If You Only Knew (And Then Came Love Book 1) (4 page)

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“Don’t worry about it.” He laughed. “I have another vehicle and I’m pretty sure you’re not going to steal my car.”

“I’m not, I promise.” She felt her eyes widened as she put two and two together. Which meant it was his pot in the glove compartment? “Oh my God, it was yours.”

“What was mine?”

It had to be a fluke. There had to be a reason for him to have pot in his car. Someone else must have put it there. He didn’t appear like the type who would use drugs. “Nothing.” She’d have to work up the courage to tell him what happened.

“Why don’t we discuss this over lunch?”

“My appointments are back to back. I’m on the way to the next one now.”

“Dinner? You have to eat something today.”

“As in a date? I’m not sure—” Dates required time to get ready and she didn’t have enough time for that.

“How about two people getting to know each other?”

“All right. My last appointment ends at seven thirty. We could meet then.”


“The Yarrow Center is in Marion?”

“I’ll see you at seven thirty.”

“Thank you again.”

“You’re welcome.” Julian hung up.

Liza sighed. How was she going to tell him what she’d done? Why couldn’t she have met him when she wanted a relationship? Now, when she couldn’t devote time to a relationship, someone like him happened into her life. He was turning out to be quite the man.


Liza walked into the lobby that evening. Joanne, the mother, and her son Nicholas, arrived but her daughters, Jasmin and Chiara, had not. She went up to the reception desk. “Any calls?”

“No but the foster parents tend to be late.” Brenda, the receptionist, smiled.  

“I’m going to get something to drink and then I’ll be back.” Liza gave a slight wave and headed for the door.

Joanne leapt in front of her.

Liza jumped back, stunned by her movements, and gave her a fake smile.

“Where are my kids? You called them didn’t you?” Her voice held an accusatory tone.

“They received a reminder. They’re running late.” Liza motioned to the chairs. “Have a seat. I’ll be right back and hopefully they’ll be here.”

Liza went into the break room and pulled a soda from the refrigerator.

Liza was sipping her drink, when Brenda entered. “Joanne’s kids are here and she’s already ranting.” She shook her head.

“What pissed her off this time?” Liza rolled her eyes.

Brenda heaved a heavy breath. “Who knows with her? She mentioned something about clothes?”

Liza nodded and went into the reception area to see Joanne whispering something to her oldest daughter.

“Time for the visitation.”

Joanne’s son snatched up his book bag and headed for the visitation room. Jasmin and Chiara waited for Joanne to head to the room. The visitation started out well, for this family. Nicholas worked on homework – ignoring everyone. Chiara sat in the corner chatting with Jasmin.

Jasmin was wound up. She kept insisting on jumping on the furniture and talked a mile a minute. She was the youngest of the three and at eight years old was a ball of energy. Joanne found Jasmin’s actions amusing, but ignored the older two children.

Liza left the parenting to Joanne, as directed by the Center, but marked the lack of control in her visitation notes.

It was seven twenty when Joanne motioned to her oldest daughter. “Chiara, what are talking about in therapy?”

“Nothing.” Chiara shrugged and rolled her eyes.

Joanne then looked Liza. “You see the city is paying thousands of dollars to this place and she’s not getting anything out of it. You have to complain to the state if you want to get anything done,” Joanne rambled. “Jasmin’s out of control because she can’t live with me.”

Liza opened her mouth to make a comment, but snapped it shut.

“I’m going to call the governor. I’ll get this straightened out.”

Liza held up her hand. “It’s almost time to go.” She finished typing her last sentence, saved her work, and closed her laptop. “Why don’t you calm down and say bye to the kids?”

“I know how to deal with the end of a visit.” Joanne whipped her head back and forth and shook her finger at Liza. “You think I’m crazy, you don’t want me to get my kids back, I know what you write in your reports.” She stomped her foot and postured with her hands as trying to get Liza to fight her.

Liza held up her hands as she moved toward the door. “Joanne, I have nothing against you, but it’s time to go. Let’s go to the reception area.”

This visitation room set her up so she was sitting too far away from the door. She hated to feel trapped in a corner with volatile people around. “You’re trying to end my visit early again.” Joanne pointed at the clock.

Seven twenty eight close enough

Jasmin snickered at her mom. Chiara and Nicholas rolled their eyes as they gathered up their things to leave.

