I Caught the Sheriff (2 page)

Read I Caught the Sheriff Online

Authors: Cerise DeLand

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: I Caught the Sheriff
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“Is that right?” His hand clamped down on hers while his
expression went from part surprise to raw need. “I like bright ideas. What did
you have in mind?”

Courage, Sheriff.
“Want to bring that sausage over to
my house?”

His brows inched upward. Amusement competed with desire as
he licked his lower lip with a lazy tongue. “Theirs? Or mine?”

“Just yours.”

He clutched her fingers and spun, tugging her down the path
toward the parking lot. “What about your horse?”

“My boys will take care of him.” They would. They’d see she
was nowhere to be found. Needing better teamwork, she’d harped for the past
month about everyone covering for each other. So she raced along beside Lex and
hoped to heaven no one was watching her leave with him.

Eyes straight ahead, he picked up his pace. “Got a trailer
or car here?”

“No. John Bobbin picked me up this morning.” She was
stretching her legs like a thoroughbred to keep up with Lex’s giant stride.

“Anything else we should take care of?” He wended his way
through the trucks until he opened the cab door of one and held it wide for

“Just one thing.”

“Yeah?” He searched her face for whatever that might be.
“Tell me quick.”

She let her gaze caress his own, pleased, proud she could
appeal him so wildly. “In a hurry, Coltrane?”

“Nah, what makes you think I’m in a rush?” he denied it
while he panted and surveyed the pebbling of her nipples under her shirt. “You
said nice and easy. That’s what you’ll get.”

“A man of your word?”

“Always. What’s your one thing, Red?”

“We won’t talk about your neighbor.”

“Oh, honey.” He chuckled up at the sky. “That dime-store
cowboy is the farthest thing from my mind. Now, get that sweet ass in my truck,
and tell me where we’re going.”

My bed.
A quick check of her peripheral vision told
her no one was anywhere near them. Bold and hungry for him, she moved toward
him and wrapped one leg and two arms around that huge, hard body. Then with a
brush of her lips against his, she said, “I’ll give directions. Okay with you?”

With one wild jerk, he hauled her smack up against him, then
hoisted the leg she’d coiled around his. His cock nestled fierce and full
between her pussy lips, and in the thick denim, she felt herself melt like ice

With one hot hand on her ass, he spoke on her mouth.
“Whatever you want, today it’s yours.” Then he kissed her. Tongue and teeth and
crushing madness.

Damn me.
She sank her fingers in his hair and knew
giving in to her need for him would be like this. Mindless and undeniable.

He pulled away, shock in his eyes, one hand fisted in her
hair. “But hear this. After today, it’s my rules.”

“As long as we don’t break any laws,” she agreed as she
reached up to kiss him again.

He held her head steady. “No laws at all, honey, where we’re

* * * * *

He drove to her house like a blind man ‘cuz his mind was
gone. All his blood had sunk to his cock. His jeans were too tight for a guy of
thirty-nine. His desire too wild for a man who hadn’t had a woman in the sack
in…what? At least one long freaking year.

Thank god she gave directions quickly and since no one was
on the road but at the fairgrounds, he pulled into her driveway in less than
four minutes. He knew the time precisely, because his throbbing dick demanded
he clock the trip. Especially, since she had her hand over his shaft and the
heat was driving him insane.

As he killed the engine, she reached for her own door handle
and struck out like a bolt of lightning, headed for her front door.

His legs took the lawn in a dash and reached her foyer as
she turned to close the door behind him.

With two hands to her shoulders, he pushed her to the wall.
“You sure you want to do this, Sheriff?”

“Very.” Her torrid blue gaze dueled with his. “Are you, Mr.

“I’m asking no favors outside your bedroom.” One of his
thumbs rubbed her lower lip, pulling it down. Man, he was dying to get inside
every bit of her.

“Good.” She nipped him. “You won’t get any.”

He leaned forward, skimming his nose down along the warm,
elegant column of throat. “But I want every one you’ve got to give inside it.”

She rubbed her hips against his. “Guaranteed. Follow me.”

Pulling out of his arms, she took the long hallway at a

“We just passed the stairs, lady. Where are we going?”

“Getting supplies.”

