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Jake nodded slowly, trying to understand. "So, we share a room and everyone just gets comfortable with the idea that we're together and then everyone goes on their merry way?"

Tor leaned back in his chair. "Pretty much. Fuck, it's not like we haven't been living in the same house for almost three years, Taggart."

"It's not the same, and you know it."

Tor sighed and stood up, then walked to the door. "Whatever. Fuck it. Let me know where I'm sleeping tomorrow night if you get the chance." The door closed behind him with a bang and Jake was alone in the kitchen.

He listened to the TV in the other room and the deafening silence from Kip and Elias until he couldn't take it anymore. He stood up and cleared off the table, throwing his supper away and wrapping the other plates with foil, then he did the dishes, taking his time drying them. Tor didn't come back.

Jake leaned on the doorframe between the kitchen and the living room until Elias looked up.

"Gonna go find him?" Elias asked.



Jake sighed and looked at the floor. "Not sure he wants me to."

Kip snorted and shrugged. "He'd be more pissed if he did want you to find him and you didn't."

Jake looked at him and nodded. "See you later."

When he got the stable he found that River's stall was empty and the black board was scrawled with a huge 'Tor', underlined twice. Jake shook his head and got out Lug's tack.

He rode for about an hour, just wandering around, before he found Tor. River was happily munching on apples and Tor was sitting the middle of a field, apparently watching the stars. Jake rode up and gave Lug his own apples, then sat down next to Tor.

"I'm goin' to my sister's," Tor said. "Let you figure out where you stand."

Jake wasn't sure what to say, so he said the first thing that came to mind. "Don't go."

Tor looked at him, frustration evident in his face as his jaw twitched. "Why the hell not? I mean it's pretty fucking clear that you don't know what you want right now. Maybe some space will help."

Jake shook his head. "Fuck, Tor. How the hell are you so sure what you want? Christ."

He just couldn't understand why Tor was so adamant about this, so eager to just move ahead at what, for Jake, was a blinding pace.

Tor's eyes were dark and serious. "Just do. Make up my mind and go as far as I can.

Knew what I was doing when I kissed you the first time."

Jake blinked. "What?"

When Tor laughed it was without humour. "Wanted you, didn't I? Waited for months, trying to see if you were even interested in men." He looked at the sky and growled.

"You think I didn't see the way you looked at me? Not fucking blind, Taggart. Knew you were into it." He was angry now, his voice rising, and Jake was glad for the privacy of the country.

"Before me, apparently," he said, his own voice quiet.

"No, you just had more will power than I thought. Set you up with that skinny dipping thing, you know." Tor actually leered at him a little, talking in a normal tone.

"The hell you did!"

Tor nodded. "Did. And it still took me getting practically naked in the rain and shoving my tongue down your throat before you'd react."



"Shit. I had no fucking clue."

"Yeah, I get that now. We're at different points here. So, I'm just gonna go. Come back in a bit and see what's what."

"No." Jake shook his head.


"Tor, just shut up. My turn. The last time I shared a room with anybody was in prison.

I've never…I mean, hell, I've never even considered this. It's…new. Do me a favour though and don't take off. Just…stay. Give me a couple of hours, instead of a couple weeks. You're a pushy bastard, should be able to do that."

Tor was silent for a few moments, not looking at him. Then he stood up and started to walk away, toward River. "Not gonna comment on sharing a room with me being like it was in prison, Taggart. But the rest? Yeah. Let me know in the morning. You want time, you got it. I can still go to Becky's."

Jake sat for a long time in the dark, trying to figure out what the hell had just happened.

When he finally rode back to the ranch River's stall was still empty and Tor was nowhere to be seen. Elias and Kip looked up when he came in, but didn't say anything, didn't ask any questions.

Jake didn't sleep much that night.



Chapter Eleven

When he headed to the barn the next morning he was sleepy and cranky and wondering where the hell Tor was. He'd knocked on Tor's door and then looked in when he was greeted by silence; Tor hadn't been back the night before.

Jake was kicking up dust with his boots as he crossed the yard, then he looked up at the sound of someone riding in, fast. Tor was on River, and Jake watched them approach with a sick feeling in his belly.

