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Authors: Elena M. Reyes

I Saw You (3 page)

BOOK: I Saw You
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The crowd had gotten the point and dispersed by then. At least I thought they did.

Tex and Rick were in the middle of groping two
, and I used the term lightly, when I was bumped into from behind.


“Watch it.”



I would admit
to being a bit grouchy and drunk at that point. Since the moment I’d stepped off the elevator, we’d been hounded. Killed my relaxed mood. Leaving me with no choice but to smile, and put up that celebrity
I love the fucking world,

My hackles were raised.

In all honesty, I’d had enough and was more than ready to tell this fan, or groupie, to fuck off. To get off my dick unless she was willing to spread her thighs. I’d turned to do just that when I saw her for the first time.


No, fuck that. This woman was exquisite.

Small and curvy, she stood with her mouth agape and a hint of pink spreading across her cheeks. Those goddamned pouty lips were painted a bright shade of red. They were plump and smiling.
Jesus, were they natural?

My eyes traveled lower, and I groaned aloud. “You…” That was all I could manage to say as my throat bobbed harshly.

With jeans that appeared painted on, she stood now with her hand on her hip. “Hi.”

Ignoring her attempt at an introduction, I stared at the place her jeans and her bare midriff met. Drawing my attention to the way her hips flared out. Wider than what I thought to be normal for a woman of her stature.

She looked to be five foot two at the most, barely reaching my chin. The epitome of the saying “pocket-sized for my own personal convenience.”

Looking lower at the small rips across each thigh, I almost salivated over the sliver of tan skin that peeked through. Then my eyes lowered to the top of the knee-high boots she wore, the way they elongated her legs. How sexy she looked.

Hard, my cock throbbed behind the zipper of my denim jeans. Her own eyes wandered lower, and I twitched.

Where the fuck did you come from?

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Did I say that aloud? Ignorance was best at that moment.

All the way down and back up again, I ate her up, only pausing on the area above her right hip where a tattoo peeked through the low edging of her jeans. Motherfucking enticing.

Her breathing sped up, and mine almost made me lose coherency.

A halter-type shirt enclosed her breasts from my eyes. The two mounds sat high, almost escaping the small support her shirt afforded her. No bra, just the round perfections teasing me.

And then, mother of fuck, I reached her face.

I clenched my fist, every muscle in my body coiled tight in order to keep me from visiting the county hotel. She was sure to cause me to win the first assault charge on my record.

This temptation was without a doubt my every fantasy incarnated:

A heart-shaped face.

Penetrating green eyes.

A small diamond piercing on her cute button nose.

I was fucked and didn’t like it one motherfucking bit.

“Watch it,” I snapped and then winced. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mike, the head of our security, head my way, his face serious. Always in the background, he didn’t like to draw much attention to himself. Quiet, but where was he a few minutes ago? I’d have to ask him later.

“Chester?” he called out the closer he got.

“Not needed, Mike.”  He was a good friend, loyal, and I trusted him. Holding a hand out to the side, I kept my eyes on hers while holding him back. “It’s okay.”

Automatically, he stopped. Took his place just a few steps away and watched.

“Excuse me?” she snapped, and I grew hard. Fuck, even her voice was sinful. Soft and breathy.

“Put the phone away and watch where the fuck you’re going.”
Why the fuck was I being such a dick?

“Chester, calm down.” Cris grabbed my arm, pulling me back a couple of steps. When the fuck had I moved closer to her?  We’d been standing almost chest to chest, her smell permeating my senses. Burned. Seared me from the inside.

Mike once again made a move to come forward, but my hard eyes kept him at bay. “Don’t get involved.”

“As you wish.”

I’d never, under normal circumstances, behave so poorly or snap at this beautiful stranger. But the reactions she created within me propelled me to. Out of my hands.

“Dude, enough. Let’s go.” Cris pushed on my shoulder and I stumbled back—just one step, but that shit pissed me off. My body wanted to move closer.

