Read I Spy a Naughty Game Online

Authors: Jo Davis

Tags: #Erotica, #General, #Sexual Dominance and Submission, #Erotic Fiction, #Fiction

I Spy a Naughty Game (26 page)

BOOK: I Spy a Naughty Game
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“Do you two play nice in the sandbox?”
Blaze gave him a slow, appraising look. “We’re highly selective. You? I suppose you could watch.” He let his tone suggest he could care less.
Kosta’s eyes narrowed, and Blaze resisted the urge to give him the finger. Here was an SOB who wasn’t used to being denied in any way.
Well, surprise, dickhead. You ain’t touching my woman.
As he returned the cool gaze he got the distinct impression Kosta was close to simply calling it a night. But something held him there, and he had a feeling that something was linked to the conversation they’d just had about investments. As he’d hoped, the other man saw him as a golden opportunity—to fund Dietz, with any luck.
Would that temptation be enough to allow him and Emma into their viper’s nest?
He resisted the urge to hold his breath or act like he gave a crap one way or the other. Just two Doms shooting the bull, one inviting the other to watch him play with his sub, the talk about money forgotten.
“Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve played the voyeur,” Kosta said, a small smile curving his lips. “I have a regular room here. Shall we?”
“Absolutely.” Blaze rose and took Emma’s hand, finding it a little clammy. She was nervous, as was he, but there was no help for it. Undercover, they did what was necessary to survive and attempted to minimize the damage to their moral compass.
Such as it was.
Kosta led them to a room much like Blaze’s at home, equipped with every decadent play toy imaginable. Despite the company, Blaze felt the familiar rush in his veins. Adrenaline and lust, coupled with power.
This was his element. He ruled here, and he wouldn’t be inhibited.
“Strip,” he told Emma, shucking his own clothes.
She had more reservations, sliding Kosta a hooded glance before complying. Blaze noted that she turned her body away so the other man could see only her profile. Perhaps it was an unconscious move on her part to protect herself from a distasteful enemy.
Kosta didn’t appear to notice, but sat on a stuffed chair and immediately freed his half-mast rod from his dress pants. Gripping himself, he began to stroke it to full attention, his eyes never leaving the scene Blaze was staging.
The man’s silence was so strange that Blaze forced himself to ignore him altogether. He ordered Emma over to a padded table. “Bend over at the waist and take the hand grips. That’s it—now spread your feet wide and brace yourself.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Not too uncomfortable?”
“No, sir.”
“Good. I want you to remain in position until I give you permission to move. No matter what I do, you’ll be still, but feel free to be as vocal as you need to.” From a nearby table, he fetched a bottle of lube and a butt plug. “Know what I’m going to do? I’m going to slick that tight hole of yours and fill it with this plug. Then I’m going to deliver a bit of pain with your pleasure.”
He squirted a generous amount of lube on his fingers and parted her cheeks. Began to work in the liquid gently. Her moan didn’t sound rehearsed, and he wondered whether she’d managed to forget their audience—as his own dick certainly had. Fortunately for women, they could fake it if necessary.
Luckily for him, his libido wasn’t intimidated by their watcher, at least not enough to deflate his throbbing erection.
“So tight and hot. Gonna fill you now. Easy.”
Setting the lube aside, he took the plug and began to push the tip past the ring of flesh. Oh, yes, this got to him every damned time. The dark thrill he received from owning a sub’s body, spread and ready for him. He loved watching the little device slide deep into her channel, loved her little whimpers and how she pushed her ass out to meet him. Begged for more.
“Sir, please!”
“Don’t worry, there’s more. Much more,” he said softly. This time, he located what he wanted—a leather paddle with a nice grip. An instrument of pleasure, one that would make a nice pop but wouldn’t do more than sting a bit. “Feel this.”
He rubbed one flat side all over her pert ass cheeks, letting her grow accustomed to what was in his hand. To the idea of what he was about to do. Not wishing to startle her, he delivered a couple of very light taps to begin, and then increased the strength and frequency of the swats.
And they were no more than swats, simply given to stimulate the plug in her hole, heighten the sensation of it rubbing inside, causing delicious friction. No more than that because he’d been telling the truth when he’d told her that he wasn’t into hurting or humiliating his subs. Like their last session in his basement, he wasn’t about to bruise her lovely skin or cause redness that stayed for hours. No, he wouldn’t harm a hair on his baby’s head.
His restraint produced the desired results, too. She couldn’t possibly be faking the husky moans that became louder with each strike.
“Ooh, sir! Oh, God!”
Pleased with her response, he rid himself of the paddle. Stealing a glance at Kosta, he saw the man was fisting his cock, working it furiously, his enjoyment of the scene before him obvious.
Something primal took over, a fierce need to claim his woman in front of this intruder. To let him know to whom she belonged and would always belong. Quickly, he parted her folds, lined up, and pushed into her sweet pussy. Drove himself in to the hilt, exclaiming at the wondrous feel of her gripping his cock, rippling and rubbing all around him. Stroking.
“Fuck, yeah, baby. You’re so wet and hot. All mine.”
“Yes, yours!”
“Don’t forget it.”
He took her with languorous thrusts, fingers digging into her hips, faster and harder. The slap of skin on skin filled the room as he took her again and again. Brought them both to the highest peak and over the edge.
She came first, pushing back against him with a loud scream, wanting him deeper. He could do nothing but oblige; he slammed home one last time and let himself go. Gave up all control to ride the wave of sheer heaven threatening to break him apart.
But somehow he survived the onslaught, all the shattered pieces coming back together to render him whole again. Sated and new. After a moment, he withdrew, though he really wanted to stay right there forever.