"Taggart, we got fences down and cattle looking for new homes. Get the boys and let's ride!"

Jake nodded and started bellowing orders, then headed to the house to tell the Boss.

Before long every hand was scrambling for horses and trucks and heading out, following Tor's directions. When they got to the fence line, Jake, Elias and the Boss started examining the breaks while the rest got to work herding the cattle and driving them back onto the ranch property.

It was a hard morning. No one was exactly sure how many animals had wandered off until Tor managed an accurate head count and came up twenty short. Tor took the new hands and they rode off in search of missing cattle, and Jake went over to the Boss and Elias who were examining one of the breaks while a couple of other men attempted a quick fix.

"What happened?" he asked as he walked to them.

Elias pointed to the wire and wood fencing and spit on the ground. "Cut. Fucking fence was cut in at least four places."

Jake swore and the Boss looked about ready to hunt down the culprits himself.

"Think they'll find the cattle?" Jake asked.

The Boss shook his head. "Nope. Gone, I think. I'm going back to the ranch to make some phone calls." He started to walk to his truck and paused, raising a hand to his eyes.

"Somebody's comin' up," he said, pointing to a truck approaching from the direction of the ranch.

Missy pulled up in a truck, bringing lunch for the hands. She offered Jake a tentative smile and then turned to handing out food and drink to the hands, making sure that everyone was fed. He father smiled at her when she wasn't looking.

He moved to Jake's side while they ate. "You lot get the new room arrangement made?"



Jake blinked. He hadn't even thought about it since they had headed out in the morning.

"Uh, yeah, I think so, sir."

"Good. Hope it all works out for you," the Boss said before moving away.

They set some food aside for Tor, Tommy and Hound, then went to work repairing the fencing and moving cattle.

It was almost three in the afternoon when Tor and the others appeared, bringing nineteen animals with them, looking pleased with themselves. They moved the cattle into the fencing and accepted congratulations from everyone before settling into their late lunch, then they helped with the fencing.

It was a long, hard day, and Jake was the last one into the bunkhouse at suppertime. He walked into the kitchen to find Elias, Kip and Hound sitting at the table and Tor leaning against the kitchen counter. They all looked at him as he entered.

"So," Hound said, "how does this work? I share with the last one hired, right? So that's Tor?"

Tor's eyes were hot on him, and Jake saw Elias and Kip lean back in their chairs, waiting.

Jake shook his head, still looking at Tor. "Usually. But not this time. Kip, you keep your room. Elias, you take mine. Hound, you get Tor's. Tor and I'll take the big room."

Jake heard Kip sigh and Elias chuckle, but it was on the outside of his awareness. All that he really knew was that Tor's eyes were dark and then he was pushed up into the fridge as Tor kissed him hard, tongue invading Jake's mouth. Jake did the only thing he could think of, which was to put a hand at the back of Tor's neck and hold him there, kissing back.

"Holy shit," Hound said. "They're…"

"They're making me lose my appetite," Elias said.

Jake pushed Tor away and flushed, more embarrassed than he could remember being in a long time.

"I think I can live without seeing that again," Kip said.

Jake looked at Hound, who was staring at them with wide eyes. "This gonna be an issue?"

Hound blinked and said, "What? Oh, no. My brother has a boyfriend. Just didn't think you two were the type is all. My brother is all arty and stereotypical."



"You two better not keep me up all night," Elias growled. "I need my sleep. So help me God, if I hear that fucking bed so much as squeak I'll make sure you get salt in your coffee."

Tor nodded. "Right. No squeaking. Best leave lots of floor space." Then he turned and headed to his room. "I'll clear my stuff out, Hound."

Jake felt rather shell-shocked. But he thought he might be happy.



Chapter Twelve

It took about three hours for them to get every thing into the right bedrooms, including stopping for supper and The Great Nightstand Hunt. Everyone had a nightstand, so it just stood to reason that Tor would move his into the large bedroom. Except that meant that his old room was without one, and no one could remember if there had been another one when they had had to share rooms before.

Hound was really good about it, saying he didn't really need one, but the others insisted he did. They were wandering around the house looking for stray tables that would do when there was a knock at the door.

