Icarians: Poisoned Dreams (4 page)

Read Icarians: Poisoned Dreams Online

Authors: Vanessa Mock,Jessie Reinking

BOOK: Icarians: Poisoned Dreams
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Once she was dressed she went back into the bathroom to put on some make up and fix her hair. She picked some dark gray eye shadow, a touch of dark eyeliner and a black mascara. For her lips a pale pink lip gloss. She ran a brush through her hair to tame some of her thick curls. She put on a pair of her favorite silver hoop earrings and a pair of thin black stilettos. She stepped back from a full length mirror to make sure she looked good enough. She looked at the clock on the wall and saw that she had an hour till Mercedes would arrive.

She went into the kitchen and fixed herself a light dinner to pass the time. She was just finishing up when she saw that it was ten till eight. She had just enough time to reapply her lip gloss and she heard Mercedes honk her horn.
"Woo-hoo! Analeigh's lookin' hot!" Mercedes said laughing.
"Thank you." Analeigh said as she did a mock runway turn. She laughed as she got into the little sports car.
"All ready to go?"
"Yep lets do it!" Analeigh replied as Mercedes backed out of the driveway and sped down the road.

Chapter 4


They got to the bar in record time. Normally Analeigh didn't like to be so careless but it just felt right tonight, she felt like really cutting loose and having a good time, she'll come back to reality tomorrow, she thought. They got out of the car and went inside. Analeigh saw a small dance floor, a long bar and some booths in the back. She was surprised to see how many people there were, not to mention all the people that were close to her age. Sadie led her over to a bar stool and said hi to a couple of guys along the way.
"Just sit and smile and let all the single guys in here buy the drinks." Sadie told her in a hushed voice just loud enough for Analeigh to here over the loud music. No sooner did she say that and two guys walked up. "Hey Sadie who’s your friend?" A tall blonde with a baby face asked Mercedes.
"Hey Derrick, Johnny this is my new friend Analeigh, Analeigh this is Johnny and Derrick." Mercedes introduced them to her with a smile.
"Hi its nice to meet you both." She responded with a grin.
"Can I buy you a drink?" Derrick asked Analeigh.
"Sure, thanks how about a Kahlua?" She said.
Derrick ordered the drink for her. Derrick was reasonably attractive she thought to herself as she sipped her drink.
"Hey lets all go dance." Mercedes suggested.
"Alright." Everyone agreed and they all got up and walked over to the dance floor.
They all started to dance together at first then they paired off. Derrick and Analeigh some how ended up at the other end of the dance floor together. After a couple of songs Derrick asked her "Hey you want to do some shots?"
"Sure." Analeigh said as they walked back to the bar.
He motioned for the bartender and ordered two shots of tequila.
"You ready for this?" He asked her when the drinks came.
"Ugh," She told him.
She never drank this much. They did a mock toast together and downed it. She coughed a little, he laughed. "The next one won't hurt as much."
He ordered two more and they downed them, then he ordered her another Kahlua
"Dance with me one more time before I have to leave." He said more demanding than asking.
It wasn't a question but she let it pass and went back on the dance floor with him. This time he was real touchy and all over her, she went with it because he was leaving so she wouldn't have to dance with him anymore after that.

Mason walked into Harry's first with Jaxon right behind him.
"Oh shit!" Jaxon heard Mason say and he looked around to see what was going on. Then, he spotted her on the dance floor with some punk kid with his hands all over her. Anger shot through him, his veins like fire. He stepped forward about to kill the asshole when Mason stepped in front of him.
"Wait, you can't go charging over there like some jealous boyfriend, she will think your nuts! Look your sister is here too, they most likely came together. Why don't we go order some drinks and keep an eye on them."
Jaxon hesitated then said "You keep an eye on her .. I'll kill them both!"
Mason laughed and said "Come on Hero," and led the way to the bar.
Mercedes was the first to see them.
"Hey bro, Mason, what are you guys doing here?" She asked innocently.
"Gee I don't know, its just that I have been coming here damn near every Friday night for two years.” Jaxon said sarcastically glaring at her.
"He spotted his would-be girlfriend over there on the dance floor lookin' all hot with that goon that looks barely old enough to drink!" Mason said giving her a smile.
"Don't sweat it Jaxon, Johnny and Derrick are leaving anyway.” Mercedes said rolling her eyes, then she added with a smile “Speaking of, look here she comes".
Analeigh walked up to them and said "Hey guys" they introduced her to Mason. She looked at Mercedes. "Did you see that guy? He had his hands all over me!" she giggled and made a big show of shuddering.
"Oh Derrick is an ok guy but he is a little fast with the ladies." Mercedes said.
"You would know huh Sadie?" Mason said laughing.
"In that boys dreams, besides you know I'm holding out for you Mason." Mercedes said as she punched Mason in the arm.
"Yeah right, and that’s in my dreams?" Mason said back at her.
Mercedes was the one that laughed and said "That’s right!"
Analeigh was smiling as she looked around for her drink, when she couldn't find it she ordered another kahlua and one shot of tequila. She drank the shot and started on the kahlua when she heard Jaxon right next to her ear. He leaned in and whispered "Want to dance?"
The heat between them was very disturbing to her, but since her motto for the night was cutting loose she said, "Sure." She took Jaxon by the hand, as soon as her skin touched his she felt something close to electricity. Her heart raced as she looked up into his eyes to see if he felt it too. His eyes were blue pools of mystery.
"Yeah that’s a good idea, come on Mason dance with me." Mercedes said as she jumped up.

