Illicit (2 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew

BOOK: Illicit
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Lindsay smiled. A change of setting would do her good. She and Jill could just kick back and enjoy themselves.

She dropped the envelope on the dining room table as she headed for the kitchen to start dinner. She grinned. She wouldn’t mention anything to Jill about receiving the invitation. Keep her guessing whether she’d show up or not. It would serve her right for teasing her so mercilessly.

*   *   *

As Lindsay walked toward the entrance of the tall, glittering building a doorman stepped toward her, smiling.

“May I help you, ma’am?”

“Um, yes. I’ve been invited to unit 2101.”

“Your name?”

“Lindsay Reed.”

He smiled. “Of course, Ms. Reed.” He opened the glass door. “Just walk past the elevators, then take a right. The private elevator is down that corridor. You have a key card?”

She nodded. The card had been included with the invitation and was now in her purse.

Private elevator?

She stepped from the humid heat of the afternoon into the cool, air-conditioned lobby. She walked toward the elevators, her high heels clacking on the glossy marble floors, then turned right as directed. At the end, she found a single elevator door with a slot for a key card. She set down her overnight bag and grabbed the crystal heart on the zipper tag of her new, dark purple purse and pulled it open, retrieved the card, and slid it into the slot. The doors opened immediately.

Inside the roomy elevator was a cushioned bench. The walls were mirrored and the floor covered with soft carpet. She stepped inside and set her bag on the bench. The doors closed and the elevator began moving upward.

The building was very high class. She began to doubt it was the friend whose apartment Jill house-sat. Maybe Jill’s boss had let her use it for the weekend. The woman owned her own company and had a big house in the country. Lindsay wouldn’t be surprised if she kept an apartment in the city, too.

Would Jill be at the apartment already? If she wasn’t, how would Lindsay get in? Unless the key card opened the apartment door, too, which was what she’d originally assumed.

The elevator slowed, then came to a stop and the doors opened. Lindsay’s eyes widened as she stepped out of the elevator into the biggest, most luxurious apartment she’d ever seen. The elevator doors closed behind her and she stepped farther into the entryway and glanced around the large living room beyond with plush leather couches and armchairs, a large marble fireplace, a huge flat-screen television, and a large window overlooking the city.

Lindsay took off her shoes and placed them on the ceramic tiled floor beside the hall closet, then set down her purse beside them and stepped into the living room, her feet sinking into the thick carpet. It wasn’t as cool as in the lobby, but with a soft breeze washing through the place from the open windows, it was a comfortable temperature.

She padded across the room to the hallway in search of the bedrooms. Five doors spanned the hallway, only two open. The one at the far end of the hall seemed to be a bathroom, the other was the first door on the left. She shrugged and decided that must be the guest room. Inside she found a large queen bed with white bedding and a dark chocolate coverlet across the bottom of the bed which matched the leather headboard. She set her overnight bag on the coverlet as she glanced around at the sumptuous room. Green and brown accent pillows topped the bed and facing the window sat a brown leather chaise longue with accent pillows that matched those on the bed. The bedside tables and dresser were a glossy mahogany and behind the double folding doors must be a very large closet.

She crossed the room and peeked out the window, then sucked in a breath. Right outside was a private patio with teak chairs around a glass table shaded under an umbrella and lounge chairs skirting a private pool.

*   *   *

Travis pushed the button to the penthouse and the doors to the elevator closed.

“I might never get used to this place,” Connor said. “Private elevator. Luxury penthouse.”

“I don’t think I should get used to it.”

Connor nudged his elbow. “Look, Erik inherited this place and he wants us to live with him. It wouldn’t make sense to turn him down just because we couldn’t afford the rent on a place like this. Erik really doesn’t care about stuff like that.”

“I know. I didn’t turn it down.”

“Yeah, but I had to practically twist your arm.”

It was true. Connor really wanted the two of them to move in with Erik, and Travis wanted that, too. The three of them had a solid relationship and Travis wanted them all to be together as much as Connor and Erik did. He just wished it had been somewhere he could afford. It was important to him to pull his own weight. He’d been living on his own since he was seventeen and he’d never relied on anyone. Financially, anyway. Since he’d moved in with Connor several years ago, he had learned to rely on Connor for emotional support. And for sex, of course. Erik came along later, but the three of them had forged a strong, intimate relationship together.

