Identity (7 page)

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Authors: K. J. Cazel

BOOK: Identity
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"Yep that was me and my partner, Steve."


Carole asked, "Did you find out anything?"


We haven't received confirmation yet, but we're looking into the possibility that the victim in Kane County is Hailey Morgan."


"Do you think there is a connection between her and Sam?" Carole asked.


"There are several similarities. It's possible that we are looking at a meticulous serial killer."


The two women jaws dropped open.  Sam's body suddenly shook and shuddered. She had the feeling of someone walking over her grave. The color drained from Sam's face.


"Sam are you okay?" Carole asked.


"I have a feeling that some harsh truths are getting ready to show their ugly heads."


"Sam, surely you don't believe that you were instrumental in the harm you endured."


"I'm not sure."































Although the calendar and the daylight savings time gave evidence that spring was around the corner, the weather took a sudden turn.  The winds howled through the city streets.  New snow caused traffic to slow down to a snail pace. Riders on the transit watched the cars trying to maneuver through the unplowed streets.  Everyone in the city was exhausted even before they reported to work and Sam was no exception.


It was 9:45 and the lobby entrance of Robinson–Williams was still welcoming a rush of late arrivals.  Sam crowded into the elevator and maneuvered to the back of the car.  She took a deep breath and shivered. Her eyes narrowed and her brow knitted.  She recognized the familiar scent of a man's cologne.  Her eyes searched the car to see whether she could see which man was the possessor of the scent.  She was disappointed.  There was only one man in the gaggle of women. He was the man standing next to her.  It wasn't him.  The scent lingered from a previous rider.


The lunch break couldn't come soon enough for Sam.  Alice joined her at the table as they unpacked their lunches.


"See that man over there?” Alice gave her head a little nod right.


"That's Paul Jacobs.  He thinks he's mister perfect.  He dated Hailey Morgan."


"Is that the one the detective were asking about?"


"Yes, she just stopped coming to work. No one heard from her.”


“Do you think he had something to do with her missing?”


“No, Paul couldn't hurt a flea.  Now, if I would pick someone to be wary about it would be Mike Rizzo."


"Who's he?"


"He's the Senior Editor on the seventh floor.  Let's just say he is a Sexual Harassment Suit waiting to happen."


Alice eyes shifted to the doorway.  "Speaking of the devil, he's trolling in now to search out a new prey. Don't look up."


As Rizzo passed by their table, Sam again got a whiff of the familiar men's cologne.  Her eyes shifted in his direction as he headed for a table with three young women.  You could see from their expressions that they were thrilled that a Senior Editor was acknowledging them.  Each had the feeling that this was their way up the corporate ladder.


The end of the day couldn't come soon enough for Sam.  The thought of the cold trip back to Carole's was only bearable because she wanted to share the information she learned with Tom.  As she stepped into the lobby, she saw Tom's smiling at her. 


"Thought you'd like a ride home."


"I dearly would love it.  And, I got some things to tell you."


On the ride to Carole's, Sam told him about the happenings in the lunchroom.


"I'll check both men out.  You have to promise me that when you go back to Robinson you stay out of their way."


They pulled in front of Carole's house.  Because the side streets still hadn't been plowed, Tom double-parked.  He came around to help Sam navigate through to the snow packed sidewalk. 


"I have the third shift for the next two weeks.  If you need me, my number is on this card.  Remember, stay out of the way to those two men." 


He gave her a quick peck on the cheek—a move that both surprised Tom and Sam. He quickly returned to his car.  Sam with a confused expression her face watched as he drove away before going in.




Early Saturday morning Sam arrived at Dr. Kalish's office.


"Sam, I'm glad you could make it.  I know the weather hasn’t been cooperating with everyone.  Have a seat."


Sam took the seat facing Dr. Kalish at his desk "I'm glad I could make it.  It a relief to be able to talk to you."


"Okay.  I'm listening."


"I'm starting to have flash backs.  I’m scared."


"You know this was going to happen.  Why are you scared?"


"What if I don't like my old life?  Something was not right with it.  I was nearly beaten to death."


"Let me quote Buddha: 'Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.’ What you have to do Sam is to concentrate on getting healthy. Your body and your mind have experienced a lot of trauma in the past five months.   The stronger you are, the more you will be able to accept the past and move forward.’ "


"I know, I know.  Everyone is very encouraging.  When I look in the mirror I still don't know that person. Was I a bad person? What did I do to deserved to beaten to death?”


"Let's go over what I see.  When I look at you I see a captivating woman, approximately 34-37 years old, well attired and appears well composed."


