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James glared at him. "You don't know nothin' about it."

"Don't have to. Want to hear about what I know? I know the score from Jacob's last soccer game. You know what your kid's favourite book is?"

James stared at him. "You should have stayed dead, Jake."

"Nope. Got too much to live for. You goin' now?"

James didn't bother to reply, just turned and left. Jake followed him out and stood by the barn, watching as his brother climbed into his truck and drove out with a spray of gravel.



When James' taillights had disappeared he went into the barn and silently shook hands with each man as they left. When he got to Hound he smiled and said thank you, only a little bemused to see how flushed the kid was. Hound ducked his head and followed the others out of the barn, mumbling something about how he was glad to help.

Tor was leaning on the stall door, waiting. As Jake moved toward him Tor braced himself, opening his arms as Jake pressed close, forcing them into the support post.

"What do you need, Jake?" he asked softly, pulling Jake to him.

Jake felt himself trembling, almost vibrating as anger and anxiety leaked out. "You. Need you."

"Got me." Tor kissed him hard, hands holding him and moving over him, turning the twitchiness and need to lash out into something else. Jake didn't even feel them moving, was just aware that they were in the stall instead of out of it and that he had Tor pushed into the back wall.

Tor kissed him and moved with him, hard and eager and as hungry as he was. They bit and tasted skin, tore at clothes for a few moments before Jake just ground his hips against Tor and started sucking a mark up on his neck.

"Jake–" Tor said with a groan. "Oh shit. You want me to–"

"Shut up. Just let me–I need–"

Tor kissed him hard, tongue invading his mouth, then he pushed Jake roughly away.

They slammed into the side of the stall and Tor dropped his hands, one holding fast to Jake's ass as he thrust against Tor, the other working their jeans open.

Jake kissed Tor back and let himself go with it. He stopped fighting for faster and harder, and just let Tor do what they needed, freeing their erections and wrapping a hand around them both.

Tor pulled at them, mouth going to Jake's neck. Tor bit down and thrust with his hips, his hands working at their cocks until Jake felt like he was going to pass out. Jake could feel blood being pulled up into a dark mark on his neck, his cock was hard, balls tight and aching.

"Fuck. Tor, please. Need you. Need to feel."

"Feel me, then. Feel me here with you? Feel me next to you at night? See me everyday?

Not going anywhere, Jake. Family, yeah?"

Jake thrust into Tor's hand and cried out as he came. Tor was watching him, he could see Tor's eyes and see his smile and feel his hand, and then Tor kissed him again, heat spreading as Tor shot as well.



"Family?" Jake said when he could breathe again.

"Yours. Mine. Ours. We're family."

Jake felt dizzy and a little giddy. "Family do this to each other?" he asked hazily, gesturing to their open jeans and the stickiness between them.

Tor leered. "We have a special family. Want to get cleaned up?"

Jake nodded then shook his head and leaned against Tor, kissing him lazily. He was getting hard again. "Want more."

"More I can do," Tor said, easing them down onto the straw. "How you want it?"

"Fuck me, Tor." Jake shivered. He could almost feel Tor moving in him already. They wiggled out of their boots and started in on their jeans, but he was too hungry, too needy to wait. He pulled Tor up on top of him, moaning when they slid and rubbed together.

Tor was hard against him, hot and heavy and just what he needed.

With a low growl Tor flipped him over and pushed in. Tor took him in a long thrust and then another, going deep.

"Oh God, yes," Jake hissed.

Tor's fingers were digging into his hips, gripping him tightly. "You don't want this hard, say so. Don't think I can be gentle right now."

"Fuck me," Jake gasped.

Tor fucked him, long heavy cock pushing deep, driving them both. He thrust into Jake with a strong rhythm, pounding into him for ages, both of them grunting and pushing and soaring. It was hot and hard, and Jake needed. He was desperate for more, his hips pushing back, trying to get Tor deeper, trying to get Tor to take him harder.

Tor shifted and pegged his gland and Jake gasped. He wanted to scream, wanted to cry out, only fear of spooking the horses stopped him. Tor did it again and again until Jake was nearly sobbing, then a hand slid off Jake’s hip and pulled at his cock, and it was perfect.

