HYBRID (12 page)

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Authors: Charlene Hartnady

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“Would you like me to light some scented candles? I can maybe organize some soft background music.”

“Jealous much, Jack? I might be pussy whipped, but at least I’m getting some.”

“I could get plenty if I wanted to.”

Garrett looked up at the human, he was big and pretty impressive for his lack of demon blood. There were plenty of come backs he could have used at that moment but Jack, although he wouldn’t admit it, had been hurt when a fellow Chaser he had the hots for had mated with a demon wolf.  So he let it go.

Garrett paused before unlocking Brice’s other hand. “Guns to the floor.”

“No sudden moves, Brice,” Cade growled.

The metallic click reverberated around the room and the cuff snapped open. Bee pulled herself onto her elbows and in to a semi reclined position. Garrett noticed her wince with the movement.

“Stay down honey. Easy. I don’t want you reopening your wound. I’m going to release your legs now.”

“You do realize they’re going to want a detailed report on why she’s so controlled don’t you? Is she a new species of hybrid or something?”

There was a crackling sound and Gia’s voice came in over a speaker system, “Don’t answer Agent Hall, that’s classified information.”

He shrugged at Jack, “You heard the boss.”

Garrett worked on the knots holding her legs in place. “Are you thirsty, cold? Do you need pain medication?”

“Sheesh, pussy whipped is probably too soft a description for what you are.”

Garrett looked Jack’s way, the other man was grinning. It was nice to see a smile on his face again, even if it was at his expense. “Please, can the two of you fuck off already? I think we can take it from here.”

Jack turned to Cade who nodded once.


Garrett had said that they would need some time to run some tests and to get her both legally and medically discharged. Some time ended up being seven long hours. She’d managed to take a nap during that time and had woken up feeling much better but still, seven hours was a long time. 

Finally, they were on their way back to Garrett’s apartment and you would swear she was in danger of dying at any moment which couldn’t be further from the truth. Garrett had tucked her up in a blanket and had insisted she lie down on the back seat of the car. Aside from a twinge every now and then, she felt absolutely fine. Her wound was an angry pink scar that would be gone by morning. The doctor had stated that her healing ability was phenomenal.

Garrett drove slowly and kept asking her if she was doing okay. He was so sweet. Once they pulled up to the apartment, he insisted on carrying her upstairs and on tucking her in to bed. The only major problem was that he made to leave afterwards.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“You said you needed some space.”

“That was before.”

“Before what?

“Before you declared your undying love for me in a room full of your closest peers.”

He tried to talk, but she stopped him using a finger over his lips. “I told you that we needed to talk.”

His brow was furrowed and his eyes were dark, she felt her breath catch as she watched him.

“I was wrong not to tell you about Evelyn, but you need to understand that”—he paused running his thumb down her cheek—“even more importantly, I was so very wrong to have told you that we don’t belong together. You are my mate.” Garrett took a deep breath and although she was tempted to talk, she bit her tongue. “There will never be another woman for me. You are it. My everything.” He closed the distance between them and pulled her into the wall of his chest. Brice was too stunned to do anything but let him. Her heart hammered in her chest. Her knees shook. She struggled to breathe.

“Please say it again,” she looked up into his dark expectant eyes.

“I love you,” his voice had dropped to a low gravelly tone, full of emotion. “You belong with me. I would do anything for you.”

“There is still a part of me that feels like killing you as in really tearing your throat out, but I love you too—”

He rudely interrupted her midsentence and kissed her. Slow, soft, so sweet, so damn hot it had her toes curling and her eyes scrunching shut. Anymore and she’d faint from lack of oxygen to the brain.

Finally, Garrett pulled away. “You love me?”

“Yes,” it came out in a little panting gush.

“Say it again?”

“I love you Garrett.” He kissed her and pulled her back up, crushing her breasts against his chest and moving to cover her with his body.

“Shit sorry I...,” he tried to move off her.

“How many times do I have to keep telling you I’m fine?” She pulled him back and kissed him again. “Have you had any strange premonitions lately?” She whispered against his lips somewhere in mid-kiss.

“Not a single one.” He ground his hard cock between her parted thighs and she couldn’t help but moan.

“I enjoyed that by the way. I’m not in any pain. No premonitions at all?”

“Nope,” he pulled back. His eyes were hooded, “I think it might just be safe to keep going unless you’re not feeling up to it?”

“I am absolutely fine and in fact we need to make one hundred percent sure I’m still in control, and as a Demon Chaser it’s your duty to be sure. Oh and Garrett…”


“This whole Evelyn thing…”

Garrett pulled back, his face serious, “Yeah.”

predict that you’ll have to work extremely hard to make it up to me.”

Garrett smiled, “Anything you say honey.”

Brice lifted herself up and took off her hospital gown. He helped her pull her sweats off. His jeans were unsnapped and in a crumpled heap on the floor in mere seconds.


            Garrett had meant what he said. Aside from loving the woman in his arms with all that he was, he would do anything for her. Had been willing to die to save her, and would take the risk again if it came to that. The words his mother had said, so profound he had tattooed them on himself had never been truer. He now knew what he lived for. Garrett would never be unfaithful to Brice, just like the air that he breathed, she was part of what he needed to sustain him and no one else would do.

Garrett caged her with his body. “I love you.” He nudged into her opening.

“You,” her eyes glazed over as he entered her, “too.”

“You feel so good. I’m afraid I don’t have much self-control.” He slid out pushing back in all the while biting back a groan.

