Identical (43 page)

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Authors: Ellen Hopkins

BOOK: Identical
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changed his bachelor ways. Way too

into himself, not the type to move

in a habitual keeper, love or no love.

No love to us, I’d still like to see

Ty. It’s been a long week with

nothing to smoke. I’ll call him again.

The Biggest Surprise

Of the week was not hearing

a word from or about Mick.

I expected a call, at the very least,

telling me what a bitch I am.

What I really expected was a knock

on the door from a tan uniform,

a trip to juvie, and major dishonor

to Judge Raymond Gardella, not to

mention his wife, the incoming

freshman congresswoman. Phew!

But no. Nada. Nothing. Not a hint

of a problem. Maybe I should call

Mick, apologize. Would he forgive

me? Pick me up? Share a doob?

I mean, really, it
his fault. Maybe

that’s why he didn’t make trouble.

Okay, I’m treading a fantasy—Mick,

in my control. A shitload of bud. And me.

But It Isn’t Mick

Who comes idling up beside me

at the midtown park where

I spent the afternoon spying on

tourists for sheer amusement value.

No, it isn’t a big 4x4 that stops.

In fact, it only has two wheels.

Tuned and well-fed, Ian’s Yamaha

hums contentedly.

I know he can’t have confused me

with Kaeleigh, who would not

be happy to know Ian gave
a ride

home. Like I care. “Sure.”

He hands me his spare helmet,

slides forward to make room, and as

I slide my arms around him, I wonder

if he might think I’m Kaeleigh after all.

Nah. He knows her too well.

Doesn’t he? One way to find out.

I make my voice all sweet.

“Take me for a cruise?”

He pauses, tenses. Definitely

confused. Then he shakes

his head. Relaxes a level, but

not completely.
Where to?

Highway 154

Takes you all the way

to Santa Barbara. It winds

past cattle ranches and Lake

Cachuma before cresting

The San Marcos Pass and

snaking down over the

mountain. Just as you

drop, you can turn off on

the potholed road to Cold

Spring Tavern. That’s where

I asked to go. I love it there,

where history looms large

in the oak-decked beauty

of old California. It’s late

afternoon, and I find myself

wishing I had a heavier jacket.

I bury my face into Ian, inhale

warmth and perfume of leather.

Something very much like

contentment threatens my

equilibrium. Does Kaeleigh

have a clue what she has here?

Longing Lunges

With sudden ferocity.

What is wrong with me?

I can’t. Can’t. Won’t. Will I?

Ian pulls into a narrow

parking space beside the road.

Walk with me?
He reaches

for my hand and it dawns

on me. He
think I’m

Kaeleigh. How I want to be.

I should tell him. Have to tell

him, but my hand, tucked

neatly into his, is so warm.

I let it stay there as we work

our way along a narrow trail.

So much love, in the palm

of his hand, folded around mine.

Oh, Kaeleigh. Don’t you get it?

Oh, Kaeleigh. To be his!

I’m not even drunk, not stoned,

not buzzed on pills. Perfectly

straight, still I’m reeling.

I should tell him. Have to tell

him. But, hidden by forest,

far from prying eyes,

he pulls me against him. My

head falls into his chest and I

listen to the rhythm of his heart.

I look up into his eyes,

find the kind of love there

I hunger for. Love, not meant

for me. I vow to absorb it

anyway, hold on to it as long

as I can, even if for only a few

seconds. I want to kiss him.

Am going to kiss him, though

I know if I do, he’ll realize

he’s not kissing Kaeleigh.

Hey, maybe he’ll fall out

of love with her, and into

love with me. So I stand

on my tiptoes, reach up

for his lips with my own.

Yes, Every Kiss Is Different

        And this is a kiss

      like none before, a kiss

    that could overcome the dark

of deep space night. It’s a falling

star, flame, ice. It’s pure as water from a snow-fed mountain

spring. This is what you dream a kiss to be. To have a kiss just

    like this each and every day! How satisfying life would be.

      Oh, Kaeleigh. Never let this man get away.

           Ian is the key to your salvation.

Ian Moans

And that ignites a flame just

below my belly button. This

is so wrong, but I don’t care.

Ian is also on fire. But when

I reach down to touch him

the way every guy wants,

he draws back.

“Please, Ian? I want you.”

He shakes his head.

What’s wrong with you?

Wrong? Everything’s right.

I try to kiss him again.

He pulls away, eyes betraying

You’re not Kaeleigh.

He knows, of course he does.

I’ll make him want me. I fall to

my knees in front of him. “Just let me…”

No! I can’t. This isn’t right.

He turns, stalks off, down the trail.

All I can do is follow.

Ian’s Sense

Of right and wrong

overwhelms me. Not

a single other person

I know

possesses such an unshakable

sense of morality. It’s more

than unbelievable.

It’s frightening.

To offer without strings

something all men crave,

and be rejected by him is


Think I’ll have to kick

Kaeleigh’s ass. Does she have

any idea what it means

to be

so treasured? He has built

a pedestal for her so tall

that she is afraid to be


atop it, because to fall

would mean certain death.

But oh, she would rise far, far

beyond fear

and be held by arms so strong,

and love so pure, that falling

would not be an option.



Is such an unpleasant sensation.

I’m falling now, down through

a dark blue opiate sea, and

I know

it’s all up to me. Sink or swim?

I know how to swim, have practiced

the dead man’s float for years, but

it’s frightening

how much I just want to drown

in this undertow of booze and pills.

I drank a lot tonight, ingested an


amount of painkillers, some

borrowed from Daddy, the rest

pilfered from old Sam, who seems

to be

suffering a lot from his arthritis.

His nightstand is a pharmacy.

I doubt he even noticed I


a handful of Percodans. Lucky me,

Daddy had to work this weekend.

By the time he gets home, I’ll be

beyond fear

and well past saving.

I’m falling now, down,

down through indigo….


Through the thickening
the clock on my wall


Tick-tick. Tock-tock.
the passage of time.


Inhale. Everything
Exhale. The exchange


Heartbeats mimic,
Become erratic, stutter,


Through the indigo.
Gradual motion.
I drown.

A Voice

Echoes inside my brain.

A little girl’s voice.

Get up. When you fall

down, you gotta get up.

It’s Raeanne, and I am with

her on the playground.

Get up, Kaeleigh, or I’m

gonna be mad at you.

I am lying beside the merry-

go-round, head spinning.

I hate when you be a baby.

Oooh. Lookie. You’re bleeding.

Scarlet oozes from a slice

on one skinned knee.

Stop crying! I hate when

you cry. Mommy! Mom…

Now her voice changes,

hardens, sedimentary stone.

Stop whining, Kaeleigh, or I’ll

have to kick your ass.

She sounds like me. Looks

like me. Identical.

Goddammit. I’m going for help.

I’ll kick your ass later.

Another Voice

Trails the slam of a door. Door?

Down here? How can a door slam

in so much water? So much deep,

dark ocean?
Hello? Anyone home?

Obnoxious. Intrusive. A lifeline.

Footsteps. Twenty to his bed. Twelve

to mine. I don’t want to count them.

Can’t help it. One, two. Doesn’t matter.

Three, four. Can’t get me here.

Five, six. Quick! Hide! Seven, eight.

To hide I have to swim. Nine, ten. No

way to swim but up. Eleven, twelve.

The feet stop moving, and even this far

underwater, I hear a door snitch open.

Kaeleigh? Kaeleigh! What have you done?

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