I'll Remember You (Hell Yeah!) (31 page)

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His praise made her juices flow and he lapped them up with abandon. She didn’t know if he had been fantasizing or what, but Aron did things to her he’d never done before, biting her pussy lips, flicking out his tongue and tickling her clit before covering the whole area with his mouth and sucking hard. She couldn’t last, there was no way. Forgetting his directive, she gripped his hair and let the orgasm take her, her breath leaving her in a pulsing explosion of pure bliss.

He held her until she calmed, and then she smiled. “My turn.”

“What did you have in mind, darlin?”

“One of your favorite things.”

“I don’t think I have to get my memory back to know what that is.” She sat up in the bed and scooted to the edge.

“Stand in front of me so I can reach you good.” He came to her, his cock reaching her a good three or four seconds before the rest of him did. “Damn, you’re big.”

“Do you like it?” He seemed to be seeking reassurance, and that she was glad to provide.

Taking her hands, she slid them up and rested them on his hips, pulling him a tad closer. “You have never failed to exceed my expectations, Aron. You please me no end. I love your cock.”

Opening her mouth, she took as much as she could inside and just began sucking, letting her tongue massage the underside while she applied unbelievable suction to the head. The wetness and heat of Libby’s mouth was unbelievable. He closed his eyes, reveling in the sensation. Nothing could be better. It was heaven. But he needed inside of her. He couldn’t wait. “You get on top.”

As he’d been before, he spread his big self out on the bed and Libby marveled at the playground he made. Taking her time, she got between his legs and proceeded to crawl up his body.

He watched her. “You look like a she-cat on the prowl.”

“Yea, I’m after big-game. You.” Straddling his hips, she leaned over and crashed her mouth down on his, proceeding to kiss him like there was no tomorrow. Everything went a little wild – they rubbed and touched, caressed and teased. Kisses—wet, hot kisses—were exchanged and bartered, traded for licks and nips. Aron and Libby were relearning one another’s bodies, showing each other exactly what pleased them and how good it felt. “Put him in,” she demanded.

Scooting back, she slid off his cock and it bounced up between them—hard and big—ready to impale her. She rose over him, took him in hand and sat down on him, taking him to the root. She sighed. “How does that feel?” she asked.

“So fuckin’ good,” he growled. “Now bounce. I wanna see your tits jiggle.”

Libby laughed. She had so missed all of this. His raunchiness, his passion—she had missed him so bad. Now, here he was. In her bed. In her life. She decided at that moment to be happy with whatever the future would bring. “Give me your hands, cowboy.” He did. She laced their fingers together and proceeded to ride him, sliding up and down his pole, grinding her pussy down so her clit could join in the fun. And when he came, when she watched the ecstasy on his face, Libby came. She came so hard she almost blacked out. And then she surrendered to him, relaxing in his arms, his cock still deep inside of her.

They slept. At peace.


Chapter Fifteen


“Phone.” She handed him his cell.

Aron glanced at the caller. “It’s Brock.” Pulling her down beside him on the couch, Aron answered. “McCoy.”

“Hello, Amigo. How are you?”

“Better than the last time we talked, that’s for sure. How are things?”

“Better, as you say. Alessandra and Tomas are out of the hospital. Martina is behind bars and the El Duro Cartel is no more, thanks to you.”

“Not just me, Brock. It was you and a whole passel of friends. I was at her mercy. If you hadn’t called my brother, I might still be there.”

“Ah, your family would have rescued you without me, they are an impressive bunch.”

“That they are,” Aron agreed. “I wanted to talk to you for two reasons. First, I’d like for you to tell me anything you or Alessandra knows about that chemist or the drugs they gave me. I’m working to put my life back together again.”

Brock was quiet for a minute. “Well, hold on.” Aron could hear muffled conversation. In a moment, he was back. “My girl says the chemist is a woman, a good woman who owed Martina a favor. Her name is Emily Gadwah and her number is…” Aron wrote it down.

“Thanks. I don’t know if she can tell me anything that will help, but I have to try.”

Libby rubbed her fingers over the back of his hand. His adamancy to regain his memory was as much for her, as him. She needed to make him understand, it didn’t matter. Over the last few days, he’d proved to her that they could rebuild what they had.