“Back off.” It left me on a low hiss; my hands pushed Cris’s hands away from me. He tried to grasp my arm, but one look from me and he stopped.

Held his hands up and admitted defeat. “Think before you act, man.”

Ignoring Cris, I move forward once more. Fuck, she smelled exquisite. Fruity and sweet, made my mouth water.

“Watch the tone, buddy.” Buddy? I wanted to be her fuck toy, not a friend. A small ping brought me out of my lust-induced fog, and my eyes settled on the phone in her hand. Small fingers swiped over the screen, and she sighed. “I need to go.”

Not a chance in hell was I letting her out of my sight. Wasn’t going to happen; I’d continue being an asshole just to keep her there.

“What were you doing on the phone just now?” A demand. Not a request.

Bright green eyes narrowed and turned to slits. “None of your business.” Her challenge was the wrong move.

Gaze hard and fingers clenched, I took another step forward. Her heat seared me. “Were you tweeting about the famous celebrities in-house? Or promising a boyfriend the fuck of his life?”

If it were the latter, I was worried for her. Just the thought of her with another man turned my vision red and my veins ice cold.

The things it made me want to do were illegal; frowned upon by society. Reasonable thoughts were nonexistent when it came to the urge I had to bend her over—spank—fucking leave the imprint of my palm on her soft flesh.

“Who do you think you are?” she hissed from between clenched teeth, and my cock leaked. Felt the small bead of liquid pool and then slide down my hardened shaft. Hand closed into a tight fist against her hip, she cocked a brow. “Nothing to say now?”

With her phone still in hand, she came closer. Face to face—chest to chest, and breathing hard.

For as much of a harsh front as she tried to pull off, I saw her. The way her eyes became hooded the closer I got. The way her cheeks flushed just the tiniest bit and then that same beautiful hue worked its way down her neck.

“Who am I?” A sarcastic laugh bubbled from deep within me, loud and deep. Her eyes widened at the sound. “Sweetheart, I’m the man who’s going to teach you some manners. Something you are clearly missing.” Without another thought, I reached out and snatched her phone out of her hand.

“The fuck!” Hellcat brought out the claws just then. “Give me my phone back, now.” Cheeks flushed and chest pushed out, she demanded this with her best bitch brow in place.

“No.” Fire burned behind her expressive green eyes. My tongue peeked out, sliding across my bottom lip. Her eyes followed the move. “I’m wondering what had that pretty little head of yours so preoccupied? So lost that you weren’t paying attention.”

“Again, none of your business.”

“Not fucking good enough…” I trailed off, hoping she would offer her name. I’d find out soon enough. “What caused you to bump into me?”

“Give it.”


Standing on the tips of her toes, she reached out for the phone I held high above her head. “If you don’t give me my phone back within the next thirty—”

“What?” Yeah, I pushed. Taunted. Enjoyed the warmth of her body against mine.

“You two are drawing attention,” Cris, who I’d forgotten was still there, interjected.

“Chester, I think we should go,” came from Mike after.

“Listen to your boys.” Her tiny body molded itself against mine. A perfect goddamned fit, was the soft to my hard.

Ignoring her threat, I reached up with my empty hand and fingered a curl. “You made me spill my drink and more than likely ruin my shirt.” Voice rough, deep, I lowered my head and skimmed my lips down the shell of her ear. “That’s alcohol abuse, you know.”

She didn’t pull away. Instead, her body shivered and moved a tiny bit closer, pressed fully against mine. Wasn’t as immune to my presence as she would have liked me to believe.

“Is that it?” Head tipped back, fiery green eyes met mine and challenged. Dared me to make another move. “You’re too broke to buy a replacement? Did your liquor fund for the night get tapped?” Her words might have been said to defuse her reactions. Call my attention away from the hard nipples now rubbing against my chest with each inhale she took. From her dilated pupils to her harsh breathing, I was attuned to her every move.

It was too late.

