Read Immortal Healer Online

Authors: Elizabeth Finn

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Vampires

Immortal Healer (14 page)

BOOK: Immortal Healer
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The water was blocked from their stomachs by their shoulders, and she watched his cum slowly trickle down her belly. For whatever reason, a reason she certainly couldn’t fathom, she loved the sight of his seed on her skin. It glistened, and coupled with the quiet aroused mewling coming from his lips as he stroked the last of his release from his rigid length, she was tingling hot with desire.

His hands moved to her abdomen, and he gently washed himself from her skin. She was beyond desperate for him, and her insides were tightening like a noose around the deep need pulsing within her. When she reached to his penis, still hard and twitching, he stopped her once more. Her eyes flashed to his, and he looked terrified, or maybe just shocked. At her touch? His? What he’d done? What he wanted to do?

“I can’t.” His words were spoken on a lurching breath that shattered her into a hundred pieces of humiliation—every last one a sharp shard of pain that left her feeling pathetic and embarrassed. She felt the sting of rejection, and even though the logical part of her mind was telling her this man would never truly reject her, the emotional part was telling her she was pathetic and unwantable. She turned and walked away from him, not even bothering to dry herself before walking to his bedroom.

She reached his door, intent on forcing herself to put some distance between them before she lost her mind. She heard his shower stop, and she paused. Anger hit like a protective friend ready to fight for her dignity, and she smacked the frame of his door hard with her palm before turning back to his room, stomping to his bed, and plopping down to sit and wait for him.

There was little chance of surprising the man, and as he suddenly appeared in the doorway of his bathroom with a towel held casually to hide his groin, he stared. “How could you possibly want this?” His voice was gentle and truly confused. Her anger faltered. The humiliation did not.

“Is it wrong that I do?” Her voice escaped her in a rush that held every last ounce of her embarrassment, her insecurity.

His eyes shifted away, his brow furrowed, and he shook his head. He didn’t understand her need. She didn’t either. How could she want this? What was wrong with her? She stood numbly, leaving her clothes in a pile by his bed and walked from his room.

She curled up in her own bed, staring at the wall. She couldn’t understand herself, let alone the man in the other room. She saw his need. It was powerful, but he still didn’t want her. Of course he didn’t. She was a broken down old machine that didn’t work right anymore. She was like an old tape deck spewing tape from its gears every time someone tried to play it, simply unable to get it right any longer. She was pathetic.






Chapter 14




“Are you still here?” He didn’t even bother saying hi to Ember as she answered her phone.

“Yes. We decided to stay. We wanted to go to Abigail’s hearing tomorrow. Quentin, what’s wrong?”

“I need to talk to you.”

“Okay.” She was waiting for something more, but he was too busy walking circles into the wool rug that covered the floor in his office that he was lost to her expectations. “I’ll be right down.”

He literally paced until Ember and Truman entered together. “Hi.” And he just stared at them. He was feeling a bit dumbfounded.

Truman piped up first with his own brand of seriously dry humor. “Don’t worry … I’m going to go play with some chemicals in your lab. If you hear an explosion, I’ve probably discovered the cure for your poor tile choice in there.” And then he turned without a smile, after pecking his wife on the lips, and he walked toward the clinic door. He paused momentarily and looked back. “Don’t take up too much of my wife’s time. We’ve both been working a lot lately, and I’ve been sorely deprived of her.” And then he was gone.

“I assume this about Abigail.” She flopped down in the chair in front of his desk, and he took his seat behind the desk.

“Things are getting … complicated. I did something I shouldn’t have. Or … many things I shouldn’t have.” She cocked her head to the side waiting for an explanation. “I let her see me naked.”

She smiled sweetly and shook her head mockingly. She wasn’t panicking enough. “Oh … I forgot that’s a crime between men and women.” She
wasn’t panicking enough.

“I let her watch me … masturbate.” He could barely get the words out.

“I see.” Now she was paying attention.

“She wants more, and I can’t…”

“Why not?”

“How can she want this? It can’t be good for her.”

