“lower” animals,
lower-level events,
lower-level meaning of Gödel’s formula; ignoring of
low-level view of brains
low notes gliding into rumbles
low-resolution copies,
Lucy (“Peanuts”)
Machine Q
Machine Z
machines: with beliefs about free will; confused; conscious; creative; dedicated; downloading of; emulating other machines; with linguistic capacity; as necessarily unconscious; with opinions; reading and interpreting description of own structure; with souls; universal; who think
that think
Machines Who Think
Macintosh, emulating Alienware machine
MacLaine, Shirley
macroscopic boundaries, irrelevant to particles
macroscopic forces as patterns
Magellan, Ferdinand
magic genie for all mathematical questions
magic square, ill-definedness of the notion
magical realism
magical thinking connected with “I”-ness
“ordinary” entities
magnanimity; etymology of the word
“Mahatma”, etymology of
“main brain” of a given soul
Malagasy language, presumed opacity of
Mallory, George
Malraux, André
mammals as dividing line for food
Mandelbrot, Benoit
Mann, Lois
Mantle, Mickey
mapping: of colors to color sensations; at core of life; giving rise to meaning; of
patterns into the world of numbers
“marbelous”, too much for words
marble, illusory, in envelope box;
see also
Margolin, Janet
marital bond, tightness of
Marot, Clément
marriage: of Carol and Doug; as soul merger; as third patient in counseling for a couple
Married People: Staying Together in the Age of Divorce
Mars, teleportation to
Martin, Mary
Martin, Richard M.
Marx, Groucho
mathematical causality
mathematical community, blurriness of
mathematical reasoning unified with logic
mathematicians: as coffee-to-theorem convertors; as conjecture-to-theorem convertors; as cousins of Einstein; as pattern-seekers; perseverance of; as reason-seekers
Mathematician’s Credo; contradicted by Gödel’s formula; empirical confirmation of; flip side of; presumably mechanized in
mathematics: blurry borders of the discipline; graduate school in; modeling itself; reasoning about itself; as study of patterns
Maxwell, James Clerk
hedge maze
McCorduck, Pamela
McCullers, Carson
McMahon, Miss (first-grade teacher)
meaning: as always mediated by mappings/analogies; in arbitrary substrates; as by-product of evolution of brains; as cause; as consequence of reliable alignment; as criterial for “I”-ness; emerging upon zooming-out; made from meaningless constituents; molecular, mediated by mapping; in music; unintended by author
meaningless marks on paper
meaninglessness: alleged, of self-reference; of low-level brain activity; of
symbols and strings
meat: different types, mixed; perception of;
see also
“It Ain’t”
mechanical symbol-shunting rules imbuing symbols with meanings
mechanization of reasoning
medical care, unequal distribution of
“mega inconsistency”,
non-members of number clubs
memories of a loved one: coarse-grained copies in oneself; as infinitesimal soul-shards
memory: episodic; in reverberant barking; short-term and long-term; in video reverberation
memory organization packets
hereness, “Where am I ?”
Mendelssohn, Felix
mental spaces
mentalistic notions
physical substrate
metallic strip in Video Voyage I
“Metamagical Themas” column
metaphor salad
meteorites, absorption of, as metaphor for accretion of self
metric between minds
Michigan, University of
micro-events: invisibility of, in brain; irrelevance of
microscope examining own lenses
“might makes right” as moral principle
Mignotte, Maurice
milk-pouring, predictability of
mind and matter, chasm between
mind–body problem for tomatoes
Mind’s I, The
(Hofstadter and Dennett)
minerals, emergent properties of
Minsky, Marvin
mirage of consciousness
mirrors mirroring mirrors
missing a plane, memory of
Mitchell, Melanie
mixed metaphors: for author’s plight; for Gödel’s construction
modus ponens
modus tollendo tollens
molecular biology reduced to physics
Molecular Gods: How Molecules Determine Our Behavior
molecules: existence of; irrelevance of; life stories of; submissive to desires;
thoughts; virtual, in computers
Monet, Claude
Monroe, Marilyn
moonroof, power, as distinct from consciousness
Moravec, Hans
morphing between two people
mortality, one’s own
Morton Salt, (blocked) infinite regress on label of
mosaic portrait of another person’s essence
Moser, David: admiration for Carol Hofstadter; brilliant wit of; grousing about lousy hosts; likened to devil incarnate
mosquitoes; complexity of brains of; equally conscious as humans; experience of blood of; experience of purpleness of; friendlessness; having no conscience, mercy, or pity; “I”-ness of; likened to flush toilets; likened to heat-seeking missiles; likened to thermostats; nondistributedness of; not deserving of rescue; qualia and; soullessness of; as swattable; symbols in
Mother Teresa
motorcycle roar, experience of
Moulin, Jean
mountaineers’ view of scalability of peaks
Muldaur, Maria
multiple “I” ’s in one head
multiple personalities
multiple simultaneous locations of self
music as cause for neuron (not) firing
music boxes, dedicated and universal
musical meaning, as outcome of patterns
musical styles, contrast between
musical taste (likes and dislikes) as deep aspect of human soul
mutual-avoidance dance of powers and Fibonacci numbers
mutual control and mutual perceptions lead to blur of identity
mutual inaccessibility of first-person cores
“my”: as concept of dog; as concept of human
“my brain”, meaning of
My Brother’s Place
myopic view: of domino chainium; of traffic jam
see also
mysteriousness of video reverberation
Nabel, Roy and Bruce, twinns
Nagel, Alexander (“Sandy”)
Nagel, Ernest
Nagel, Thomas
naïve view of self, as analogous to Newtonian physics
names of expressions
naming conventions as reinforcing naïve ideas of identity
Natalie and Lucas, Twinwirld twildren
needle in groove, timing of
neither fish nor fowl
Nemo, Captain
nesting of concepts
Nether Wallop
Neumann, John von
neural loop in brain
neurology, bypassing of
neurons; as wrong level of brain at which to seek consciousness
neuroscientists’ view of brains and “I”;
see also
Nevada desert as testbed for robot vehicles
Newman, James R.
