Immortal Destiny (The Immortal Prophecy Saga) (23 page)

BOOK: Immortal Destiny (The Immortal Prophecy Saga)
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She smiled. “You didn’t ruin my life, Chase. It was my destiny to come here and turn into a vampire.” She paused to gather her thoughts. “I certainly wouldn’t have chosen this life for myself, and when I was captured I was terrified, but then I met Tristan and I knew somehow that it was all worth it. I truly believe that you were meant to bring me here, but it was only so that we could both find our soulmates and become the people we are supposed to be.”

He nodded still more than a little surprised to see her here and astonished at what she was saying. “So you don’t hate me? Because I’ve spent the last couple of months feeling so guilty for what happened.”

“That’s why I wanted to come and talk to you. You’re a good man, Chase, and I knew that you would’ve been feeling like you let me down and ruined my life. I didn’t want that to be with you for the rest of your days, which in your case would be a very long time.”

“Are you certain?”

“More than certain,” she said and put her hand on his. “Tristan said sorry about the knife by the way.”

Chase growled. “The bastard almost killed me!”

“If he’d wanted you dead Chase, he would have hit you in the heart. He aimed to the left intentionally.”

“Hmpf,” Chase replied. “If you’ve found your soulmate, then I’m happy for you, but you know about his past right?”

Kat nodded. “He’s told me bits and pieces, but I have a pretty clear idea what he was before this. This is going to sound strange, but then again you have a vampire sitting next to you. Tristan is a wonderful man. He wasn’t always that way, but he is now and that’s all that matters.”

“As long as you’re happy.”

“I’m happy now.”

He nodded again. “I guess I won’t be seeing you again after this.”

She smiled secretly. “Actually, you’ll be seeing a whole lot of me!”

His brows furrowed together. “What do you mean?”

“You’ll find out soon enough.” She leaned down and kissed his forehead. “Thank you, Chase for introducing me to my world.”

Chase shook his head slightly. He was baffled by the fact Kat that was next to him. She was still Kat, but she was different. Confident and relaxed in a way he never would have imagined.

She stood up and walked to the open doorway. “Goodbye, Chase.”

“Goodbye, Kat.”

She headed down the hallway and out of sight.

“Well, that was unexpected,” Chase mumbled to himself.

Chapter Thirty-nine



Tristan was visibly relieved when Kat walked back in the room and took her place beside him. “See, nothing to worry about.”

“Hmm…” Tristan grunted.

“Is Mackenzie the blond girl?” Kat whispered in his ear.

“I think so.”

“I’ll be right back.”

Kat walked over to the lounge where Mackenzie sat wringing her hands. “Mackenzie?” she asked.

Mackenzie looked up and was stunned again by how beautiful the vampire was. “Yes?”

“Can I sit and talk to you for a minute?”

She nodded and moved over to make room.

“I know that things will be awkward between us for a while because of what happened with Chase, but I just want to reassure you that I know what he and I had wasn’t right. You are his rightful soulmate, and I would never try to come between that.”

Mackenzie was taken aback.

“I’ve found my true soul mate in Tristan, and I truly think that Chase was just meant to bring me here. That it’s always been you. I’m going to be here for a while, and I don’t know if you’d ever want to be friends with a vampire, but I’d like to try if you’re open to the suggestion.”

“Ally was you’re best friend, right?”

Kat nodded. “I hope she still is.”

“If Ally thinks your worthy of her friendship, then I do, too. And thank you for coming over to talk to me about it. It’s appreciated.”

Kat was pleasantly surprised by her answer. “I think Chase would probably love to see you,” she prompted.

Mackenzie smiled, waved goodbye, and dashed up the stairs.

Kat watched her go and went back over to Tristan.

“That was a very nice thing you did,” Tristan commented.

“I meant every word.”

“I know, sweetheart.” He kissed her quickly. “Now there’s something I need to give to James, then we better get you out of here for a while.”

Kat nodded in agreement. “I don’t really want to leave, but my self-control is running thin.”