“Listen, when we get upstairs, let’s go for a quick swim before Lindsay arrives,” Connor suggested.

Travis’ stomach knotted, despite the thought of a nice swim in the heated pool. He was looking forward to a wild weekend sharing a sexy woman with his two friends, but it was the first time they’d had a woman to a place they all shared. It would be a little strange, especially since he still didn’t feel quite settled.

“She’ll be here soon, so we don’t really have time.”

The elevator arrived at the rooftop apartment and the doors opened.

*   *   *

At a noise in the other room, Lindsay turned her head. She walked toward the door, straining to hear. It sounded like the elevator doors opening. Well, now that Jill had arrived, she could find out what was going on.

“It looks like our guest is here,” someone said in the other room, but it was a man’s voice.

An unfamiliar voice. Lindsay stiffened. Why had Jill invited a man?

“How do you know?” another man said.

“Right there. Unless Erik’s taken to cross-dressing, those aren’t his shoes and purse.”

Someone chuckled. “Erik texted me to say he’d be late, so they’re definitely not his.”

“So he wasn’t here when she arrived? Let’s go find her.”

Panic rose in Lindsay. Oh, God, the invitation had been the real deal. She’d been invited to come and party—sexually—with three men. Three


Lindsay’s heart thundered in her chest. They were coming to find her.

She pushed the door closed very quietly, then stared at it, wondering what to do next.

Was this Jill’s doing? Had she gone ahead and set up this fantasy weekend? Lindsay couldn’t believe Jill would do that, but there was no other reasonable explanation.

These guys believed she’d come here to live out her sexual fantasy with them.

Her head started to spin and she drew in a deep breath.

How could she possibly get out of here without coming face-to-face with them?

They think I’m here to have sex with them.
Her cheeks burned.

She sucked in another breath.
Calm down.

Once she explained it was all a mistake, that she didn’t want to be here … well, it would be embarrassing, but she just had to tell them. Then she’d leave.

She pressed her ear to the door. She couldn’t hear any footsteps, but with the lovely plush carpet, she wouldn’t.

“It looks like she’s in the bedroom.”

She jumped at the voice outside the door.

“Should we knock?” the other man asked.

“No, she might be having a nap. Or changing. She’ll come out when she’s ready.” His voice seemed to be moving away. “For now, let’s just go for a swim.”

She sucked in a breath of air, relieved at her reprieve, then she glanced at the window. Oh, man, they’d be walking right by that window. They’d be able to see her in here.

She raced to the window, noticing the wooden horizontal blinds stacked closed at the top, and grabbed the string on the right, then released the catch. The blinds swept down over the open window, the horizontal slats at an angle to let light in. She saw two men walk toward the pool only a couple of yards from the window. It was too late to close the blinds all the way without being noticed. Could they see her?

But the angle of the slats provided only a small opening between each. She could see out, but they’d need to peer straight in to see her.

She crouched down and watched them. They were tall and muscular, just like the men on the elevator. She had been so self-conscious about tripping into Mr. X, she had barely gotten a glimpse of their faces, but she was pretty sure this was Connor and Travis.

They hadn’t even gone to change first. They both wore jeans and T-shirts. And, good heavens, they were absolutely gorgeous. Both were tall and broad-shouldered. One had long, dark hair hanging below his muscular shoulders. His eyes were dark brown, his nose slender and his lips full. She couldn’t help imagining those lips pressed to hers, his arms around her. The other had short, layered, dark blond hair with spiky bangs and a strong, masculine jaw. His smile was wide, showing straight, white teeth.

The one on the left peeled off his shirt and tossed it aside. His chest was broad and sculpted. He unbuttoned his jeans and dropped them to the deck, then stepped out of them, wearing only bright yellow boxers with a happy face. He tucked his thumbs under the waistband.

“Really, Connor? You’re going to strip naked? Don’t you think that would make our guest uncomfortable?”

Connor shrugged. “She’s probably sleeping. But even if she isn’t”—he tugged down his boxers and Lindsay’s eyes widened at the size of his cock—“why not give her a preview of what to expect?”