"Oh I'm so flattered!" Mason said grinning and rolling his eyes.
He led her onto the dance floor. As soon as they started to dance the song suddenly changed to a slow one as if by magic. Jaxon pulled her into his arms and she melted. Behind Analeigh’s back Jaxon flipped Mercedes and Mason off and they cracked up laughing.
Analeigh was starting to feel the affect of the alcohol but she didn't care. Something about him made her feel so safe and warm. That something made her want him badly. She laid her head on his shoulder and let him lead her. She could hear his heart beat faster as she slowly moved her hands up his arms to his massive shoulders and swayed her body against him. She could feel his hands tighten around her waist as he moved her closer until there was nothing but heat between them.

She felt incredibly sexy and free in his arms. He dipped her backward and when she came back up he buried his face into her neck. She could feel his hot breath on her equally hot skin. Just when she thought she would burst from the need of him the song ended and he let her go. She felt so cold without him.
"Thanks for the dance.” He said as he walked away. Analeigh walked back to the bar next to where Mercedes and Mason were sitting and ordered another shot. She felt the hot liquor go through her body but it did nothing for the coldness he left behind.
"Come on Mason I'll kick your ass in a game of pool!" Jaxon said as he walked up next to Analeigh.
"Joy!" Mason said and walked with him a few feet to the tables.
At that point Analeigh was a little pissed off, 'how could he dance with me like that and then act so damn cool about it she thought to herself as she slammed her shot.' "I'm going to use the restroom." She told Mercedes as she got up and walked away.
She went into the bathroom and stumbled a little. Inside the restroom was grubby to say the least, there was graffiti on the walls and bathroom stalls, the room was in desperate need of a good scrubbing. She checked her makeup in a cracked mirror to make sure it was still were it should be. By the time she walked back out she had a whole new attitude.

She found Sadie talking with two other guys. Both were equally handsome, one had dark brown hair and was wearing lose fitting blue jeans and a Tommy Hilfiger button down shirt that he left unbuttoned with a crisp white t-shirt under it. The other guy was black headed and he had on a similar wardrobe. She walked up to the three of them with her sexiest smile on.
"Hi." She said and waited for Mercedes to introduce her to the men.
"Mm this is my friend Analeigh, Analeigh this is Michael and his friend Vinson. They want to buy us drinks." Mercedes said.
"Nice to meet you, sounds good to me." Analeigh responded.
"Ok what will it be ladies?" Michael asked.
"I'll have another shot of tequila and keep them coming." Analeigh flirted with them.
"I'll have the same." Mercedes said laughing.
Mason looked up from the game and motioned for Jaxon to look at the girls.
"Who the fuck is that?" Mason asked alarmed.
"I don't know who they are but I do know that they are Icarians." Jaxon said as he studied the two men.
"No, don't give us away, lets just continue our game and see what happens." Jaxon said reaching out to grab Mason who was already heading over toward them.
Something was going on and he would find out what. Mason reluctantly went back to their game. Jaxon watched as Analeigh took one shot after another. He was more than a little concerned about her with all the shots she had consumed tonight, he could see from here that she was tumbling over the edge. He watched as the tall black haired man led Analeigh onto the dance floor, she was so far gone. They started to dance to a very seductive song. He looked over at Sadie who was just as drunk, she was dancing with the other man. He could kill her for being so careless with herself and Analeigh. If Sadie wasn't so drunk she would be able to sense the danger about to come. He could feel the fear and tension oozing out of Mason as they watched the men work on the girls.