“It’s to be expected, my love.” He called out to Adele, “I need to give something to James.”

Adele shook her head. “He’s refusing to leave Ally’s side until she wakes.”

Tristan sighed. “Can you give this to him for me? It’s one of the reasons that Ally agreed to help me, and it’s vitally important for you all to have it.”

Adele cocked her head to the side. “Of course. I’ll take it up to him straight away.”

Kat reached out and grabbed her arm to stop her leaving. “Adele, we have to go. But I want to come back and see her if that’s alright.”

“Of course, my darling.”

“I just need a break from…humans.”

Adele held back a wince. “I understand.”

“Any idea when she will wake up?” Tristan asked.

“The average conversion takes about twelve hours, so give it at least that.”

They both nodded and saw themselves out.

Adele went upstairs to check on Ally and give James the parchment she’d been given. She knocked quietly and walked inside. James looked up from his vigil beside Ally. His eyes were swollen and bloodshot. His soulmate lay beside him, deathly still and pale.

“James, you need to get some rest. You won’t do her any good if you kill yourself with worry,” she lightly scolded.

“I’m not leaving her,” he said with a croaky voice.

“I didn’t mean you should leave her. I just meant try to get some sleep next to her.”

“She looks dead,” he whispered.

Adele went and sat next to him on the bed. She looked at her granddaughter and felt the strength rush out of her. She put her arm around him. “I know she does, but she isn’t. Listen to her heartbeat, and you can hear her breathing. You’re fears are getting to you and making you see things worse than they are.”

“Maybe,” he admitted. “I feel so guilty. I should have been there for her, but I wasn’t. I ran off and if she doesn’t make it…”

“James,” she said, and pulled his head around forcing him to look at her. “Listen to me, she is one tough cookie. Nothing is going to break her! Not death, not Vincent and not you reacting to horrific news!”

He nodded.

“She was worried about you, but she knew that you were just reacting. We both explained that to her and she understood. The information you found out was not easy to take and no one, most of all her, is going to blame you for acting the way you did.”

“I know I already said it, but what if it doesn’t work? We have no idea what she might become now that my mutant DNA has mixed with hers. It could kill her for all we know.”

“It won’t. The worst that will happen is that she becomes a vampire herself, but I’ve spoken to Damian and he thinks that it’s a very small chance, given that you’ve never shown any vampire tendencies and as immortals are the more dominant of the two species, she should be fine.”

James shook his head. “I hope he’s right.”

“We all do,” she said ruefully. “Putting Ally aside for one minute, James. You know I love you and I’ve been worried about you too. We all have. How are you?”

James looked at her incredulously. “Not great.”

“I meant finding out about your father.”

James sighed. “I freaked out and about a million thoughts ran through my head. I’ve questioned everything I know about myself and considered finding him and killing him myself this afternoon, but I realised that probably wasn’t the best idea. And then when I found out she was in trouble…and then we found her half dead…I realised it didn’t matter anymore who my father was. She was all that mattered. My parents are just biology. She is my life.”

Adele smiled. “I thought you might say something like that.”

“Then you know me too well.”

“Perhaps,” she said. “Tristan wanted me to give you this. He said it’s part of the reason she agreed to help him.” She held out the parchment.

“Is he really what he claims to be?”

“I think so. And Kat is trying really hard, too. They had to leave, but they’ll come back.”

“Hmm…I’ll be having words when he comes back into this house,” he huffed.

“I’d expect nothing less. Now what’s all the fuss about this thing?” She pointed to the paper.

James shrugged and opened it. He read it and his eyes widened.

“It’s a list of names.”

“Names?” Adele repeated

“The names of the elder council members,” he said with a look of disbelief.

“Show me,” she said and held out her hand.

She took it and read it with a loud gasp as she got to the last two names. “It can’t be!” she cried and looked up at James.

He ran his hands through his hair. “It seems so…”

Chapter Forty



“Damian,” Adele called down the hallway.

He materialised in front of her in a minute. “What’s wrong?”

