I Am Alive (9 page)

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Authors: Cameron Jace

BOOK: I Am Alive
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That explains it: the way he looks like he just came back from visiting the dentist, suffering from a permanent toothache. And of course, why he never speaks. Come to think of it, I’m not sure I will still like him when he speaks. Boys are usually better when mute – and beautiful.

“Don’t break your vow of silence now, please,” I joke, as he lets go of my arm. “I lied when I said I like boys who talk. In fact, I like tongue-tied and mute ones—” so they have nothing to say after I kiss them forcefully.

Message: FUNNY! FUNNY!

“You don’t have to say it twice. I am not deaf,” I say, imagining myself somersaulting back in the air, and kicking him in the face.

Although I can’t stand him — and he certainly can’t stand me — I feel I can trust him.


I have to know his story. Where he came from, and where he spent the last four years. Did he spend them with apes? I can’t believe the way he treats himself, let alone the way he treats people. He was a rock star one day, a Nine, and incredibly good-looking. What happened to him?

“Okay,” I say. “You choose to electrocute yourself instead of blowing up. Good choice. How can I help you, then?”

Like a magician, he pulls out a syringe. It is a cylindrical piece of metal, small enough to hide in the palm of your hand. It has a red button on its side, and several holes where the healing fluid comes out. I remember doctors using similar syringes on me when I was vaccinated. Leo has too many of them in his backpack, and they look like they could buzz and electrocute instead of vaccinate.


Buzz to death? Hmm. Not a stylish way to die for a beautiful boy.

Even though I thought I would have enough time to accept or decline his
offer, I am shocked, watching him throw the rifle away, and push the button on his iAm without warning…

Leo buzzes like an electrocuted bug. A huge one. His eyes widen, and freeze open. I can see the tiny veins in his neck turning blue. He has his arms stiffened by his sides, as wooden as Pinocchio’s nose. Finally, he slumps down, and thuds on the grass. Some heavy stud.

I am almost paralyzed.

“Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.” I keep repeating the phrase to calm down, stomping my feet on the grass and circling around him, hoping that I haven’t just watched a boy kill himself in front of me.
I kissed a boy and I killed him!

He didn’t even hand me the syringe!

I kneel down, looking for it. I find it stuck under his right leg. I lift his heavy leg, my veins surfacing on my neck, and my face turning red and sweaty. I pick up the syringe, catch my breath, say “Oh my God” one more time, rip his t-shirt open with my bare hands — love this part — and push the syringe against his naked chest, holding it with two hands.

The first thing I notice is that his lips have parted. It means I have deactivated the bomb, but nothing else happens. I roll my eyes and replay the scene again in my head, trying to figure out if I did something wrong.

I forgot to push the red button! I am about to kill this boy.

I push it. The syringe vibrates shortly in my hands, then I pull my finger away before he buzzes to death. As though he doesn’t look dead enough. When I pull the syringe back, I see five tiny red marks on his chest. He should wake up now.

But he doesn’t.

There is nothing else I can do. I hit him hard in the chest again, pull his square jaw open, slap him like a boxing girl in a cartoon, but nothing works.

Suddenly, he shakes violently. He is alive after all. I would have left him and walked anyway.

Everyone should take care of themselves.

I look at him, eye to eye. “Can you please talk to me now? I feel like I deserve to hear a compliment, plus tons of explanations.”
And maybe a thank-you kiss? A forced one, so we can be even?

I am longing for the warm texture of his voice to fill my ears. His first words should be nice. Telling me to stay away from him in Grand School doesn’t count. He is basically like a mute frog turning into a speaking prince right now.

I wait for him to speak.

Something is still wrong. He looks like he is choking, grabbing his neck with his hands, eyes almost bulging out. He looks scary. I jump behind him, and hit him as hard as I can.

Again. Again. Again. I enjoy this for some reason.

Something small pops out of his throat — it sounds like it really hurts coming out. It’s the bomb’s sensor, or detonator, or whatever it’s called.

