If We Dare to Dream (2 page)

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Authors: Collette Scott

BOOK: If We Dare to Dream
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“I’m so sorry.”

Jamie rolled her eyes. “It’s ok. Let me help you up.”

The girl’s thankful look eased any remaining irritation, and with a hefty pull Jamie yanked her to her feet. Up close, Jamie noticed that the girl was pretty, young and dressed up for an evening out. Her dark hair was gently curled around her face, and her large brown eyes were covered with dark shadow. However, while Jamie’s modest teal-blue top and long jeans gave off a neat but conservative appearance, the other girl’s touch-me, ruched tube top was low cut and form shaping, and her come-hither skirt was barely falling to mid-thigh. Yes, she was out for an evening of fun.

“I think I’ve overdone it a little,” she said as she gripped the edge of the counter to steady herself.

Jamie kept a hand on her arm while she continued to sway. “Yeah, maybe time to call it a night.”

“We need one more round before last call,” she said, her voice slightly slurred.

Jamie did not envy the girl the hangover she would wake up with the next morning. It would be a doozy. Chances were that one last round would put her over the edge to blackout. Jamie was relieved that she would not have to deal with that - or her.

Knowing that the bartender was carefully watching them, she indicated with her hand for the girl to go first, silently hoping that he would hurry so she could pay up and leave. “You go ahead. I’m just settling up.”

“Thanks so much; you’re sweet.”

Rather than responding, Jamie just nodded. The bartender was standing before them now, and his frown was not encouraging. “I can’t serve you anything else tonight, Kit.”

“C’mon Vic, I just need one more round.”

He shook his head. “You’re lucky they’re not booting you out. Consider packing it up and going home.”

Jamie had to agree. She wanted to do just that herself, but she was still waiting as Kit’s lower lip protruded sullenly. When Vic’s face remained unchanged and unmoved, the girl scowled.

“This is retarded,” Kit said.

A new presence arrived at Jamie’s side, and she turned to stare up into the palest brown eyes she had ever seen. Deep set and framed by long dark lashes, they were the color of warm honey, and currently they were dancing with unleashed amusement as they flickered between her and Kit. The man’s dark hair and tanned complexion enhanced the light color of his eyes, made more striking by the humorous wide-eyed gaze he bestowed upon her. Though she was sure she had never seen this man before, Jamie was struck with a feeling of familiarity. After another moment of staring it occurred to her. She was looking at the man who had watched her since their arrival.

No longer hidden in the shadows behind Kit and her two friends, the man was making himself known. She was suddenly amused as well, for all evening he had looked away whenever she caught him, and his newfound boldness was completely unexpected at this late hour. Yet he stood near her now, standing proud and tall without a trace of uncertainty in his pleasant appraisal, and Jamie was surprised at how good looking he really was. Tall and lean, his jeans hugged his long legs, and his tight t-shirt outlined the broad curve of his chest. On his forearm she noticed the dark outline of the US Army eagle tattoo. So, he was military, she thought. That would explain his well-groomed appearance and confident stance.

Though he stood close, it was not so close to make her feel invaded, and when he smiled it was a friendly and non-threatening curve to his lips that she found appealing. His boyishly handsome face was far more expressive than she could have imagined, and she had to fight back the urge to return his amused grin.

“Nice catch,” he said, breaking the silence.

The deep timber of his voice seemed to match his classic features and well-built physique. In fact, everything about him was attractive in a GQish sort of way. Still held captive by his pale honey eyes, she almost did not turn when he indicated with his thumb toward Kit. The girl was leaning forward on her crossed arms in an effort to promote her cleavage. Again, Vic seemed unaffected.

Jamie nodded. “Yeah, time to call it a night.”

“I tend to agree, though I actually came over here to offer you a drink.”

His self-deprecating grin was a surprise. Instead of bristling, she relaxed her guard enough to smile back. “Sorry, but I’m just waiting to cash out.”

“I suppose it’s pretty late.”

“When it gets to this hour, most people are either puking or passing out.”