Supplies. Condoms? Christ, never thought about that.
She’d better have ‘em.
He was as unprepared for this as a sixteen-year-old
in a drive-in parking lot.

But when she dropped his hand and reached in the
refrigerator, he thought he’d die of ecstasy. She brought out two handfuls of
ice cubes, then plunked them in a large bowl. Next, she produced a can of
whipped cream and a jar of strawberry jam. From her pantry came a jar of
butterscotch ice-cream topping.

By this time, he had his hands on his hips, doubling over
with laughter. “You planned this?”

“A girl can dream, can’t she?”

“Hell, darlin’, you look serious but you shock me outta my
socks!” He grabbed her by the waist. “Gather up that stuff.”

“You like my menu?” She gave him a wide-eyed challenge.

“We’ll see when I lick it off you.” That’s when he upended
her over his shoulder.

She screeched.

He swatted her behind. “Cut that out or I’ll drop you and
that would not be sexy!”

“Wait! Wait!” She pummeled his back. “Turn around. I need
the ice!”

“Got it?” he barked and when she yelped, he pivoted for her
stairs. “Let’s get these fireworks started.” He put one palm on her fine ass
and marched up the steps. “Which way?” he asked at the top.

“To the left.”

He shouldered open a door and there stood a big brass bed he
was gonna see fit to use every inch of. He let her fall to her back and went
for her boots. “Kind of funny looking there, Red, hugging all those goodies.”

She let her hands and arms fall open, so that her supplies
fell around her like decoration, throwing fallen ice cubes back in the bowl.

He pulled at her boots. One slid off and hit the floor with
a plunk. Then, came the other. Finally, her socks. Impatient and panting, he
could not resist pulling her legs open and putting his cock right up against
her pussy. “Damn, you are hot and wet and we haven’t even gotten started.”

“Imagine what it’ll feel like when you’re inside me,” she
cooed like a tiny bird.

“I am.” He shifted against her. “I have been since the other

“Me, too. Which is why…um,” she groaned as he reached for
her belt buckle and unhooked it and her jeans button.

He slid the zipper down and smacked his lips at the sight of
her frilly lace panties. “Why what?”

“I couldn’t wait around to have you.”

As a reward for such blatant honesty, he sank a hand inside
the front of that delicate pink silk. Pink. He grinned as he pulled down the
front of the fabric to reveal a nicely shaved landing strip to her sweet little
pussy. “Aw, hell, Red. For a tough sheriff, you are so girly.” His fingers slid
between her hot folds and it was like touching molten glass. “I may not make it
to fucking you.”

She bucked as his fingers sank farther up inside her and she
warned, “
You’d better
, Lex Coltrane. I’ve got everything you need.”

“Tell me about it,” he moaned as he slid out of her, then
stepped backward to pull off her jeans and panties and drop them to the carpet.
“Need to see everything you’ve been covering up with that sheriff’s badge.”

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t want to hide from you.”

“I get that.” He began to work at her shirt buttons, but her
fingers got in the way and he batted them away. “You are too damn slow, ma’am.”
He put his hands to each opening of her shirt. “Let a man do it.” Then he
ripped it open. And halted. She had the prettiest white lace bra—transparent,
too. So convenient to see how her nipples pointed up at him. “What color are
these lovely things here? Been dying to find out.” He undid the front snap. The
bra fell open and he pursed his lips, certain he was embarrassing himself
drooling. On two shaking arms, he hovered over one of her large, beckoning
nipples. “What flavor have we got here, hmm?”

She drove her fingers through his hair. “Come and taste.”

Bending, he flicked his tongue over one satin peak. She bore
the aromas of roses and vanilla. Was he dreaming that? He licked her again,
‘round and ‘round. He’d been right. She had prepared for him today with
clothes, goodies, soap.

He pulled away from her luscious breast like he’d been shot.
“Hope you’ve got other supplies.”

“I do,” she said, smiling ridiculously proud of herself.
“Bought a box yesterday.”

“Yesterday.” It was really a question.

“Yep. Figured if I got lucky and you were interested, you
wouldn’t walk around with them in your pockets.”

“You got that right.” He gave her a lopsided grin. Relieved
they were going to party with all the necessary equipment, he asked, “How’d you
figure you and I were gonna hook up?”