“That was wonderful, baby. Thank you.” He kissed her shoulder. “You may get dressed.”
, sir.”
Blaze turned and began to clean himself off with a moist wipe. Kosta’s eyes were closed, and cum dribbled down his cock and over his fist, evidence of a successful scene. Blaze turned away; this snake did nothing for him sexually.
Apparently the man believed otherwise. “That was most satisfying,” he said, his praise almost sounding reluctant. “I’m glad to see that you two were as pleased as I was by our interlude together.”
It wasn’t any compliment to you, dirt bag.
How he wished he could say it. Maybe he’d get to it before the case was done. For now, he just nodded, thinking it best not to comment at all if he could avoid it.
He and Emma dressed and straightened their clothing. Kosta, who’d needed only to wipe off and zip his pants, waited, expression revealing nothing.
“I’m glad you enjoyed our scene,” Blaze finally said. “Perhaps we’ll meet again sometime.” He couldn’t say more than that without sounding too eager for a repeat performance. They couldn’t let him get suspicious.
They needn’t have worried.
“Be here tomorrow night,” Kosta said. “I’d like to introduce you to some friends of mine.”
Yes! Swish.
“We’d love nothing more,” he said, offering his hand. That, at least, he could declare honestly.
Yeah, we’d love nothing more than to put your whole organization of traitors away for good.
Kosta shook his hand and then strode out the door, not looking back.
Emma opened her mouth, but Blaze shook his head and put a finger over his lips.
, he mouthed. Aloud, he said, “You really were fantastic. Ready to go home?”
“So were you. And yes, I’m tired.”
He led her out of the club and into the night, scanning all around them for possible dangers. He believed their cover had held, but it paid to be careful. The hit on Michael was proof that none of them were invincible.
He’d best remember that lesson until this case was over.
Emma had never wanted to curl up and die of embarrassment the way she had tonight when she’d had to perform in front of that creep Kosta. And with Ozzie and Willis
! Ozzie would
let her live this down. Ugh.
Only her lover’s incredible talent could make her forget less-than-pleasant circumstances like those.
“Thank you for not letting him touch me,” she said softly. They were safely in the car and under way, Blaze at the wheel, their two agent friends following somewhere at a distance.
“Are you kidding? There’s no way I was about to let that slime-ball put his hands on you. Besides, we got the objective accomplished tonight all the same—make contact and forge inroads.”
“Yeah, for tonight. It’s how far we might have to go tomorrow or the next night that I’m worried about.”
“Nobody touches you without permission, especially not someone we both loathe,” he said sharply. “Job or no job. Do you honestly think I would allow that?”
“No, not if you felt like you had a choice. But anything can happen undercover, Blaze. You know that.”
“Not with scumbags like Kosta—not when it comes to you.”
A hard knot in her stomach loosened. “You have no idea how good it makes me feel to hear you say that.”
The quiet buzz of Blaze’s personal cell phone broke into the conversation, and he answered, frowning. “Kelly.” A pause. “How’s he doing?”
His frown deepened, and he swiped a hand down his face, expression grim. He exchanged a few more words with the person on the other end and then extracted a promise to be kept updated before flipping the phone closed.
“That was Bastian,” he said. “Michael’s still fighting. He took a turn for the worse today, and they almost lost him.”
“God. I’d hoped—” Her throat closed on the futile words.
“Yeah, me, too. Goddammit, this isn’t fair!” He pounded the steering wheel, letting loose a stream of curses. “It’s not right that a good man like him is clinging to life while these sons of bitches are running around free, preying on innocent people and destroying lives.”
“We’re trying to stop them.” She laid a hand on his thigh. “That’s all we can do.”
“I know, but that doesn’t help Michael.”
The truth of that statement silenced them both. No matter what happened with this assignment, Michael’s fate was out of their hands. And it hurt more than she’d ever imagined, feeling so powerless.
Another call followed so close on the heels of the first one that she stiffened, heart pounding in alarm.
Oh, God. Please don’t let him be dead!
“Hey, Oz, what’s up?”
She sagged in relief, head on the window, staring into the night. Once again the exchange was brief, and he hung up, checking the rearview mirror.
“We’ve got a tail, a few cars back. Silver BMW. Oz said they’re following a good distance behind, and the car has made every single move we have.”
“Probably. Or one of his henchmen, though my gut says it’s him. I don’t think he would’ve had enough time after we all left the club to call someone else to follow us.”
“Me, either. Unless he’d already made us.” The thought of the game being up before it started gave her chills.
“No, he didn’t. If he had we wouldn’t have walked out of there.”
“I’m not sure if that’s a comfort or not.”
“Believe me, it is. We’re still alive.”
Hard to argue with that logic. “So if he hasn’t made us, why is he following?”
“He’s checking us out. It’s what anyone would do if they had their eye on a wealthy mark. He wants to funnel our money into their little group of terrorists, and he needs to be sure we’re legit.”
“Which we’re not, so let’s hope our cover holds up to scrutiny.”
“We have the best people creating the paper trails necessary to make sure it does, and in reality that’s not what usually gives us away. It’s the small things that seem innocuous. A personal habit that doesn’t jive, a turn of phrase, even a facial expression. One single detail being the slightest bit off can get you killed. It’s all in the performance.”
“Frightening as hell.”
“Yes, and don’t let go of that fear. Once you get complacent, it’s over.”
She took that kernel of advice to heart, frequently glancing in the rearview mirror as they rode the rest of the way to their temporary home. There was no way to tell which car was the one tailing them, but that didn’t stop her from looking.
Only when Blaze turned off the highway onto the road leading to the house did she spot a pair of headlights a fair distance behind them doing the same. She thought she caught a flash of silver but couldn’t be certain.
BOOK: I Spy a Naughty Game
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