anyway when you start to show. I hope you don’t have any thoughts about trying to keep the fact that I’m the father a secret.”

“I’ll be in Seattle by then,” she reminded him gently. “No one here in Fielding even has to know about the baby unless you tell them. And I’ll respect your decision either way on that.”

Jared slapped the top of the Formica table, his face turning red. “You are not going to Seattle.”

Heads all over the diner whipped around and Misty slunk down in her seat to get away from their prying eyes. She didn’t know anyone here but she also didn’t like Jared making a scene.

Apparently Jared thought that getting pregnant meant she had to give up on all her dreams. If anything, it meant she needed to chase them all the harder. It wasn’t just about her anymore; this was about what she could give her child if she succeeded.

Misty took a deep breath to calm herself. Getting angry at him wasn’t going to help the situation. “The lease on my apartment is up at the end of next week. I signed a yearlong lease on the new place and put down a large deposit which I would lose if I break the contract. The gallery I’m working with is also in Seattle. That’s how I earn my living and how I’ll support this baby. You’re still the father no matter where I am. I said you could see the baby whenever you wanted to and I meant it. I’m not giving up my dreams to stay here in Fielding so everyone can point and whisper as I walk by.”

“Now you are being selfish.” Jared’s tone was low and accusing. “You’re taking my baby away from me. As for money, you don’t need to work. I can easily support both of you.”

Misty groaned and slapped her forehead. This man simply didn’t get it. “That’s awesome. I can be your kept woman as long as I give up everything I’ve ever wanted in life. What a great deal. Tell me, Jared, what do you give up?”

“My freedom,” he snapped back and then seemed to think better of it. “Shit, I didn’t mean that to come out that way. Dammit, Misty, you’ve got me all turned around here.”

BOOK: Imperfect Justice
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