Husband by the Hour (30 page)

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Authors: Susan Mallery

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Large Type Books, #Love Stories

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He nodded. "Nicholas Edward Anderson. Sounds like an accounting firm, huh?" He didn't wait for a reply. "Your family taught me a lot. I've seen how they care about each other and that's made me want to try again. Your brothers have shown me that with the right person at your side, anything is possible." The hold on her fingers tightened. "I love you, Hannah. I want to make this marriage real and I want to spend the rest of my life waking up next to you."

Her lips parted, but she couldn't think of a single thing to say. He didn't mean it. He couldn't. If Nick really loved her,
loved her, she was going to have to admit to loving him back. She was going to have to take a leap of faith and commit to him. She was going to have to risk feeling the fear. She was going to have to trust.

She stared at him, at his blond hair and blue eyes. Memories flashed through her mind. Teasing conversations at her desk when she was at the station. How he'd helped her fit in with her family. His smile, his touch, how he'd taken the time to tell her he loved her even thinking he might be going to his death.

"I love you," she said and swooped down to kiss him. At the last second, she remembered his injuries and barely brushed his lips with hers. "I refuse to let you go. I know you live in
Santa Barbara
, but we'll make it work."

He tucked her hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek. "I'm not going back there. I'm done with police work. I want to try something different."

"Like what?"

He started to smile, then grimaced and touched the corner of his mouth. "I'm not sure. I'll find something. So are you going to marry me or what?"

She kissed his palm. "I want a small wedding. Just family."

"Just family isn't a small wedding. Was that a yes?"

Pure joy filled her. "Yes. Always yes, Nick. I'll never say no to you again."

He raised one eyebrow. "That sounds like a good deal. Gives a man ideas."

She snuggled up to him. "Cheap talk for a man in your condition."

"I might surprise you."

"You already did. In the most wonderful way possible."



Two years later


annah turned the car into the long circular driveway in front of the Victorian house she and Nick were restoring.

"How are you feeling?" Travis asked for the fourth time that day.

She glared at him. "I'm fine. I've been fine. I'm going to be fine. It's just a baby, Travis." She stopped behind Kyle and Sandy's new minivan and turned off the engine.

Travis leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I know, but you're my sister and I worry about you."

"I handle communications. It's not as if I'm out on the streets catching criminals."

Travis winked. "No, you do that at home."

They got out of the car and headed for the house. Nick stood at the open front door, one-year-old Laura in his arms.

Hannah kissed him, then took her daughter. "How's my best girl? Are you excited about your party?"

Nick shook hands with Travis, then looped his arm around his wife. "I don't think she really understands what all the fuss is, but she's very excited about the birthday cake."

They walked inside. The sound of conversation and laughter filled the house. Most of the family was already there. Louise came over and touched her arm. "Hi, sweetie. How are you feeling?"

Hannah sighed. Telling everyone about her second pregnancy had obviously been a mistake. "I'm fine. Really."

Travis grinned. "Hey, I could have told you that. She's just pregnant, Louise. It's not some strange disease no one has ever heard of." He tickled little Laura and made her squeal. "It's not as if she hasn't done it before, either."

"I know, but I worry." Louise held out her arms and took the baby. "I'll take my granddaughter while you get changed."

"Thanks, Mom," Hannah said.

Nick followed Hannah up the stairs. "I'll come along to see if you need any help."

"More likely to watch," she flung over her shoulder.

He fondly swatted her behind. "That, too."

Once in their bedroom, she stripped off her khaki uniform and walked toward the closet. "How was your day?"

Nick sat on the edge of the bed. "Word is getting out. We're booked solid from Memorial Day through the middle of August."

"Great." She slipped on a loose cotton dress. Four months pregnant, she was starting to have trouble with her fitted clothes. The elastic waists would last another five or six weeks and then she was going to be back in maternity clothes.

She stepped into the bedroom. Nick smiled at her. Even after two years together, she was constantly surprised by how handsome he was. His blond good looks were a contrast to the dark-haired men in her family.

His gaze met hers. The love shining in his eyes warmed her to her toes. Two and a half years ago, if someone had told her how her life was going to turn out, she would have thought that person was crazy. She'd never expected to find a loving husband and a family. Yet here they were.

She walked to the bed and slipped onto his lap. "I love you, Nick."

He smoothed her long hair. "I love you more."

She kissed his nose. "Good. I like it that way."

They laughed as they started down the stairs.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," he said. "Your mother is thinking of keeping the restaurant open for lunch now."

Nick and Louise had bought the Victorian house they'd admired two years ago, remodeled it and opened an inn. It had been successful from the beginning. Nick joked that the visiting in-laws were enough to keep it nearly fifty percent full all the time. Louise's restaurant was an integral part of the business. She offered breakfast and high tea.

"I think she would do well serving lunch. If it isn't too much for her."

He placed his hand on the small of her back. "She loves the work."

At the bottom of the stairs, they turned toward the living room. The entire family had turned out for Laura's first birthday party. Hannah took in the scene before her. Austin and Rebecca had their three boys nearby. Jill and Craig were with their three boys and two-year-old daughter. Travis held
close. Mandy, their oldest, played with her younger sister. Holly and Jordan cuddled their eighteen-month-old, while Richard, Louise's husband, cradled Holly's newborn. Louise held Laura.

The little girl glanced up. "Mama!"

Hannah took her and held her. Nick settled his arm over Hannah's shoulders, completing the circle.

Hannah looked around the room, at this warm, wonderful Haynes family that had taken them in and made them their own. Together, they'd forged a miracle. A legacy of love strong enough to last through time.


* * * * *



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