If I'd Only Known (Milan Women Series Book 1) (26 page)

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may have been born with a song in my heart, Perri, but I was created to love
you, baby.” He looked deeper into her eyes, seeing love for him reflecting back
at him. “I’m human, Perri,” he continued. “We’re married now so it will be
different . . . better. I just need to know that you know and understand that
if we consummate this marriage, it will be a real marriage in every sense of
the word from that point on.”

her head, Perri said, “I understand and I’m ready, Barrington.”

you want, whatever you need, sweet Perri, you know I got it and I'm gonna give
it to you. But first, baby, I need to know. What are you ready for?”

time Perri understood how badly he needed to hear her say the words and felt
compelled to comply with his desire. It was so simple that had she not been
looking for the underlying meaning she would have missed it altogether. For the
first time Perri realized it wasn’t about his need to have his ego stroked.
Finally she knew for Barrington it was much more serious and couldn’t be
compared to anything vain. Now, she understood his heart needed to be reassured
that he wasn’t in this marriage alone, because even though physically Perri was
right there with him, emotionally the only feeling she’d allowed him to feel as
far as they were concerned was loneliness. In that instant, she felt how much
her holding back was hurting him; hurting them.

smiled lovingly at her husband, wanting him, desiring him, and needing him.
“Baby, once in a lifetime you find someone like you.” She struggled for control
over the tears falling down her face. “You've been a very patient man with me.”

my heart belongs to you, Perri; whatever you want and need from me, it's yours,
baby. Now that I have you, it's nothing I won't do to keep you, my baby.”

don't deserve you, Barrington, but God, how I do desire you.” She lightly
brushed her lips against his, loving the softness. “Barrington, my husband, I’m
ready for you to make love to me as your wife.”

words were music to his ears and all Barrington needed to hear to let the music
of his heart play, creating the perfect backdrop, while he in turn made lyrical
love to his wife who was without a single doubt his life. His heart was full
and his cup of love for her was overflowing. He felt a joy he’d never felt
before all because, finally, his sweet Perri was as ready for him as he’d
always been for her. For that one reason alone, he was going to make sure they
both received their just reward.

me, Barry.”

Shocked, he looked at her strangely until he glimpsed the hint of a smirk in
her eyes. Remembering how she'd said that to him after the first time they made
love, Barrington couldn't help laughing.

laughed too.

his head, he said, “Sweet Perri, you got me feeling a million different ways
for you.”

kissing Perri's body up and down for the second time, Barrington lingered at
the base of her throat, delivering the most powerful, delicious, sweetest
kisses. It was a potent tonic with an effect like no other. Slowly,
deliberately, just the way she loved, he tongued her throat until, out of pure
ecstasy, Perri joyfully cried out his name from the pleasure she'd gained. Then
without forewarning, he seductively slid down her body until he was staring at
her wet core, longing to taste the secrets he knew all too well that lingered
inside that sweet haven. “Hold on tight, Perri.” Licking his lips, he looked
into her eyes. “Enjoy the show, baby; I intend to.” Barrington began to feast
inside her sex, swirling, twirling, and licking his tongue up and down sending
her over the brink as a pleasurable cry rippled from her body, igniting more
fire in his.

to bear another minute of elated passion, Perri begged. “Barry . . .”

yet, sweet Perri; the temp is up, but I'm not through with your sweet nectar

tongue continued to explore the familiar territory he'd once claimed before; territory
he was sure no one besides him had visited. She tasted better than he
remembered. Or maybe he'd just missed her so bad it seemed that way. He didn't
know; didn't care. He only knew he was going to take his time, pleasuring her,
bringing her joy forevermore. The more Barrington feasted on her the more he
wanted to taste of her. When he hit her sweet spot and she cried out his name,
he still didn't stop. Not even when she drizzled inside his mouth and his
tongue tired he didn't stop. He couldn't. Like a drug addict craved nose-candy,
he was craving her and he didn't want to leave her alone. Just like the first
time he'd loved her this way, one hit of her and Barrington was an addict
busting out of recovery all over again, strung out on the juices flowing from his
beautiful wife’s delicious body.  God, he’d missed this. Missed her; missed
tasting her.

