I Must Be Dreaming (2 page)

BOOK: I Must Be Dreaming
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I stalked out of the bathroom still listening to the leather and sat on the bed. I looked Jake in the eyes, he seemed a little shocked at my outfit as well. “Okay let’s talk.” I put my hand over my stomach still a little self conscious though. “Alright well first my name is Jake Rollin. I and my sister Karri live here and sometimes are family comes to stay here. Some will be here very soon. If you would like to stay you can.” He stopped but I wasn't sure if he was finished. “Ok thanks, but can I ask you something first?” I was going to figure this out and fast. “Sure,” he said with a little resistance in his voice. “Did you know I was out there in the woods for one, and do you know where I’m from or why I can‘t remember?” I guess that was more than one thing. He turned his back and got up then he started to pace the room. He was about to say something and then stopped. “Are you hungry?” He looked down at my stomach. “What?” I said out loud and in my head. At that same moment I realized my stomach was growling again and I guess he heard it. “I guess I am.” I know my face had to have turned at least fifty shades of red. How embarrassing but I realized I don't know when the last time I ate was or how long I had been in the woods. “Come on, let’s go into the kitchen” he held out his hand to me for the second time today. I hesitated for just a second and then took it. When our fingers touched I swear I felt sparks. Like small firecrackers went off in my fingertips. I think he felt them to because neither one of us moved. We just looked at our hands, he laced our fingers together. It felt so comfortable so familiar yet so new. I started to ask but he ushered me out of the room.                                                                                                   We walked down the hall hand in hand into the kitchen. I kept glancing at our hands like I was waiting for them to catch fire or something. We rounded into the kitchen. It was huge and spotless like the rest of the house. They must have a housekeeper no man; I don’t care how clean he is, is this clean. Everything seemed to shine. The color of the kitchen was a dull yellow perfect for this country setting. Wow look at the dark marble counter tops and stainless steel appliances. It was beautiful everything in here, even Jake. I shook my head again as if to shake the thought away.                                                                                     I watched as he went to the fridge and pulled out two bottles. I noticed the light was not on in the fridge when he opened the door. Kind of strange but maybe the bulb had blown. I hopped on the bar and waited like a good little girl would. He handed me one and told me to drink. I wanted to ask what it was but my hands had already opened it and it was at my mouth. At first it was a little thick and had a sort of metallic sweet taste, then just seemed to smooth out and taste…well good. I realized something was happening to my mouth. I could feel a change. I could feel the liquid moving in my checks, arms, legs, even my veins! I stopped drinking and looked down at the bottle. A thick red substance was around the lid and at the top of the bottle. Then it hit me, this was blood. I dropped the bottle and watched the glass shatter and the deep red color stain his beautiful kitchen. “What are you trying to do, kill me?” Jake looked horrified, almost spiting his drink right out of his mouth. “What do you mean?” He was panicked as he grabbed for towels to clean up my mess. “You want me to drink B L O O D!!” Jake stopped what he was doing and looked at me with a confused expression. “Yes, that’s what we drink. Well it's just animal blood this time but I figured that’s what you were use to, being out in the woods.” I knew he gorgeous but crazy? “Ok, it was nice to meet you and your sister, thanks for the shower and all but I’ve got to get out of here.” I started to ease up and getting myself ready to run. “Izzy, I think you need to stay and talk this out." He moved in front of me like he knew I was going to make a run for it. "Have you looked at yourself yet? I mean really looked at yourself, did you notice anything different?” I just stared at him. That’s it I knew he had to be crazy but the sound of his voice was like music. It was the first time I had noticed. Everything about him was perfect. So what’s wrong with a little nuts, I could live with it. I could see the outline of his chest under his tight fitting black t-shirt. I had to stop my hands from reaching for him. Right then I realized I had another hunger. A hunger for him.              I tried not to stare at him. What is wrong with me, I can’t get my thoughts together. He took the mirror that was hanging off the wall and handed it to me. "Now look." I grabbed the mirror, my hands were shaking. I had to regain my composer. I lifted the mirror and looked. At first all I saw was me then I looked a little harder, the girl in the mirror looked familiar but she was PRETTY and then I realized that that’s me. No way!! My skin was flawless other than the freckles; my eyes looked like burning sapphires. My lips had a plump red look to them and my teeth, wow they are white and sharp. I rubbed my finger over the bottom of my teeth. “Ouch!” I had nicked my pointer finger. I almost put it in my mouth but stopped in mid air, it healed right in front of me. “What happened to me? Is this what the blood did to me?” I looked up at Jake with tears ready to spill. “Please help me; I know I did not always look like this.” I put the mirror down and covered my face with my hands. I felt Jake grab them and move them away. “You’ve always been beautiful but you’re a vampire now Izzy.”