The other man chuckled. “Yeah? With that big column, you might just frighten her away.”

“Really?” Connor wrapped his hand around his cock and stroked it. “You and Erik have never found it particularly frightening.”

“As generous as your proportions are, Erik has you beat. And me?” Travis shrugged. “What can I say? I like big cock.”

My God, if this Erik guy had a bigger penis than that … A part of her would love to stick around just to see it.

Connor glanced at her window and she ducked, her heart pounding, though more from the effect of seeing his big cock and the sudden longing to wrap her hand around it, just as his was, than from fear of being seen.

“Show me, Travis.” Connor’s cock had started to swell.

The other man—Travis—walked toward him, shedding his T-shirt, then jeans as he approached, revealing a sexy, tanned frame, just as muscle-bound as the man named Connor. He did not remove his pinstriped navy boxers, though, leaving Lindsay a little disappointed.

He grabbed one of the patio chairs beside Connor and pulled it in front of him, then sat down.

“I’m going to suck that big cock of yours, just like the little lady in the other room will do when we’re all together.” Travis wrapped his hand around Connor’s rigid shaft and stroked. “Her pretty little lips will wrap around your hard cock and she’ll glide it into her mouth.”

“God, yeah. Now stop talking and suck some cock.” Connor wrapped his hand around Travis’ head and drew him to his crotch.

Travis chuckled, then rested his head against Connor’s pelvis and licked his shaven balls. He stroked the big cock, then drew back and pressed the cock-head to his mouth. Connor groaned as Travis hesitated, the mushroom-shaped flesh pressed against his lips. Travis chuckled again, then opened and swallowed the other man into his mouth.

“God damn, that feels good,” Connor said.

He grabbed Travis’ head again and pulled him forward. The long shaft disappeared into Travis’ mouth as he glided forward until he pressed tight to Connor’s crotch.

Lindsay couldn’t believe Travis had taken him so deep. How did he do that without gagging?

Connor groaned and murmured as Travis bobbed up and down on his cock, swallowing it deep inside each time, his hands cupping Connor’s hard, muscular buttocks. Then Connor stiffened and groaned loudly, his face contorting as he came to climax.

Lindsay’s breasts swelled and her insides ached with need. As she watched the flaccid cock slip from Travis’ lips, she wished it was still hard and that she had the guts to march out there right now and climb aboard.

Connor grabbed Travis and pulled him to his feet, then kissed him. Hot and hard. Their masculine mouths consumed each other. Connor’s hands glided down Travis’ back, circling the muscles, then he cupped the man’s hard, boxer-clad butt and squeezed.

Connor grabbed the hem and pushed the boxers down. As much as Travis had let on that his cock didn’t match Connor’s in size, that was anything but the truth. The guy was just as long, if not quite as thick.

“You just don’t want to skinny-dip alone,” Travis said as he kicked his boxers aside.

“Screw that. I just want to suck you off. Now lie down on the diving board, legs spread.”

Lindsay’s breath caught. Would he talk to her that way? Coarse and demanding. Directing her to do things—sexual things—for his pleasure?

Travis walked to the diving board and lay back on it, his legs wide open straddling the board, his knees bent and his feet flat on the stone deck that surrounded the pool. His head was toward the water. Connor sat on the other end of the board, near Travis’ knees, then he grasped Travis’ cock and squeezed, then stroked.

Lindsay could imagine that big, hard cock in her hand as she stroked it up and down. Connor leaned forward and licked the cock, then he dove down on it with gusto.

As she watched his mouth bounce up and down on the long, hard erection, her insides thrumming with need, she realized she was wasting valuable time. Because with the two of them out there, totally preoccupied, she could make a dash for the door without being discovered.

No confrontation. No awkwardness.

She dragged her attention from the extremely arousing scene outside and sauntered across the room, then pressed her ear to the door and listened. When she didn’t hear anything, she opened it slowly, peering out to ensure no one was waiting in the hallway. When she saw the coast was clear, she pulled the door open all the way and tiptoed into the hallway. She peered around the corner into the large sitting area facing the window. No sign of the two men outside.

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