I Dream of Danger (30 page)

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Authors: Lisa Marie Rice

Tags: #Romance

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Like now.

She was pregnant and worked hard at the infirmary,
so Mac tried really, really hard to keep a lid on it, or at least keep his dick
down. If it were up to him or his cock, she’d be flat on her back all night and
most of the day. But he loved her too much to act on his lust every time he felt
it. She never said no, but he could read her like a book now. If she was tired,
faint bruises appeared under her gorgeous silver eyes and that ivory skin became
even paler. That was when he really stepped back. And he knew to keep it tucked
in his pants when she was absorbed in a task.

She was worried now, that was clear. He smoothed
out the furrow between her eyebrows with his thumb. “We have to do this, honey,”
he said gently. “For Nick, if nothing else. Because he’d go it alone if he had
to and we simply can’t let him do that.”

He could understand her worry. They would risk
their lives for strangers. If the three of them got caught they’d be executed.
They were all real clear on that. But more important than that, if they got
caught or if they died, Haven would die, and not well. The small community
they’d gathered around them was precious to him and to all of them. They were
moving toward complete self-sufficiency, but it was still dependent on what
Ghost Ops could steal or liberate from the outside world. It was dependent on
Ghost Ops for protection and direction. If the three of them were gone, Haven
would die.

And his child would grow up fatherless.

Mac squelched that thought immediately. Catherine
was way too perceptive for him to allow something like that in his head.

“I know we need to rescue them,” Catherine said
quietly. “No question. And not just for Nick, for us.” She searched his face.
“We need to do this. I feel it very strongly.”

Man, when Catherine felt something strongly it was
as true as true could be. But what she felt wasn’t making her happy. The lines
between her brows were back and her mouth was turned down.

Well, Mac had a cure for that. “You feel it
strongly, huh?”

His tone must have tipped her off because her head
tilted and eyes narrowed as she studied him. “Mac,” she said.

He waggled his eyebrows. “I feel something strongly
too. Here.” He grabbed her hand and placed it right over his dick and ah, man.
It happened again. He’d been semi hard and at her touch, at that massive warmth
he always felt when she touched him, he turned hard as steel. “You can feel

Her hand cupped him. “It’s quite a . . .
sensation,” she murmured.

Mac thrust himself further into her hand. “Yeah. I
have a strong feeling you should be doing something about this. Forget about
those other guys. Rescue

Catherine laughed and pulled him down for a kiss.
She looked excited and happy, just what he wanted.


get her back,” Nick said quietly and Elle looked at him in surprise. Knowing how
protective he was, she imagined he’d try to distract her, with sex probably,
because she was apparently easily distractible that way. With him, at least. But
Nick went right to the heart of what she felt.

“God, I hope so.” She twined her hands and pulled
them apart, an old trick. “I can’t bear the thought of her in their hands.
Sophie’s nice. Good and gentle, you know?” She looked up at him.

His face was tender. “I know. Like you, like
Catherine. Would it help you to know that Jon and Mac and I haven’t failed a
mission yet? Except for the one where we were betrayed.”

Elle smiled. “Actually, it does help.” And it did.
If anyone in the world could rescue her colleagues and her best friend, it was
Nick, with the help of his friends. Lines of friendship becoming lines of

They were sitting up in bed, Elle leaning against
Nick’s strong shoulder. Finding comfort from just the physical contact. He
placed his hand over hers, lacing his fingers through hers.

“Let me show you something,” he said quietly in her

“To distract me?”

“Yeah, that too. But also because it’s beautiful
and we should take time to notice beautiful things.”

Elle twisted her head around to look into his face,
eyes wide. Nick, a philosopher?

His mouth quirked. “You don’t have to look at me
like that. I’m not an animal.”