“Why not?” She was going to annoy him if she didn’t start saying something else. She let out a deep breath. “She’s human, Quentin. She wants intimacy as much as the next person.”

“I upset her. I asked her why and…”

“What?” He wasn’t quite expecting that reaction. “You mean you suggested there was something wrong with her for wanting you?”


“Yes!” She was holding his eyes passionately and not just a little judgmentally. “Think about it.” She stared at him as he replayed his last conversation with Abigail. He skipped the shower scene because all he could think about was fucking her brains out when he pictured that little encounter, but he went back to his bedroom just after that. And when he let himself really see her face … it tore him up. He’d hurt her.

“Fuck.” He whispered it as he shook his head. He’d only wanted to protect her from himself. He’d certainly not meant to hurt her. But there it was. He was a shit.

“She has every right to desire you, to be a woman and want a man. That’s human, that’s healthy. If that’s not a feeling you share, fine. Tell her, and move past it. But don’t you dare make her feel bad for wanting you. You have entirely too much influence over her to make her feel guilty just because you don’t understand her needs.” She was lecturing him.

“But I don’t understand. She’s emotionally damaged…”

“So what? Stop forcing the victim to be a victim, and let her be human. She deserves that. She trusts you. You’re not just
man to her. That’s a good thing.” It was a great thing. It was an amazing thing, frankly, and it left his heart swelling with warmth and his body coursing with need, and apparently, it was a need he was allowed to have. He nodded his head slowly, digesting her words. “You do want her don’t you?”

“It’s killing me how much I want her.”

Ember smiled. “It’s obvious you care deeply for her. You won’t hurt her. She’s stronger than you realize. Hell, stronger than she realizes.”

Ember stood to leave, and he walked with her into the clinic to find Truman lying on the exam table reading a pharmaceutical book. “Thank God. This is the most boring thing I’ve ever read.”

would say the same of history, dear.” She smiled at him sweetly.

, for starters.”

He swung his legs over the side and hoped down to scoop his wife up in his arms and carry her from the room. She waved over his shoulder as they disappeared down the corridor.

He returned to his bedroom and stepped out on the balcony, staring out at the night sky. There was no question he was going to go to her, but he wanted his head screwed on straight when he did. There was only one real path this road was going to follow, and it would doubtless end with them making love at some point. He was absolutely okay with that, but it was still hard to wrap his head around why
was okay with it. Instead of trying to figure out something clearly beyond him, he let his mind wander back to the shower.

He wasn’t even sure what propelled him to do such a thing in front of her. But God it was heaven. Pure heaven knowing she was watching his desire, enjoying his desire. She wasn’t afraid of him at all. She could be, she should be, but she trusted him, and he loved that she could feel that trust with him when the world terrified her.

He was rigid in need by the time he walked to her room, and as he slowly pushed the door silently back, the hall light illuminated her body lying curled up in the middle of her bed. She heard him and sat up to look at him. Her eyes were wide with worry, and they were puffy with the tears she’d shed. He was going to undo every last ounce of hurt he’d inflicted on her, and as he gently smiled at her as he walked toward the bed, he caught a tentative smile on her lips before the closing door behind him thrust them into darkness.

He undressed silently, dropping his clothes to the floor. “Take your clothes off, Abigail.” She sucked in a breath of nervous air, but he listened as she complied and pulled her shirt off.

He crawled in next to her, finding she was still wearing her underwear. “These too.” He traced the waist band along her tummy letting his finger brush her skin. She pushed the underwear down along her legs, pulling her legs up to strip them from her entirely.

The most delicious scent of her arousal flooded his senses, and his already hard cock twitched with need. But this wasn’t about his needs. He rolled to his side, propping himself up on his elbow. It was pitch black in her room, and the silence was only interrupted by the pounding of her heart and the shaky breaths she was taking.

“I want to hear you come.” He kept his voice warm and seductive, and she gasped at his words.

“You can’t even see me.” She was whispering.