Newtonian physics, as analogous to naïve view of self
Nicole, prospective graduate student
Night at the Opera, A
1906, four-syllable description of
1931 (year)
Nobel address of Albert Schweitzer
Nombres remarquables, Les
(Le Lionnais)
nonbelievability of The True View
“nondescript”, as paradoxical adjective
nondualism, lure and lacunas of
non-overlapping dots, human souls as
non-prim numbers,
saucy numbers
nonprovability and falsity, assumed equivalence of
non-self-awareness: of mosquitoes; of robot vehicles
“Non Serviam” (Lem)
non-universality of dogs’ brains
non-wellfounded set theory
noodle conflict
no one in brain at birth
“no one left to be sorry for”
“no symbols, no self”
“not”, as not the source of strangeness
notebooks filled with memories constituting soul-shards
notes, isolated, lack of meaning of
noun phrase, very long
novel: as an abstraction; meaning of, as arising from letters or words; as a pattern copied in different cultures; as a teleportation device
novelists as beings inventing other beings
number-crunching; ambiguity of; interpretable as text-processing, image-processing, etc.
“Number One” as primary soul in a brain
numbers: chameleonic nature of; dancing isomorphically to patterns; flexibility and richness of; invisibility of, in contemporary computers; mirroring formulas; as rich representational medium; as substrate for paradoxes
number theory, patterns in
obituary notices, one’s own
object files
objectively observable facts are irrelevant to the inverted-spectrum scenario
obscure numbers, near no landmarks
“Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, An” (Bierce)
“Ode to a Box of Envelopes” (Jeannel King)
“O du angenehmes Paar” (Bach)
oil refinery, likened to brain
Oleson, David
omega-inconsistency of Y. Ted Enrustle’s work
Prince Hyppia: Math Dramatica
“one”, as banished word
“one body, one name” as convention
“one body, one soul” dogma (also “one body, one person” and “one brain, one soul”);
see also
caged-bird metaphor
“one country, one people”
one-dimensionality of the inverted spectrum
144, salient square in Fibonacci sequence
“On Formally Undecidable Propositions of
Principia Mathematica
and Related Systems (I)” (Kurt Gödel, 1931)
“On Formerly Unpennable Proclamations in
Prince Hyppia: Math Dramatica
and Related Stageplays (I)” (Gerd Külot, 1931)
“or”, possible rule of inference for
oracle for number theory (Göru)
orchard filled with colored butterflies, as metaphor for distributed human souls
order in disorder, as quest of mathematicians
Gödelian formulas of
organ music
other humans, represented in our brains
“O thou charming bridal pair”
Our Inner Conflicts
overlap of souls seen as zones in a space
Overseas Chinese, as halo of Chinese people
Owens, Jesse
(the largest prime number)
paeonic meter hidden in text
page breaks, exerting control over content
Pagnol, Marcel, analogy-mediated meanings in film of
pairenthood, in Twinwirld
pairsonal identity in Twinwirld
pairsonal pronouns in Twinwirld
pairsons, in Twinwirld; inability to imagine how identical twinns feel; strong resistance to breaking into two halflings
“pangram”, self-referential, found by Lee Sallows
paper, valuable
paradox: in
Drawing Hands
; grazing of; inside mathematics; irrepressibility of; key role in strange loops; self-reference and; useful for pinpointing weaknesses in foundations of mathematics
Paraparte, Doleon
parenthood as soul merger
Parfit, Derek; morphed into Napoleon; radicalness of views of; self-doubt expressed by
parquet deformations
particle physicist’s “I”
particle viewpoint favored over “I”
particles: disrespect for macroscopic categories;
higher-level entities as causes; as serving higher-level forces in brain
Pascal, Blaise
pattern implies reason
pattern-searching in number theory
patterns: causal potency of; infinite; reasons behind
Peano, Giuseppe
peanut-butter sandwich as flexible medium
“Peanuts” episode
pearl found in the Caspian sea
“peck-order” hierarchy in brain
peer pressure
Penfield, Wilder
Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers, The
pennable lines, dramaturgical conventions for
people, as represented by symbols in brains
perception: in brains; in careenium; coarse-grainedness of; of consequences of one’s actions; of dancing symbols; as germ of “I”-ness; impossibility of suppression of; indispensability of, in creating an “I”; as level-changing shift in strange loop; of microscopic causes; of mosquitoes; of perceiver itself; primitive
reception; in robot vehicles; as search for precedents and analogues; shades of gray of directness; through teleportation goggles; as two-way process; without perceiver