A What
? Now I know I’m dreaming. “Vampires aren’t real.” I said matter of fact like. Jake started to laugh, a deep rough laugh that still had a musical sound. Karri came into the kitchen and hopped on the counter beside me. “What’s so funny?”  “I don’t think it’s that funny.” I said kind of pouting. “Oh, come on Izzy. Look at yourself me, karri.” He was still half laughing. “Vampires are monsters that kill people in the movies not real life.” I said as serious as I could but almost in a whisper. “Izzy do I look like a monster to you?” Jake was in my face close enough to kiss me but talking as if I was a child. I had to hold my breath not to breath him in. “Oh Jake quit trying to be cute.” Karri said rolling her eyes. “Izzy you are one of us now. I know this all may seem unreal but if you want to stay alive long enough to remember anything, then you need to get a grip on the situation.” She said looking me dead in the eyes. “Karri don’t be so harsh. Remember what it was like for you.” Jake scolded her like a brother would. “This is different Jake, someone turned her and then left her here for you to find.” She now had an edge to her voice. “That’s enough Karri.” Jake snapped at her. He turned just as quick and talked to me like I was a child, “Izzy why don’t you take your drink and go lie down awhile. When you get up we can finish this conversation.” He handed me another bottle and I stood up without hesitation and went straight to the spare bedroom that Karri had taken me earlier. It was weird how I obeyed him. How I felt the need to please him. I looked at the blood in the bottle and decided not to drink it. I still had a ewww feeling about that blood stuff. I laid down on the bed I didn't realize how tired I was until my head hit the pillow and before I knew it I was fast asleep.                                                        I was dreaming or I thought I was dreaming it seemed so real. I was at a club in downtown Mobile and I remember this place, I‘ve been here before. There were lots of people and the music was loud. I was dancing and with Jake. He leaned down and kissed me. It was a deep passionate kiss. One that I did not want to stop, but then he looked at me and let go. I had my hand out to him but he kept backing away disappearing into the crowd. All of a sudden a fight broke out and I couldn’t see him anymore and I was running from something. If I could just get to him he would help me but I could not find him. I woke up even more confused and shaken up. I tried to go back to sleep, to remember but could not. I had too many questions in my head.

I laid in silence thinking until I heard voices down the hall. I got up so I could hear what they were saying. “Jake you need to tell her. She will find out sooner than you think and with everyone coming tonight. She needs to be prepared.”  “ You think I don’t know this.” The sound of his voice sent chills down my spine, deep into my soul. There was a pause. “She’s awake.” Said Jakes deep voice, and I heard footsteps coming to the door. I jumped back in bed and waited. I thought my heart would be pounding out of my chest but it didn’t there was not a sound or a beat! No heart beat I forgot. I guess I really was a vampire or just plain dead! Jake slid his way into the room. He sat on the edge of the bed. “Izzy?”  I turned over to look at him. Every time I saw him it was like looking at an angel. He could not be a monster, not looking like that. “Yes Jake.” I tried to sound sleepy. He leaned over me. I thought he was going to kiss me but he just moved some hair off of my face. I closed my eyes, just the touch of him made me want to pull him to me. “Remember me telling you my family sometimes comes here? Well my family will be here soon.” He looked intense maybe scared too. I had to come back down to reality with a bang. “Your family, are they vampires too?” I realized the answer before I finished the question. “Yes, I know this is a bit much for you to take in, in one day, but this is your family too now.” He sounded so upbeat about it. “It is hard for me to think of vampires as family. And I would like to know if I have a REAL family first.” I sat up in the bed. “Izzy this is your REAL family now, and they may be able to help us.” I had serious doubt and I know my face showed it “With what.” I tilted my head to the side. “To find out who did this to you and why. Also they will give you some protection.” He stood up fast. “Protection from what? Wait can I ask you something and you tell the truth.” I wanted to ask him before I forgot again. “I don’t want to do this right now Izzy.” He knew what I was going to ask. “Jake I need to know.” I was getting mad. “Know what?” He tried to play coy but it wasn't going to work. “Have we met before?” He looked hesitant. “Yes we have.” He looked down when he said it. I knew it! “Well.” I said waiting with my hand gesturing him to continue. “Well what” he said trying to look innocent. “Well are you going to tell me how we know each other. “ Jake sat back down on the bed beside me and put his hand on my arm. A tingling feeling followed his finger as he rubbed my arm. “We don’t have time, the meeting will start soon and some of the others are showing up as we speak." He said staring at my arm where he was touching. “Jake I want to know NOW!” I hollered like a spoiled child, but I know he keeps stalling and it’s starting to piss me off. “I promise we will talk all about this but we need to get ready to go.” Then he looked thoughtful for a second and dropped his hand from my arm. “Actually you don’t have to go but I do.” He hesitated before he said… “If you decide to go I need you to stay close to me.” Staying close to him sounded so good. “Why what’s the meeting about?” I wanted him to touch me again to feel his skin on mine but he turned his head away from me. “About you and what happened and why. You have to understand as a vampire there are laws or rules so to speak. We have to follow these, to keep all of us safe, and not exposed. One of those rules has been broken.” He was so serious but I couldn't help it. “You follow rules like in school." I was giggling like a school girl. "Do you have to take classes? How to be a vampire 101, where do I sign up?” I was laughing so hard my stomach started to hurt. “This is serious Izzy, punishment can be death.” He looked almost angry now and I was sorry for the laughing. “OH! What rule was broken?” I need to remember not to break it. “YOU. Someone turned you and left you out in the open and by yourself. When we turn someone we have to stay with them. It can take hours or days, depends on the person and how the ritual was performed, plus you could have gone on a killing spree." He stopped as if he tired and beat down. "Every vampire is different and your memory seems to have been erased as well.” I tried to remember as he said it. “How can my memory be erased?” He reached up and touched my face and put my hair behind my ears like it was something he always had done. Something I liked him to do. “That’s what we need to find out.“ I looked at him with reservation in my eyes. I am still not sure this all real but I wanted it to be. “There are other things that go bump in the night and we are the ones that bump back. We, as in Vampires protect humans from things they don’t even know exist. The monster under your bed, we kill. You would not believe the things that are out there. And if you did you wouldn’t walk the streets alone. Humans live in a bubble and they like it that way. We intend on keeping them in that bubble.” I wasn’t sure if he was bluffing or telling the truth or just plain crazy but I wanted to believe him. “So this is my point, someone may have done something to you or helped do this to you and we need to figure out who and why.” I sat on the side of the bed with my feet dangling over next to his long legs. “How do I know you're not the one that did this?” I sounded like I was a five year old asking but I had to ask. I played with a loose string on the comforter while waiting for him to answer. He sat there for a second thinking, I watched the lines in his forehead wrinkled up and I couldn't help but smile. “I can’t make you believe me, but I want to protect you, help you. Not hurt you." He grabbed my hands and the shock of the electricity made me jump. "You have to understand there are those that have abused their powers as a vampire. I am not one of those vamps." I looked deep in his eyes I felt like he wanted to kiss me again but he dropped my hands and stood up instead. We really need to know which one of us did this to you and punish them before they hurt someone else. And since you were left in the area I protect, I have to go to the meeting but you don’t. I want you to be safe and this may not be the best place for you.” I think he just swam around that question but he looked very sincere. Plus this was a lot of information at one time. Something in me did not want to be away from him even for a minute. Almost like an addiction to him.                                                                                                   My head was spinning in circles. I stood up and tried to push through all the thoughts in my head. I wanted it clear. I felt better after a few seconds of concentrating. Now the question was should I go or should I stay? I needed answers and going seems like the only way I am going to find out. Plus I don't think I could stand being without him. “I want to go with you” I blurted out loud. He just looked at me. “But I may need some shoes.” He started to laugh that laugh and the then right on queue Karrie brought in a pair of hiking boots. “So we’re going for a walk are we?" I asked. "It’s not too far and you won’t even break a sweat.” He and Karri both started to laugh.” What’s so funny?” I hated feeling left out. “You’ll see.” Karrie replied with laughter still in her voice. I guess there’s a lot I need to learn about being a vampire.

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