Hypocrisy (21 page)

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Authors: Daniel Annechino

Tags: #Fiction, #Thrillers, #General

BOOK: Hypocrisy
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“What,” Dupree said. “Suddenly you’ve lost
sense of humor?”

Dupree waved to the on-duty policeman. “Would you unlock number two, please?” She looked at Cassano. “You don’t mind if we have a little chat with your pal, do you?”

Cassano didn’t utter a sound.

The policeman promptly unlocked the cell and Lentz stepped out. First, T.J. cuffed Lentz, then, the two detectives led him to interview room 3.

“Aren’t you going to ask me if it’s okay for you to record this conversation?” Lentz asked.

“What makes you think this is going to be a conversation?” Dupree said. “Consider this more of a fight for your life.”

Lentz folded his arms defiantly. “Let’s get this over with so I can get the hell out of here.”

“I wouldn’t make any plans for the next twenty years,” Dupree said.

“Unless, of course, you cut the bullshit and tell us the truth.”

Noticeably distressed, Lentz said, “You guys just don’t stop harassing innocent people, do you?”

“Actually,” T.J. said. “We get a real kick out of it.”

“I have nothing more to say. You two know what I know.”

Dupree glanced over at T.J. and he nodded ever so slightly, signaling her to hit him hard.

“Who’s Dominic Gallo?” Dupree asked.

Lentz tugged on his collar and cleared his throat several times. His eyes were opened wide. Almost spooky. “He’s…my step-father.”

Dupree didn’t see that coming. “Really? You two must be really close.”

“We are,” Lentz answered.

“So close that in a thirty day period, he called you fourteen times and you called him twenty-three times,” T.J. said. “Now
a close relationship.”

“So is there a law that limits the number of times family members can speak to one another?”

“Not at all,” Dupree said. “But there is a law that prohibits conspiracy to commit murder.”

“You two are real cute,” Lentz said, his voice edged with contempt. “Do either of you two jokers have even a shred of proof that I’ve committed any crimes?”

T.J. ignored his question. “How long has your step-father worked for the FDA?”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Tell us about your relationship with Dr. Mason from Horizon Cancer Research,” T.J. said.

Bombarding him with questions kept him off balance.

“I don’t have a
with Dr. Mason.”

“But you know him?” T.J. asked.


Dupree stood and glared at Lentz. “Let’s review a few facts and see if it jogs your memory.”

Lentz nervously yanked on his shirt collar.

“On July 1
you deposited one-hundred-fifty thousand dollars in a savings account,”

Dupree said. “And your ex-girlfriend was about to make a major announcement to the press concerning her cancer research and an application she had prepared for the FDA. Your step-father, coincidentally, happens to work for the FDA. And you spoke to him thirty-seven times just before Dr. Crawford was murdered.”

Lentz laughed out loud. “You two have been watching way too many CSI reruns. What do you think, just because you introduce a few meaningless facts that I’m going to cave in and admit to anything? If that’s all you got, I’m out of here.”

Lentz was correct: they really didn’t have any compelling evidence, but during the entire interrogation, Dupree had been studying Lentz’s eyes very carefully and she didn’t like what she saw. She believed in the adage, “The eyes are the windows to the soul.” Lentz’s eyes contradicted his words. During her many years of interviews and interrogations, Dupree had learned to examine the eyes of many a suspect. She couldn’t quite explain it, but each of them who had lied shared a certain look, a common characteristic. It was time for her to act on her instincts. Dupree inched closer to Lentz, her face just inches away from him, her eyes searching his.

“There is one more
fact,” Dupree said. “We haven’t spoken to your buddy Cassano yet, but I’d bet he’s a wealth of information. Want to know why? When someone’s facing a murder one charge and the death penalty, even a tough guy like Cassano can be brought to his knees. What do you suppose is going to happen when we put his nuts in a vice and make a deal with him? Think he’ll trade his life for the names of his accomplices?”

Lentz’s eye twitched and Dupree heard the air draining from his lungs. He combed his fingers through his hair and coughed in his hand.

Dupree felt certain she had hit the right nerve.

“If I talk, what kind of deal can you cut me?”