Looking pointedly at Kit, he chuckled. Again, it was a warm sound, and Jamie really liked it. Her smile grew as he nodded in agreement. “I agree completely. Luckily, I’m not drunk.”

“I’m not either. I have to drive,” she said with a wry smile.

“Me too. Ah, the joys of being the designated driver. We get to watch everyone make a fool out of themselves.”

Jamie nodded in sympathy. “Are you her DD then?”

The dark brows rose in surprise. “No, no, not at all. I don’t even know her.” He paused to search her face. “I was here with a group, but they seem to have all disappeared.”

“Oh, I thought you were with her.”

“Is that jealousy I detect?”

Jamie shook her head regretfully and held up her hand. The diamond sparkled between them. “I’m afraid not. I’m actually spoken for.”

“Aren’t all the hot ones?”

The mock consternation on his face was so beguiling that Jamie had to laugh. “You’re quite the charmer…”


Jamie nodded. “Andrew then.”

“And you are?”

“Engaged,” Jamie quipped.

He chuckled again as he held out a large hand. “Well Engaged, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Despite her best intentions of clearing out, Jamie could not resist his friendly smile and warm eyes. She placed her hand in his, surprised at the strength in his fingers which grasped her smaller palm. They shook, and he respectfully released her.

“Well, if you insist on leaving just when I finally get to talk to you, I vow to find you your check.”

“That would be great,” she said, surprising herself.

Returning their attention to Kit and Vic, Jamie noticed that while she was conversing with her new friend the intoxicated girl had become increasingly difficult. Vic had made eye contact with the bouncer at that moment, and a man the size of a house was slowly making his way toward them.

Andrew noticed as well. “Maybe we should get out of the way first.”

Jamie was about to nod when she felt Kit’s hand on her shoulder. Just as she turned to see what the girl needed, she heard Kit’s voice in a high squeak. “I’m going to be …”

With lightning fast reflexes, Andrew’s arm went around her waist, and she was hefted back against his broad chest with a startled squeak. It was just in time. Kit grabbed the bar stool and leaned over, emptying the contents of her stomach onto the concrete floor. As Jamie hastily danced away, Andrew’s arm tightened, and he swung her behind him with a stealthy, fluid movement. The chivalrous way he placed himself between her and the girl so warmed her that she considered the gravity of her situation. For a second there, she felt as though she was flying through the air, and she liked him all the more for it. That told her that she needed to go - now.

“Thank you,” she said breathlessly.

Releasing the grip around her waist, he glanced down at his splattered jeans and shrugged. Kit was still leaning over the barstool, so he took another safe step away before smiling down at Jamie again. “I’ll accept if you tell me your real name.”

Now indebted, Jamie did not hesitate. “Jamie.”

Before he could respond, she spotted Marissa waving at her. “Jamie, we got our waiter!”

Hearing her friend’s high pitched voice above the nearby shouts of disgust from Kit’s illness, Jamie nodded back at her friends and then glanced up at the man who had so selflessly protected her from a rather large mess.

“I guess I’m good,” she said, hating the disappointment that she was sure he could hear in her voice.

His forehead crinkled when he raised his brows hopefully in a look that reminded her of a growing puppy. “He’s my waiter, too. Maybe I can grab him with you?”

After his gallant deed, Jamie did not have the heart to deny him. “Come on over.”

Ignoring the mess and the now moaning girl, Andrew followed behind Jamie back to her table. Kit’s friend was nowhere in sight, and neither, for that matter, was the group Andrew had said he was with. Kit had certainly created a scene, and Jamie almost did not blame the friends for making themselves scarce. Although she had a sense of guilt for not offering, she knew that the bar would call a cab for Kit - anything to get her out of there as fast as possible. That made it not her problem.

Meanwhile, Marissa and Rae had paid their bill and stood waiting for her, handbags over their shoulders. Jamie smiled as she approached.  “If you girls are all set, you can go.”

“And not say goodbye?” Marissa asked tearfully.

