I Choose You (The Billionaire Brothers Series) (30 page)

BOOK: I Choose You (The Billionaire Brothers Series)
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Jahleel let his smile shine because Krissan wasn’t looking at him, so she couldn’t see how happy he was. He liked tiny girl. So he was going to teach her to do bad things and make her his bad girl. “Then let’s start doing bad things together, bad girl.”

His bad girl looked up at him and smiled bright.

Jahleel took her hand and led her up to his big bed, then he stuffed his hand underneath his pillow, removed his laptop, opened it and showed her all the bad things of the world.

Chapter 26
K. Kingston
What, What, and WHAT??

n less than an hour of arriving at Crystals, Jahleel’s favorite nightclub, I was tipsy. Sitting around a high-table in our secluded section, I was rocking to the music while half-listening to one of Jahleel’s dancer dudes yapping in my ear, as he tried, failingly, to convince me of how great we could be together. Not as if he wasn’t hot or anything. He was. All of Jahleel’s dancers were hot. A group of hip-rolling, abs-Krumping, moon-walking dancers. Believe me, they were quite the pack.

With this one, however, let me explain: Have you ever seen a guy who’s
sexy, perfect smile, perfect hair, perfect height, muscles hard as steel, broad shoulders and the whole works, and you’re like, “
Hot damn! Gimme some of that!”,
but then, he opens his mouth and starts talking, and it all comes to a screeching halt because he sounds like a goddamn eunuch — no base, no deep manliness, no ruggedness, but a high-pitched sissy voice — and all you want to do is scream and tell him to shut the fuck up?

Well, that’s what this dude’s deal was. He sounded as if he were castrated at birth, and it bugged the shit out of me. Some men were just good to look at. Literally
-candy and nothing else. Just like a mouth-watering hot guy with a small penis. Pointless.

We didn’t all come to the club together, it was supposed to be just me and Marsha and Jahleel. But his buddies just so happened to choose the same club we did and stuck to him like leeches when they spotted him. They brought three cackling girls with them, two of them being sisters of the guy who was still yapping at my ear.

Nevertheless, the night was fun. The club was pumping, a sea of heads bobbing out on the dance floor. The deejay knew his shit, and the bartender could mix the hell out of a drink.

With all that, though, Jahleel didn’t seem to be enjoying himself, and it was supposed to be a night of celebration for him. He’d been rather quiet, leaning back against a wall with one leg propped up, completely ignoring a redhead who was all but thrusting her boobs in his face. Every now and again, he took out his cellphone and dialed a number, and then he would give it an angry shove back into his pocket when he didn’t get through to whoever he was phoning.

I was watching him, wondering what was wrong with him, when he glanced up and caught my stare. He frowned disapprovingly, as if realizing for the first time his friend was tongue-deep in my ear. Crooking a smile at him, I held up two gun fingers, moved my thumb backward to indicate pulling back the hammer, then stuffed the two gun fingers in my mouth and jerked my head back as I pulled the trigger.

Kill me now.

Jahleel laughed as he pushed off from the wall and started towards me. As usual, he was ruggedly perfect in mega-ripped jeans, unlaced Timberlands, white tee with black graffiti, and a black leather jacket.

When he got to me, he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me off the stool, relieving me from the annoyance of his friend’s voice. “Let’s dance.”

He started propelling me to the dance floor, but he stopped, held up a finger, and withdrew his cellphone from his pocket. When he looked at the screen, I could’ve sworn I glimpsed a smile.


Curious to see who brought out a rare JK Smile, I peeped over on his phone screen and saw a text message under the name ‘Sassy’:

So u kno wut?

Jahleel’s fingers swept over the keypad as he typed back:

Bitchy Sassy?
U kno how I feel about her.
Breathe easy.

When he hit ‘send’, I hastily looked away and pretended I wasn’t peeking. Did I have the right to be jealous? Was it fair of me to continue acting territorial even though I’d indubitably chosen Trevillo over him on my birthday? Maybe not. But I
jealous. It didn’t bother me when he did random hook-ups, no. But it did bother me to see him starting to care for someone else like he does me. I didn’t want him to
with anyone.

Jahleel slid his hand back around me and started out to the dance floor. As we passed Marsha gyrating her big, round ass on one of his dancers, he slapped her bum with an “Attagirl”.

Marsha stopped dancing and scowled at him, but Jahleel didn’t linger. For all I knew, she was dancing like that to get his attention.

The music switched to Ciara’s
Body Party
just as we found a dance spot, and Jahleel winked at me, biting the tip of his tongue with his teeth as he started moving to the music. Sometimes I wondered if he could be anything less than flirtatious.

“Save those winks for your drooling cum-guzzlers,” I said with an eye roll. “Seriously, what do they see in you?”

Quicker than I could blink, he spun me around and slammed me back against him, so that my back was to his front. “Just shut up and dance.”

I didn’t argue, because I was actually in a dancing mood. There was just one problem I realized a little to0 late: the song.

The song playing was
too much
. Too much intensity. Too much intimacy. So much that, deeper into it, Jahleel’s hands on my hips tightened and pressed me closer against him as he moved his hips with mine. What was worse? I wanted him to do more.

I wanted more than his lips that were next on my neck, his breath hot and titillating. I leaned back harder with each brazen touch he made, each brazen press of his lips against my skin, because I wanted more.

By the time the song melded into Chris Brown’s
Sweet Love
, I melted into him. This was not just another dance with my bad boy. I’d danced with Jahleel countless times, and this one, tonight, was different. Maybe it was the songs. Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was the mood. But who cared? All I knew was I was enjoying it … and I wanted more than just his erection pressing into my back.