I fall to my knees, taking a rest, and allowing myself to sigh. Leo stands up immediately. He doesn’t say anything to me. He collects his rifle, his iAm, and his bag.

“We don’t have time,” he says almost to himself. “We need to find water, food, and a good hiding place.”

To my amazement, he walks away into the bushes.

“Hey,” I yell and stand up. “Hey, you!” I am determined to follow him, but he shows up again back from between the trees.

Leo looks at me from top to bottom, and then he looks at his ripped shirt. He sighs. “You were enjoying yourself too much with my shirt,” he says bluntly. “I have no time for your psychotic issues.”

“What?” I can’t believe my ears.

“Wait here,” he orders, and jogs away again.

I am standing with my mouth open, regretting having saved him. I need to forget about him. This boy is a walking, talking ape. That’s not good for me, so I turn and walk the other way, back into the forest. From now on, wherever he goes, I will go the opposite way. I begin looking for Woo.

As I walk into this forest, I am baffled with how big the Playa is. To top it off, this isn’t the Playa I researched. It has nothing to do with older games. How did they change it so much? Where should I start? And I have little time before the new game begin.

As I walk away, I hear news on my iAm about bad things happening to the Monsters’ families. That’s why my Mother tried to kill me when I was seven years old and she found out I was a pre-Monster. If I hadn’t met Woo, and if he hadn’t told me how to obey the system and stop being stubborn, I'd be dead or living in the Wastelands beyond the borders by now. I owe him more than I owe them. As for my father, I love him. He always stood up for me, but I couldn't tell him what I was about to do, so they wouldn’t hurt him. It’s unlikely they’ll do something to my family because of Jack’s startling rank. How he is a Nine and I am a Seven still puzzles me.

Then I hear that the Summit will make no exception this year for any families, even if the parents and siblings were Nines and Eights. They claim that they have had enough of the Monster, and they want to speed up the process of eliminating them from society.


I stand still in the middle of nowhere, shocked by the news. Does that mean the Summit won't wait one more year for Jack's ranking? Should I confess to the Summit about switching the iAms? Will that help them? What about Eva? Granting her hope and taking it back again isn’t fair.

I want to call Ariadna, and check with her to see if my family is all right. If they are, I'd feel better, and keep looking for Woo. But Monsters in the games aren’t allowed to initiate calls with anyone outside the Playa. The only way to call someone is to ask permission from the Trickster. I dial three sixes on my iAm, the hotline number of the game’s headquarters.

It takes forever for someone to answer. I am expecting Timmy to pick up, but he is nowhere to be found. He must be preparing himself to wear a wig, or get into character to answer the call, and entertain everyone.

Timmy finally picks up. “Yes, sweetie. This is your aunt speaking.” He is dressed in an old woman’s bathrobe with his brown wig in rollers, as if he just came out of the shower. “How may I help you?”

How much money do they spend on this show? We could use it down here.

“I need permission to call someone,” I tell him.

“No can do, dear,” replies Timmy in a high-pitched voice. “No calls allowed before the number of Monsters alive is reduced to ten.”

“Since when does this rule apply?” I grit my teeth.

Timmy, looking at his big pink watch, says, “Mmm. Since just before you called.”

“Listen up, you piece of--” I am losing it, watching him on my iAm. Timmy’s eyes pop out, fixed on two spiral springs, and his ears grow bigger like a rabbit, each shaped like a phonograph. These effects are made using Instant-CGI technology. I’ve seen it on TV. They are CGI effects like in older movies, in real time. I live in a world where reality can be manipulated on the spot. Should I be questioning if any of what I see is even real? “I want to check on my parents. I don’t want anything bad to happen to them. My brother is a pre-Nine. I want to make sure the Summit understands.”

