If I'd Only Known (Milan Women Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: If I'd Only Known (Milan Women Series Book 1)
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groaned. “Now you tell me,” he slapped her ass lightly.

giggled. “Can I handle the rest of what you’re going to give me?”

about to find out.” Barrington kissed her long, hard, and hungrily as he
demanded more of her mouth, sliding his tongue in and out of her mouth,
mimicking what else he planned on doing to her.

opened to him never dreaming of holding back on him, giving him as good as she
got from him.

are you doing?” she asked when he let her catch her breath.

chuckled. “Making love to your mouth; this is what it'll be like when I make
love to your body, as I’m moving inside of you,” he explained and repeated the
pattern over again.

was mesmerized by his words; they were hypnotic and potent, and she felt
exotically at ease with him. She gasped, realizing he'd moved forward on his
quest to know her intimately. Her eyes fluttered shut, feeling him caress her
breast, squeeze, and tease her nipples.

gazed longingly at her breasts. “I want to taste you.” He lowered his mouth to
her nipples, teasing, prodding, nipping and soothing with his tongue. He
offered equal time and attention to her twin breast, repeating the same

didn't think she could take anymore, and feeling the urgent ache of her wet
core confirmed it for her. “Please, Barry . . . please . . .”

yet, baby. Not yet.”

she whined, feeling delirious with wanton need. “I need to feel you inside me.”

the appointed time; after I'm done nurturing my friends the twins here.”
Barrington shushed her with his tongue gliding smoothly between the center that
separated her breasts one from the other while stroking her breasts with his
hands. When she cried her pleasure he created a path of kisses that started at
her breastbone and descended down to her navel, dipped his tongue inside,
swirling it around until he'd tasted every inch of it, making her cry out her
pleasure again. Though he'd tried to be careful not letting his erection touch
her yet, he was now solid and hard as a rock, unable to avoid contact with her
skin; he moaned his pleasure when his cock jumped and touched the folds of her
feminine core.

tried to remember it was her first time as he placed a knee between her thighs
which she fully opened to him and he intimately pressed his thigh against her.
Barrington didn't want to but for her sake alone said, “It's not too late to
stop me, Perri.” The last thing he wanted to do was stop, but for her, if she
said stop, he would.

couldn't speak, only hearing a purring, not realizing it was her.

Chapter Four


it was apparent she wasn't going to stop him, Barrington said, “Perri, this is
important. I need you to listen to me, okay?”

could only nod her understanding.

about to enter you,” he explained, “and, baby, this is going to hurt a little
once I'm inside you.” He kissed her lips softly. “Did you understand me?”

she whispered, wondering what a

be as gentle as I can, Perri, but I won't be able to help the pain you feel,”
he tried to explain again.

wondering what he meant by
, she nodded and waited. Her eyes were
still closed; she wanted him inside her. She heard him open a drawer, fumble
inside it. She heard him tearing something. She could feel his heat against her
heat, further melting her, but he wasn't inside her yet, hadn't even tried.
was he taking so long

careful, as gentle and slowly as he could, Barrington eased inside Perri. He
stopped, giving her time to get used to the feel of him so far. Then he eased
inside her a little more. Stopped and gave her time to accommodate him. Feeling
her legs part more for him, he encouraged her, “That's it, sweet Perri, open
for me, baby.” By now he was up against her virgin barrier. Cradling her hips,
he thrust forward breaking the barrier of her safely guarded shield. He cursed
himself inwardly when she cried out in pain. He didn't dare move until she gave
him the okay.

as Perri thought she were from his warning, she couldn't help the cry that
escaped her throat, forcing her eyes open.
That's why he took so long
She knew it the moment chocolate brown eyes met yellow-green eyes.

sorry, baby.”

stared at him, wanting to assure him it was okay, but couldn't speak, feeling
the burning sensation ricochet throughout her core. Then almost just as quickly
it settled into a dull ache, followed by an immediate feeling of

couldn't stand seeing that pained look in her eyes, knowing it was he who'd put
it there. He cursed himself inwardly. “I'll pull out.” He attempted to but, to
his surprise and he knew hers too, Perri tightened her vaginal muscles down on
his solid manhood. Figuring she just didn't understand what that was doing to
him, how crazy with need it was making him, and how close to the edge she was
pushing him, he tried again to pull out. Again, she tightened on him, trapping
his cock inside of her. Now, he didn't mind being her hostage; but he wasn't
going to take advantage of the situation with her lack of experience. Even
though she felt good locked around him, he tried a third time to withdraw
himself from her. This time, she wiggled beneath him. That was just about his

don't do that . . .” Barrington ordered.

she asked, “Don't do what?”