“That depends on how valuable the information is. If it helps us, we’ll talk to the DA about reducing the conspiracy to commit murder charge. ”

Lentz’s lip twitched; he was silent a long time before he spoke. “About a month ago, my step-father contacted me.”

“Dominic Gallo?” T.J. asked.

Lentz nodded. “He asked me if I’d like to make some fast money—serious money. Not having more than loose change in my pocket, I was all ears. He knew that I’d had a relationship with Lauren Crawford. When he asked me if I could find a way to steal her computer, it about knocked me off my feet. I was ready to tell him to go fuck himself, but when he told me he’d be willing to pay one-hundred-fifty K for it, well, I guess he got my attention.”

“So, he wanted
to steal her computer?” Dupree asked.

“Not exactly. He wanted me to
someone to do it—someone she wouldn’t recognize.”

“And what made him think that you would know anyone who’d be willing to commit such a crime?” T.J. asked “Well, I guess my background is a little more colorful than I let on. But I’m sure if you’ve done your homework you already know that.” Lentz, for no obvious reason, let out a subdued laugh. “I know a few people who don’t exactly play by the rules. One of them, Jake Sullivan, probably my closest friend, is a bartender at a seedy little bar called the Night Owl.”

Dupree and T.J. exchanged glances.

“Did you say the Night Owl?” T.J. asked “Yep. For whatever reason, it’s a haven for ex-cons. Anyway, I spoke to Jake, explained
the situation, and asked if he had anyone in mind. Without even hesitating for a minute, he pointed to a big bald guy playing pool.”

“Oscar Cassano?” Dupree asked.

Lentz nodded.

“So,” Dupree said, “you must have been a little shaken when Cassano ended up in the cell right next to you.”

“Wanted to strangle the asshole. But I felt relieved to see him behind bars. Believe me, I was happy we weren’t in the same cell.”

“How did you approach Cassano at the Night Owl?” T.J. asked.

“I didn’t. Jake huddled with him and the next thing I know, Cassano tugs my arm, he says, ‘Let’s talk,’ and he leads me outside to the back alley. Gotta admit, I nearly shit myself. He is one scary dude.”

“How much did you offer him to steal the computer?” T.J. said.

“That’s the strange thing. My step-father asked me to buy one of those prepaid cell phones—the kind they sell at Walmart or discount electronics stores. He told me to give it to whoever agreed to steal Lauren’s computer and tell him he’d be getting a call at a particular time with specific instructions and details of how he’d get paid. My step-father insisted that I not give Cassano his name.”

“And you didn’t question this at all?” Dupree asked.

“My only role was to find the guy. The rest was between my step-father and Cassano.”

“You had no idea that Cassano had planned to kill Dr. Crawford?” Dupree asked.

Lentz’s eyes glossed over. “I swear on my dead mother’s soul, I didn’t know. He agreed to snatch her computer and that was it. I know that I’m a slime-ball, but I
would have done
to harm Lauren. She dumped my ass, and I deserved to be
dumped, but I still cared for her.” He paused and covered his face with both hands.

Dupree and T.J. waited a few minutes for Lentz to regain his composure.

“If you suspected that Cassano was likely the one who murdered Dr. Crawford,” Dupree said, “why didn’t you contact the police?”

“Because I was scared to death that Cassano would come after me. The morning after Lauren was killed, Jake Sullivan called me. He said that Cassano had paid him a visit and asked him to contact me and give me a message.”

“And the message was?” T.J. asked.

“If I fingered him in any way, he’d gut me like a pig.”

“Do you think that your step-father orchestrated this on his own?” Dupree asked.

“Probably not.”

“Who else is involved?” Dupree asked.

“He kept me in the dark so I really don’t know. But you might want to speak with Dr. Mason at Horizon.”

“Why do you say that?” Dupree asked.

“Because they had a pretty close relationship.”

“So, being part of this scam to steal Dr. Crawford’s computer didn’t bother you?” Dupree asked. “Especially after what happened to her?”

“Sure it bothered me. Tore my heart out. But my step-father convinced me it was for the greater good. He swore that he had never intended that Lauren be harmed in any way.”

“But how would your step-father or anyone else for that matter, benefit from stealing Dr. Crawford’s computer?” Dupree asked.

