I'm on the train! (7 page)

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Authors: Wendy Perriam

BOOK: I'm on the train!
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‘But squatting’s
,’ she objected. ‘In fact, you could say it was theft – taking over property you’re not entitled to.’

‘What do you mean by “entitled”? There’s not just one morality, you know. In my opinion, it’s infinitely more immoral that buildings should stand empty and unused, when hundreds of people have nowhere to live, often through no fault of their own. In any case, once squatters move in, they usually improve the place – do repairs and suchlike and make it habitable. Squatting isn’t easy, though. You have to be prepared to live like a speculative nomad, with an ever-changing tribe, and be able to stand your ground and cite the law, in order to get the heavies off your back. That needs dedication and a good deal of hard graft. But, look, apart from any principle involved, the arrangement with Boyd will benefit me personally. The fewer outgoings I’m saddled with, the more time I’ll have to think. In fact, if I didn’t need cash at all, not even for absolute basics, I’d spend my entire life brooding.’

‘Brooding?’ she echoed, sarcastically. This guy really was bizarre.

‘In the best sense, yes – thinking out who I am and what my purpose in life is. It amazes me how other people accept the status quo. Most of my contemporaries have gone into jobs they hate, just because the current view is that high income and high status are desirable in themselves. In my opinion, that’s selling out. In fact, it’s outright slavery. I mean, just last week, one of my friends was
reprimanded for – wait for it! – wearing red socks. His boss told him, and I quote, the socks were “inappropriate, if not
to the client”. Well, as far as I’m concerned, he’s sacrificed his autonomy to a company with pretty ludicrous values.’

‘You can’t generalize like that,’ she said, feeling increasingly annoyed. ‘I mean,
well paid, but I love my job and the firm I work for
have proper values.’

‘How can it, Alice, for heaven’s sake? Any PR firm must be severely
compromised, on the grounds it’s willing to push anything and
in return for filthy lucre. OK, lots of people don’t see the harm in that, but only because they swallow what society keeps telling them about the importance of a so-called good career. My parents are the same – always on my back and nagging me to get a “proper job”. They think I’m wasting my life, because I’m not an adman or accountant. They just can’t grasp the fact that I need time and space to work out who I am and what my role in the world should be.’

It was obvious he was still a student in terms of his whole
. As a greenhorn of eighteen, she, too, had agonized about the meaning of existence, but her priorities had changed since then, as had those of all her friends. ‘Look,’ she countered, tetchily, ‘some of us want
things – things that only money can buy. Holidays, for instance. Surely you agree we need to travel, if only to make us less insular, but if you’re penniless you can’t go anywhere.’

‘’Course you can, if you’re willing to hitchhike or backpack, and doss down with friends or strangers. I’ve been to quite a few places – although I refuse to fly, because that’s immoral, too. But I’m quite prepared to be destitute in Delhi or Djibouti or wherever, so long as I can get there. A year ago, I spent two months in Gaza, supporting the Palestinian resistance movement, and I’ve even been overland to Siberia, to help the Russian environmentalists clear up the pollution in Lake Baikal.’

She shifted in her seat. She and Josh preferred to visit more congenial spots. Last July, for instance, they’d enjoyed a relaxing fortnight in a villa in the Seychelles and, the year before, booked a boutique-hotel in Barcelona.

‘It made me livid, Alice. I mean, there’s Baikal, the oldest lake in the world – three hundred million years old, at least – yet it’s polluted by this factory, standing directly on its shore, belching steam and pumping dangerous chemicals into what was once the cleanest water anywhere on earth.’ His legs were twisted round the chair-rung; one hand tightly clenched, as if even his body attested to his vehemence.

His sincerity was patent – that she had to concede – yet all this philanthropic talk made her feel discomfited. If she were brutally
honest, she probably cared more about the size of her next pay-rise than saving some lake from pollution. ‘Siberia’s a hell of a way to go,’ she muttered, at last; aware it sounded distinctly lame. But, with her scanty knowledge of environmental issues, she was hardly
to start holding forth about saving the blue whale. In truth, she was keen to change the subject again, before he suggested she joined Friends of the Earth, so she asked him what his parents did.