Brice clenched her pussy muscles and he almost lost it. “We’ll go slow next time. I don’t need much.” She was panting. He kept moving trying to keep it slow. Trying to keep himself from coming before her. Brice dug her fingers into his shoulders. “Please…oh god…please…”

“What do you need?” As he spoke, he slipped his hand between them. He zoned in on her clit, strumming her tight knot in a way that had her crying out.

“Yes, Garrett…just like that…oh yes…harder, please faster…I can take it I promise.”

It looked like his sweet, innocent little hybrid liked to take charge and ask for what she wanted. It turned him on. Garrett pushed a little harder, not wanting to hurt her.

“More Garrett… please… I’m fine.”

“Like this?” He rammed into her over and over again, never letting up on her clit.

Brice screamed his name and her hot, tight sheath pulsated around his cock. That was all he needed to take him over the edge. Staring into her golden, glowing eyes his body jerked with the most powerful orgasm he had ever had. Garrett eventually collapsed over her, careful not to crush her.

“Oh my.” Her head was cradled in the crook of his shoulder.

“You could say that again.”

“That was amazing…I may never walk again.”

That wrung a laugh out of him. “Don’t worry, I’ll carry you everywhere. Just promise we get to do that often and my arms are all yours.”

“Oh yes, but right now I’m hungry.”

Reluctantly, he pulled out of her, his cock was still mostly erect. Nearly ready for another round. Brice sat up, her hair a wild tangle and her cheeks flushed. Lucky did not even begin to describe how he felt right now. She looked down at his dick, which still refused to go down, and licked her lips. He hardened up a whole lot more under her keen observations.

“When I said hungry, I meant hungry for meat.”

“I have meat.”

Her focus was still solely on his cock. “Yeah, but not the kind you find in the refrigerator.” She moved towards him.

As hard as he tried not to, he felt himself flinch.

Her eyebrows went up, “You’re still afraid of me?”

“You do realize that your eyes were glowing and that your teeth turned sharp a few seconds ago, just a single row but sharp Brice.”

She leaned down, her hair trailing along his thigh. “Do you trust me?”

“Not with my dick in your mouth, otherwise yes I do.” Damn this inability to lie when she asked him a direct question. Omission was one thing. Skirting the truth seemed possible, but a direct question was impossible every time.

Brice looked up at him through thick lashes. “But you’re going to let me do this anyways. Right?” she waggled her eyebrows at him.

Garrett smiled, “Yes I am. I love you. Our future sex life is in your hands… make that your mouth.”

She giggled, “I’ll be careful.”

Brice’s scent was of crisp, fresh bamboo shoots but she still smelled of power, like the aroma of an impending thunderstorm. Although she was mostly in control, he realized that there was a darker side to her that intrigued him. It would keep him guessing, keep him coming back for more.

Brice took his cock into her mouth and he felt the unmistakable brush of a sharp fang against his sensitive flesh. A cold sweat broke out on his brow and a shiver ran up his spine. His fear heightened his pleasure as she pulled back to lick his head. He threaded his fingers through her hair. As scared shitless as what he was in this moment, he couldn’t help but pull her in closer. Bee took him deeper, this time her fangs almost cut into him. The feeling was so close to pain he cried out. Pleasure coursed through him, it caused his balls to tighten and heat to sear his veins.

“Bee…,” he had to warn her.

She took him deep again, right into the back of her throat and the sight was almost enough to send him over the edge, so he used his other hand to pull her away.

“Bee honey. I don’t want to burn you.”

“I’m your mate.” She licked at his head and he had to fight to keep his eyes from rolling to the back of his skull. “You can’t burn me.”

She closed her raspberry lips over the head of his cock and sucked softly before sliding down the full length of him. Her sharp teeth against his sensitive flesh had to be the most erotic thing he had ever felt. When she grabbed hold of his balls and kneaded them, it was game over. He roared her name as he came, the feeling rolling through him with each languid stroke. Garrett jerked with the aftermath of his orgasm.

He knew for certain in that moment that no other woman would ever be able to make him feel this way. This is how it would always be with Brice, and Garrett couldn’t wait to spend forever with her.

Author’s Note


Thank-you for reading ALPHA. I hope you enjoyed my second book in the Demon Chaser series.

I live on an acre in the country with my gorgeous husband and three sons and an array of pets including a ball python.

In my spare time you can usually find me typing frantically on the computer completely lost in worlds of my making. I believe that it is the small things that truly matter like that feeling you get when you start a new book or a particularly beautiful sunset.

Sign-ups to my Newsletter are located at the end of the book.

Demon Chaser Series:

Book 1 OMEGA



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Chapter 1


Gray looked into eyes made from pure liquid poison.

“Let’s get two things straight”−the female demon wolf paused−“I hate you and I don’t want this union. Step down now before you get hurt.”

It was either the words themselves, or the calm way in which they were delivered that got to him. He grit his teeth, his natural instincts pushed at him to force her to submit while his rational side pushed back in an effort to be more understanding of how she was feeling. In the end, there was sweet little he could do about the situation.

Somehow he managed to grind out, “Our feelings have nothing to do with this. It’s not about what we want. The pack is at stake.”

Alisha made a sound that told him he was full of it. “It’s your needs and wants that you are concerned with, this has nothing to do with the pack.”

“You will have to trust me on this one.”

She shook her head, a look of utter disbelief clouded her perfect features.

Gray’s instincts bristled; his demon clawed at him, it continued to demand her submission. He ran a hand over the light stubble on his head and squeezed his eyes shut, fighting for control. “This has to happen, there is no other way.”

“I don’t care. Find a way that doesn’t involve me.”

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