I’m Over All That (15 page)

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Authors: Shirley MacLaine

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have never known friendship and companionship like Terry. I know I’ve known her before, in Egypt, I think, when she was an Annubis, a God of the Netherworld. She looks just like an Annubis.

Perhaps I am bonded so closely to her because we are together every moment of the day and night. We travel in cars and airplanes together; she has her own seat. When I’m working, she is in my trailer waiting for me in between set-ups. She knows me better than any other living being and vice versa. She knows what I am thinking at all times and vice versa.

Sometimes she will sit by the door wanting to go out in a room far away, and I feel it. Her want is my command. She knows it, too. But she never abuses her power over me. We sleep cuddled up together every night. It’s a good thing that I don’t have a man in my life.

The spiritual bond is awe-inspiring. She’s beginning to get white whiskers now, and she is eleven years old. Already I’m
rearranging where we will sleep in the house so she won’t have to negotiate the stairs. I want to get another brother or sister for her so I will have a reminder when she finally decides to go. But she won’t let me. All I have to do is think about another dog and she won’t speak to me.

Last Halloween I was speaking to the woman who runs the animal shelter here in Santa Fe. I wanted to come by and look at a possible little Chihuahua for Terry. I could feel Terry listening to the conversation. We were in a store in the mall. Children and trick-and-treaters, ghosts and goblins, popping sounds, candy and chaos abounded as I was talking to my friend about a sister or brother for Terry. I looked away, then back again to Terry. She had jumped from her chair where she always sits and disappeared. I dropped everything and waded into the sea of Halloween trick-or-treaters. Terry was gone—nowhere to be seen. The word went out that “Shirley’s Terry has run away.”

Someone called the shop I was in. “She was here,” they said, “but we put her outside.” I was a frantic person. Would someone in the crowd step on her? Would she get hit by a car? I ran around like a crazy woman for fifteen minutes, trying to calm myself by remembering that she had a chip and a phone number on her collar. Then the woman from the animal shelter called for me over the crowd. She was holding Terry in her arms. It was as though Terry told her to tell me she didn’t want anyone else, and why didn’t I understand that.
She knew exactly what she had done. Now I knew what I should do—nothing!

So, for now we have each other, for another few years, I am sure.

I’ve often wondered how I would put up with her possessiveness if she were a man. But that’s the point. I’d rather have a good, funny, loyal dog than a man. It’s taken me a few senior years to come to that conclusion and I’m happier for it. The depth of our connection and love is unmatched. We take turns as to who is in charge; she is easy to cook for; she doesn’t drink, smoke, or do drugs; and she doesn’t suffer from any kind of macho deficiencies.

We like the same sleeping conditions (cool with the window open) and enjoy the same movies before sleep, although being a rat terrier, her favorite film is
Stuart Little
. She’s seen it many times. We like to watch nature documentaries where the animals run around happily, and she gets her indoor exercise jumping up to the television set. We take a long hike together every day. We have a bear who watches us sometimes, but Terry knows it and maintains her
-pound superiority to such an extent that the bear just leaves us alone.

Terry knows when there is someone coming or at the door long before I do and is much happier to see them than I am. I fight against being a recluse, but she makes it extremely attractive.

She is the love of my life and any other in the near future.
We have an agreement that she will come back immediately after she leaves. I trust that and my love for her brings me to tears because she has made me know, understand, and love myself more. She has made it possible for me to know that I am capable of unconditional love. I never knew that before.

That’s what dogs are for: unconditional love. They live on a level of spirit that we humans would like to achieve. They are without guile and are clever in how they show us the truth. They know we are a little backward in our understanding of what’s really important and will be patient with our slow learning and our impatient and dictatorial orders up to a point. But when a dog sits down and refuses to budge, we know we should look at ourselves. It’s that simple.

The secrets of the universe are in a dog’s eyes. Their eyes convey the patient wisdom of a collective understanding. That’s why everybody should have one.

I Wonder If I Will Be Over the Drama of 2012

have spent a great deal of time and energy studying what has been written about
by the experts who have dedicated their lives to the mysteries of the Mayan calendar and the scientists who have made life studies of the movements of the planets in time. As the
date approaches, there will be much speculation as to whether the world will come to an end or another Y
K fizzle will occur.

This is what I’ve learned.

For the first time in
years our solar system will be in direct alignment with the center of our galaxy. The distance between our planet and center of the galaxy will be approximately
light years. The average life span of the human is
days. From the perspective of sacred and celestial science, these facts are shadows of a more galactic harmony. These are not presumptions of the Mayan calendar. These are facts supported by those who study the heavens.

On December 21, 2012, the precession of the equinoxes will end and a new precession will begin. The great cycle began in August
, the approximate time of the first Egyptian hieroglyphics. The great cycle will end on December
, when our sun will move into direct alignment with the equator of the Milky Way galaxy. Science acknowledges that this galactic alignment will occur and that the Mayan calendar marks the event.