half moaned, half groaned from pleasurable pain and frustrated need. “You're
killing me,” she rasped out between ragged breaths.

loving you, sweet Perri,” he corrected softly.

torturing me, G-Man,” she insisted.

pleasing you.” He knew the undeniable truth.

couldn't have held back the loud cry that escaped her throat if she'd tried, as
Barrington once again delved deep into her core with his well-placed tongue,
exposing all her intimate secrets that only he'd been privy to discover and
uncover from the start. After that, all she remembered is visiting heaven here
on earth as her husband, with his potent tongue, made love to her until
was sure she couldn't take anymore.

his wife couldn't handle any more lovemaking from his tongue Barrington slowly
entered her core with his cock and began to love her in a seductive ritual as
old as the Ancient of days. He forgot about himself. Only Perri's needs

to say they had a very long and beautiful night filled with so much unspeakable
love, joy, peace, and happiness.

Chapter Twenty


think you must’ve forgotten who you were dealing with.” Barrington grinned at
his wife. “I’d think last night would have reminded you I don’t play by your
rules, dear wife.”

amused, Perri said, “Last night was last night; today is a brand new day.”

as far as my intentions go, nothing’s changed.” He inched closer to her face.
“The way I made love to you last night, Perri, I’m sure you noticed it was
different. That was my own way of branding you, claiming you for myself and,
letting you know that you’re now mine forever.”

me? Claiming me? Yours?” She shook her head. “Did you bump your head? Man, I am
not some livestock nor am I part of your luggage collection. I will not become
part of your baggage claim!”

fight it, Perri. Like I said, you’re all mine now, baby.” He grinned and walked
out the door before she could say more.




you guys ever been hunted by a man?”

me?” Tyler raised her eyebrow. “You mean like a dog or something?”

giggled. “No not exactly.” She couldn't believe she was actually sitting in her
parents' home discussing something so intimate.

it could include doggie-style.”

Tyler and Perri said.

Hunter innocently asked. “I’m just saying . . .”

you are off your rocker today,” Tyler told her.

hinges work just fine,” Hunter disagreed. “Besides, Tyler, what are you over
there wigging out about?”

Ask me the question again, Hunter.”

playfully squeezed her cheeks. “One day, Tyler, it is gonna happen to you.” She
kissed her left cheek.

ranks with Hunter, Perri tickled under her chin. “And it’s gonna be so good to
you.” She kissed her forehead.

you two stop,” Tyler pretended to be irritated, pushing both her sisters’ hands
away from her. “You two are starting to weird me out,” she complained.

rolled her eyes. “Anyway, Perri, I know exactly what you mean.”

you’ve been hunted by a man?”

married, aren’t I?” was her reply. “I’ve been through enough bull crap to know
I wouldn’t settle for a man who doesn’t even consider me important enough to,
at some point in our relationship, come after me strictly from his animalistic
nature. And make no mistake,” she said to Tyler who was about to challenge her,
“every man who’s alive and breathing without the aid of a machine has one.”


you laughing at, Perri? You now know for yourself what I’m saying is true.” She
laughed out loud fanning her face, thinking about it. “And it’s so cute, too.
At least it was with my Usher,” Hunter bragged. “You know a man is completely
yours when he starts saying stuff like ‘You are mine, baby. I branded you,
girl. I put my mark on you and make no mistake I belong to you, too. I claim
you, woman; that means there’s no one else for you as long as I’m alive. I know
the make of your body inside and out, your scent is one of a kind, not to be
confused with any other woman. I’m drawn to you like an animal in heat. You’re
mine forever and don’t you make a mistake and think otherwise.’ You know,
things of that nature. Then he puts his mating skills into practice, you become
his prey and he hunts after you until you, too, are saying you belong solely to
him.” Spinning around the middle of the floor in a circle, Hunter laughed out
loud along with her sisters.

