Ice Dreams Part 3

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Authors: Melissa Johns

BOOK: Ice Dreams Part 3
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Please check out these other books

By: Melissa Johns


FIRST LOVE (Now & Forever Series #1)

EVERLASTING LOVE (Now & Forever Series #2)

FOREVER LOVE (Now & Forever #3)

TRUE LOVE (Now & Forever #4)






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As always, to my husband, Mark. Without you, I wouldn’t have the courage to follow my dreams. You are an inspiration to me. Thank you for all the chats, the help with ideas and editing. You are my rock. How about another Disney trip?


My fans - you keep surprising me. I love all of you! All your emails and words of encouragement are wonderful!


Thank you!























When true love is on the line…can you overcome life’s obstacles?

































































"Madison, can you help the bride in the last fitting room? I have my hands full with Brittany and her mother," Amber asked as she disappeared to help the two screaming women.

Madison had been on the job for three days and couldn't have been happier. She loved working with Amber and most of the brides at the shop. She had a knack for helping undecided women on what they looked good in.

Hunter was due home any day from his west coast trip. He was a professional hockey player who was on the verge of being traded. Before he left, he deserted Madison on the reasoning that he didn't want to hurt or corrupt her. She was devastated and leaned on her brother, Carter and her future sister in law, Alicia for support.

She loved Hunter with her whole heart and gave him every part of her. He owned her body and soul but gave it all up because he couldn't handle the pending changes on the horizon.

They had barely talked over the last week and when they did, it was brief. Hunter decided that they needed a break and Madison decided to bury herself into her new job. She also created a special friendship with her next door neighbor, Mike. They were becoming very close friends. Except for her momentary lapse of judgment, their relationship had been completely plutonic.

She turned her attention back to the bride standing in front of her. “The dress is beautiful, Anna but you still don’t look convinced.”

She smiled at her. “I’m not. I like the fit and style but I wanted something more flashy but keeping it acceptable for church.”

Maddy chuckled. “Well, what if we added some beadwork to the chest area and around your waist. It will make the dress pop.”

The bride smiled and looked at her mom. “Would that work?”

Her mom nodded. “I love the idea. Is that going to add a lot to the cost of the dress?”

“Let me grab me my boss and we will get it squared away.” Madison left the room and found Amber standing at the front counter with her brother, Mike.

He smiled at her. “Hey neighbor, how’s the new boss treating you?”

Madison laughed. “She’s great but I need to steal her away from you.”

He nodded. “Did you want to grab lunch?”

She nodded. “Just give me a second and I will grab my purse.”

Amber followed her towards the fitting room. “I know it’s none of my business but is there something going on between you and my brother?”

Madison stopped as they approached the bride and her mother. She shook her head. “No, we are just friends. He’s been a great listener with all my issues.”

“He’s fantastic guy. He just gets caught up with these two timing, no good women. It drives me crazy. I was hoping that something was blooming between you two.”

She shook her head. “Just friendship.”

Amber shrugged and walked into the fitting room. Madison watched her boss talk to the mother about the cost of the dress and the alterations. She was a natural with her clients. The mother was happy with the end result as they bagged up the dress and went to make the first deposit on it.

Mike was in the break room waiting for Madison. “Hey, ready for lunch?”

She nodded. “Let’s go, I’m starving.”

As they walked through the boutique Amber called out. “Madison, great job with that couple, it was the perfect suggestion for the dress.”

“Thanks Amber. I told you that I was a fast learner.”

Mike opened the front door for her. “Where would you like to go?”

“It’s so beautiful out. What’s in walking distance?”

“We could walk down to the pizzeria.”

“Sounds good,” Madison said as she started to follow Mike down the street.

“Have you talked to Hunter? When is he coming back?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. He hasn’t reached out to me. I feel so lost without him. Jessie told me that I need to prepare myself to move on.”

Mike opened the door to the small pizzeria as she stepped inside. “I don’t disagree with her, Maddy. If he returns home and decides to stick to his guns, you will have no choice.”

She sat down and pouted. “I’m keeping the faith that he will return home and whatever made him lose his mind will be sorted out.”

Mike grabbed a menu. “I don’t want to see you hurting anymore, Maddy.”

She smiled. “I appreciate that but I will be ok.”

They ordered lunch and continued to talk. “How are the wedding plans coming along for Carter and Alicia?”

She chuckled. “It’s going well. I can’t believe that it is right around the corner. They have everything planned and reserved. We are just finishing up the dresses at the shop. I believe that Carter is taking all the guys for their fittings this week.”

“I’m assuming Hunter is in the wedding party.”

She nodded. “Of course, he’s very close with Carter. Now with the baby in the picture, Carter has been showering her with gifts and they are talking about hiring a professional designer for the baby’s room.”

Mike laughed. “I’m happy for them. They seem so perfect for each other.”

She agreed. “I was hoping that Hunter and I would have been like that.”

He sighed as the waitress placed their food in front of them. She started to eat her slice of pizza as she heard the door open behind her. She looked at Mike as he put down his food. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

“You have a visitor.”

Madison turned around. “Hunter? What are you doing here?” She stood up and faced him.

“Carter told me that you were at work and when I got there, your boss said that you went to lunch.”

She smiled and wanted to kiss him but kept to herself. She nervously moved her hands until she wrapped them around her waist. “When did you get home?”

“Early this morning, I wanted to call you but didn’t know if I should.”

Mike stood up and threw out his plate. “I will leave you guys alone.” He looked at Hunter but didn’t say anything. Madison smiled at him. “Thanks for lunch.”

“Anytime, stop by later ok?”

She nodded as her attention went back to Hunter. “You guys look close.”

Madison frowned. “He’s been part of my support system since you ripped my heart out and stomped on it.”

His eyes moved to the floor and slowly back at her. “I’m sorry, Madison. I never meant to hurt you.”

She laughed. “But you did, Hunter. You hurt me. You once told me that I was your world, your life and suddenly some bumps appear in the road and you freak out!”

Hunter looked around the restaurant and back at her. “Can I walk you back to work?”

She tossed her food away as she opened the door. “How did the trip go?”

“It was interesting. I’m sure as soon as the next round is over, the offers will come in fast.”

She nodded as they reached the store. “I need to finish up my shift.”

He nodded and leaned back against his truck. “Can I see you tonight?”

She hesitated but responded. “Sure. Why don’t you come by around seven? We can talk.”

He agreed and left.

She walked back into the store and threw her purse under the counter. Amber spotted her. “You ok?”

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