"Oh fuck, gonna come–" He barely got the words out before he was shooting onto the straw beneath them.

Tor kept fucking him, long thrusts that left him shaking.




"Fuck, Jake. Need you so fucking much. Can't do anything without you."

Jake gasped again, head swimming.

Tor froze behind him and he could feel the force of Tor's orgasm crash through them both.

They fell onto the hay and Tor eased out of him, turning him until they could hold each other. They didn't talk, just shared long kisses until they could get up and dressed and make their way to the bunkhouse.


Jake rolled over in bed, almost asleep. Tor had taken him over the edge twice since supper and he was ready to sleep for a week. He knew he could, too. He was satiated and warm in their bed, and his life was calm. He was thinking about family.

Spring had done its thing and he was going to meet his sisters in less than a week. They'd broken contact with James, had let him know that they were in his court, and he was part of them. He was going to see Jacob for the first time.

He'd gotten a letter from Susie, stuck in with Tor's mail. It was addressed to Uncle Jake.

Tor's mother had called and asked them to visit for the long weekend in July, if they could get away.

Kip had married Beth and moved the week before. They'd rushed the wedding a little, and the house suddenly needed a nursery, but they seemed exceedingly happy about it.

Elias was exchanging long letters with his mother every week, and even Hound was getting closer to his family. It was a bit of surprise to hear the kid talking about moving to Maine to help his brother build some sort of studio, but it was good that he was going to family. Be a shame to lose him, though, he was a good hand, a good man to have around.

But Jake figured that leaving to help out family was about as good a reason there was.

Family was the best reason Jake could think of.



Part Five

Chapter Twenty-eight

The auctions were going well and Jake was thinking that it was a fine thing to get away from the ranch once in a long while. He loved the ranch, but it was nice to be with people once or twice a year; get caught up on their lives, trade gossip and lies, get to see some old friends.

He was enjoying the time with Tor, too. They didn't get away much, and the change of scenery seemed to light a fire in Tor, making his humour sharper and his appetites damn near insatiable. Nights were full of conversations with cowboys from all over and laughter that never seemed to stop. Then Tor, dragging him away from the crowds, stolen moments that made Jake burn with need. Most of the time it was just them, but there were others around, ready to play, and that was okay, too, if everyone was willing. But Jake liked it best when it was just him and Tor, no outside help needed.

Days were busy moving cattle, dealing, making noise. Tor's hands would suddenly be on him, his mouth at the back of Jake's neck or at his ear. Whispers and touches that made Jake ache, make him so hard he had to feel Tor in him, around him, had to taste him.

At the moment though, he didn't know where Tor was. He'd seen Tor at supper, talking to a tall blonde cowboy with tanned skin and broad shoulders. He'd stopped to talk to them, had just been about to find out what this guy's name was, and if he was looking for fun or not, when Elias had appeared, calling Jake away to tend to some paperwork.

Jake had signed the last form and looked around for Tor, who'd vanished into the crowd.

Typical. He asked Elias if he knew where Tor had gone.

"Nope, sorry. Expect he's gone off to get a beer, or back to the truck. He's around here somewhere."

Jake nodded and said he figured it would be easy enough to find him, then headed off toward the trucks. It took him almost half an hour to get there, stopping to talk to various people and turn down the occasional offer of a drink. He ran into Elias again as he approached the vehicles.

"Find him?"

"Not yet. Not worried. You headed for the trucks?"

"Yeah," Elias said as he fell into step. "Time to change my shirt, get cleaned up to go see if I can make a new friend somewhere."



Jake laughed. "Lots of lovely friends to make around here, too."

"Oh, shut up. Like I trust your taste in women." Elias grinned at him.

"Just 'cause I don't play with them doesn't mean I can't appreciate the way they look."

They walked down the line of trucks, trading opinions on various women they'd seen the last couple of days. Elias was waxing poetic about a pretty blonde when they turned to walk between two of the trucks in their fleet, and Jake froze.

Elias took two more steps before he saw what had stopped Jake. He pulled up short, an arm reaching back to take a hold of Jake.