‘My dad’s a management consultant and a complete organization freak. Even when we were little, he treated us like his employees, rather than his kids – gave us printed rotas for the household chores; even promised us an incentive bonus if we did them well, and on time.’

So, she mused, sanctimonious Daniel was merely reacting against his personal circumstances, in the same way as Schopenhauer; setting up a system of philosophy that was really little more than a way of getting back at Dad. ‘Your father sounds quite sensible to me. At least he gave you a useful training for later life.’

She and Josh hadn’t yet discussed the controversial issue of whether or not to have children. They’d been together three whole years now, but she had to accept that his career came first – as indeed did hers. In truth, she was in his debt. As an alpha male, par excellence, he had not only got her the job and taught her almost all she knew, he’d also invited her to share his elegantly spacious garden flat in Islington; a far cry from her former flat-share in an insalubrious part of Holloway.

‘In fact, I reckon your father would get on well with my boyfriend. Josh is a whiz at time-management. He’s produced this six-stage system that helps you take control of your life and get on top of your workload. Before I met him, I was all over the place, yet I didn’t even realize. I’d allow things to pile up, or just fritter away my time, without thinking out my personal goals, or setting up a timetable.’

‘That sounds healthier to me than Josh’s system, if you don’t mind me being frank. It’s a
thing to waste time. Otherwise it becomes a sort of tyranny that demands your total servitude. Besides,’ he asked, ‘where will it ever end, as time gets more and
more precise? It used to be measured in a rough and ready way – sunrise, sunset, time to milk the cows, or get up, or go to bed – but now we have nanoseconds, for God’s sake! Forget nanoseconds – I prefer not to wear a watch at all. OK, I need one for work, but at home, I don’t keep track of time, unless I absolutely have to. I regard it as an artificial concept, imposed on us by employers and bureaucracies, or other glutting cretins who want to tell us how to live.’ He tapped his fingers sharply on the book, to express his disapproval. ‘I also feel strongly about the evil of possessions. I’ve cut mine down to just the bare essentials, but you should see some of my friends! They own so many things, they move around like spiders in their webs, clinging to the honey-trap of swanky consumer goods.’

Josh would fit that description, she thought, disloyally. Wasn’t he overly attached to his BlackBerry, his home cinema and home
machine, his Sony Surround-Sound system and all his other executive toys? Yet who was she to talk, with her expensive cache of shoes and bags, her state-of-the-art mobile and self-important watch?

‘Why are they even called “goods”,’ he demanded, ‘when all they do is perpetuate desire? I detest the very idea of being a “consumer”. That word for me is just a term for meaninglessness and greed.’

She tried to put up a defence; riled that this romanticizing zealot should keep laying down the law. ‘Josh believes there’s nothing wrong with being rewarded for hard work and, since we live in a technological world, why not take advantage of it and buy stuff that makes life easier?’

‘Because it doesn’t, Alice – it makes things much more
. And, anyway, we soon become slaves to our possessions, or start craving bigger and better ones. What your boyfriend fails to understand is that
is more important than doing. That’s obvious from his attitude to time. If every single minute of his
is so rigidly controlled, when can he simply sit and think, or follow up some random idea that might flit into his mind? And what about those transcendental moments triggered by a song, or sunset, or by some sudden new perspective, that frees you from your
normal narrow confines? They’re impossible unless you have some leisure time. Besides, if he’s tied to a job, nine till five – or eight till seven, or whatever hours he works – there’s no scope for
. Let’s say he felt the urge to take himself to Mongolia, or Bhutan, or any damned place, for that matter, just because he felt a need to see them, or could experience a different way of life there, how could he just drop everything and go?’