her breath, Perri said, “That’s how Barrington was talking, too.”

just wait till I see my brothers again. I’m not going give them any mercy,” Tyler
laughed herself silly.

me, ladies,” Hunter was now saying, “a man knows his woman; that’s why he has
no qualms about letting you and everyone else know that you are strictly and
totally his.”

now, both Tyler and Perri had tears in their eyes as they laughed 'till they

Hunter sobered, “was it good, Perri?”

she said, “Yeah, Hunter, it was. But I wasn’t about to tell him that.”

She sounded offended. “Why?” she wanted to know.

Hunter, Barrington is just too cocky for his own good and, I for one, was not
about to feed his overinflated ego.”

called manly pride, Perri. And every man has a certain measure when it comes to
his woman and knowing for a fact he took good care of satisfying her—inside and
out. Plus, your man just needs to hear it even if it is every once in a while.”

don’t get it.” Tyler’s features showed her confusion.

honey?” Perri asked her.

always says pride is a sin.”

she does,” Perri agreed.

Hunter added, “I personally believe that there are several different forms of
pride. All of them can be destructive if taken too far. But I’m also inclined
to think as far as men and the way they feel for their women go, it’s not
egotistical pride for simply telling all your business; it’s more like personal
tie pride wherein a man knows he’s bonded with his woman and he’s not afraid to
show it to anyone willing to witness it, and that includes his woman. Thank
God,” Hunter raised her hand as if testifying to a truth. “Perri, Barrington is
a man all day long; the world will do its part in tearing his manhood down. As
his wife, it’s really up to you to build your man’s heart back up. Best way to do
that is to let him know he still has the ability to knock the ball out of the
park for his wife.”

Tyler said. “I like that definition.”

nodded in agreement. “Yeah, Hunter, I gotta hand it to you. Sometimes you
really are the wisest among us.”

forget you, girl.”

seriously, Hunter. Now I understand why Barrington appeared so put out because
I refused to say it when we were, well . . . enjoying each other.”

laughed out loud.

hurt his feelings,” Hunter observed.

guess I did,” Perri admitted. “But it wasn’t intentional or anything like that;
I mean, if I’d only known exactly what and how much it meant to him . . . .”

her purse and keys, Perri stood. “I have to go now.”

on, girl,” Hunter encouraged, knowing what her sister meant.

Perri,” Tyler told her, “Go hunt your man.”

smiled. “I’m going to my beautiful sisters. Because I finally realize now what
my husband was trying the only way he knew how to tell me physically last night
and then again audibly this morning. Sometimes a woman just has to make love to
her man.”

girlfriend,” Tyler giggled.

sister-girl; now, go tell it to your man,” Hunter added her spoon, stirring the


a problem, Perri.” Hunter smiled sheepishly. “Now go home to your husband and
solve yours. You know there’s nothing wrong with a little afternoon delight.”

all laughed.

hush. I still got a forty-five minute drive ahead of me. And I don’t need to be
getting a ticket for trying to make it home at break-neck speed, either.”

smiled and shrugged. “If you get pulled over, just say you doused your
husband’s fire last night. And right now, you need to get home and rekindle the

Perri, but make sure old dude know and understand he don’t need to be writing
you no ticket for burning down the house with your husband in it.”


I’ll tell the officer just the opposite. That I need him to be a gentleman and
please let me go because I needed to get home quick, fast and in a hurry to
sing my man’s praises because he needs me to make love to him right now.”



soon as Perri got home, she lit up all the candles she could get her hands on.
Then going into their bedroom, she took a quick shower, put on her cute
stuff—including three inch black heels, completed a mirror scan, sprayed on
some perfume in all the right areas, and went back to the living room to wait
for her man to get home.