She cupped his face with her free hand. “No, you’re
not.” As a matter of fact, he had being a full human being down pat. It was a
new way of looking at him, and it hit her heart with the force of a blow. He
looked tired, new lines in his face. He, Mac, and Jon were hunted men and yet
instead of thinking of keeping themselves safe, they protected an entire

He had taken her problems entirely upon his
shoulders so naturally that only now she realized he’d done so.

Elle had been almost blinded by her sexual
attraction to him and the very strong emotions he evoked in her. She’d seen him
as almost superhuman, something more than a man. And he was, but he was also a
man. Who presumably felt tired and despondent, who might be sad that his life as
a soldier had been trashed, who felt the weight of responsibility for the many
souls in Haven who depended on him and his teammates.

But he never let that show.

She saw the full man now. With all his many
strengths and very few weaknesses. She was one of his weaknesses.

“Show me,” she whispered. If there was something
beautiful he wanted her to see, she wanted to see it.

“Okay. Brace yourself.”

Nick reached for something, pressed something, and
Elle’s breath caught in her lungs.

The walls of the room simply . . .
disappeared. It was as if the bed had been magically transported into the forest
by a benevolent wizard. All around them was deep snow in the moonlight, a bright
moon barely visible among the clouds. It had snowed earlier and the forecast was
for more snow. For now, though, the scene was calm and gentle. Picture-postcard
perfect in an imperfect world.

“Like it?” Nick’s deep voice was right against her
ear and she shivered. Everything felt so . . . magnified. The beauty
of the scene—their bed magically transported to an enchanted forest—the love she
felt for the man beside her. The intense affection she was starting to nurture
for the outlaw community she’d joined.

“I love it. How did you—” Her voice caught because
he was kissing the oh-so-sensitive skin behind her ear and because his hand was
smoothing up her thigh, taking her nightgown with it.

“Hmm?” he purred. She felt the vibration of his
naked chest against her back. Nick slept naked, which she thought was a bit of
overkill. He was a temptation dressed. Naked, he was simply irresistible.

“How did you manage to make the walls disappear?”
Because that was a bit much, even for Nick. Even for Haven.

“They didn’t disappear. They turned into monitors.
What you’re seeing comes from remote cameras we have ringing Haven. It’s one
specific spot, one of my favorites. But later we’ll program it to other spots
you might like. This scene is real time, but we could show a recording. Sunrise
or sunset.” His hand found her core, one rough finger circling her opening. Her
head fell back against his shoulder. “Anything you want, honey.”

“Oh God, Nick.”

“Yeah? Is this what you want?” One big finger slid
inside her and she shuddered. Ten minutes ago if anyone had asked her, she’d
have said she wasn’t up for sex. Too tired, too tense, too scared. But that was
then and this was now. All her troubles and worries coalesced somewhere outside
her. Maybe swirling in that glorious landscape outside. They were still there,
but far away. They’d come back of course, but for now, she was concentrated on
her body. On the feel of a naked Nick against her back, his finger stroking heat
inside her.

He bit her. Lightly. Not enough to hurt but
certainly enough to galvanize her, like a jolt of electricity. She broke out in
goose bumps and could feel her sex become wet, more open to him.

“That’s right, honey,” he murmured directly in her
ear and she shivered. “Think about this. Think about me doing this to you.” The
finger slid in deeper, slid out, slid even further in. “Don’t think of anything
but this.”

“Speaking of thinking . . .”

She jumped when his thumb circled her clitoris and
his hold on her tightened. She could feel his erect penis against her back, but
he made no move to enter her. Just held her and touched her and bit her and
licked her, all the while his finger moving in her now-slick folds with a light
sucking sound and everything she was, all her senses swirled inward in an ever
tightening circle until with one last stroke of his thumb, she fell over the
edge, tightening around him endlessly as her climax took over.

“Oh,” she sighed.

“Thinking what?” That deep voice in her ear. She


“Thinking. You said speaking of thinking
. . .”

Mmm. Thinking.
Now that
was a pointless activity right now, when every cell in her body felt replete and
swollen. She sighed again.

