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Authors: Codi Gary

I Need a Hero (14 page)

BOOK: I Need a Hero
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Tossing her on the bed before she changed her mind, he sighed dramatically. “I suppose it will have to do.”

Eve’s laughter was infectious as she pulled out her phone. While her fingers flew over the screen, he pulled off his shirt and tossed it across the room, never taking his eyes off her. His boots, socks, belt, and pants came off one at a time until he stood before her in his boxer briefs.

She set her phone on the nightstand and leaned back on her elbows. “I was so wrong about you before, Oliver Martinez.”

Shucking his underwear, he put a knee on the bed, crawling up her body until he hovered over her, his lips inches from hers. “How is that,

Eve lay all the way back on the bed, and he followed her, using his arms to keep his weight off her. She reached up to caress the back of his neck, and the sensation was simply arousing.

And with the sweetest smile he’d ever seen, she stole his heart all over again.

“There is nothing I don’t like-like about you.”


One Year Later

down the beach to a rocky area he’d found a few weeks ago, holding tight to her hand as they climbed over a large boulder to a sandy alcove beyond. It was private, beautiful, and perfect for what he had planned.

“All right, you sit over here.” Pushing her gently onto a smaller rock that was just the right height, he went about setting up the video camera. He’d told her they were going to make a care package for her brother, Hank, who Oliver had actually come to like over the last year. Hank had just been a little lost and lashing out, but six months ago, he’d blown his whole family away by enlisting without his dad’s permission. It had been a point of contention between Hank and General Reynolds for months, but now that he was stationed overseas, the general had finally started to soften.

Oliver liked to think he’d had a hand in helping the general come around, but that might have been giving himself too much credit. Oliver had defended Hank, telling the general that he should be proud his son wanted to follow in his footsteps, and had gotten told to mind his own business. But if Oliver had learned one thing about the Reynolds clan, it was that they were stubborn but they weren’t stupid.

“I think you’re lying,” Eve said teasingly, bringing him back to the present. “I don’t think this is a video message for my brother at all. You’ve brought me to this secluded part of the beach to make a sex tape, haven’t you?”

Oliver shook his head at her as he adjusted the video camera. “You are such a dirty girl. My mother is convinced I’m the devil in this relationship, but you are the bad influence on my innocent, fragile morals.”

Eve picked up a handful of sand and pretended to throw it at him, but he knew she wouldn’t. He’d been planning this moment for weeks, hoping to capture it so they could watch it again and share it with family and friends.

Just not the sex tape talk—he’d edit that out.

But the next part was definitely going to be something to see.

His grandmother’s ring was burning a hole in his pocket. When he’d called his mom a few weeks ago to ask if they could use the cabin on their property, she’d asked him if he needed her mother’s ring. At first, he’d been surprised she’d guessed what he was about, but then again, his mother knew him better than almost anyone. As for the ring, he’d completely forgotten it and had been planning to just go pick one out at the mall, but this was better. Romantic, classic, and Eve was going to love it.

The last year had been eventful. Alpha Dog had become his passion, second only to Eve, who had moved in with him when her lease was up four months ago. Although Matilda had taken some getting used to and the strained relationship between she and Beast sometimes woke them up at night, their home had become a place of chaos and laughter. Eve had actually given up her housekeeper and put a chore chart in the kitchen. She’d done it as a joke, making fun of herself, but then it had turned into a competition between them. Whoever did the most chores won something from the loser, usually a back rub, but sometimes they’d get creative. The last time he’d lost, she’d made him do a striptease to a Katy Perry song, and although he had protested, the happy ending had been well worth it.

Not that she didn’t drive him crazy, too, but fighting was a normal part of any relationship, and Eve, like his mother, had a stubborn, fiery side. His dad had been happy for thirty years, and Oliver knew that despite their ups and downs, Eve was the one.

And he had no intention of ever letting her get away.

“Okay, I think it’s set,” he said. “Do you think you could be quiet for a few moments and let me talk first?”

“He’s my brother. Why do you get to go first?” she asked.

“Because if you let me go first, I’ll do that thing you like when we get back to the cabin.”

Her eyes lit up, and she waved her hand like a queen. “You may proceed.”

Taking a deep breath, Oliver walked over to where Eve was sitting and knelt in front of her, making sure his profile was to the camera. “Evelyn Ann Reynolds . . . ”

“Oh my
!” she whispered.

“I never thought I would meet my perfect match, my soul mate. You took me completely by surprise, and it doesn’t matter if I have eight years left on this earth or eighty. I want to spend every single one of them with you.
Mi amor. Mi vida. Mi dulzura. Quieres casarte conmigo?”

. M
life. My honey. Will you marry me?

Eve couldn’t speak, she was so overcome with tears. A huge lump was stuck in her throat even as she nodded, reaching out for him. She didn’t stop nodding until his arms were around her and he was kissing her cheeks, her eyes, and her lips, holding her face between his hands as he devoured her.

And suddenly, she was laughing while she was kissing him.

Oliver broke the kiss and pulled a classic-set diamond ring from his pocket. Intricate engravings covered the gold band, and she held out her shaking hand for him to slide it on.

“I had no idea,” she said.

“Good, because that’s the way I planned it.”

