If My Heart Could See You (32 page)

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Berwyck Castle

Two Fortnights Later


The Great Hall was filled with those who had come to celebrate the wedding of the castle’s healer and Sir Geoffrey. The banquet table was bursting with food to satisfy hungry appetites. Ale, mead, and wine flowed freely, much to the joy of those who partook of the bounty always found at Berwyck. The lord and lady of the keep had opened their doors to both the garrison knights and the villagers to share in the prosperity of their land. Life was good for those under Lord Dristan’s care.

Amiria sat at the high table and watched the revelers enjoying themselves. She ate little, with the exception of a bit of bread and cheese to help calm her stomach. She had a chalice of watered down wine within her reach, but even that only added to the queasiness she sometimes felt.

Placing her hand on the slight mound rising from her stomach, she smiled blissfully. The babe was strong and Dristan was more than pleased to know they would soon have a bairn to care for. When she told him she was pregnant, she had been thankful Killian had been there to catch her husband when he fainted dead away landing in a heap upon the floor. A laugh escaped her at the remembrance of her knight rising from the stones wondering what had felled him. She sometimes thought he was still embarrassed at the memory and only hoped he would survive the child’s birth.

Amiria surveyed the hall with a practiced eye and noticed everyone seemed to be enjoying the day. Kenna looked divinely happy. A circulate of brightly colored flowers with flowing ribbons adorned her head. Her gown of a light pale green was outshone only by the green of her eyes. She laughed gaily at whatever words Geoffrey whispered in her ear. ’Twas clear Kenna had also found a love match and a knight that would do anything to please his lady. Amiria was happy for her, especially with the knowledge they would continue to make their home here among Berwyck’s walls.

Her young brother danced and tapped his feet in rhythm to the lively tunes the minstrels were playing. Patrick flourished under Dristan’s care and took his responsibilities as page most serious. ’Twas a joy to see him so carefree and she had the feeling, as he grew to manhood, that he would end up breaking a few hearts of the fairer gender. Amiria supposed that in a few years, Dristan would find a foster home for him to squire at. She had no doubt he would see that Patrick had only the best of lords to serve.

Searching the hall she espied Lynet, who sat forlornly at one of the few windows located on the ground floor. Amiria shook her head sadly for she knew her sister continued her vigil as she awaited Ian’s return. She could tell from the heavy sighs of her sister that she was most likely shedding a tear or two whilst her heart continued to cry out for him.

Amiria and Ian had another bittersweet departure when he once again decided ’twas time to leave Berwyck and yet he had not left alone. Taegan and Turquine decided they were in need of an adventure, since the castle walls had seemed too domesticated of late for their taste. Thomas of her guard had left, as well, if only, he said, to continue guarding Ian’s back. Dristan had released them from their oath of fealty and was thankful the remainder of their guards would stay loyal to him and Berwyck.

Another was sadly missing from her family besides her twin brother, who she would have a few harsh words with when he returned. Amiria herself had nursed her sister back to good health and yet she had been more than surprised when Sabina asked to be taken to Habersham Abbey in order to devote her life to God. Both Dristan and Amiria had tried to dissuade her from such a drastically different life she would lead. Yet one look at Sabina’s face told them all they needed to know. During her recovery, Sabina had changed and had begged for Amiria’s forgiveness. She gladly gave it, and Dristan himself had escorted her to the abbey, leaving a worthy dowry for the good sisters.

Shaking her head to stop her musing, she heard the minstrels begin yet another lively tune. Perchance just one dance would bring her out of her sudden melancholy mood. Since Dristan was holding court near the hearth with a bevy of people vying for his attention, she stood to join the revelers. As if she called him herself, Riorden came bowing low to her and offered his arm escorting her to the middle of the floor.

Amiria laughed in pleasure as the music reached her ears. The skirt of her dress twirled around her legs as her feet fairly flew to the beat of the lutes. Riorden spun her around and around ’til she was passed from knight to knight. Her bubbly laughter filled the air and she became dizzy, but even more so when she found herself lifted high above the floor. She stared down to find herself with her husband’s hands carefully wrapped around her waist. She placed her own hands upon his broad shoulders ’til he slowly lowered her down the length of his body. She gazed upon him with mischief in her violet eyes.

Dristan held her against him and she enjoyed the feel of her husband’s embrace. “What do you?” he asked in an annoyed tone. “You should be resting lest you disturb my son.”

Amiria placed her hands upon his chest that he covered with his own. “You do realize it could be a daughter.”

He looked at her and chuckled. “’Twould be just like you to defy me by denying me an heir.”

She looked at him perturbed at his words. “You would not be pleased with a daughter, my lord?”

“I but tease you, Amiria. Do not go looking for your sword to take out your anger on me in the lists,” he jested, “at least not today.”

“For your teasing of me, I shall give you a daughter just to put you in your place,” she declared, crossing her arms and tapping her foot to show her annoyance.

Her stance only seemed to amuse him more. “I have no doubt of it, my lady.” He leaned down, bestowing upon her another kiss to soothe the hurt of his words. “Am I forgiven?”

She looked him up and down and then could no longer contain her mirth. “I suppose, if only you would kiss me again.”

As Dristan’s lips gently touched her own, a hush came over the hall causing even the minstrel’s to cease their music. Amiria broke from their kiss to see what all the fuss was about. Everyone had halted their merriment and was looking in the direction of the keep’s door. She poked her head from around Dristan’s body since he blocked her view. She could only stand there in surprise ’til overwhelming happiness consumed her.

“Well ’tis about bloody time,” She swore out loud, not caring that others may have heard her words.

“What is the matter Amiria? Does the babe pain you?”