“Tristan gave us the names of the council members.”

“How did he get that information?” Damian questioned.

“I don’t know, but he has it,” James added.

Damian came further into the room. “Can I see it?”

Adele held him the paper and he studied it intently.


Caleb Winters will fight the battles foretold,

Isabella Ashworth will see what she is not told,

Madison James will feel what is not hers,

Mackenzie Muir is from the race we protect,

Kathryn Montgomery is the one we chase.


Together they will win, apart they will lose,

Lose one and they all will perish,

Take heart dear ones,

This can be won,

But only when they all become one.


Damian turned a shade of white. “Mackenzie?”

“Apparently,” James remarked.

“She’s too sweet for this. It can’t be right!” Adele cried.

“Adele, I don’t think the prophecy cares about how sweet someone is. She was chosen for a reason, and she will fight or we all will die,” James stated.

Adele looked at him in surprise. “Well are you going to tell her parents? Because I’m not!”

Damian interrupted before a war ensued. “We have to tell Chase first. She’s his soulmate and it would be better coming from him to start with, then we can decide who tells Sophie and Henry.”

Adele and Damian nodded in agreement.

“I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve had enough surprises for a few months,” Adele said.

James scoffed. “I’m with you.”

Damian looked closely at Ally. “I think she’ll be with us in a few more hours.”

James watched as the transformation was beginning to show more clearly. Her hair had already become softer and curlier at the bottom. Her stomach had become perfectly flat, her legs were toned and her cheek bones had accentuated.

“She’s going to be a beauty,” Adele commented.

“She already was,” James said, smiling at his soulmate.

Damian ushered Adele out of the room then he ordered James to get some rest.

James waved him off and they left the room bound for Chase to tell him the news.

Chapter Forty-one



They knocked on the door and walked in to find Mackenzie sitting with Chase.

“Oh,” Damian said in surprise. “We’ll come back later.”

“It’s alright,” Mackenzie said. “I was just going to bed anyway.”

She kissed Chase goodnight and walked out the door, closing it behind her.

“Whats up, guys?” Chase asked, eyeing them both. “You look like you’ve got bad news.”

“Not bad news,” Damian drawled. “Just unexpected news.”

“Well out with it.”

“Did you know that Tristan had the names of the elder council members?”

“Yeah, that’s part of the reason Ally went. Have you got it?”

“Yes,” Adele said.

“Whose on it?”

“Caleb and Isabella obviously,” Damian started. “Someone we don’t know. Kat is the vampire we are looking for.”

A light went on in Chase’s eyes. “Well that explains one thing.”

They both look at him confused, but Damian continued, “And Mackenzie is the human.”

Chase’s eyes widened. “You’re joking right?”

Adele shook her head.

“She’ll be slaughtered!” he bellowed. “She’s not doing it! I refuse to agree to this.”

“Chase shut up and listen to them! Mackenzie will do this or you’ll answer to me. I’ve already got a damn good lecture coming your way. If you value your life at all, you won’t make it two!”
James roared into all their minds.

“Well, that’s what James thinks,” Damian said. “And if I was you, I wouldn’t argue with him right now.”

Chase lay there quietly fuming. “I’ll tell her in the morning.”

“No, we’ll all tell her when Ally wakes up.”

Chapter Forty-two



Ally’s eyes began to flutter open. Her body was heavy and her arms refused to move. She turned her head and saw James asleep beside her. The last thing she remembered was Kat trying to kill her…

How did I get here? And why do I feel so strange?

Voices from all over the house rang out in her mind as a low buzz. She tried to make them out but it was one big blur. Her head was beginning to pound from all the noise. Blocking it out seemed impossible, but she focused on seeing a wall go up in her mind’s eye and eventually it calmed to a soft caressing whisper.

With an effort, she moved her arm and touched James on the shoulder.

He sat up with a jolt and stared at her like he’d seen a ghost.

“James, what happened to me?”

He pulled her into his arms and the tears streamed silently down his face. “You’re alright, little one. You’re alright.”

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