The question is: What will it mean? Will it mean a polar shift as some have predicted and have written—that the sun will rise in the south and set in the north? Some computers predict that a magnetic pole reversal could bring about the end of civilization, and worse, that the Earth would be left with no magnetic field at all. We don’t know what happened
years ago when this alignment last happened.

The Mayan people and their culture came suddenly and left suddenly, after three hundred years. Some call them the surfers of the universe. When they left their calendar, what were they trying to tell us?

Magnetic reversals have happened, according to science,
times in the last
million years, with at least
of the reversals occurring in the last
million years alone. Some mainstream scientists suggest we are overdue for a polar shift. Some say we are in the early stages of just such a reversal, which explains our erratic weather patterns, the short circuitry of our consciousness, and the weakening of the planet’s magnetic field.

In July
The New York Times
dedicated its Science section to describing what a magnetic reversal is. “The collapse of the Earth’s magnetic field, which both guards the planet and guides many of its creatures, appears to have started in earnest about
years ago.” Many scientists believe this is true. They feel that the more it weakens, the
it weakens. Thus an abrupt climate change accompanies the weakening. We recall the woolly mammoths believed to have been caught in a polar reversal during the last ice age, frozen in midstride with their latest meals still in their mouths—proof that climate change happens very fast with pole reversal when the magnetic field weakens.

We know the sun is going through a magnetic shift now. The Earth appears to be in the early stages of a polar reversal. So what does this mean?

Our brains detect magnetic changes because our brains contain millions of tiny magnetic particles. These particles connect us to the Earth’s magnetic field in a powerful and intimate way which affects our consciousness profoundly. Our nervous systems are affected, our immune systems, and even our perceptions of reality. Our dreams, our thoughts, our emotions, and our understanding of time and space are thrown out of balance when the magnetic field is weaker.

We could say, though, that out of balance could also mean an expanded reality. The Earth’s magnetics play an important role in how our consciousness functions. It is happening to me every day, every hour. I move from one room to another to
tend to something and I find that I’ve already done it. In other words, my perceptions of time are askew. I’m living in the past and the future simultaneously.

Many of my friends tell me the same thing. It’s not just short-term memory confusion. It’s bigger than that. It’s a new perception of reality.

If the magnetic fields on Earth are a kind of magnetic glue which designates our reality, when that glue shifts it throws off our perception of what is real. At first I thought it was just ageing. But some of my young friends in their twenties and thirties are experiencing the same thing.

Using magnetic glue as the visual model, it seems that the stronger the magnetic glue, the more our consciousness is tied to traditional behavior, old mores and existing beliefs. In places where the magnetic glue is weaker, the more our consciousness longs for change.

We know there are places in the world where the magnetic fields are stronger and weaker. They can be measured. For example, the places on our planet that have the lowest magnetic intensity are under the Suez Canal and into Israel. Hence, change is occurring every day in an attempt to evolve to new understandings. In other parts of the Middle East there are conflicting magnetic fields, which also reflect the struggle between old, traditional ways and the compulsion for change.

Another low magnetic field runs parallel to the west coast of America. Hence, change happens in human consciousness more swiftly. Stretching from Southern California to northern
Washington is a low magnetic field, thus innovative ideas in science, technology, fashion, music, art, and films occur. In central Russia are some of the strongest magnetic fields. The people there tend to cling to tradition and change comes slowly.

Even without “scientific” evidence, we know intuitively that we are affected by the magnetic forces of the planets: astrology, the full moon, etc. I know artists who can be creative only with a full moon.

Our consciousnesses directly affect whatever happens in our world. The retarded consciousness of one powerful leader can take the world into war. Our beliefs affect our consciousness and our consciousness affects our reality. So we change our reality simply by how we observe it. “The greater amount of observing, the greater amount of influence.” So “how” we observe creates the reality of the future.

In this way quantum physics and
come together. What we
will happen will be the reality, accompanied by the magnetic influence of the alignment itself. And, if we want to see our reality changed positively, we have to change how we see ourselves positively.

For me, the
end date represents a cosmic choice we each must make. The power for positive change will be there, but also the power will be so strong that if we don’t see ourselves and our future positively we will be bypassed. I don’t believe it is the end of the world even for those who will choose to remain negative, materialistic, and cynical.
They will simply become irrelevant. For those who see a new beginning, it will be a cosmic charge of light coming from the alignment itself. Of course our new reality will be an adjustment because it
include war, depletion of resources, genocide, technological abuse, anger, guilt, or hatred. In fact our adjustment will be that we won’t have anything to be against! What a concept! What a cosmic shift! We will then dwell more in the inner reality of our identity which I believe we will find
and as a result our outer reality will shift.

So are we headed toward a catastrophe that has indeed occurred in the ancient past, or are we going to create a New Jerusalem with the magnetics of the
alignment? Whatever occurred in the past didn’t include the presence of
½ billion people. At least not so far as I have read. So I wonder if the positive energy of
½ billion people wouldn’t raise the electromagnetic energy of the entire planet for thousands of years of peace.

Was that why the Mayans left the calendar that ends on December

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