As they danced he could see the man inching himself and Analeigh toward the door. As soon as Jaxon seen the door open he looked at Mason and growled, "Get Sadie!", then he went after Analeigh.
Analeigh knew something was very wrong when she felt herself being drug out the door and into the chilly night air.
"No!" She cried out, but it was to late. Nobody was outside so that meant nobody could hear her, she thought to herself. 'Fight', you have to fight!' She relaxed and made herself dead weight, but he was so strong he carried her, it was as if she were a small child. So she started to punch and kick. She didn't care were her blows landed as long as they came in contact with her attacker.
"Stop that!" He yelled at her as she dug her nails into the skin of the arm that had a hold of her.

That made him stop but only for a second, he reached down and smacked her across the face. She saw stars. 'Don't black out' she told herself. He stopped again and laid her on her back across the hood of what must have been his car. She felt the cool hard metal on her back. He pushed himself between her legs. She felt his hand on her breast and his face was very close to hers.
"I'm going to have a little fun with you before I bring you to him!" He said as he leaned down to kiss her. He kissed her hard and she bit down as hard as she could into his lower lip. She heard him cry out from the pain. Then he doubled up his fist and hit her in the face, this time she had no choice but to give into the darkness. Jaxon ran out the door of the bar. It took him only a split second to locate her and her kidnapper. It took only another second for him to reach them. He took the guy by complete surprise when he threw him off of her. He landed up against a brick wall about ten feet away. Jaxon walked over to him as he got back up and slammed his fist into his gut. The force of Jaxon's blow threw the man back again.
"What the hell do you think you're doing!" Jaxon demanded.
He didn't give the man time to answer as he slammed his head into the wall. The man coughed and cried out as Jaxon wrapped his hand around his neck and lifted him two feet from the ground. The man went unconscious , his skin a bluish gray but Jaxon continued to squeeze until he heard Mason from behind him.
"Jaxon stop! You'll kill him!"
"Why shouldn't I?" Jaxon responded to him but still held on to the mans neck. He felt Masons hand on his shoulder.
"Because your not like that, let it go man."
Jaxon released his victim and slammed him to the paved ground.
"Where’s the other one?" Jaxon asked as he walked over to where Analeigh was still unconscious with Mercedes next to her who was wide eyed and scared.
"I'm so sorry Jaxon." She said weakly. Jaxon walked past her without a word.
"He's over there." Mason pointed to the side of the building. The man in question was also unconscious.
"Take Sadie home. People are starting to gather. I'll take Analeigh home." Jaxon said then he looked at his sister.
"I'll deal with you in the morning when you sober up." Mercedes groaned but handed Mason her keys and slowly walked to her car.
Jaxon gently picked Analeigh up into his arms cradling her. He walked over to his truck and opened the passenger door. She started to come to when he sat her inside.
"Shh your safe now." He said when she started to panic. She looked up at him, then turned away quickly. She cried silently to herself the drive home.

When they arrived she got out and stumbled up the stairs to her house, suddenly he was there to catch her before she fell.
"Thank you, but I'll be fine now." she insisted.
"I have to stay, he hit you pretty hard and I need to make sure your ok." He took her keys from her and with one hand still holding her upright he unlocked the door.
"Lets go into the bathroom so I can look at your face." He said as he lead her upstairs, she stumbled so he picked her up again and carried her the rest of the way. She felt like a rag doll, a very sick, dizzy rag doll.
He flipped on the bathroom light and sat her down onto the toilet. He opened a cabinet and found a wash cloth. He ran the water until it was warm. He took a deep breath and turned to her. He put a finger under her chin to lift her face up to him. He saw the angry red mark across her check bone and almost lost it. The tears threatening to spill over hurt him worse. He gently washed her face with the rag, then he took her into her bedroom.
"Get undressed if you can, I'll turn around." He commanded and he turned around.
She plopped down onto the bed and reached down to try to get her shoes off , finally she gave up and fell back against the covers and closed her eyes, completely forgetting about the sexy male standing in her bedroom.
"Shit." He mumbled to himself.
He knelt down on his knees and took one of her feet. He steeled himself for how alluring the situation was. Slowly he unhooked the strap of her shoe, taking it off, he couldn't stop himself, he let his hand slip across the top of her soft foot and around to the back of her ankle. He repeated the process with her other foot. Finally he leaned over her and undid her belt and the button of her jeans. He looked up to find her looking back at him. Her eyes were clouded with alcohol and desire. She reached out and pulled him closer.

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