“Come on, Mom. It’s time to go.” Nicholas stood and headed for the door with a flush to his face.

Joanne let out a heavy breath and huffed out the door.

The five of them walked quietly up front with Liza leading the way.

Liza put her arm up to stop Joanne from leaving with her kids. She motioned for the seating area. “I need you to wait here while the kids leave, with their foster parents.”

“I should be able to tell my children bye.” Joanne’s hands flew to her hips and she eyed Liza, her head bobbing.

“Tell them goodbye, but you can’t leave this building the same time they do. You know the rules. We shouldn’t have to discuss it every single time.” Liza watched as Jasmin and Chiara’s foster mother backed toward the door with the children.  

“Bye, kids.” Joanne moved around Liza to head for the door, following the kids.

The foster mother’s eyes widened and she looked at Liza as Joanne headed for the door behind her.

Liza moved in front of the door, between the foster parent and Joanne.

Joanne backed up and waved her finger in Liza’s face. “I can track you down, bitch. You won’t get away with taking my kids away with this.” She yelled, brought her arm back, and made a fist.

A male body stepped between her and Joanne, capturing Joanne’s fist and pushing it away. “Back the hell off.”

Liza recognized Julian’s voice the moment he spoke. She rested her hand on his shoulder to stop him from interfering. She opened her mouth to say something, right as Trina came into the waiting area.

Joanne swung her fist again.

Julian sidestepped the blow and moved Liza with him.

Another therapist, came in from behind Trina, caught a hold of Joanne, holding her arms down.

“Bitch, I’ll track you down. I’ll kill you for taking my kids away from me.” Joanne screamed and struggled against the woman holding onto her.

“The state removed your children from your custody, Joanne, we had nothing to do with it,” one of the therapists said. “Your behavior is not helping you get them any quicker.”

It took two people to drag Joanne into the back and away from Liza.

“What was that about?” Trina scowled at Liza and then quirked a brow at Julian.

Julian spun around and caught Liza’s shoulders as she stumbled. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” She clutched the charm on her necklace and slid it across the chain.

“What did you do to get her mad?” Trina stepped over to where Liza and Julian stood.

Julian shot Trina a glare. “
woman called her a bitch and swung at her, not once but twice. Don’t tell me you didn’t see it. Nothing Liza could have done to her would have made that acceptable.” He put his arm around Liza protectively.  

Liza could hear Joanne screaming through the closed door, she shuddered and Julian pulled her closer.

“You’re correct. She was in the wrong to attempt to strike her case worker.” Trina’s answer held all the tact of an HR rep, neither for nor against the client. Always PC and full of condescending bullshit that made this job old, real fast.

“What?” Julian pointed a finger at Trina. “There’s a time and place for being politically correct lady. What she did was assault, luckily for you I was here. Otherwise, Liza would be forced to file charges against you and that woman. Whose job is it to keep your employees safe?”

“And you would be?”

“Julian Vitalli.”

The door opened and Joanne walked in with the two therapists who had hauled her out before. “I want her fired.” Joanne sneered when she saw Liza.

“Joanne, why don’t you come to my office and you can tell me exactly what happened?” Trina watched Liza and Julian out of the corner of her eye, before turning to face the door.  

Joanne smirked as if she had the upper hand when Trina led her through the door.

Trina stopped and turned to Liza. “I know what she did. I’m going to try and get her out of here while you’re in the other room. Write this up and then you can go home. We’ll discuss it tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow’s my day off,” Liza said.

“Thursday then.” Trina nodded and exited the room.

Julian pulled her into a side hug and kissed the top of her head. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

“I will be.” She stepped out of his arms. Had he just kissed her? It felt so comfortable standing in his arms. She had to move away to avoid resting her head against his shoulder. She barely knew the man and yet the entire length of her body tingled. “Thank you.” She ran a hand over her arm and watched him, before moving over to the reception desk.

“No problem.” He moved behind her.

He was close enough she could feel the heat radiating from his body. She had to get her hormones under control.

Brenda beamed. “You want to add anything to my report?” Brenda handed Liza a handwritten form. “I started writing as soon as she got belligerent.”

Liza grabbed Brenda into a bear hug. “Oh, you’re a life saver.” Liza read over the report, then set it on the counter, and added a couple of lines before handing the report to Julian. “You can’t read what we wrote. However, you can write what you witnessed and sign your name here.”

