Read Illusions of Love Online

Authors: Michelle Betham

Illusions of Love (76 page)

BOOK: Illusions of Love
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Michael Walsh had a new beginning.
A new life to look forward to.
A life that he very nearly didn’t have because, when he’d seen Jimmy Cash pull that gun on Dominic auto-pilot had kicked in, along with feelings only a father could have.
Michael had ran at Dominic, pushing him to the ground, taking the bullet that had been meant for his son.
But, with only a slight limp to show for that action, every day Michael counted his blessings that things hadn’t been far worse.
For him, anyway.
He’d had to put up with Layla yelling at him for how stupid he’d been to put himself in danger like that, but that had been a small price to pay, hadn’t it?
All he’d been doing was trying to protect his son, and when she held their child in her arms in just a few days time she’d understand those feelings.
Oh, Michael wasn’t kidding himself that those feelings he’d had for Dominic had been instant.
He’d wanted nothing to do with him in the beginning, but to stand there and watch your own child in danger – he hadn’t been able to do that.

So, a bullet in the thigh had been a small price to pay for trying to protect his son.
Because, if he’d just stood by and done nothing he’d never have been able to forgive himself.

But, it was time to move forward now.
Time to try and forget the terrifying events of that night and move on, into his new life.
Him and Layla were due to be married just a few weeks after their baby was born, and Michael was determined that, this time, he’d try and be a better father.
He’d try and be a better person.
He’d try and forgive himself for what he’d done in the past, as others had been kind enough to forgive him.
But some things he would never be able to forgive himself for.
No matter how hard he tried.




Charley clung onto Vince’s hand as though letting go would cause him to disappear.
She’d been so close to losing him –
losing him, this time – that night of the wrap party, and no matter how hard she tried to forget it, she couldn’t.
She probably never would.
Her past had come back to haunt her, and still there it hung, hovering over her like a never-ending nightmare that would never go away because… Well, she was just lucky that Vince was still here.
Thinking of what would have happened if Dominic hadn’t pushed that gun from Jimmy’s hand was something Charley didn’t like to dwell on too much.
The look on Jimmy’s face, the coldness in his eyes, the passive expression – she’d never, ever forget that.
She’d never forget the look of a man who she knew would have stopped at nothing to gain his revenge.
And it was quite obvious now that his revenge had been to take away from her the life she loved.
To take away the
she loved.
Just like he’d done all those years ago when he’d gunned down
’s brother for no reason other than he’d loved Charley.

But he wasn’t going to get the chance to hurt her again.
He’d done his worst, and it was over now.
She was getting on with her life, with a man who loved her and whom she loved back twice as much.

They were now based almost permanently in
Las Vegas
, in a beautiful new home in Queensridge, an exclusive neighbourhood situated just twenty minutes west of the Las Vegas Strip.
It was a perfect house in a perfect location, somewhere safe and secure for them and their daughter.
It was their haven.
And she loved it there.

The Beverly Hills branch of
was now in the hands of a manager, somebody Charley trusted implicitly to oversee things while she concentrated on the Las Vegas salon within The Amber Palace, and the plans to open a third branch of
in New York.
, to be precise.

Exciting things were happening for Charley and Vince.
And the memory of that night was slowly being erased as the months passed.
The guilt was subsiding, days were getting easier.
had a lot to be happy about.
And for that, she was truly grateful.




Reece and Martha weren’t used to these big nights out anymore.
Ever since Vegas they’d made the decision to take things a lot easier, to slow down and enjoy their life more.
To enjoy each other because, after that night, it had become more evident – to everybody, not just to them – how precious life could be.

The only reason they’d turned up tonight was because it was Reece’s movie.
And they wanted to be there to support
, and Michael.
And Charley and Vince.
After everything they’d been through.

Family was everything to Reece now.
His daughter, his grandchildren, his wife.
Which was why he was quite happy to spend more of his time at his
home, looking after those wonderful grandchildren, splashing around in the pool, taking them out to play crazy golf or visit the fair.
Normal things.
Things that he and Martha could do together.
Because being together meant everything.

Reece Brogan, movie star, was finally learning to slow down and let go.




JJ Foster was happy for his ex-wife.
Happy that she was safe, happy that her movie was destined to be a hit.
Happy that they’d managed to stay friends, managed to stay in each other’s lives, and after everything that had happened, he was even more grateful, knowing she was always going to be around.
For Ellie’s sake, rather than his own.
Although, he’d always love
, and she’d always love him, she’d told him as much.
Just, not in the way they’d used to love each other.