“I honestly can’t answer that.”

“And you never asked that question?” T.J. said.

Lentz bit his lip. “No.”

“So, apparently,” T.J. said, “your step-father trusted that you would never share this information with anyone, particularly the cops.”

“Why would I? That would make me an accomplice. Besides, I’m cooperating so the DA will reduce the conspiracy to commit murder charge. That’s what we agreed on, right?”

“We’ll do everything we can to convince the DA to reduce the charges,” Dupree said. “However, you will have to testify in court.”

“I’ll do anything to ensure that Cassano gets what he deserves.”

A lull came over the room.

“A few more questions,” Dupree said. “First, do you know Ivan Tesler?”

“Never heard of him.”

“What’s Maggie Hansen’s part in this?” Dupree asked.

“Absolutely nothing.”

“Come on, Mr. Lentz,” Dupree said. “We know there was bad blood between Dr. Crawford and Ms. Hansen.”

“Sure there was, but I swear that she has no knowledge of anything.”

“Considering that you’re sweet on Ms. Hansen,” Dupree said, “how can we be sure you’re not trying to protect her?”

“Give me a lie detector test. I’m telling you the truth.”

Dupree believed him. In fact, she felt that his whole story was too bizarre to be fabricated.

“One final thing,” Dupree said. “We’re letting you leave, but don’t even
about leaving New York.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

Dupree left T.J. sitting at the table and escorted Lentz to the precinct exit. Just before he left the precinct, she stopped him.

“By the way, you know you can’t keep the money, right?”

?” Lentz’s face flushed red. “I don’t understand.”

“When you receive compensation for actions associated with a felony, the money is confiscated.”

“Hardly sounds fair.”

?” Dupree felt herself losing control. “Was it
that one of the most brilliant research scientists of our time was senselessly murdered? Does it seem
that thousands, perhaps millions of people will die of cancer because Dr. Crawford’s research is on hold? Does it seem
that Mrs. Crawford has to spend the rest of her life mourning her daughter’s brutal murder?”

Lentz seemed to be evaluating her words, but didn’t show any signs of regret. “Does that mean I have to forfeit the Audi, too?”

Dupree wanted to punch Lentz square in the jaw, but let her anger pass. “We’ll be in touch real soon.”

Dupree stomped away and whispered, “What a fucking asshole.”


“I almost lost it in there, T.J.,” Dupree admitted. “When Lentz was leaving he said something that made me see red.”

“Care to share it?”

She told him about her parting conversation with Lentz.

“I guess he didn’t love Dr. Crawford as much as he loved money,” T.J. said.

“What’s your read on his wacky story?” Dupree asked.

“Call me crazy, but I think he’s leveling with us. And you?”

“I’m right there with you, partner,” Dupree said. “Here’s what I think: when Gallo and his cohorts realized that Dr. Crawford was onto something that could completely change cancer research as we know it, they wanted a piece of the action. But Dr. Crawford wasn’t interested. So, they needed to get her out of the way.”

“So,” T.J. said, “you think that Gallo made a deal with Cassano to
Dr. Crawford rather than just having him take her computer?”

“That’s what I think,” Dupree said. “Even if they got their hands on her computer, how could they know for sure that it contained the complete research data? It might have taken them years to piece things together. But if they got rid of her and partnered with Horizon, they’d have access to the main servers and all the clinical trials, and every other piece of data. And I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that Gallo’s cohorts are big pharmaceutical companies with virtually unlimited financial resources.”

“That would place Mason in an awkward situation,” T.J. said. “He was in the perfect position to spearhead this whole conspiracy.”

“Sure was.”

“Both Dr. Mason and Maggie Hansen made a valid point that there may be drug companies out there—particularly those making millions on chemo drugs—who would benefit from suppressing Dr. Crawford’s findings,” T.J. said. “Maybe that’s what Gallo and company hoped to do.”

“Good point, but I don’t think so. They’d stand to make ten times more money by
Dr. Crawford’s research, patenting the drugs, and selling them for a gazillion dollars. I mean we’re talking about a treatment that can extend the lives of terminal cancer patients, while preserving their quality of life. And in some instances, the treatment could actually cure certain forms of cancer. We’re talking about a money machine.”

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