Julian wrote a couple of sentences explaining his part in the conflict. He printed and signed his name and handed the paper to Liza. She read what Julian had written, then initialed it, and handed it to Brenda.

“You saved me a ton of time. Give me a moment and I’ll be ready to go.” Liza grinned.

“Remember me the next time you’re bringing desserts.” Brenda picked up the report and smiled at Liza.  

“I will.” Liza nodded. “A dozen chocolate chip cookies on Thursday.”

“Ready?” Julian interrupted their conversation.

“I have to send a quick e-mail to the Child Protective Services worker and then I’ll be ready.” She hurried toward the door. She looked back at him, and grinned.
God, he was sexy

He winked at her, almost as if he had read her mind.

She felt the color rush to her face. She pushed the code to open the door.  

A smile crossed Liza’s face as she headed toward the visitation room, until she heard Trina call her name. “Yes?”

“Am I to understand you have a personal relationship with Mr. Vitalli?” Trina kept her voice professional, but the look in her eye was one of suspicion.

“We’re friends.” Liza shrugged. She’d met the man less than twenty-four hours before and here she was being questioned about her relationship with him?
Sheesh! Who was he?

“Listen, I don’t know what he was doing here tonight. But if we lose funding because of your personal influence over him, there will be consequences.”

“What are you talking about?” Liza raised an eyebrow. “Our relationship has nothing to do with my job.”

“Remember what I said.” Trina pivoted on her heels and headed away from Liza.

Liza stood there her mouth open, staring after Trina’s retreating form. Maybe having dinner with Julian wasn’t the best idea. She looked down at the floor and proceeded to the visitation room to collect her things.

Chapter Three

Julian leaned against the wall next to the receptionist window. His mind reeled. No one should be at risk of attack in a professional setting.

“You’re Julian Vitalli, from Bryton?” The receptionist glanced at the paper in front of her. “The multi-millionaire?”

“Yeah, so?”

“Just checking.” The woman gave him a half smile and opened her mouth to say something else when Trina came into the lobby.

“I don’t believe we’ve been formally introduced, I’m Trina Harding.” She ambled over to him and held her hand out. “You’re one of Jacqueline Vitalli’s children?” Trina cocked her head.               “I am.” Julian straightened to his full 6’3”.

Trina looked up at him. “Jacqueline’s been a staunch supporter of our cause here and I appreciate it.”

a benefactor.” Julian folded his arms across his chest. “However, after seeing your lack of concern for an employee’s safety, I’m reconsidering.”

“May I ask why you’re here?”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but Liza and I are friends.” Julian stared down his nose at her, hellbent on intimidating her. He brought the corner of his mouth up in a smirk. “You realize it was my mother who hit Liza’s car last night? Kind of ironic you’re making one of your employees suffer for something out of her control.”

Trina’s eyes widened.

He felt a moment of satisfaction when her face turned red after calling her on her business practices.

“As soon as the report is ready, I’m sure Liza will be ready for you. I do hope none of today’s events affect your generosity.” Her voice was controlled, but he could see the gears spinning in her mind.

“We’ll see. And I’ll be sure to let my mother know as well.”

Liza came into the room. She smiled at him, but the moment she saw Trina, she took a step back.

“Maybe it would be best if we didn’t go to dinner,” she whispered. Her expression that of a scolded child.

One look at Trina had Julian’s fists clenching at his sides. He rested a hand on Liza’s shoulders. “Why don’t I meet you outside?”

Liza’s eyes widened and her face went pale. “Please don’t interfere.” Her lips trembled and she wrung her hands together.

“I won’t.” Julian pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Wait outside. We’ll go to dinner afterwards.”

Liza bit her lower lip. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but spun on her heels and hurried out the door.

Julian strode over to where Trina stood. He jabbed his finger in her direction. “Listen, two can play at the threat game. I’m the one who controls where my money goes, but I also have influence on where my family’s goes. Watch what you say. It may not just be my funding that’s one the line.”

Trina glared at him. “And I control Liza’s job.”

“And let’s see who wins the court case when
sue you for wrongful termination.” Julian turned away from her. “My sister’s a corporate attorney, remember that.” He swaggered out of the building to find Liza.

She caught a hold of his shirt. “Please say you didn’t get me fired?”