"You are seeing a lot more than I do.  You should see me when I wake up screaming in the middle of the night."


"When you wake up, what do you remember?"


"Sometimes it’s confusing.  Most times I'm falling down a flight of stairs.  Sometimes I see myself lying dead on the floor...almost like one those out of body experiences you hear about."


"Did you see how you fell?"


"I know from the medical reports that I was struck on the back of the head, but I didn't see who did it.   It was a man, but he’s still a shadow. I even hear myself scream when I started to fall.”


"Have you experienced any other flashbacks?"


"Well, at work I've been smelling a familiar men's cologne."


"Have you seen who's been wearing it?"


"I haven't the man that’s wearing it.  He doesn't look familiar."


"Do you think you had a flash back because of the cologne?"


"I don't know.  I think the shadow is wearing that cologne."


"You're probably right.  Have you given this information to the detective who is working with you and Carole?"


"Yes, Detective Cassell told me to stay away from him."


"Wise.  Tell me about Detective Cassell?  Are you close?"


"He's been very helpful.”


"That isn't exactly an answer."


"Well, I'll admit that he's good looking.  But, I'm not ready to meet anyone in that way.  I DON'T KNOW WHO I AM!"


"Let's take it easy. Sometimes it’s good for a person to have a stable person to lean on.  Carole is of great assistance with those womanly things, but sometimes you have to lean on brute strength.  In your case, you need protection.  I believe that Tom will be your protector. Don't be afraid to use him. Your life is in danger.  He has the police department behind him.  Okay?"




"So what are your plans for the weekend?"


"I'm meeting Carole for lunch then we're taking in a show."


"Good, relax.  Your memory is coming back.  Once this starts, things can happen really fast.  Now, I'll have to postpone our next visit because I'll be out of town. Stop by the receptionist.  She'll give you my private number and if necessary, you can SKYPE me. Okay?"


"Thank you."


"Take care Sam."



















CHICAGO TRIBUNE                                                                 
February 28, 2012





Chicago braces for another onslaught of winter this weekend. National Weather Service is predicting 8-10 inches of snowfall this weekend. Mayor Emmanual says Streets & Sanitation crews are prepared with all plows available.  Every effort Emmanual says will be made to stay within the city's budget.



"Are you checking out Miss McLean?"


"Going to try to get back to New York."


"I wish you luck.  O'Hare looks like it is going to be socked in."


"I was lucky I got my sample case out earlier today. I just have to get home now."


The concierge interrupted their conversation to let the saleswoman know that her cab had arrived.  She grabbed her carry-on and entered the cab. 




"Yes, I have a scheduled flight out tonight."


"I hear the flights are backed up. This snow is coming at the rush hour...worse time. I’ll try to get you there."


Twenty minutes later the cab had only moved less than a mile from the hotel.  Amber McLean checked her iPhone to get the latest flight update on her flight.  She gave an exasperated sigh when she saw the results of her inquiry.  “ALL FLIGHTS CANCELLED UNTIL 5:00 a.m.”






"Change of plans.  Can you get me to a restaurant with a good bar?”


“In Chicago...easy!"


Another fifteen minutes passed before the cab stopped in front of Marina Tower.


"Here we are miss. The Tower Restaurant has a bar and grill.  A good place to wait out the traffic problems."


Amber gave the cabbie a $20.00 bill that more than covered the short but long trip.  She took her briefcase and overnight carry-on and tramped through snow-covered sidewalk to the entrance.  Once inside she placed her cases down, took off her wet coat and sat down at the bar.  The bar was dimly lit.  Bowls of pretzels sat along the counter waiting for the greedy hands of customers.  However, Amber was alone with the bartender.


"Glad to see a customer tonight.  What can I get for you?"




"That ought to warm you up."


Amber sat at the bar and watched as the bartender switched from channel to channel to get more of an update on the weather.  Each station reported the same...there was going to be no let up until morning.


As Amber sat there her eyes shifted to the doorway where a tall dark haired man was entering the bar.  From her seat she easily recognized the tailored look of his clothes.  His eyes searched the bar and could see Amber sitting at the end of the bar.  He crossed the floor in easy strides and stood next to Amber.  She looked up and saw striking blue eyes smiling down at her. 


"Care if I join you?”


"If you'd like."


As the two talked Rodney became more familiar with a woman that traveled alone on business.  She met his criteria.  Plus, she had the added feature of striking red hair. Something that always enticed him to his victims. 