Eve stared down at the ring on her hand before launching herself at Oliver, knocking him back into the sand. He chuckled as she kissed him everywhere she could reach—until she lifted his shirt and kissed his rock hard abs, just above his belt buckle.

His laughter completely died as she unbuckled his belt and gave him her best sultry look. “What are you doing?”

“I’m having my way with you,” she said.

“What about the sand?” he asked.

She pulled down the zipper of his pants and slipped her hand inside. “I don’t care.”

He groaned. “Someone could walk by.”

“Not here.” She pushed his pants down past his hips.

“The camera . . . ”

Her shirt came off, and Oliver forgot what he was going to say.


had a hand in writing this book, but first and foremost, I would like to thank my awesome editor, Chelsey, for all she does. My agent, Sarah, for all the behind-the-scenes work. To the cover art team at Avon, for making my beautiful, sigh-worthy cover. My husband and kids for being so supportive in this journey. To my friends, T.J. Kline and Ellie Macdonald, for talking me through the trouble spots, doubts, and insecurities. To my entire family, for reading my stuff. Cynthia Sax, Monica Murphy, and Candis Terry, thank you for allowing me to bombard you with questions and giving me your time. And a HUGE thanks goes out to my Rockers, especially their leader, Catherine Crook. You ladies make me laugh and squeal, and sometimes, when I just need to smile, I go to our group page and have a “man candy moment.” Thank you for being amazing friends and readers. I love your guts.


Keep reading for a sneak peek from the next book in Codi Gary’s Men in Uniform series,


Coming April 2016 from Avon Impulse.

An Excerpt from


never thought of herself as brave when it came to men, but after several drinks, she couldn’t stop staring at the tall, hard-looking man across the bar.

And now she was stroking his chest like he was a big, cuddly kitten, and her fuzzy brain wanted to slide her palm lower. To find out what other muscles he was hiding under his T-shirt.

Her question seemed to surprise him for half a second, and then the corner of his mouth kicked up into a sexy half smile that tied her insides up in the best way possible.

“I didn’t know you were waiting long.” His voice was a deep, rumbling timbre that reminded her of Sean Connery without the Scottish accent.

“I’ve been watching you since you walked in,” she said breathlessly. Realizing that could be construed as slightly stalkerish, she added, “I just mean that you’re hard to miss.”

“So are you.”

Violet’s cheeks warmed under his heated gaze. It was the first time she’d ever considered picking a man up in a bar, but after months of work and family drama, he looked like a desert oasis after a long dry spell.

Suddenly, a hand shot between them, and her friend Tracy Macdonald said impatiently, “Hey, I’m Tracy.”

Violet sighed loudly. Tracy had been her best friend since they were in preschool, drawn together by their deep love of Play-Doh and music. Now, at twenty-four, their similarities and common interests were more complex and heartbreaking, but without her, Violet wasn’t sure she’d have survived her childhood. Tracy was her rock, her lighthouse in a storm . . . She adored Tracy.

But as his attention turned toward Tracy and he took her petite hand in his, Violet’s heart squeezed. While she was tall and gangly, Tracy was a little curve factory with gigantic blue eyes and raven’s-wing black hair. Men had always been instantly drawn to Tracy, and it had never bothered Violet before.

“Dean,” he said, releasing Tracy’s hand swiftly. A relieved breath whooshed out when his gaze flicked away from Tracy and back to Violet’s. “And you are?”

Violet slipped her hand into Dean’s large, rough one and squeezed. “I’m Violet.”

She couldn’t tear her eyes or her hand away from him, swaying toward those hypnotic onyx eyes.

“Okay, well, nice to meet you, but I see . . . something, so I’m going to take off.” Tracy’s voice broke through their spell, and Violet released Dean’s hand.


“You just text me when you’re ready to leave,” Tracy said.

Violet knew Tracy was just giving her space, knowing full well that Violet was too responsible to go home with a stranger, but ditching her friend seemed like a dick move.

But when Violet opened her mouth to protest, Tracy opened her eyes wide, nodded her head toward Dean . . .

And started making kissy faced at her from behind Dean’s back.

Violet laughed, and when Dean turned around, Tracy’s expression was pure innocence before she turned and headed into the crowd.

“I didn’t mean to run her off,” Dean said.

The fact that he seemed worried about hurting Tracy’s feelings made him even hotter in Violet’s eyes. “That’s sweet, but she’s on the prowl. Most of the time, I’m the one who ends up taking off to sit in a corner.”

“But not tonight,” he said.

Locking her gaze with his, she shook her head. “No, not tonight.”

Over the deafening hum of the bar, Dean asked, “Can I buy you another drink?”

No, you’ve had enough for a while.

“Yes, you can.”

About the Author

An obsessive bookworm,
likes to write sexy contemporary romances with humor, grand gestures, and blush-worthy moments. When she’s not writing, she can be found reading her favorite authors, squealing over her must-watch shows, and playing with her children. She lives in Idaho with her family.

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Also by Codi Gary

The Rock Canyon, Idaho Series

Bad For Me

Return of the Bad Girl

Bad Girls Don’t Marry Marines

Good Girls Don’t Date Rock Stars

Things Good Girls Don’t Do

The Trouble with Sexy
(a novella)


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