Timmy is impersonating a judge, wearing a French wig in a courtroom full of wailing Monsters, real monsters: goblins, trolls, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, and more, with full makeup. Timmy’s whole body is shaking when he sobs, “Her brother is a Nine,” he weeps. “A Nine!” He slams a sponge hammer against the desk. It spatters pudding all over his face. “It’s not the court’s responsibility to stop the Summit from whatever they plan to do with your family.” The camera closes in on his face. “Only when there are ten Monsters left — alive — and you are actually one of them, can I grant you a phone call. If you really want to speed up the process…” He blinks repeatedly, his eyes roll like a slot machine. When the rolling stops, they don’t show apples or money bills. They show a gun in each eye. “You might want to kill ‘em yourself. Boo. Boo. Boom.”

The viewer counter increases dramatically. Almost two million viewers are watching right now. Those are just the national viewers. Worldwide, they might be ten times this number. It really scares me.

“I am going to hang up now,” Timmy says. “Since your family is broke and is about to be evacuated, I don’t think they will appreciate paying for the phone call. It costs ten times as much calling from the Dizney Battlefieldz. It’s considered long distance, you know.”

“What? So you know what will happen to them?”
What have I done?

“You will know what you need to know, when you downsize the Monsters to ten. Maybe your zippy-zap boyfriend could help you.”

“He is not my—”

Before I could finish my sentence, Leo appears from nowhere and disconnects my call.

“I told you to wait for me, not gossip on the phone,” he says flatly, and tosses some clothes at me: blue jeans, white t-shirt, and a hair band. He is wearing a new blood-smeared white t-shirt, instead of the one I ripped open. And the leather jacket, of course.

“I am sure they’re your size. If the pants are a little tight, don’t worry. You'll lose that butt of yours by tomorrow night, running for your life,” he says.

“I don’t have a big butt,” I protest. I can’t believe he said that. I don’t know who is worse, him or Timmy. I use the hair band, which I think is a good idea, then check out the pants and the shirt. They are blood-stained, but dry.

“Where did you pick those up?” I am in shock.

“The pants are from an exploded girl. She had no head and no upper body, so I knew she was a girl from—” He shrugs. “From…whatever.”

I won’t comment on that. I put on the pants, trying not to think about the blood, or about the fact that I am wearing a dead girl’s pants. I hold my breath and squeeze myself into the jeans.

“The t-shirt belongs to a boy. He had his legs chopped--"

“Stop. I don’t need to hear this. I don’t want to hear about your shopping trip in zombieland.” I raise my hands in the air. “The only reason I am doing this is because I know I can’t spend the rest of the games semi-naked in a ruined dress. Now turn around!”

Leo puts a poker face on, but turns around eventually. I put the shirt on, and throw the dress away.

“If you don’t like my taste, be my guest and do your own shopping from the dead bodies lying in the streets,” he says. “There is Prada, Versace and—”

“Not funny,” I fire back. “You can turn around now.”

“As if I’d wait for your permission,” he mumbles, looking at me. It seems as if something about me amuses him. “Wow. You look good,” he says. Finally, he says something nice to me. “In blood,” he adds. “Here, take this.” He throws a knife at me. It swooshes next to my ear and sticks to the trunk of the tree next to me.

I am not going to question his sanity anymore. I am worried about my family, and I need to stay alive, and maybe downsize the others.

“Do you know what happens to our families when we’re outranked?” I interrupt him.

“All kinds of bad things.” He doesn’t even look at me.

“Are you for real? What are you?” I try to focus. I can’t seem to put the puzzle named Leo together. “Who are you? Why are you even here? Why did you come back? How do you know my name? Why did you have a bomb in your mouth?”

“Xitler wanted me to explode. It’s his way of punishing me for rebelling against the Summit.”

“And why does a Nine rebel against the Summit?”

“Don’t you ever stop asking questions? My grandma doesn't talk that much. Where is your off-button?” He flips me around like a doll. Is this his excuse to check out my ass?

“That button is definitely not there!” I purse my lips.

“So you do have an off-button. It just isn’t
” He smirks, and marches on. “Come on. I take it that you can pull the knife out from the tree by yourself?”

I pull the knife out, thinking that I might stick it in Leo’s back eventually. Right now, I have to learn all I can from him.

Suddenly, I hear a voice behind me in the bushes. When I turn around, I see a young girl.

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