This tiny morsel of delight pulled no punches and gave as well as she got.

Maybe it was the way she talked to me. As if I was just another man inside this club. On the other hand, maybe it was the way her eyes traversed my body. Drinking me in.

Either way, I liked it.

“Do you know who the fuck you’re talking to?” I grunted, and watched a small shiver run through her body.

Taking a step back, she ran a nervous hand through her hair. “I’m sure you are more than ready to inform me.”

“Your act is cute, I’ll give you that.” A lazy smile crossed my lips as I watched her nipples stiffened further at the sound of my voice. My lips yearned to be wrapped around the tight bud:




“I could give a rat’s ass,” she snapped and attempted to snatch her phone back once again. There was just something about the woman that, while it infuriated me, made me harder than hell.

“Not going to happen, Slim.” Don’t know where the name came from, but it fit. While she had hips wider—thicker—than what most women her stature had, she was petite. Tiny waist. Short. Delicate next to my brute strength. Also didn’t hurt that the name pissed her off. “So who did you sell me out to? What social media outlet?”

Nostrils flaring, she pointed a finger at me. “Sold you out to?” Shaking her head, she muttered,
and pushed her curls back away from her face, something I’d wished to do. Touch her. Any part of her. “You egocentric jerk!” A deep breath in. “I don’t…Jesus! Who gives a crap.”

At the end of her tirade, she made another attempt to snatch her phone and failed. This time, though, she kept a slight distance. Kept her body away from mine.

“Haven’t met a woman yet that doesn’t want a piece of my big, fat—” Fury danced behind her jade eyes at my smirk and I reveled in it, like the masochist I was fast becoming.

“Chester, seriously, cool it.” Once again, Cris tried to play peacemaker. His hand appeared between us, pulled on my arm to get me to take a few steps back, but not even Jesus Christ himself could make me move. “Stop it,” he chastised, his tone wavering at my glare. “Give the beauty her phone.” Then he made a huge mistake. His eyes wandered back over to her and then lower. “And I’ll buy her a drink in apology.”

Pure, red-hot ire seared my veins. Is this what jealousy tasted like? “Don’t.”              

“Whoa.” Cris eyed me speculatively, trying to understand the change in my demeanor. Why I was obsessed with fighting this woman. “No harm, bro. Just trying to help.”

“Are you two done with your lover’s spat?” At the amusement in her tone, I looked back over. She wasn’t looking at us; no, her attention was on the cuticles of her nails. “Busy woman here. Things to do and people waiting on me.” The flippancy in her behavior didn’t help one bit.

I stretched my neck from side to side, tried to alleviate some of the mounting tension. “Who are you meeting here?”

“Give. Me. My. Phone.”

“No.” If she didn’t want to tell me, I had no qualms in finding out for myself. Holding her phone over my head, I scanned the still open screen and read the text she was sending before bumping into me.

Ari, where are you? ~Yuli

Just got here. Meet you in a few. :P ~Ari

“That’s private property, asshole. I’m so going to break your face.” Sexy and angry, she cocked her fist back and came at me. Poised in anger, her lips pulled back over her teeth while her chest heaved.

Didn’t move an inch. “Dare you.” I was neither scared nor worried for my safety. Instead, I stood my ground, cocky and proud—peacocking it for the benefit of her ire.

“You are such a—the hell!” Her tiny fist was so close to my body when she was suddenly pulled back, Gabriel’s hand wrapped tight around her waist, yanking her a few steps back before she could hit me.

The man looked horrified. Looked ready to call security and have her thrown out.

Mike stood between us now, his face hard. “Back away.”

Fuck and no.
“It’s okay—”

“Everything okay here, boss?” Gabriel looked down at the raging beauty still in his arms. Boss? She was the fucking owner?

At that moment, Tex and Rick decided to come over and see what the commotion was about. Half the club was attuned to our every move, and the other half was standing at the ready, waiting for their own paparazzi debut to commence.

BOOK: I Saw You
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