. . . what you just did,” he said as if that explained it.

shifted underneath his weight. “I’m sure I don't know what you're talking

cursed under his breath. “Perri, be still.”

She wiggled again.

you . . . just don't move, baby, okay.”

giggled. “Barrington, I think it's safe to say I'm not going anywhere.” She
tested her freedom again. “You got me locked down, baby boy.”

you got me locked up. Now quit, girl.”

what?” Uncomfortable and needing him to assuage the ache she felt, she shifted

it, Perri, if you keep that up I'm not gonna be able to pull out. In fact,
you're gonna cause me to start moving inside you. Fast!” he warned, trying his
best not to get any more stirred up than he already was; and it wasn't easy
considering he was about eighty-five percent there now.

all I'm trying to do is get comfortable. This isn't exactly a roll in the hay
for me.” She chuckled. “No pun intended.”

all you're managing to do is make me insane. You're pushing me over the edge
and I'm not ready to come before I start, so stop.” He bit his tongue and
fought the urge to take her fast and hard. His control was slipping and he pulled
out of her almost all the way just to sink himself deeper inside her tight
sheath. She was wetter than he expected her to be which was his first undoing;
her muscles were clamped down tight around his cock like a second skin which
was his second undoing. If she was pushing for the third and final way to
destroy his control causing him to come inside her before they really got
started, then she was certainly doing the

Perri had a thought,
me moving beneath him affects him big time
She tested her newfound knowledge again to be certain and, laughed when
Barrington cussed, grasped either side of her hips, and held her firmly in

out loud, she asked, “What are you doing to me?”

got that backwards, Perri. It's what you're doing to me. I’m barely just
hanging on by a thread, and you keep testing it. It's not gonna take but one
more time for you to move, allowing me a deeper space inside you before I say
the hell with it and give you what you don't even know you asking me for.”

well . . . it doesn't hurt as much now, I mean it's more like a dull ache at
this point.” she shrugged. “So why don't we just finish—”

not,” he grated out through clenched teeth. “No, Perri. No!”


not ready,” he told her. “I should have never started this.”

you did, Barrington. And guess what? You're inside of me now; I'm not a virgin
anymore. You've broken through my virginal barrier, so finish what you
started,” she encouraged, wanting to feel him move inside her; she needed to
feel him. Feeling how she did, she knew she'd die if he didn't make a move
soon. “You cannot leave me in this condition, it’s cruel and inhumane.”

wanting to hope for too much, he argued, “You don't really know what you want;
you've never done this before.” But damn it, he wanted to be the one and only
to give it to her good.

of answering, taking her advantage and exploiting her newfound knowledge, Perri
took matters into her hands. If he wouldn't move on his own accord, she'd make
him; he owed her that by now. She rotated her hips beneath him, feeling him
slip deeper inside her and, ignoring him when he cursed, she arched upward; he
slipped inside a little more. One more time, she rocked against him. He was
completely inside her; she felt delirious but good.

. . .” Barrington ground out. He got quiet when her little caper suddenly
dawned on him. “You little vixen; you knew exactly what you were doing to me,”
he accused, trying to hide a sly grin.

mean this . . .” she wiggled underneath him.

baby . . . you feel so . . . good.” He felt her muscles clamp down on him
again, and knew he was slipping. He wasn't gonna lose control; but he wasn't
gonna hold back . . . not anymore. He couldn't wait another minute. “Okay, you
asked for it, Perri. Now I'm gonna give you what you want, baby.”

that she got the victory, she prepared to push up again, but Barrington was
quicker. This time he withdrew himself, slowly entering her again; he repeated
this pattern, setting a pace with a slow rhythm. Each time he withdrew, she
raised her hips to meet him, and he thrust deeper inside her. Once he set the
pace she caught the rhythm and followed his lead, daring to go wherever he took

moaned her pleasure softly at first until she became louder, feeling pressure
building in her lower belly, trembling just like before, only better, and this
time she knew what to expect. If she could just . . . get back there . . . to
that strange but wonderful place . . .

without warning her desire turned to need and Perri craved more of Barrington and
the sweet love he was unselfishly giving . . . his precious gift. She wanted it
all and then some. Getting downright greedy, she no longer wanted slow and
easy. Her body seemed to be demanding hard and fast.