The Boss was a firm believer in the fact that the bunkhouse was home for the hands, and not a place that he could just wander into uninvited, so he waited patiently for someone to open the door for him.

The entire bunch of them trooped out to let him in, Jake rolling his eyes. Every time he turned around since they started the hunt for a nightstand he was bumping into Tor, who never failed to make the most of it. In the past half hour he'd been groped, squeezed, kissed and nuzzled. Not that he really minded, but it was making it hard to concentrate on the mission.

The Boss stepped into the kitchen and greeted them all individually before asking, "So, are the room arragenments all sorted out?"

"Yes, sir," Jake said, stepping away from Tor a little.

The Boss didn't seem to notice, but Elias did, and he rolled his eyes. "Life is just getting strange here."

The Boss looked around and finally sighed. "Jake, do you guys need the other bed brought down, or not?"

Jake felt himself blush again and the others laughed. "Uh, no, sir. We're good. But we're lookin' for another nightstand. Can't remember if there was another one or not."

The Boss pointed to the kitchen phone. Which was on a nightstand being used for a table.

"There you go. Goodnight, all."

The Boss left, closing the door gently behind him while Jake and the others stared at the phone. Tor walked over and picked the phone up, moving it six inches so it was on the end of the counter, and pointed to the stand. "There ya go, Hound. Now, I am going to bed."



He turned and walked toward the hall, slowing only long enough to grab Jake by the belt loop and pull him along. Jake didn't say anything, but the others laughed and Kip said that he was going to go stay with Beth if they didn't calm down soon.

Tor dragged him into their bedroom and spun him around, slamming the door shut before pressing him up against it.

"Want you," Tor growled in his ear, he hands already untucking Jake's shirt.

"Never would have guessed," Jake said as he dipped his head and started sucking at Tor's neck. "God, you’re so pushy."

“You keep saying that.” Tor got Jake's shirt pushed up and ran his fingers over Jake's chest, his hips pressing tight into Jake's groin. "Shut up."

"Kiss me, then."

They devoured each other’s mouths, hunger building fast as they rocked together, Tor pushing them up against the door with his body. Jake felt like he was starving, needing more and needing it now, his cock impossibly hard in his jeans. Tor's hands were everywhere, pinching his nipples and then cupping his ass, pulling him even closer.

Tor's mouth was hot and wet, claiming Jake’s for his own, then moving down to Jake’s jaw and neck, harsh sounds of want and need spilling out. Jake moaned, thrusting his cock into Tor's, rubbing hard. He tried to undo Tor's belt but as soon as his hands were at Tor's waist Tor gasped and pleaded with him, a ragged breath that sounded like "Please."

Jake turned his hand and forced it between their bodies, stroking Tor through his jeans, moving lower to cup and squeeze his balls. Tor thrust into his hand, Tor’s own hands clutching at Jake's ass, mouth hungry at his throat. "Oh God, yes, Jake, so good. Fuck, I'm gonna come like this."

Fire raced up Jake's spine at the want and need in Tor's voice and he bucked, his cock hitting the back of his own hand. He stroked Tor harder and felt Tor shudder, felt Tor's body stiffen against his own, and then Tor was moaning in his ear. "Oh shit, oh shit.

Fuck, now, please Jake."

Jake's hips were liquid, moving his own shaft against his hand as he stroked Tor, and then Tor was coming, soft hungry sounds in his ear, and Jake shuddered too, groaning as he came.

They leaned against the door panting. "Oh fuck. That was intense," Tor said into his neck.

Jake laughed shakily. "Not sure I can walk. Hell, I haven't come in my jeans since I was a kid."



Tor kissed him, deeply and thoroughly, and Jake felt himself start to respond already, his cock twitching.

"Shower," Tor said. "Then bed."

Jake nodded, more grateful than he’d expected to be that their new room had a bathroom attached. They made their way to the bathroom on shaky legs, pulling off sticky clothes as they went. Tor got the shower going while Jake admired him, Tor’s long body strong and lean, tanned skin gleaming with sweat. Tor's bruise looked awful, moving into the brown and yellow patches that meant that it was healing. Then Tor stepped into the shower and held his hand out to Jake.

BOOK: i c4f188f9be10333d
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