Barrington pulled into the driveway, Perri met him at the door with open arms.
“Hey, baby,” she greeted seductively, and chuckled when Barrington dropped his

baby,” he said as the head of his cock tried to jump its way through his jeans.

baby, here it is.” She winked at him before stepping up to him, on tiptoes, she
kissed him. Pulling back, Perri took her time, removing every stitch of his
clothing. Seeing and knowing he was fully ready, she announced, “Follow me,
baby boy.”

Barrington came into the living room, she was holding a brand new black robe open
for him to step into. She was encouraged anew when she witnessed his response.
Her husband was so excited he was shaking. “That's okay, baby, that's exactly
how I want you.” Perri opened her short robe, letting it fall to the floor,
revealing a sheer white negligee. “I want you to shake for me,” she whispered.

less than two seconds, Barrington had his wife in his arms, devouring every bit
of her yummy flesh, while delivering a sensuous and promising kiss to each inch
of her soft, supple, and delectable skin. When she moaned in his mouth, he
deepened the kiss, going intimately further in exploring the inside of her
mouth like it was the very first time.

. . .” she panted. “I need you, baby. I need you, the best lover I've ever had;
my only lover; my partner; my best friend for life. Oh, yeah, I definitely need
you, Barrington.” Tears poured from her eyes as she looked up into his
beautiful yellow-green heated gaze. “I need you, Barrington, to make love to me
until I can't take anymore. And I promise, baby, in return, I'm gonna make love
to you until all you can think about is me; just us two, Barrington.”

I'm already ahead of you. You're all I think about anyway, sweet Perri.”

me feel it,” she begged unashamedly.

having to ask him twice, Barrington picked his wife up, and in two long
strides, laid her out before him on the couch. He stood back and admired her
beauty, knowing every trace of her body by heart. Mentally, he decided what
part of her he was going to enjoy first, but knew he was going to save the best
for last.

for him to love her, Perri gazed up at her husband, thinking what a beautiful
man standing before her, looking at her like she was the cream of the crop, and
he couldn't wait to sample every part. She felt more bold and brazen, but most
of all, she felt uninhibited. Perri reached up for him. “I wanna make love to
you and with you, Barrington.” She pulled him down until his warm body was
covering her completely. “Welcome home, G-man.”

kissed until they were both in tears.

caressed her cheek, cupped her nape as he tilted her chin until he was staring
in her beautiful chocolate brown eyes. “That's all I've wanted to hear you say
since you walked back into my life,” he confessed with emotion.

his face, she whispered, “Welcome home, baby,” over and over again.

you,” he whispered right back every time she said it.

couldn't hold back any longer, she revealed her heart, “I do love you,

know you do. But, baby, how do you know?”

at his beautiful golden tanned face, tears flowed from her eyes. “Your pain is
my pain. When you hurt I hurt. Your pleasure is my pleasure. When you're filled
with happiness my heart is filled with unspeakable joy. You're the first person
I pray for in the morning. The constant person I pray for throughout the day.
The first person I pray for at night. Yours is the first face I want to see
when I wake in the morning, still held in your arms and the last face I want to
see before I lay down in your arms and sleep at night. When you walk into the
room my present is beautiful. When you smile I know my future is bright.
Barrington, you are my shining knight.”

framed his face, kissing away the tears easing from the corner of his eyes. “You're
my heart, Barrington. You're my world and how I do love you, baby.” She sobbed,
having completely dissolved into tears inside his loving embrace. “You're my
everything, baby boy. And—”

didn't let her finish. His mouth found the side of her throat, and he tongued
her there until all she could do was moan helplessly in his arms. Feeling her
shiver uncontrollably, he observed, “You like that, don't you, sweet Perri?”
When she nodded, Barrington moved down the length of her throat until he reached
the sensitive base. He kissed her there and then laved the scented hollow with
the tip of his tongue.

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