"Shit. Be calm, Jake. Just don't–"

Jake didn't hear him, didn't even feel the arm on his bicep until he moved forward.

Tor. His Tor, pressed tight up against some cowboy, hips jerking as they dry humped against a truck. Tor's back was to him, the other guy's hands on his ass, pulling him closer. Tor had his mouth fused to the cowboy's, and Jake thought he had never been so close to dying.

Elias still had a grip on his arm. Jake looked at him, waiting.

"Fuck. Jake, just stay cool. You'll hate yourself if you kill him."

Tor hadn't even turned around. He was still going at it like he'd never been laid. Like he didn't need Jake.

Jake stepped forward, not thinking of anything other than the pain in his chest and how he was going to make this asshole pay for touching what was his. He grabbed Tor by the shoulder, tearing him away from the cowboy.

"What the fuck?"

He wasn't sure who said it; could have been him, could have been Elias. Or it could have been either of the two pissed off men in front of him. Neither of whom was Tor.

"Shit." Jake followed up with some sort of apology and took off, leaving Elias to explain.

He had to find Tor, and he needed to find him fast.

He tore through the trucks and groups of people, scanning the crowds for Tor's face. It took him ten minutes to find the man, and by then he was almost vibrating; he needed to see Tor's eyes, needed to search out the answer to a question he didn't even know he had.

His fingers itched to touch Tor, his cock ached. He felt like he could crawl out of skin.

Tor looked up from where he was sitting, still talking to the blonde, and grinned at him.



Jake looked around, quickly rejecting place after place, trying to remember where there was a corner they could hide in. Tor was walking toward him, questions in his eyes, when Jake saw what he wanted. He shot a look at Tor and pointed, then took off, moving fast.

He swung around a corner and waited, thanking all and sundry that his memory had been correct. They were almost secluded in the corner created by a side addition to the arena.


Tor came around the corner. "Taggart? What's–"

His words were cut off as Jake pushed him into the wall and took his mouth in a hard kiss. "Shut up." Jake moved down to suck Tor’s neck, his fingers fighting with the buttons on Tor's shirt.

"Christ." Tor sounded surprised, but not unhappy. He put his hands on Jake's hips and pulled him close, rubbing a stiffening cock on Jake. "Let's take this somewhere more private, yeah?"

"No." Jake gave up the fight with the buttons and tore the shirt open, sending the last three buttons skittering off on the ground. "Here." His hands went to Tor's jeans and popped the top button.

"What? Jake, someone could see–"

"Yeah. Shut up and find the lube." Jake got his hand in Tor's jeans and stroked him hard.

"Gonna suck you off and then fuck you into the wall." He dropped to his knees and took Tor in his mouth, sucking hard from the start. Jake was in no mood to tease; he wanted Tor's flavor in his mouth, needed to fill all of his senses. Tor gasped and thrust his hips, his hands going to Jake's head.

"Jesus. Oh fuck, Jake." Tor’s hips rocked, moving as deep as Jake's mouth would let him.

Jake felt one hand drop from his head, watched as Tor tried to get his hand into his jeans pocket. The fabric was folded back and Tor had to work at it, but he managed to get the lube out.

Tor was making rough, needy noises that drove Jake on, faster and harder. He undid his own belt and Tor hissed. When Jake pushed his own jeans open and freed his cock Tor started to buck, fucking his mouth.

Jake tangled his fingers with Tor's for a brief moment before taking the lube. He slicked his fingers well and pumped his cock a couple of times, moaning around Tor. He lifted his slippery hand, tugging gently at Tor's balls before moving back and thrusting two fingers into Tor’s ass.

"Oh fucking shit, Jake!" Tor came hard, hips shoving deep into Jake's mouth as he shot, his cock pulsing and throbbing on Jake's tongue.



Jake swallowed fast and pulled his mouth away, standing on unsteady legs. He spun Tor around to face the wall. "Brace yourself," he said as he tugged Tor's jeans down. Tor barely got his hands to the wall before Jake was pushing his way in.

"No one touches you without my say so," Jake said, fastening his mouth on Tor's shoulder and sucking up a dark mark.

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