. . . I . . . want . . . more . . .”

almost gave her what she was asking, but knew it would be too much for her this
go around. Maybe the next time, he'd ride her hard,
, but
definitely not her first time. “Not this time, Perri.”

them both, she demanded, “Yes.”

was taken aback by her boldness and again, almost gave in to her demands.
Knowing he had to stay in control because Perri was overwhelmed, he told her,
“You're not ready for that level yet. You’re going to be sore and you need time
to rest,” he explained.



control, Barrington . . . no control. Please, just give me what I want.” Her
eyes opened. “You need this too, baby, I see it in your eyes, and I want to
give it to you. Please.”

hearing that, he looked down into her chocolate brown eyes and saw for himself
it was okay for him to lose control. If at all possible, Barrington loved Perri
more because she wanted to make sure he got him; that made him want to please
her that much more, deciding to give her what she wanted. What they both
needed; it would be for both of them.

his next thrust and the next and the next, and all the ones to follow, like a
wildcat in a celibate rage, Barrington made love to Perri like he never before
had to any other woman. He wasn't sure how long he rode Perri, how much she'd
willingly accepted, or even when it happened, but somehow he'd tumbled over
into the land of no control, giving himself completely, enjoying watching her
face as she climaxed in his arms at the same time receiving his own release
with her name on his lips. He continued to revel in her as she milked the last warm
spurts of his liquid love. Insatiable was the only way he could describe how
what she was doing to him made him feel. And for Perri, there was no telling
how far Barrington would go. As far as he was concerned, nothing was labeled
taboo or considered prohibited.




hours and two condoms later, Barrington was holding tight to Perri. She still
felt the tremors of her body from his unselfish lovemaking from the crown of
her head to the soles of her feet, and wanted the feeling to last forever or at
least a wee bit longer. After a long time being held by him, she finally got up
the nerve to ask the question that taunted her. “Barrington?”

smiled at the sound of her voice; it was music to his ears. “Yes, my baby?”

hesitated then said, “You've been with a lot of women; a lot of beautiful women
haven't you?”

heard the insecurity in her tone and knew right now she was the most vulnerable
she’d ever been with him. He also knew he'd never take advantage of someone so
precious, rare, and dear to him as his sweet Perri. He maneuvered her body
until she lay face to face with him.

do that, baby. You’re not other women and I wouldn’t want you like I do if you
were,” Barrington said honestly.

appreciate that, Barrington, but you’re not answering my honest question.”

compare yourself to anyone else, baby. I'm not. You're it for me. My sampling
days are over, Perri, have been from the moment I first laid eyes on you. I
don't want anyone else. For me, baby, you're all that matters.”

you for saying that, Barrington. But you have been with a lot of women, haven't
you? A lot of beautiful and very capable women, I can imagine.”

none of them have shared my bed inside my home. And I swear, Perri, I've never
tasted anyone but you. Your fountain of love is the only one I've ever dared to
drink from; the only one I've ever wanted to drink from.” His arms tightened
around her as he gave her time to absorb what he'd just revealed.

I’ve been a backup dancer; I’ve seen the ridiculously wild lifestyle most
musicians lead,” she argued the fact.

know you have, Perri. I’m not gonna lie. I’ve had my share on the wild side.
Hell, there will never be a shortage of willing groupies throwing themselves at
any musician they come in contact with. But that’s just free sex and that’s all
there will ever be to it, at least in the mind of most male musicians. However,
I can only speak for me when I tell you none of the women I been with cared a
damn thing about my soul any more than I did theirs. Not trying to be cruel
here, but for me, it was just sex with them. And for them, they didn’t want me
per se; just the chance to say they made it with a musician. Bottom line, I
don’t go down on every woman because, to me, that is something intimately
sacred to share with the woman I love. That said, baby, while I can't offer you
my virginity, I have given you a gift I've never bestowed upon any other woman.
In that regard, Perri, you are my first,” Barrington kissed her temple, “and

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