“Second, I wanted to invite you all to Texas. I don’t know what your plans are, but you’re welcome here anytime. We’re planning a party in a couple of days and if you could fly up and join us, we’d love to have you.” He gave Brock the information and nodded his head, this always amused Libby. Aron always acted like the person he was talking to could see him. He would gesture and measure and say something was about this long and hold his fingers up. It made her smile.

As soon as the conversation was up, he kissed her quick. “I’m going to call Scott Walker and get this ball rolling.”



All the arrangements had been made. Everyone was coming and Tebow was decked out in its finest. Aron had spent a lot of time riding around the ranch, looking at his cattle, checking out his horses. When he found the hunting cabin had burned to the ground, his heart had hurt. He’d read in Libby’s book and knew it had belonged to his mother. Looking around the grounds, it seemed as if he could picture them running around as boys and him chasing Libby down the dock as she’d faithfully recorded.

Libby had taken over and made sure all the Christmas decorations were down, but she had turned around and transformed the place into a winter wonderland with zillions of little white lights and white poinsettias. His wife was a marvel. His whole family was fuckin’ awesome. Aron McCoy was a lucky man.

A phone call from Scott Walker brought his nostalgic journey to a halt. The doc wanted him to come in for a consultation. Aron headed back to the house, but Libby was deep into party food preparations. People would begin arriving tonight and she wanted everything to be perfect. “I’m going in and see Scot Walker. He thinks he has information for me.”

“Do you want me to stop this and go with you? Cause I can.”

“I know, darlin.” He kissed the end of her nose. “There’s no need. I’ll be right back and I’ll tell you every word he says.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck, making sure she didn’t get her floury hands on his clean shirt. “Don’t you go having no operation while you’re over there,” she admonished him. He grinned. But she persisted. “Let me explain. What we have now is good.”

“You’re right.” He just wanted it to be the best it could be—for her.

The drive to Austin was a quiet one. He didn’t even turn on the radio. Instead, he just let his mind wander. Sometimes he thought he was recalling things and then he’d have to admit it was because Libby or his brothers had told him something. Yet, he knew how to get around Austin, he could even picture running down the field at Texas Stadium under the direction of Mack Brown. He could recall how it felt to have an angry bull between his legs and when he’d taken the sculpting clay between his fingers, it wasn’t hard to mold it into what he wanted it to be. Memories or instinct? He didn’t know.

Sitting in front of Scott Walker, Aron was nervous. The man was smart, there was no doubt about it and he was popular with the women if all the photographs on the wall were any indication. Plus, just while he’d been in the waiting room, he’d seen four—count ‘em—four stacked blondes sashay in and out. The man definitely had a type.

Aron chuckled. So did he, but he leaned more toward one curvy, brunette dynamo.

“All right. What’s the verdict?”

Walker stood. “There’s someone I want you meet.” He went to an adjoining office and opened the door. “Emily?”

The moment the woman walked in, Aron knew who she was. He stiffened. This memory came slamming back hard and strong. “You drugged me.” She might look harmless in her pink hair and purple sweat suit, but he knew different. She was brilliant and ruthless.

“You don’t know the full story,” she began. Aron resisted, but soon he began to listen. “Martina Delgado had me between a rock and a hard place. She saved my son, she didn’t have to.” Emily shook her head. “The Diosa was a contradiction. She could have someone killed with a snap of her fingers, true. But she also had a soft side, I saw that with you.”

“Pardon me, if I don’t agree. She reminded me of that story about the alligator who would give the frog a ride across the bayou, being nice, and when it got to the other side, it would eat him. That was his nature.”

“You may be right, but there’s something you don’t know.” She folded her hands in her lap. “I’m smarter than Martina. I did what she asked me to do, I erased your memories, but not permanently. I’ve told the doctor here what I used. It was a peptide called Zip that’s being tested to permanently eradicate specific memories. I worked with a colleague on this and it works. I was able to get you to talk about your wife and your family, even the drug cartel, and after I gave you the injection those memories were gone.”

Aron closed his eyes in pain. “Permanent, huh?”

“Not exactly, I don’t think.” Aron jerked his head up. She continued. “I diluted the Zip and added two other drugs, as I explained to Dr. Walker. To the best of my calculations, your memory should start returning anytime. I hope.”