It might have been wrong. But I was feeling something other than pain and heartbreak for the first time since Monday’s walk-in. And as much I wished it was Trevillo’s hands wrapped around me, dropping flutters of kisses on my bare shoulder and breathing his hot, heavy breath against my skin, it wasn’t him. Trevillo didn’t care for me, neither did he want me. So there was no point in wishing. Wishes were for naive kids. Shooting stars and eyelashes on fingertips were nothing but a bunch of dumb shit.

Men will always be assholes, and women will always get used. It’s just,
used to be the one doing the using. Way to have my own game turned back on me, huh? Can’t go around breaking hearts and not expect my own to get broken one day.

Turning around to face Jahleel, I went up on my tippy toes, locked my arms around his neck, and kissed him before he could object. He froze, hesitant at first, but then he brought his hands up to cup my face and kissed me back, something fierce. He kissed me as if he’d wanted this his whole life, and I kissed him back hard, making him Trevillo’s substitute. I wanted to forget about what it was like being Trev’s. To not feel the heartache anymore.
I just wanted to forget.

Breaking the kiss, I looked up at him with desperate yearning. “I want you.”

He blinked at me, as if unable to believe what I was asking. “You want … ?”

“You … to make me

Jahleel watched me without a word for several heartbeats, and I began to feel like I’d crossed
line. Like I’d screwed up our perfect relationship.

But then a slow smile crept onto his face as he said, “Two decades.”

He didn’t give me a chance to say more, as he grabbed me and started hauling me out of the club.

We crashed through our front door, lips glued together, hands rubbing everywhere, breathing wild. I gripped the lapels of Jahleel’s jacket and pulled him with me into the kitchen, walking backwards, never breaking the kiss.

“Your room,” he mumbled.

“No,” I mumbled back. “Can’t wait. I want you now.”

He tried to break free, but I wouldn’t let him. “Krissy, not like this.”

“We can make love later,” I promised him. “Right now, I want you to fuck me.”

“Dammit,” he hissed, voice strained. “I don’t want — ”

“Please, JK,” I begged. “Just … just let me feel … you.”

He didn’t want to.

At least not how I wanted him to. And I could see that he was having second thoughts. His gaze was fixed over my head, looking somewhat apologetic, and then he closed his eyes and turned his face to the side, as though he were trying to block something out. But when I looked behind me, no one was there.

I knew it was wrong of me to take advantage of him, knowing he wanted me in a completely different way than I wanted him. He wanted me beyond sex. Yet I was using him to fill the hole Trevillo left inside me.

But I didn’t care at the moment. Not even for him.

I was allowed to be selfish, because I was
. I was allowed to stop pretending and be the bad girl I truly was. If I couldn’t get anyone to tell me they wanted me and made me feel it, then maybe getting them to tell me they hated me would do the trick. But I had to do something bad to make someone hate me first. So, even though Jahleel would hate me in the morning when he found out I was just using him, I didn’t care.

As I continued to back up in the kitchen, my butt hit the dinner table, and I let go of his jacket. Gripping the edge of the table, I eased up to sit on it, spreading my thighs apart so my dress rode up to my hips and my black lace underwear was in clear view.

Jahleel stood distracted by this, his eyelids hooded, his teeth sinking into his lower lip. He was still deliberating.

Impatient, I reached for his lapels again and pulled him up between my thighs. “Do you want me or not, JK?”

There were no more second guesses when his resolve finally broke, and he grabbed me Jahleel Style and started kissing me again. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I pushed his jacket off his shoulders and down his arms. As his lips traveled down my neck, towards my breasts, kissing between my cleavage, I reached down between us and undid his jeans, because I didn’t have the patience for foreplay at that moment. I wanted to be filled.

I pushed his boxers down his hips, and he sprang out. His cock was downright beautiful. Long, thick, and weighty with a slight curve upward. Yummy little veins snaked up to his wide, engorged head.

So. Frickkin’. Beautiful.


It was hot and throbbing when I took it in my hands and began stroking. Now I was eager. I
that beautiful thing inside me.

“Now. Please,” I moaned.

Releasing him, I leaned back on my elbows and raised my hips for him to take off my underwear.

Once they were off, I laid back on the table, took hold of his dick again, and positioned it at my entrance.

But Jahleel’s second goddamn thoughts started again. “This is not how — ”

“Just fuck me!” I shouted at him with a sudden burst of exasperation.

Vehemently shaking his head, he started to back away, but I jackknifed up, grabbed him by the waist and jerked him forward so he surged straight into me.

“Ahh!” I cried out at the same time he hissed, “Shit!”

His eyes slammed shut, and he stood still with a strained and pained expression. When it seemed he wasn’t going to move, I squeezed my inner muscles around him.

Releasing a long-winded groan, he whispered, “At least … at least let me tell you … I love you.”

As his forehead dropped to mine, he gently laid me back on the table and started to move. And,
oh God
, he felt amazing. He filled me perfectly. He touched me deep. He was doing more than filling a hole, because, he wasn’t just there … he was

Moving in sync with him, I moaned and whispered back, “I love you, too, Trev.”

One minute I was full, and the next, I was empty.

Jahleel was off me and dragging up his boxers and jeans. Taking one long, deep breath, he spun in a split second and slammed his fist into the wall. “Fuuuuucckkkk!!!”

As soon as what I said registered, I jolted upright. I called him Trev while he was inside me.

Jahleel whirled back around to face me, raging red. “Somethin’ happened between you two, didn’t it? I knew it. I knew it. And now you’re fuckin’

Deciding it wouldn’t make sense lying to him since he would find out the truth anyhow, I shrugged and apologized, “I’m sorry, JK.”

“Shit!!” he exploded again. “Why would you do this to me, Krissy? What the
did I ever do to you?”

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