She tried to imagine Josh popping off to Bhutan, simply on a whim, and with a bedroll on his back, rather than leaving for the office on the dot of seven each morning, immaculately attired and armed with his laptop in its special designer case. This self-righteous beanpole really didn’t have a clue. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, she found him disconcertingly sexy – all the more bizarre when she was never normally turned on by scruffy clothes and stubble. And, although he wasn’t sporting red socks, even his grubby white ones were somehow strangely appealing, and she found her eyes returning to the small stretch of naked flesh exposed between his boots and tattered jeans.

Fortunately, his attention was now claimed by a middle-aged couple, who had come downstairs to the foyer and were asking about a film that wasn’t actually showing at the Curzon. A good chance, she thought, to cut short their encounter before she made a fool of herself.

‘I think I’ll go and get a drink,’ she said, once he had redirected the couple to the Empire, Leicester Square. ‘I’m feeling rather dry.’

‘You can get one here,’ he told her, indicating the kiosk opposite.

‘No, I want a coffee, and they only serve that in the bar upstairs.’

‘OK.’ Instantly, he returned to his book, now refreshed,
, by his ‘brain-rest’.

The spacious upstairs lounge was unusually crowded and buzzing with conversation on all sides. She suspected many people used it as a home-from-home, sprawling on the comfy sofas and reading the free newspapers. It was still below ground-level and therefore windowless, so she couldn’t check on the weather, but the forecast had been dire – rain on and off all day – so best to stay inside, in the dry.

Having ordered a latte from the bar at the far end, she found a free armchair, draped her coat across her lap and settled back with a frustrated sigh. It did seem a waste of a Sunday to be sitting here on her own, when Sundays were her one day off. Saturdays seemed to disappear in a blitz of chores and shopping, or catching up with emails and work-related reading. And, since Josh’s recent
, even their sex seemed confined to Sunday mornings. She hadn’t dared discuss it; simply concluded that the demands of his job must have doused his sex-drive, since he was apparently too tired now for their once regular nightly sessions. But why make an issue of it? Things would return to normal, if she didn’t pressure him – or at least so she fervently hoped.

She took a sip of her coffee, looking with interest at the couple opposite; he with a tattoo and one green dangly earring; she in stripy purple leggings and shiny red Doc Martens, and both of them wearing crazy hats. She imagined the horror on her boss’s face if she breezed into Roebuck-Rayner clad in such eccentric gear. Yet she did sometimes find her ‘uniform’ of elegant dark suit and crisp white shirt constrained and over-formal; often longed to kick off her high heels and simply go barefoot. Even today, she felt
. Josh liked her to look glamorous when he took her to expensive restaurants, but her low-cut, slinky dress made her distinctly conspicuous amidst all the jeans and sweatshirts.

Her eyes returned to the couple, who were talking in an animated fashion; the man gesturing extravagantly; the woman throwing back her head in a bray of hilarious laughter. She and Josh rarely laughed, these days. In truth, he seemed so tense and drained, it was as if the job had sucked him dry. Here, the atmosphere was relaxed and almost studenty and, again, brought back happy memories of her days at university and being surrounded by the sort of people who had the time and interest to engage deeply with each other and exchange ideas on life and art. A group of bohemian types in the corner were vociferously debating the relative merits of Visconti and De Sica, while the two men on her right were arguing about the new film,
Crazy Heart
. It was months since she and Josh had discussed anything save work and – frankly – she was tired of him
obsessing about clients’ needs and problems, even in the evenings and at weekends.

A few people did appear to be actually studying. One girl, sitting cross-legged on the floor, was making notes on an A4 jotter-pad; another was surrounded by a pile of books on astrophysics. Yet, the more she thought about her time at Bristol, the more guiltily aware she was that her old student self had, in Daniel’s parlance,
sold out. Once, she had felt aghast at the prospect of selling her soul in what Daniel’s father called ‘a proper job’. Instead, she’d indulged, as a nineteen-year-old, in airy-fairy notions of seeing the world, saving the planet, or ‘doing good’ – the latter always vague and probably quite unfeasible. Only when she had graduated and so lost the crutch and cushioning of her student-grant and
, did brute realities force her into work. And doubtless Daniel, too, would be compelled to compromise, once he was a few years older and no longer willing to live on baked beans in a squat.

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