“You’re job is safe, don’t worry.” Julian assured her. He put his hands over hers, enjoying the feel of them on his chest.

“Then what was that about?”

“I took her down a peg.” Julian smiled. “What sounds good for dinner?”

Liza watched his eyes, dropped her hands, and sighed. “Something cheap please. Once I pay the deductible I won’t have much left, and I doubt my insurance covers the tow bill.”

“Nonsense.” Julian lifted her chin. “My mother’s insurance will deal with everything. If there happens to be something the insurance doesn’t cover, I’ll cover it. It’s the least I can do since she ran into you.”

“I don’t want your money, Julian.” Liza drew a line with her hands. “I appreciate what you’re doing for me, but I can handle this on my own.”

“I’m sure you are capable of many things, but for now, let me help.” Julian lifted her hand to his lips. “Would you do me the pleasure of joining me for dinner?”

“You make it hard to say no.”

“Before we go I need to get something from the car you’re driving.”

Liza’s eyes went wide. “I, umm—”

“Yes?” He walked toward his car.

She hurried after him.

He climbed in the passenger seat and popped open the glove compartment.

She scurried into the driver’s seat and clasped a hand on the glove box. She whispered in his ear, “Did you know you had marijuana in there?”

When she withdrew he had to laugh, she was so innocent. The wheels turned in her head faster than a rat racing for food. Time so see how naive she was.

Julian chuckled. “Had?” He moved her hand and opened the glove box.

She gasped.

It was as if he could see her Knight in Shining Armor falling off his horse. Yesterday, he had been the guy who saved her, today, he was a druggie.

“I found it in the glove compartment this morning. I thought it was a rental car. I—” She twisted away from him.

“What’d you do?” He touched her hand, but she yanked it away from him.

She cringed pressing a hand to her chest. “I flushed it.” Her shoulders sagged. “I was afraid the last person who rented it left it behind. I didn’t want you to get in trouble. Plus I drive clients to visits. I couldn’t afford to be pulled over and hauled off to the slammer with a child in my car.” Her words gushed out so fast he thought she’d pass out when she was done, gasping for air the way she was.

He was having way too much fun watching her squirm. “Do you want to know who it was going too?” The way she blushed, mouth dropped open, fidgeting like crazy. No doubt, she was having second thoughts about him.

“No.” Her fingers found the heart on her necklace and she slid it across the chain. “Don’t worry about it. Tomorrow is my day off. I’ll find a cab to get home and rent a car then drop yours off then.” She was well into a full on panic attack.

“Will you listen, please?” He caught her hand. She tried to jerk away, but he held on tighter.

Her eyes grew wide and her lips trembled. “Let go of me.”

Julian released her hand and snickered. “It was going to a woman who has cancer. It’s the only thing that gives her an appetite. She would have been dead six months ago if it wasn’t for the medical marijuana.”

Liza stopped halfway out of the car and plopped down. “What?” Her jaw dropped open.

“Have you ever been around someone with cancer?”

“I had an aunt who had cancer. It’s rough to watch what they go through.”

“And you know the amount of pain they’re in, the meds they take, and it affects their body systems. The lady I grow this for was sixty pounds when she started smoking. She’s up to 100 pounds now and her cancer is in remission.”

“You grow medical marijuana?”

“I do. In fact it’s worse than that. As a botanist, I grow all sorts of stuff for research and development for a pharmaceutical company.” Julian nodded. “Would you let me buy you dinner and I’ll explain everything then?”

“I’m hesitant, but something is telling me to go for it.”

“Good.” He removed a box out of the glove compartment, about the size of a pack of cigarettes.

“Do you smoke cigarettes?”

“Not anymore.” Julian flipped open the top and revealed the joints. “You missed these.”

“Thank God Trina wasn’t riding along today!” The two of them got out of the car and walked across the parking lot. A dark metallic blue Camaro sat in one of the last spots. He opened the passenger’s side door. “Cool car.”

“Yeah, it’s a special edition. I don’t drive it in the winter, but seeing as how you have my other car—” He smiled, letting the sentence hang.

“I’ll get a rental car tomorrow.” She backed up, her chin dipping to her chest. “I’ll call my insurance company, we should be able—” Her foot struck a patch of ice, and she stumbled forward. She grasped at the door to avoid falling.