“If I see you, I’m afraid I’ll fuck you. Right now, I want to listen. I want to hear your finger slide through your creamy cum, I want to hear your heart pound as you near your release, and I want to hear you cry out my name when you orgasm, just like I cried out yours.”

“I didn’t think you wanted…”

“I want you so much my cock is hard and twitching right now. You can’t imagine how much I want.” And then he leaned to her ear. He owed her more than just his desire. “I’m sorry. I just panicked earlier. I don’t want to make any mistakes with you. There’s nothing wrong with what we’re doing. And if I made you feel as though there was, I was wrong.” He kissed her cheek gently. “Now how about you touch your pussy for me?”

The influx of her arousal put a smile on his face he was glad she couldn’t see. He was more pathetic than his voice implied at the moment, and his heart was racing in excitement. The bed moved softly, and then he heard it. It was the most delicious wet smacking sound as her finger delved between the lips of her vagina. He groaned, and he let his mind visualize how incredible it would be to see such a sight. The smacking sound that sounded nearly like a wet kiss continued, and her heart rate soared as her breath started to come in raspy gasps. It wasn’t taking her long to reach her breaking point.

“Incredible.” He spoke the word quietly as he moved to plant a hand on either side of her shoulders. He leaned to her jaw and nibbled gentle kisses along her skin as her breath caught in her throat. He could feel her right shoulder working as she continued to innervate her clit with her finger. “You are so beautiful, sweetie.” He whispered the words gently against her ear, and it incited another lurching gasp of breath.

She came, giving him the most intoxicating “Oh, God, Quentin” spoken on a groan of intense pleasure, and he swiftly reached his hand between her legs, forcing two long fingers slowly and deeply into her tight sheath as her fingers still worked over her clit. She cried out loudly and clenched desperately around his fingers as he pushed in inch by slow inch as her body shuddered and shook through her orgasm. His fingers created their own perfect suctioning wet sound as they moved, and he almost fell apart at the tight, hot, wet feel of her sex around his fingers.

When he was knuckle deep into her warmth, he held his fingers still as her stomach muscles tightened, and she grunted out the last of her release, and then he slowly thrust a few gentle strokes before pulling his fingers from her. He wanted so much more than just that, but he was willing to wait. Her mouth was another story, though. He leaned to her lips, finding them parted and panting as she continued to tremble. He sucked her bottom lip between his, pulling it gently as she moaned into his mouth. He slipped his tongue between her lips, finally tasting what he’d dreamed of tasting for so long. Her hands reached to his cheeks, and she held their lips together, letting her tongue run over his.

He wasn’t sure he would ever want to stop kissing her, and as he became lost in the gentle touch of their tongues and the warm, silken feel of her mouth, he let his mind wander back to what they’d just done. Her pussy had been so wet and ready, and the feel of her around his fingers was insanely arousing. All he could think about was how exceptional that tight warmth would feel around his cock as he pushed into her for the first time. He was absolutely going to make love to this woman.

When he finally pulled from her mouth, she snuggled into his chest and wrapped her arms tightly around him. He didn’t need to understand her desire for him, because it belonged to him, to them. Whatever desire she had, it only involved the two of them, and that was more enticing than anything else. He listened to her fall asleep as he stroked her back gently.






Chapter 15




“You wish to change your plea to guilty?”

“Yes, your honor.” She mumbled the words, struggling to find the breath she needed. She was so damn close to finally closing the door on this nightmare.

“And you do understand what will happen if you have any further incidents during your probation period?”

She just nodded her head stupidly. What the hell was she supposed to say?
No, can you tell me just how fucked I’ll be, please?

She had a small gathering in the courtroom. No one much gave a shit about her piddly ass little case, and the only people who did sat right behind her. Quentin, Ember, Truman, Brit, Angus and Aaron were all there in the first row, waiting. Waiting. She was waiting too. She wanted to leap into Quentin’s arms and sob in relief. She was trembling. She was terrified the room would fall in and kill the judge, terrified lightning would strike straight through the gaping hole leftover and finish her off too just for fun.

BOOK: Immortal Healer
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