“Are you sure?”

Emily shook her head. “There are no guarantees. This all is basically untested. But it was never my intent to harm you. In fact, I put my own life at risk to try and help you. If El Duro hadn’t been taken down and news came to Martina that you had regained your memory, she would have had me killed.” Emily smiled. “It’s just her nature.”

Aron sprung up, pacing back and forth across the room. He looked at Walker. “So, what are you telling me?”

Dr. Scott Walker smiled. “I’m telling you to go home and live your life. Your memories will most likely return on their own. But until then you have to decide...is your past more important than your present and your future?”




When he returned to Tebow, Aron didn’t get a chance to talk to Libby right away. People were already arriving. When he walked into the kitchen there were two women he didn’t know. They looked familiar. He offered his hand. “I’m sorry, I’m Aron McCoy.” They laughed.

“We’re McCoys too. My name is Pepper and this is my sister Ryder.”

“Oh, Lord. I bet you’re trouble.” The two petite dark-haired girls laughed.

“We heard about your trouble and we’re so glad you are back in one piece.”

“Me, too.” Footsteps coming through the dining room alerted him that their brothers were here in full force. He met Philip, who hadn’t been able to go to Mexico due to his upcoming trial. Zane had briefed him on his cousin’s trouble and he’d volunteered to do what he could to help as soon as he got his feet on the ground.

Kyle Chancellor and his team arrived and he began to wonder if they would have enough food. If their appetites all matched their size, they were in trouble. But when he looked over to what his Libby and the other’s had laid out, he realized they were well acquainted with big men and their big appetites.

Beau and Harley had stayed in the area since the wedding; they’d been visiting friends in San Antonio. When they drove up, it seemed the party got started. No one could liven up a crowd like the Ragin’ Cajun’. Joseph made a run to the airport, bringing in Patrick, Savannah, Philip Hawke and Jayco Johnson. Kane and Zane drove in with Lilibet and Presley. It wasn’t long before music was playing and beer was flowing. The only ones who wouldn’t be joining them were Roscoe, Vance and Revel. The PI’s were on a case and Revel was still unable to travel because of his wound. Aron hadn’t forgotten him though, and he had made sure his friend had everything he needed – no expense spared.

The group was in for a surprise when Brock Philips called from the airport and Joseph took off on another trip. When they pulled in, Libby had to force herself to be civil. She didn’t know how she felt about Martina’s family showing up at Tebow. She knew Aron had made it clear they had helped, but it was still hard.

Partying went on well into the night and Aron and Libby found their way onto the dance floor. He finally got the time to tell her what Scott Walker had said about his memory returning and until it did, they needed to decide what was important.

Libby had no problem doing that. “Let me tell you how I feel.” She laid her head on his chest. “I want you. I want a future with you, Aron McCoy. The past doesn’t matter nearly as much as what we have now. I ask you for today and all of your tomorrows...the yesterdays can take care of themselves.”

His heart felt full. He looked around at his home and his family. Libby kissed him hard and ran to help take care of some minor crisis. His eyes followed her everywhere she went. She was so beautiful. Her smile would make the sun rise. It was obvious the other men appreciated her beauty too, because they seemed to hang on her every word. They laughed. They talked. In fact as he watched, he decided it was time to make sure everyone remembered exactly who that beautiful woman belonged to. Sauntering over to where she was, he gazed at his friends, his cousins and his brothers. Then he raised his hand. “Excuse me, I have something to say about my wife, Liberty Belle McCoy.”

Everyone stopped. She stopped. They all looked at him.

Then he said one word.

An unmistakable word.


Libby’s eyes widened. She began walking toward him slowly. And as she did, it all came flooding back. He saw her rising like a siren from the stock tank, he heard her giggling as she begged him not to eat ‘leon’. He remembered how it felt as he carried her in his arms to the hospital scared to death. He recalled making love to her in the hammock, holding back a laugh as she made friends with the other prisoners the night she went to jail for wrecking Shorty’s bar. He saw her as she stood by Joseph when he was paralyzed, how she bent over Nathan when he learned to use the special computer programs to help with his dyslexia. He saw her walking down the aisle to him at their wedding. He even saw her wading into the deep the day their life fell apart.

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