The door swung wide when she grasped it. Julian bent forward to avoid the door connecting with his nuts, only to smack his head against the window.

“Ohmygod . . . are you okay?” She clasped her hands over her mouth.

“I’m fine.” Julian rubbed his forehead. It was sore but in the dim light of the parking lot nothing could be seen. “You almost hit me where it counts, darling.”

“Oh, because hitting your nuts would have been so much worse than hitting your head?” She rested her hands on the door frame, her head whipped from his head to his crotch then back to his head. Her cheeks blazed as if she wasn’t sure how to offer help. “I feel bad—” And yet she covered her mouth to hide how amused she was.

Julian’s hand covered hers. “It’s no big deal. Besides, it’s March, I would’ve been getting it out in the next month or so anyway.”

She caught her bottom lip between her teeth.

He wanted to kiss her – hell, he wanted to do a lot more than kiss her. He was horny as the devil on spring break as his gaze roamed the length of her body, coming to a stop at her eyes. Her innocence was a turn-on. Everything from her blush, her antsy dance while straining balance, to the way she chewed on her bottom lip. She was so concerned about the pot, she had no idea how wild she drove him. Staring at her wasn’t getting him anywhere, he moved around the car.

He opened the driver’s side door and sat down. “If you’re up for it, I’ll drive you home. I’ll have someone pick up the other car and drop it off at your place.”

“I guess I’m at your mercy, since both of these are your cars.”

Julian shifted in her direction. His gaze met hers.

“What?” She batted her eyelashes and smoothed her braid. The motion made Julian want to bury his fingers in her red hair. Damn, he wanted her.

“If I said you had a nice body would you hold it against me?” His lips curled in a half smile.

“Umm – no.”

Julian chuckled. She didn’t get it. “That’s not the usual response I get,” he said. “Would you
it against me, get it?”

“Oh!” She tittered covering her mouth. “It was supposed to be a joke, wasn’t it?”

“A bad one, gauging from your reaction.” The musical quality to her laugh made his smile widen.

“You have a nice smile.” Her gaze dropped to her lap and she picked at a piece of lint on her pants.

She was slender, but not super model skinny. Her dark wash jeans disappeared into knee high brown leather boots.

“You do, as well.” He trailed his fingers down her cheek, when he longed to let them wander the lines of her body. “Among other things.”

Liza tugged at the scarf. “Thank you.” Her voice was quiet. She wasn’t used to compliments.

He started the car. He had to keep his hands busy or they’d never get anywhere.  “I think we were discussing dinner.” He left the parking lot.

“Wherever you want to go, inexpensive.”

“My treat.” Julian considered the restaurants in the area. “Mexican or Japanese Steak house?”

“Umm – let’s try Mexican.” She snuggled into the seat, her gray sweater did little to hide the curves of her more than generous breasts.

“Good choice.” He shifted as he went around the corner. The hunter green cardigan on her lap fell to the floor.

Julian downshifted for a stop light and glanced over to find Liza watching him. “What?”

“I’m glad I’m not driving this car.”

“I like you, but I’m the
one who drives this car. It’s a limited edition – there were only sixty some made.”

“Wow – must have come with a hefty price tag.”

He winked. “Trying to find out how much I’m worth?”

“I-I . . . no . . . I—” she stammered.

“I was kidding.” He patted her knee.

“Good, because the amount of money you have means nothing to me.” She lifted his hand to the shifter.

Julian chuckled. His advances were
turned down.
“You said something about being glad you weren’t driving this?”

“Yeah – I can’t drive stick.”

“Oh yeah?” He let a grin spread across his face as he took a sharp corner.

Liza grabbed a hold of the door, her eyes were wide.

“I’ll have to teach you. There’s nothing better than downshifting.”

“You’re so bad. You like the shock factor, don’t you?” Liza giggled as they arrived at the restaurant. She grasped for the door, but he touched her arm.

"No, wait, let me.” His hand rested on her knee for just a moment. He jumped out of the car and dashed around to pull open the passenger door. "My mother raised a gentleman." He smiled and offered his hand.

“I can see that.” She took it and let him pull her to her feet. They were inches away from each other. Heat radiated between them. The urge to kiss her grew exponentially. Her plump lips were driving him crazy. Her tongue slid across them and Julian had to fight to suppress a grunt as his heat pooled in his groin.  

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