"I have an apartment upstairs.  Perhaps, you'd like to come up.  I could fix something to eat, and we could just relax while you wait for the planes to start flying out again."


Amber hesitated in her reply. It wasn't in her nature to go any place with a stranger. This night was different.  She broke her own rules. "I'd like that."


The elevator arrived at the penthouse apartment floor, sixty-five stories above the Chicago River.  Amber was feeling quite exhilarated being with such an obviously wealthy individual that did not wear a wedding ring and without any evidence of one. Rodney opened the apartment door.  When Amber entered the apartment her eyes silently admired the view of the Chicago River from the panoramic windows. 


She looked around the living room and it appeared sterile.  "Do you live here?"


"This is the corporate apartment.  I only use it when I have late night press runs.  Or, like tonight, the weather prohibits me from going home."


Rodney guided her to the kitchen counter bar.  Amber sat on the barstool.  Rodney turned to the large stainless steel refrigerator.


"Let's see what we have in the frig?  Looks like omelets.  That's good, because it is probably the only thing I can really make." 


He winked at Amber while he started gathering the tool and ingredients for his sacrificial dinner.  He went to the wine cooler and took out a California Pinot to compliment the dish.  He turned his back to Amber and reached into the cabinet for two wine glasses. He turned again and handed one of the glasses to Amber.


“This should warm us up.”


Amber smiled gently as she sipped the wine. She was feeling light headed and hoped that the food would be prepared soon to help her regain her senses.


"I really not feeling too well."


"Really?  Maybe you will feel better after you have something to eat."


It was too late for Amber as she slumped off the stool and collapsed on the floor.


"Well, Red, we're going to have some fun tonight." 


He scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom. He sat her on the lounge chair as he stripped the bed covering.  He returned to Amber and began undressing her.   As he took off each piece of clothing, he neatly placed it in the corner. Amber moaned, but couldn't regain her strength. When he finished undressing her, he picked her up and laid her on the bed.  Her red hair fanned out circling her face. 


Details. Details. No searching for clothes thrown around the room. 


He unzipped his pants and pulled out his engorged penis.  He rubbed himself as he kneeled over her.   His heart started beating faster.  His hands moved up and down his shaft until him sperm spilled out of him onto Amber's stomach.  He messaged the semen into her chest, rubbing each nipple with sticky fluid.  After a short while he felt himself growing strong again. He turned Amber over to her stomach. 


This was the part that confused Rodney. He didn't understand why he had a fixation for anal sex.  For some reason, it gave him a feeling of power and satisfaction simultaneously.  It started when he was in boarding school. He pumped his penis in and out of Amber's anus with such a force that the shock to her system caused her to awaken. 


She started screaming, "STOP.  Get off me!" She was breathing heavily as she tried to wiggle away from him, but she again passed out.  


Rodney knew that the Rohynol should have allowed her not wake up and remember his actions.  Something went wrong.  Not enough Rohynol?  Evidently, she didn't consume a sufficient quantity. Her awakening was going to be the cause her death.  He withdrew his penis and turned Amber over.  His hands encircled her neck as he squeezed tightly.  In less the thirty-seconds and it was all over for Amber.


Details. Details.


Rodney knew he didn't have as many options.  He had to follow his routine. It always worked.   He took Amber’s body to the bathroom and deposited in the tub.  He turned on the cold water.  While her body was soaking, he cleaned himself and tidied the apartment.  He confirmed that there wasn't any evidence that Amber was present in the room.  The hospitality cleaning staff would be oblivious what had transpired


Once things were straightened, Rodney prepared to leave the apartment with Amber's body.  Thankfully, it was after 2:00 a.m.


No one was around and the city slept through the storm.  He wrapped Amber in her coat and threw her over his shoulder.  He called the elevator.  Since no one had called it, the door immediately opened.  He dumped Amber on the floor.   He returned to the apartment to get her carry-on, briefcase and clothes.  He locked the apartment and took the elevator to the parking garage.  No SUV this time.  Amber's body and her belongings were forced in the trunk of the Benz.  He left of the garage and drove slowly through the snow packed street. He cursed the snow-covered streets.  An hour later he arrived at Lincoln Park parking lot. The wind coming off the lake made it difficult for him to see.  After he parked the car, he removed Amber's body and took it to the lakefront.  As he the coat off her body, he could see that this was an ideal place for the body.  The wind was strong enough to cover his tracks.  By morning, there wouldn’t be any evidence that he was the culprit that dumped the naked woman.  He continued to follow his routine.  He dumped Amber’s belongings in two separate dumpsters on his drive home to Lake Forest.













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