She had a new life now, but then, so did he.
Everyone was moving on, and he was no exception.
He was in love again, with a wonderful woman.
And, after just five months of being together, Cathy Carlton, a very talented but very private TV actress, had just moved into his
A whirlwind romance, maybe, but it felt right.
And JJ was happy, being in love again.
Having somebody there who cared about him, who needed him.
It may have happened quickly, but things were going okay, so far.
Things were going better than okay.
In fact, for the first time in a long time JJ was feeling as though a veil had been lifted from his eyes and he could see everything clearer.
And it felt good.

This premiere was his first public outing with Cathy, their first appearance as a couple, and although India, Reece and Michael were very much the ones people wanted to see tonight, Hollywood loved any kind of gossip, especially if it involved a new relationship that could take up headline space – even if they were only following that relationship to see how long it lasted.
This was
JJ had a handle on these things by now.
He knew the way it worked, so he held tightly onto Cathy’s hand and smiled for the cameras.
All in the name of another night’s work.




The car door swung open and Dominic stepped out onto the red carpet, shielding his eyes from the glaring flashes of the bulbs, the barrage of noise that met him hitting him head on.
This was crazy!
But it was also something that had so very nearly not happened.
For him, anyway.
If Michael hadn’t pushed him out of the way that night who knows what the outcome might have been.

Michael Walsh.
A name that Dominic still couldn’t bring himself to use, but he was finally beginning to see Michael for what he was – his father.
Whether he liked it or not.
And after what had happened in Vegas, things were finally changing for the two of them.

For Michael to have put himself in danger in order to save him, well, Dominic couldn’t forget that.
That was one hell of a brave thing for Michael to have done, and Dominic couldn’t begin to tell him how grateful he was for everything that had happened that night.
He’d saved his life.

So, what else were they supposed to do other than try and build some bridges and make an effort to get to know one another.
Try and start building some kind of relationship.
It was pointless trying to fight it any longer.
Dominic didn’t think he had the energy anyway.

After Vegas he’d come back to
and spent some time getting his head together.
Time he’d needed to spend alone.
But, after a couple of weeks, he’d finally contacted Michael and the two of them had begun a journey that neither of them expected to be easy, but it was a journey they both needed to take.
And anyway, Dominic quite liked Michael.
Despite everything he knew about him.
He was a man who was trying to change, trying to get his life back together, and Dominic wasn’t so different.
The life he’d wanted after Vegas wasn’t the life he’d got, but he was learning to live with that, learning to accept that what Dominic MacDonald wanted, Dominic MacDonald didn’t always get.
And it was quite a liberating feeling.

The playboy he’d once been had gone – finding
had taught him that that wasn’t the way he’d wanted his life to go.
He wanted to settle down, find that person he could love and who’d love him back.
He’d thought he’d found her in Vegas, but the events of that fateful night had put paid to any chance that relationship had had of working out.
And maybe it was for the best.
Maybe everybody finally had the life they’d been looking for.
It was just going to take a lot longer for some of them to get used to the way the dice had rolled.




clung onto his hand as they walked the red carpet, a walk they’d done so many times before, this was no new experience for them.
But it had been a long time since they’d experienced a red carpet walk like this.
And it felt slightly alien.
Despite their history.
Despite the fact that no two people could ever feel more comfortable in each other’s company than Kenny and
The hot new
couple on the block.
A pairing the world of movies had been waiting to see for over twenty years, and it had finally been given to them after that night in Vegas.

When Michael had pushed Dominic out of the line of fire, causing the gun to drop from his hand and skid along the tiled terrace, Kenny had reacted with lightening speed, picking it up and immediately aiming it at the man who’d murdered
’s brother all those years ago.
And without thinking twice, without giving Jimmy a second to even register what was going on, Kenny had fired the fatal shot.

Watching Jimmy Cash fall to the ground like a rag doll hadn’t shocked him in the slightest, all he’d felt was a numbness.
No feelings had been there at all, because the man was a monster.
He was evil, intent only on wrecking lives and Kenny had waited a long time to get his own payback.
He’d never forget kneeling on the ground in the middle of a road in downtown
Los Angeles
, cradling the head of
’s dying brother.
He’d never forget that.
It had always haunted him, always been there.
The guilt that he could have done more to stop all of that from happening would always prey heavy on his mind but now – now he’d finally got his own kind of revenge.
A suitable payback.
For everything that man had put so many people through.

The following months had been tough.
Of course nobody had been charged with anything – it had been self-defence, pure and simple, and with more witnesses than the police needed there was no way it could have been anything other than that.
But it had still taken a long time for Kenny to get his head around what he’d done.
He’d killed a man.
And, even though that man had been a sick and evil twisted bastard, it still didn’t sit well with Kenny.

BOOK: Illusions of Love
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