Without another word, she ran from Dristan’s side and all but launched herself into her twin’s arms. She began with a heated reprimand ’til her emotions got the better of her with the realization her brother had at last returned. She burst into uncontrollable tears whilst Dristan advanced on them. Out of pure instinct, her husband reached for the sword at his side only to come up empty handed knowing she had made him leave his blade in their chamber.

“Amiria,” Dristan shouted. “Cease your caterwauling woman err you hurt yourself or the babe.”

“I canna help it,” she cried. All could have heard her from London to Edinburgh if only her words would have been coherent enough to be understood instead of the meaningless babbling of a crying woman. It must be the babe to make her such an emotional mess. She turned into Dristan’s arms whilst she continued to drench his tunic with her tears of joy.

A gasp came from those gathered in the hall as Amiria’s replica pushed back his mail helm to reveal hair the color of her own. There was no mistaking her twin, as they were identical with the exception that Aiden was taller and built with a solid muscular frame.

“I came as soon as I could manage to escape court, especially after learning of my sister’s marriage. I had thought I would need to avenge my sister’s honor if she had been forced into such an arrangement,” Aiden said with bitterness and narrowed eyes. Clearly he was none too pleased to see his sister in the arms of the foe that had seized his home. “It appears, however, that may be unnecessary as I have heard Amiria is most content with her choice of husband. Is this so, my lord? Is she content?”

“You would have to ask her yourself,” Dristan said smartly and Amiria gazed up into her husband’s face. He awaited her answer but she only managed to shrug her shoulders and sniff at her tears that continued to fall down her cheeks. She felt him reach up and wipe the moisture from her face.

“What causes my sister to cry and why is it everyone seems to be sharing some jest that I am not privy too?” Aiden said, reaching for the hilt of his sword.

Amiria held up her hand to halt her brother and laughed. “’Tis a long story I am afraid and one that may require some time by the fire for its telling. Where were you afore you unexpectedly made an appearance to help with our cause to secure our home from those miscreants?” she asked coolly as they began making their way to the hearth for their comfort.

With a mug of cool ale in his hand, Aiden began to tell the tale of how he had indeed fallen beside their father. As their sire lay dying upon the bloodied ground, he begged two of his guardsmen to protect his son and take him to one of the outer hamlets to heal. The two knights had done so, leaving him with a couple who had been more than happy to aid their laird. He told how in truth he did not remember much of his recovery, for he had been burning with fever. When the fever finally broke, he had months of mending in order for him to just get to the point where he could travel.

He looked around at the garrison knights who stood in awe, staring at a man they felt had returned from the dead. “Since I do not see Richard or Maxwell, I assume they now stand guarding our father once more,” he said sadly. “I owe them my life.  If not for them, I would not be sitting with you now.”

“We are most grateful for your return, Sir Aiden,” Dristan said honestly. “I know your sister and family have grieved most deeply over your passing. Glad I am that you have been restored to them.”

“Well you certainly took your time returning home from your visit to court, you oaf,” Amiria growled, raising her fist to her brother.

“Ach! I have barely walked in the door and already you begin your harping at me,” Aiden muttered but threw her a knowing smirk. “Admit it, sister. You missed me.”

“Nay, I will not add to your conceited head to spout such words to you. If you had but waited ’til we had speech afore taking off without so much as a by your leave, I could have told you all you needed to hear.” Amiria stood next to Dristan’s chair ’til she was pulled down into his lap. She put her arm around his shoulder and gave his cheek a quick kiss.

“I suppose I must needs get used to that,” Aiden retorted at their display of affection. His look told her he was feeling put out to see his sister being held so by a man he had not approved of.

“Seeing as he is the father of my child and will make you an uncle in several months’ time, I think ’twill be for the best, brother.”

He guffawed. “It may take some getting used to,” he returned gruffly and turned to pull Patrick and Lynet both into a fierce embrace. Amiria watched her brother from above their heads and she gave him a silent look that spoke volumes between the twins. She watched as he smiled at her, and she could do nothing other than return it with one of her own.

Amiria’s happiness radiated upon her face and reflected in her sparkling eyes. Her family was around her, she had her husband’s child growing within her, and had tamed England’s most formidable dragon, who loved her with all his heart. Aiden’s question to Dristan afore he told his story hung in the air as she realized she had never answered him. Perchance words out loud were truly not necessary.

Aye, she was indeed most content . . .




Dear Reader:


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for reading my debut novel,
If My Heart Could See You
. In a sea of never ending lists of books, somehow you came across mine whether that was by social media threads, endless scrolling on the internet, or word of mouth. It’s my fondest hope that you enjoyed reading Dristan and Amiria’s journey to finding love as much as I did writing it.

The next story I plan to publish is my time travel. It wasn’t what I originally intended to write but those pesky characters inside my head have a way of telling me their story is next and the direction I should take.
For All of Ever
will continue the story of Dristan’s captain, Riorden de Deveraux and a woman named Katherine Wakefield, a very twenty-first century lady who he first espies as a ghost. It was a lot of fun to write and I hope to have it published soon.

Every author is grateful to a multitude of people who make her work possible and this would explain my lengthy acknowledgment at the beginning of this novel. But no writer becomes an author without the support of her readers and I once again thank you for reading my work. If you enjoyed it, nothing would make me happier than for you to write a nice review.

Until the next time, you can find out more about me on my website at www.sherryewing.com. If you’d like to keep in touch, join my member page and jump into a forum discussion, or send me an email on my contact page.


With Warm Regards,

Sherry Ewing







Coming Soon



All of Ever


Sometimes to find your future,

must look to the past.

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