Nick nudged her shoulder with his. “You were going
to say something.”

“I was. I got distracted.”


Focus. Easier said than done while he was cupping
her breast. But the thought had been important— “Oh.”


She turned to face him, placing a hand against his
cheek. The slight bristle of stubble tickled her hand. “I should shave.”

“Yes, you should, but that’s not what I wanted to
say. Catherine told me that she suspected that sex, really, really good sex,
which I gather is the kind she and Mac have, increases her power. That she
thinks sex made her slightly telepathic, more so with Mac.”

The smile broadened. “Sex, huh?”

“Really, really good sex,” she said primly.

“We’ll see about that.” Nick slid out from behind
her, eased her down in the bed. He kissed her, endlessly, one hand cupping her
head, the other stroking her sex. She was very wet, almost embarrassingly so. He
circled her with his finger, dipped into her. She was almost hyperaroused from
the climax. The feel of his rough finger against her sensitive tissues was
almost electric in its intensity.

He took his hand away but before she could object,
he curled her hand around his erection.
Oh God.
felt so
. Hard and hot, the skin almost velvety.
She pumped her hand up and down, feeling the effect on him. His breathing
speeded up, his mouth bit at hers, the hard muscles of his back became even

“Put me in you,” he whispered in her mouth.

Elle shifted, opened her legs further, brought him
to her and nearly cried out as he slid into her, hot and hard and deep. They
both stilled for a moment, as if moving would be sensory overkill.

Nick raised his torso up on his forearms and
watched her eyes as he started moving in her. Slowly at first, watching every
inch of her face as she watched his. How wonderful to watch him, to see the
pleasure she gave him while feeling the slow honey of the pleasure he gave her.
She locked her ankles in the small of his back, loving the feeling of his hard,
thick muscles moving against her, in her.

She moved to kiss his sweaty shoulder, eyes closed.
I love you so much, Nick,
she thought and he
suddenly stilled.

She opened her eyes to find his face slack with
shock. His eyes glowed with an eerie light, skin tight across his cheekbones,
neck tendons taut with tension.

“I love you too, Elle,” he said. She brought her
hand to her mouth in shock.

I heard you. In my
His voice. Inside her head.

I hear you too.

Nick kissed her savagely, slamming into her almost
violently. Hard, fast, furious, as if he were trying to crawl inside her body,
as if he could physically make them one.

Now, Nick.

His movements became even faster as they clung to
each other desperately and just as desperately climaxed. She could feel her
internal muscles clenching hard around him, as if to draw him even more deeply
inside her.

He slumped on her, limp and sweaty, holding her so
tightly she could barely breathe.

When he whispered
in her head, she did.

Sleep took her like a beloved friend and she fell
endlessly into its embrace. Images bloomed, bright and surreal, the stuff of

And then—and then she Dreamed.

She flew high above the earth, pure being,
unrestricted by the rules of space and time. No emotion, just purpose, arrowing
straight to a city by the bay, to invisible cages and the desperate faces of
friends held by monsters, friends who had lost hope, friends who called to
her . . .

She bolted up in bed. Nick sat up too, turning a
sober, serious face to her.

“I know where they are,” she said and he


crouched in the bushes a block from Elle’s home. He checked his handheld. It had
a special screened monitor that was visible only to him via a lens on his
nightvision binoculars. It emitted no light that could be seen by anyone

He checked the images sent by the overhead drone.
First, he checked himself, pleased but not surprised to see that he didn’t show
up on any part of the spectrum—not visually, not in IR, and not in thermal. He
was covered head to toe in stealth gear that wouldn’t be available to civilians.
Technically, it wasn’t available to him either. He’d liberated it from a
military installation in Texas.

The drone showed that the neighborhood was empty,
no security goons held behind to keep an eye out for a lone woman scientist who
might want to go back to her home. Pity. He’d have welcomed a fight.

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