“This is it for a while, huh?” Rae did not seem any more reasonable at the moment.

“You know I’ll call every week,” Jamie reminded them.

Andrew stood silent, watching their exchange thoughtfully.

“Well, all right. I love you, Jamie. Good luck.” Marissa grabbed Jamie and encased her in a giant bear hug. Rae followed right after.

“You girls be careful crossing the street,” Jamie said softly. Her own eyes were growing damp amidst the awkward back patting and exaggerated sniffles.

“We’ll be fine. Drive safely, and call me tomorrow as soon as you get there, okay?” Marissa said.

“I will,” Jamie promised.

With another hug and promise to keep in touch, her best friends left arm in arm. Jamie watched them go, suddenly feeling bemused and nervous. While her new life lay ahead of her, at the moment she was only aware that she would no longer be twenty minutes away from them. Instead, it would be six hours at best.

Sighing softly, Jamie placed a twenty into the case the waiter dropped off at the table and watched as Andrew signed his slip. Despite his silence, Jamie was sure he had paid attention to their entire exchange. She felt awkward, but he remained quiet as she re-composed herself.

“So where are you off to?” Andrew finally asked.


When he smiled his eyes lit up, even in the darkness of the outdoor lighting. She noticed the laughter lines that crinkled endearingly and a long puckered scar that extended to his temple and beyond. Not finding it at all unattractive, she felt it gave his expressive face even more character. Seeing the direction of her stare, he ducked his chin and angled his face away. “I meant tomorrow. I got the impression that you’re going somewhere?”

Somehow knowing it would be futile to fib, Jamie nodded. “I’m moving.”

His face crumpled in a comical way. “To add insult to injury. First you’re engaged, and now you’re moving away.”

“I’m sorry.”

He shrugged, but his eyes were again dancing with amusement. “It’s not your fault. It’s mine - my timing is off. I should’ve met you a few years ago.”

Jamie laughed. “If it was meant to be, it would have been.”

“Very true. Well Jamie, it was great while it lasted.” He smiled again, another eye crinkling one that caused her to smile back. “Maybe I can walk you out to your car?”

Jamie gathered her keys in her hand. As she pulled her jacket on, she studied him closely for any sign of ulterior motives. Sure he was a stranger, but it seemed pretty harmless to allow him to walk her to her car. The bouncers were standing outside, and she would be in plain view. “Fair enough. I’m flattered by all the attention.”

“Good. You’re far too pretty to be ignored… Besides, maybe I’m trying to persuade you to change your mind.”

“Not gonna happen,” she said with a laugh.

“I can still try.” He was watching her humor with his dancing eyes. “Are you okay to drive?”

“I’m fine.”

Standing side by side with him, she was again surprised by his height. Though at nearly five foot eight, she still only reached his chin. When they passed the bouncer Andrew nodded politely, and Jamie noticed that even with his height he moved with the stealthy ease of a panther. That, coupled with his obvious attraction to her, made her feel decidedly nervous and clumsy next to him. Knowing that he was observing her to make sure she was okay to drive, she concentrated on appearing as normal as possible despite the awkwardness of the situation.

“What are your cross streets?”

The question was unexpected, and she nearly stumbled when she paused to stare up at him. “What?”

“How far are you?”

She debated again about giving him too much information, but realized it could not really matter at this point. Come that afternoon, she would be back in her car and driving it to her new home. “I’m at Higley and Brown.”

“Okay. I’m out in AJ. I’ll stay behind you as long as I can. If you have any problems, just pull over.”

Jamie nodded and opened the car door, though she was confused by his continued chivalry. After all, he already knew she was not inviting him home with her. People like him just did not exist anymore, not unless there was something in it for them to benefit from. But Andrew seemed different, truly a man of honest intentions. She stared up at him as she climbed behind the wheel, searching his face for any sign of impending trouble. He stood close with his hand on her door, and when she reached for the handle he leaned in. However, he did not force himself upon her, and he continued to regard her with a mixture of interest and regret only.

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