I Beat the Odds (25 page)

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Authors: Michael Oher

BOOK: I Beat the Odds
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And, finally, special thanks go out to the countless fans who cheer Michael on every week, especially to the ones who take the time to write to him, sharing their own stories, and to those who allowed us to print their letters. You are so brave and so strong. You matter. Thank you for trusting Michael enough to share such personal testimonies. Your letters mean the world to him, and they are the reason he strives each day to continue to succeed—to show you that dreams can come true. To the young men and women in the foster care system and to those wonderful individuals and organizations that work with them every day, this is for you.
Mark E. Courtney et al., “Youth Who Run Away from Out-of-Home Care.”
Issue Brief
, Chapin Hall Center for Children, University of Chicago, March 2005.

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