“The way you look at me,” she whispered, her gaze caressing
every feature of his face.

“How’s that?”

“Like you can’t get enough.”

Oh, yeah.
He sank down and seized her sweet mouth,
then broke away like a rabid teenager with one burning desire. “Let’s see if
you’re right.”

Chapter Two


She clutched his shirt. “I said I’d give directions.”

Grinning, he put his hands in the air. “I surrender,

She worked at his buttons with speed but once she shoved his
shirt over his shoulder, she hummed in delight. “Nice.” She brushed her palms
down his arms to totally lose the shirt. Then she sat up to nuzzle her face
into his sternum. “You smell good, too. Whatever you use, I love it.”

He laughed, supporting her with one hand while she nibbled
her way around his chest, kissing and licking. “If you’re gonna appreciate me
like this, I promise to never change soaps.”

She sucked one of his nipples into her mouth and he bucked.

He pulled her head back. Looked into her dreamy eyes. “You
gonna undress me?”

She winked at him. “Stand up.”

He pushed away and planted his legs on either side of hers.

She moved in close and ran the tip of her tongue over the
ridges of his abs. “Better than looking at
Men’s Health

He snorted as she cupped his balls in his jeans and caressed
him, easy as could be. He shifted. “Hey, nice.”

“You’re gonna love the way you feel,” she said in that dark
voice and worked at his belt, his button and his zipper. Then she rubbed her
nose in the hair on his pubic bone. “God, you are hard everywhere.”

He stared at the ceiling. “You haven’t seen the half of it.”

“I aim to,” she whispered, kissing him as she peeled down
his boxers. “Oh, honey,” she oohed and ahhed over the sight of his cock. “This
is more than half.”

He grunted as she pushed his clothes to the floor and
stroked his happy dick in her talented hand. Squeezing shut his eyes, he prayed
for strength. “Hey, honey, easy. I want you bad but not in your mouth.”

“No?” She put her lips to his head and sucked him hard, just

The pressure was more than enough to make him grind his

“Later!” He sank his hands in her hair to pull her away.
“After we’ve had a piece of each other, hmm?”

“But you agreed I’m in charge.” She pouted, a look so
foreign to her usual commanding one that he chuckled.

“Anything else you want, you get.”

She lowered her long auburn lashes at him, wrapped one leg
over the other, hiding that pretty pussy from him. “I want to play outlaw and

He dropped his jaw. Took up the challenge and pointed to
himself. “Only if I’m the long arm of the law.”

She nodded, smiling at him in triumph like a pampered cat.
“And I’ve just escaped from your jail.”

He toed off his boots and yanked off his socks, then rose
from the bed and stepped away.

“Where are you going?” she asked, her tone ripe with

“Getting my own supplies. Sheriffs need to be armed.” He
tipped his head toward her bathroom. “Where are your condoms?”

“Here.” She lifted one of her pillows to show him a row of

Smacking his lips, he held a hand out. “Gimme one of those.”

She tore one off the strip and slapped one in his hand. “Can
I do the honors?”

“Oh, no. Little jailbirds don’t mess with the sheriff. This
first one is mine. Then if you’re good, well, we’ll see.” He scooped up his
belt and hers. With a wicked grin, he coiled both lengths of leather in his
hands and lifted his chin. “Spread out on that bed, fast and wide.”

She wiggled her way backward on the mattress, her
heart-shaped face alight with devilry. “I’ve been a bad girl.”

“Very.” He made the word sound like a promise. “Put your
arms out. That’s right. Now your legs.”

She was a sweet trick, so eager to please, so graceful in
her moves. Reclining, she nestled her lithe body in the forest-green comforter
and damn, if her breasts still didn’t stand up high and pointed. While her
He swallowed hard. Her cunt was a lovely open invitation
to him, her slick folds glistening and swollen with creamy desire. Hell, he was
gonna eat her for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

“Come have a sample?” She arched a brow.

He raised to his mouth the fingers that had been inside her
sweet walls minutes ago. And sucked on them. “Good stuff. But first,” he
taunted as he stepped near and smoothed the leather straps over her skin, “roll

She shuddered with need, then did as she was told.

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